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Author: Panglima Hitam

[Merged] Re-open 911 & Pentagon Puzzle

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 28-6-2006 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 28-6-2006 10:53 AM

Oh.. you so blind dude.

They are not speaking the truth, but making assumption and cooking conspiracy theories without any proves.

You will find out soon..

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Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Post time 28-6-2006 02:57 PM | Show all posts

The world manipulators enriching their own personal monetary gain  

So, the previous  questions still unaswered, and many many more questions for the logical mind to think.


1. What exactly happened on September 11 and at what time was President Bush informed?

2. Why was President Bush scheduled to visit a school in Florida?

3. Who scheduled the time of the visit?

4. When exactly did Bush learn about the first crash into the WTC?

5. How could he have seen that on TV?

6. Why didn't he interrupt his school meeting as soon as he learned of the first plane crash?

7. Did Bush ever wonder how Bin Laden was able to hear the first plane crash live on the radio?

8. Which radio station he was listening to?

9. Can Bush explain how Bin Laden's Home Video was found only two weeks after it was produced?

10. Why did Bush decide to release Bin Laden's Home Video?

11. What is the purpose of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC) in Fort Benning, Georgia, where terrorists have been trained for undercover agents in South America? Bush stated "if any government sponsors the outlaws and killers of innocents, they have become outlaws and murderers themselves". So what does he think about Fort Benning?

12. What is the role of Zalmay Khalilzad (former UNOCAL) in the National Security Council ?

13. What is the current role of Zalmay Khalilzad (former UNOCAL) in Afghanistan?

14. When was Bush's last contact with anyone from ENRON?

15. Why was China admitted to the WTO on September 13 after 15 years of unsuccessful attempts?

16. Why did Bush postpone the release of Ronald Reagan's records?

17. How does Bush feel about the need to investigate the CIA's mistakes?

18. Does Bush agree with senators John McCain, Joseph I. Lieberman, Porter J. Goss, former C.I.A. clandestine case officer and a Florida Republican, Richard C. Shelby and Ron Paul, US Congressman, who want an investigation and have said "Secret government is winning out over open government"?

19. Did he know before he left his hotel that morning on the way to the school that the 1st tower had been hit? ABC news reported that morning that he was asked by reporters if he was aware of events in NYC and he answered yes. If so, why did he later say he first heard of it was when he was at the school?

20. Why did Bush continue to sit in that classroom reading to children when he should have been conferring with his advisors?

21. Why did Bush say that he and Card initially thought it was an accident involving a small plane?

22. Given all the information sources available to the POTUS and his staff how could his people not have known the kind of plane involved?

23. Why didn't they know at this point, as did the FAA and NORAD, that aircraft were hijacked? The Batallion Chief in the 9/11 video was seen and heard asking for military backup immediately after the building was hit.

24.How come the NYFD knew it was terrorism right away but the POTUS and his aides just calmly went about their business?


1. Why did Kenneth Waldie, Stanley Hall, Herbert Homer and Peter Gay of Raytheon travel on Sept. 11?

2. Can Global Hawk technology be used for at least 27 hours?

3. Is Global Hawk technology used in commercial airplanes?

4. Did Danielle O'Brien, air traffic controller, inform another air traffic control center about a plane traveling fast southwest of Dulles after spotting it 8:18 AM on September 11?

5. Who was informed and what happened?


1. Why didn't Dr. James G. Roche, Secretary of the Air Force try to reach the airplanes in NYC (7 minutes time for McGuire AFB in New Jersey ) and at the Pentagon (10 minutes time)?

2. Did Roche ever try to shutdown the plane in Pennsylvania?

3. Can Roche explain why magazines of that plane were found 20 miles away from the crash? Andrews AFB is 13 miles away. He had one hour and fifteen minutes to respond to the plane that hit the Pentagon. What happened during that time?

4. Can he explain why many ear- and eye witnesses, including workers of the road construction company New Enterprise saw or heard F-16 jets ?

