Originally posted by CivicSI at 13-7-2006 11:00 AM
Yang ni kontraktor civic bagi. 1 HP and 1.5 HP. So far memang puas hati. Senyap and cepat sejuk.
Civic, 1.5HP tu utk hall ke?brape luas ye?Bil letrik brape sbulan?hehe
mimi pun plan nak amik 1HP for master bedroom and 1.5HP for hall..kalau ikut advise dari salesman base on btu calculation, memanglah dorg suh amik 1.5HP tuk bedroom and at least 2.0HP tuk hall, or the best 3.0HP for hall..Tp takpelah, salesman memang camgitu, yg nak bayonye kita..hehe |
Originally posted by mimi_19 at 13-7-2006 03:14 PM
Civic, 1.5HP tu utk hall ke?brape luas ye?Bil letrik brape sbulan?hehe
mimi pun plan nak amik 1HP for master bedroom and 1.5HP for hall..kalau ikut advise dari salesman base on btu calculati ...
pada buncla kalo utk hall elok 2.0hp.ermm jap nak tanya.rmh mimi apartment ke teres.sebenornya ikut keluasan hall.kalo hall besor elok guna hp yg beso.
kalo bedroom sesuai 1.5hp.
betul kata salesman tu heheh
bunc guna 1.5hp utk bedroom.so far bil takde la mahal.around 50-60 |
Panduan memilih HP utk aircond :
1.0 HP = 12 -15 m2
1.5 HP = 16 -20 m2
2.0 HP = 20-30 m2
3.0 HP = 30 - 35 m2
Beli le yang bersesuaian kerana kadar kesejukan dan jumlah electric diguna dipengaruhi oleh jumlah HP + keluasan bilik.
Kalau HP rendah tapi bilik besar ... kadar kejukan rendah tapi jumlah electric yg diggunakan pula tinggi !!!! |
Originally posted by buncis at 13-7-2006 04:00 PM
pada buncla kalo utk hall elok 2.0hp.ermm jap nak tanya.rmh mimi apartment ke teres.sebenornya ikut keluasan hall.kalo hall besor elok guna hp yg beso.
kalo bedroom sesuai 1.5hp.
betul kata salesman tu heheh
bunc guna 1.5hp utk bedroom.so far bil takde la mahal.around 50-60
ooo camtuke..hehe..
rumah mimi teres..hall 26x22, hmmm beso jugaklah tu..:hmm: nak kena 2.0HP jugaklah ye..
bedroom lak 18x16.. |
Originally posted by mdmee at 13-7-2006 04:02 PM
Panduan memilih HP utk aircond :
1.0 HP = 12 -15 m2
1.5 HP = 16 -20 m2
2.0 HP = 20-30 m2
3.0 HP = 30 - 35 m2
Beli le yang bersesuaian kerana kadar kesejukan dan jumlah electric diguna dipengaruhi oleh jumlah HP + keluasan bilik.
Kalau HP rendah tapi bilik besar ... kadar kejukan rendah tapi jumlah electric yg diggunakan pula tinggi !!!!
thanks mdmee, maknanya kalo kita bli aircond yg HP nya tak sesuai dgn keluasan akan menyebabkan bil tinggi ek?..hehe kenalah den bli 2.0HP tuk hall..
mimi pun ada calculate jugak camana nak padankan keluasan bilik dengan aircond yg sesuai..salesman tu ajo..
caranya tengok kadar penyejukan pada aircond tu..kalo 1HP, lebih kurang 9200btu/h..dll..
so, utk tengok bilik kita sesuai utk brape btu, camni kiranya:
Lebar bilik x panjang bilik x tinggi dr lantai ke ceiling x 5 = nilai btu
cthnya bilik mimi, 16 x 18 x 10 x 5 = 14400btu/h
hehehe |
rumah mama dekat hall guna 1.5 HP. Sebenarnya tak sesuai dgn keluasan ruang, mama hanya guna bila perlu aje....biasa tu pakai kipas jer...lawak betul. Ingat nanti bila ada rezeki nak tukar yg 2.0 HP atau pun tambah satu lagi yg 1.0 HP.
