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Author: tobby

Jihad dgn meletupkan orang awam.

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Post time 15-4-2009 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Suicide bombings

Qaradawi strongly supports Palestinian attacks on Israeli targets. Qaradawi claims that hundreds of other Islamic scholars are of the same opinion.

Defending bombings against off duty soldiers Qaradawi told BBC Newsnight that:

"An Israeli woman is not like women in our societies, because she is a soldier."

"I consider this type of martyrdom operation as an evidence of God's justice."

"Allah Almighty is just; through his infinite wisdom he has given the weak a weapon the strong do not have and that is their ability to turn their bodies into bombs as Palestinians do".

At the press conference held by the organizations sponsoring Qaradawi's visit to London, Qaradawi reiterated his view that Suicide attacks are a justified from of resistance to Israeli occupation. In the past, Qaradawi has justified those actions on the basis that all Israel civilians are potential soldiers since Israel is a "militarized society."

Due to this, Qaradawi has been accused by many Western countries and Israel of supporting terrorism.

However, he is opposed to attacks outside of the Palestinian territories and on other than Israeli targets. For example, on March 20, 2005, Qaradawi issued a condemnation of a car-bombing that had occurred in Doha, Qatar the day before. One Briton, Jon Adams was killed. Qaradawi issued a statement that said "Such crimes are committed by insane persons who have no religious affiliation and play well into the hands of the enemies." and "I urge all Qataris to stand united in facing such an epidemic and uproot it to nip the infection in the bud, otherwise it will spread like wildfire. I, in the name of all scholars in Qatar, denounce such a horrendous crime and pray that it would be the last and implore God to protect this secure country.".

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Post time 15-4-2009 11:44 AM | Show all posts
guane la....

nak boikot pun susah...

da terbiasa isap rokok dunhill... (pastu duit tu buat support beli peluru tembak budak2 palestine)...

ye la... guane la kan...

" wei... nak pgi haji pun... kapal terbang boieng 747 tu beli ngan sape?"... apa plak nak jawab.....

p/s: suka minum cola radix...(mak kata air ni halal tau....sedaknye....)

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Post time 15-4-2009 12:10 PM | Show all posts
Wateva...nak pikir jauh2 memang banyak yang tok leh nak boikot laa...hatta berporem ni pon, laptop semasing pon ada intel bagai kannn, internet ni pon...

Buat mana yang mampulah kot. Dalam hati sekali pon.

Neway, iye ke tak berkesan kempen boikot nie?

Tu McD sampai boleh beli dengan rm5.95, pizza hut pon tinggal 9.75 je, kenapa rega turun padahal kedai makan lain melambung-lambung naik...dah tu ada setengah McD, eg kat Bangi...lengang jek...

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