5. Why did President Bush say only one week later that he tried to shutdown that plane?

6. Who gave that decision?


1. Why did George Bush leave Barksdale Air Force Base aboard Air Force One and flew to an Air Force base in Nebraska on 1:48 PM on September 11 and returned to Washington at 4:30 PM?

2. What exactly did Donald Rumsfeld do that day before he arrived at the Pentagon around 3:55 PM?

3. How did Rumsfeld know at 5:30 PM on September 11 that the plane in Pennsylvania could have been headed for one of three possible targets: Camp David, the White House or the U.S. Capitol building?

4. Can he explain why early media reports told us that no squadrons of combat-ready fighter jets have been at Andrews and later changed their reports that they haven't been on high alert only?

5. Why was Air Force Lt. Col. Vic Warzinski, another Pentagon spokesman, so sure on September 11 that aircraft was coming your way?

6. What did the D.C. Air National Guard in Washington do on September 11?

7. Can he explain what those 3 fighters did from 9:40AM until 9:55AM when they finally turned towards Flight 93 and were 60 miles out at 10:06am?

8. Can he explain why Air Traffic Controllers in a Nashua Telegraph article did report an F-16 was circling Flight 93 and was in visual range at the time of crash?

9. Can he confirm a witness report that National Guard F-16's have been at Hancock field in Syracuse NY in the air early that morning before 9AM?

10. How could the hijackers know how to disable defense systems?

11. What was the official reason that fighters of the 305th Air Wing, McGuire Air Force Base, NJ did not intercept the 2nd hijacked plane in NYC? This would have been possible within 7 minutes after 8:48 AM

12. Why did none of the 459th Aircraft Squadron (Andrews AFB) fighters intercept the plane which crashed into the Pentagon? Andrews AFB is 10 miles from Washington DC.

13. Col. Ken McClellan, Air Force spokesman said on September 11, that Mohammad Atta attended the International Officer's School at Maxwell/Gunter Air Force Base in Montgomery, and was seen by eye-witnesses? What was McClellan doing there? Why did he later deny the report?

14. Why did he decide not to shutdown ECHELON base Bad Aibling in Germany as planned for 2002?

15. What is the reason that none of any Air Force fighters reached the hijacked plane in time?

16. Many eye- and witnesses think that the plane in Pennsylvania was shot down. What is the scientific explanation why the magazine of the airplane was found many miles away?

17. Why did Jack Kelly,, inform USA Today only 12 minutes after the first crash (8:48AM), that terror groups using Web encryption may have been responsible? And why was he so sure before the second crash at 9:03 PM?

18. Did Kelly serve with the U.S. government where he managed several significant programs for the information warfare and intelligence communities?

19. Did Joseph J. Esposito, Chief of NYPD try to contact the Pentagon at 9:06 AM on September 11? What was their reaction?

20. Why didn't General Elwood "Pete" Quesada of the FAA inform President Bush between 8:15 and 9:05 about four simultaneously hijacked planes? Who did he inform and what was their reaction?

[ Last edited by  Iman_6 at 28-6-2006 03:02 PM ]

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Mat Kampong This user has been deleted
Post time 28-6-2006 04:07 PM | Show all posts

My kampung thought.... kampung people... assumed;

...ben Ladin can?

...what is 'Controlled Demolition'? kampung people said:


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Mat Kampong This user has been deleted
Post time 28-6-2006 04:18 PM | Show all posts kampung people said:

..and this....

..and this...

..and is this a schemed by Osama?

...and the end result: Osama is a genius!!!

[ Last edited by  Mat Kampong at 28-6-2006 04:21 PM ]

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Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Post time 28-6-2006 05:09 PM | Show all posts
And more questions, just this additional two for today.

1.  Why did Mayor Guilani sell WTC rubble to India for recycling and also China? Who made that decision?

2.  What was the purpose of U.S. Ambassador Wendy Chamberlain's phone call on October 10, 2001 to the Pakistani oil minister? Why was she sure that a previously abandoned Unocal pipeline from Turkmenistan across Afghanistan to the Pakistani coast for the purpose of selling oil and gas to China, was back on the table in view of recent geopolitical developments?