aircond ni memang kena beli yg bersesuaian dgn keluasan ruang...kalau tak sesuai memang membazir jer... |
lina pro to hitachi....pasal my concern is energy saving...plus dia ada banyak features yg sesuai untuk lifestyle sekarang..
baca kat sini la..nak tulis balik banyak sgt...
harga lina blom confirm pasal lina tgh aim nak gie satu kedai kat kepong nie yg org kata murah...will update later.. |
Sedang cari aricond juga; setakat ni zooming in to hitachi or national;
fakta menarik tentang horsepower (bigger is not always better)
Bigger Horsepower Means Better Cooling Comfort?
When you are not sure what is the right horsepower air conditioner for your use, do you just buy the bigger ones to ensure you have sufficient cooling?
It may sound strange to you, but that is what we have found out in many cases.
An oversized air conditioner means installing an air conditioner far exceeding the required cooling load. On the surface, it may look like a good idea, but looking deeper, it has other consequences that may spell disappointment for you.
First of all, an oversized unit runs for shorter periods of time than it should. At higher capacity, it is obvious that it could cool the room in a very short period of time, thus causing frequent start and stop of the compressor to maintain the desired temperature. That would lead to higher power consumption because the starting power consumption is 6 times higher than normal running condition. A properly sized unit will run on longer cycle and are more efficient.
Because of the frequency of the start and stop of the compressor, the room temperature will fluctuate and this will lead to discomfort.
On top of that, it always costs more to buy a bigger unit and don抰 last as long. A compressor that is subject to on and off too frequently will have more wear and tear and as such will have shorter life span. A larger than required air conditioner will also incur higher installation costs with bigger refrigerant pipe as well as more expensive spare parts.
Of course, a bigger unit will also produce more noise, because of the higher air flow.
Therefore, it is important to install the correct horsepower air conditioner for your use. However, it is not easy to calculate the exact cooling required for a particular room without going through all the detailed designs. Nevertheless, for home usage, some simple heat load estimates are quite close.
The best is to consult your air conditioner dealer or contractor who is competent to advise you. There are a lot of air conditioner specialists who represent reputable manufacturers in the market. When you purchase your air conditioner unit, bring along the plan and the measurement of the room and be specific about its usage. |
mitsubishi bagus...senyap n energy saving compared to other non inverter brand... |
Originally posted by LiNaLiNa at 29-10-2006 02:12 AM
lina pro to hitachi....pasal my concern is energy saving...plus dia ada banyak features yg sesuai untuk lifestyle sekarang..
baca kat sini la..nak tulis balik banyak sgt...
http://www.hitachi ...
dah bukak website tu...tapi takde tulis la HP berapa...macamana nak tahu...
kalau yg panasonic punye mmg clear tertulis kat situ |
panasonic envio?... ada sesapa pakai? ok ke? betul jimat letrik ek? |
kat umah i pakai fujiaire 1HP jer..ader ionizer. kenkadang ader bunyi bising jugak...
nyesal beli ari tu..pasal dah terdesak dulu kl panas giler..mmbahang rasernyer.nanti pindah umah baru nak pakai panasonic..ramai ckp tak bising langsung |
Aku pun tgh survey air-con.
Memang most of people, termasuk salesman/org2 air-con akan recommend these 2 brands:
1. panasonic
Bila aku buat homework, in term of benefit nya, York mengatasi panasonic:
-High energy saving compare to panasonic, based on Commision of European Committees, EER(Energy Efficiency Ratio) > 10.92 is rated as Grade A. York punya EER 11.36, the highest.
- York ada built-in starter: protect from power overload
- Total cooling capacity, dikira dlm unit btu/hr, York is the only brand yg btu/hr nya the highest dlm kelasnya.
For eg; for 1.0 HP, btu/hr York is 10,000.Takde air-con brand lain, termasuk Panasonic sekalipun dpt
mengatasi btu/hr York. Begitu lah jugak for the 1.5 & 2.0 HP.
- Cooling efficiency air-con ni reduced rapidly sebab clogging of dust dkt evaporator(the fins) and blower fans. That's why air-con manufacturer design air-con yg easy access to the blower--for cleaning purposes. York dah lama design mcm ni,& recently Mitshubishi pun dah ikut the same design. Unfortunately, panasonic tak ikut lagi design camni. So, nak bersihkan blower tu memang leceh.
However, the drawback kalau beli York ni is bunyi bising sikit(based on person to person experience). Ada jugak salesman yg recommend York is much better to be used in office, rather than at home.
About the looks, rupa York ni memang simple aje. Panasonic mcm lawa sikit. Nak lawa terus, beli aje LG Art Cool series.
About ionizer/alleru buster/bla bla bla, sorry to say, I'm skeptical about it. Aku kurang percaya tentang tahap penapisan udaranya la, pembebasan ion ion la, auto cleaning la. Basic thing is, ALL air-con need to be service regularly.
Dlm pada itu, ada juga suggestion to buy Fujitsu.Coz it's made in Japan. Ntah la, tak sempat nak buat research about Fujitsu ni lagi.
[ Last edited by RedDevils at 28-3-2007 09:28 PM ] |
aku dah order Panasonic Envio 1.5HP utk master bedroom.. tapi belum install lagi.. so tak boleh nak komen.. beli brand tu sebab ntah ekk.. mcm yg latest model dr Panasonic & memang percaya dgn brand tu.. kiranya.. tawakkal jelah! memang tak buat homework berbagai.. tak sempat.. rembat je memana yg agak2 ok.. |
Reply #114 Airis's post
Hi Airis
marisa beli aircond brand panasonic bcoz ader ionizer pasang kat opis baru 3 biji...
so far oklah cool jer...tp kat umah sumer pakai aircond brand york...ok gak... |
Reply #115 marisa_anuar's post
lega dengar ramai org cakap panasonic ok.. hopefully electrik dia pun tak kuat sgt lah.. kat rumah skrg ni brand Carrier coz dulu hb dpt beli murah.. |
Sape ada pakai brand Fuji?
Cina kedai ni beria ia kata Fuji ni bagus, lagi bagus dari Panasonic(kononnya dia ckp sebab since National dah break dgn Panasonic, quality dah tak mcm dulu) |
Originally posted by RedDevils at 30-3-2007 04:57 PM
Sape ada pakai brand Fuji?
Cina kedai ni beria ia kata Fuji ni bagus, lagi bagus dari Panasonic(kononnya dia ckp sebab since National dah break dgn Panasonic, quality dah tak mcm dulu)
cehhh membohong je apek tu.. sah2 la National & Panasonic comes from the same co. cuma dia nak buat rebranding dgn 1 brand je i.e. Panasonic..
ni mesti kes apek tu nak clearkan stock Fuji dia tuh.. aku memang skeptical sket kalau org downkan quality satu2 brand tuh.. kalau dia buat comparison pros & cons dia ok la.. |
Originally posted by Airis at 30-3-2007 05:30 PM
cehhh membohong je apek tu.. sah2 la National & Panasonic comes from the same co. cuma dia nak buat rebranding dgn 1 brand je i.e. Panasonic..
ni mesti kes apek tu nak clearkan stock ...
Tu la pasalnya
Aku pun mmg skeptical & menyampah bila berurusan dgn pekedai spesis ni.
Aku ingat mcm ni aje lah.
Aku beli dua dua brand yg dah ada dlm list aku ni.
Panasonic utk living area.
York utk dining area & master b/room.
Guest room aku bantai la Fuji ke, Acson ke..jarang pakai lagipun. |
Reply #119 RedDevils's post
wahhh kiranya rumah ko nihh fully air-coned la yek...
aku letak kat master bedroom je.. lom ada budget nak letak tempat lain.. |
| |