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Post time 28-6-2006 05:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by FaithHealer3 at 28-6-2006 11:12 AM

Ad Hominem again.  zero points again..


i say so...
when somebody can't gave an answer... :lol

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Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 28-6-2006 07:31 PM | Show all posts

A Deception from the beginning...........

On April 19, 2002 FBI Diretor Robert Mueller announced that all enquiries had ended without any results. The preparation and execution of 9-11 will not get clear any more since the hijackers had acted very smart and had not left any traces. The steel rests of WTC had already been transported to China and had been melted there. Concrete and asbet had been pulverized and had gon by the wind or had been removed by several cleansing actions. Therefore it is importan to have the documents in as secure place and to look at them thoroughly in a CONSERVATIVE INVESTIGATIVE MANNER.

Over 100,000 websites worldwide are dealing with the events around 9-11. An army of engineers, fire experts, pilot clubs, demolition experts, materials experts and citizens with a common human sense discuss all aspects of this unbelievable event. The world community on the internet collects puzzle pieces examines sights for plausibility, judges proofs and arranges all to mosaic which is supposed to give a plausible and non-contraditory complete picture.

TV channels and new agencies had no possibility to do their own careful research while the events happened. The expert communinity has done that in the course of months with the help of the INTERNET.

From the wide variety of worldwide researches and opinion we will display THE HARD FACTS which will would be valid even under the scrutiny of a scientific technical examination.

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Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 28-6-2006 07:41 PM | Show all posts

SUMMARY of 9-11-2001...

The destruction of the WTC complex (4 buildings completely destroted, 11 partly heavily damaged) needed a quantity of energy which was exceeding over the gravity of the twin towers. The collapse of WTC 7 and WTC 3 happened independently from the twin towers by time and cause.

When the twin towers collapsed the gravity was not involved very much:
a) First an explosion cloud appears in the uppers part all round
b) Then the part of the building above is going to be pulverized from below (only in this phase the gravity can deliver about 50% of the energy) and only
c) After the complete destruction of the upper part the remaining part is pulverized from the above .i.e. ¾ of the building mass of WTC 1 and WTC 2 were pulverized without the help of gravity.

After the initial fire balls and smoke clouds only relatively minimal damages remain at the façade:
The fire places are determined to certain areas and clearly restricted the smoke comes from restricted sources. If one compares the visibles damages at the World Trade Center before the collapse as well as the damages at the Pentagon with other cases when planes crashed into buildings they seem to minimal as it would be plausible for crash passenger plane. This supported by the missing of the plane parts.

Three pases could be determined concerning the order of events at the twin towers and the Pentagon:
Phase 1 - Large fire balls and smoke clouds, little explosions, relatively small damages
Phase 2 - A lot of smoke, little fire
Phase 3 - Collapse in a few seconds with the almost speed of falling.
At WTC 7

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Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 28-6-2006 07:49 PM | Show all posts

[ Last edited by  Panglima Hitam at 28-6-2006 07:50 PM ]

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Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 28-6-2006 07:54 PM | Show all posts

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Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 28-6-2006 07:58 PM | Show all posts


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Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 28-6-2006 08:00 PM | Show all posts

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Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 28-6-2006 08:03 PM | Show all posts

For Your Comparison: Typical aeroplane damages....

[ Last edited by  Panglima Hitam at 28-6-2006 08:05 PM ]

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Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 28-6-2006 08:05 PM | Show all posts

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Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 28-6-2006 08:06 PM | Show all posts

But.. what you can find at the crash site.. during 9-11...

[ Last edited by  Panglima Hitam at 28-6-2006 08:08 PM ]

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Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 28-6-2006 08:10 PM | Show all posts
...These what you found at a typical or normal crash site....


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Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 28-6-2006 08:11 PM | Show all posts
ini kena bom atau kena langgar kapal terbang......


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Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 28-6-2006 08:13 PM | Show all posts

These what happen at Pentagon... on 9-11...


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Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 28-6-2006 08:15 PM | Show all posts

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Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 28-6-2006 08:16 PM | Show all posts

[ Last edited by  Panglima Hitam at 28-6-2006 08:17 PM ]

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