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Author: Hiven

pandangan sisi Islam mengenai MLM

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Post time 16-6-2006 01:41 AM | Show all posts
Wow satu pandangan bernas dari seorang berpengalaman... Bravo Chippo

Sambil-sambil tu sempat juga pump in some Selling Point... "Oleh itu, anda harus bijak memilih, tanya jika anda hanya mempunyai 3 downline, tanpa menjual produk, maknanya kesemua downline anda  membeli hanya untuk kegunaan sendiri sahaja, berapakan komisyen anda? Hanya 3 downline sahaja!!!! Jika kurang dari RM150.00, jangan pandang pun program tersebut kerana komisyen besar akan diberi pada upline sementara anda tidak mendapat apa apa. Dengan hanya 3 orang downline, tanpa menjual produk, anda harus menerima sekurang kurangnya RM150.00 sebagai komisyen pertama dan harus menerima pada bulan itu juga. Jika anda harus menunggu cek selama 1 - 3 bulan, jangan jadi ahli, seharusnya komisyen anda harus dikredit dalam akaun simpananan anda pada bulan itu Juga."

Each plan got its pro and con... panjang ceritanya kalau nak explain. Anyway you are talking about SmartNaco a lot and have negative comparison about it  because u are doing 4Life that sell a colostrum base product also but more expensive because it is only one part of colostrum calls Transfer Factor... SmartNaco Igg is your direct competitors ya.

As a consumer i tried a few good colostrum before.. Elken's IG6 (1st batch... now they got it from different source with less strength), Transfer Factor and IgG Plus from Smart Naco. All have different strength and the story of their own...

1) Elken sells on their firs six hours strength and supported by clinical studies.. the price getting more expensive after their recent price increased

2) 4Life's so call one of its kind gees of the colostrum Transfer factor from 4Life research facilities also with all the clinical studies and good feedbacks... but the price beat Elken's price flat... super expensive

3) Smart Naco is a Colostrum Skim Milk drink imported from New Zealand and pack at White Heron GMP factory at Kepong(I used to deal with this factory before) selling like hot cake because the price is much lower but the product works again and again and again.

I'm a loong loong fan of Colostrum product... As a consumer ...I wont waste my money buying colostrum like the one CNI is selling.. more like horlick candy to me at a expensive price without any good result for me.. but i will choose any of those 2 companies..kicking out elken due to their inconsistancy in maintaining the same product strength. Between SmartNaco Igg and 4Life TransferFactor... my pocket says.. SmartNaco Igg is a better choice.. cost less with excelence effect.... Hey i got to supply for my family my parents and my in-law you know...

Talking about selling and plan plan plan... which one is better, ia bergantung kepada marketing paln yang kita buat... company like Herbalife is doing well with hyper personal selling plan!! they make 20mil a month in their 3rd month in Malaysia.

In a MLM company.. if the product works.. the plan pays.. and the company is strong & professional, their SALE FIGURE will tell... Elken once hit their 50mil a month and beat Amway sales once.. Smart Naco with its 70 over stokist who have about 200k-1milk sales a month for each stokist, they may already hit their 30mil sales long ago (they never reveal their sales for dont know what reason)...

People post in here for their own intention and motif. For me, you will see my posting when some talk bad about MLM without knowing the fact and with their surface knowledge.

For bro Chippo... you are a good leader.. very pro and very knowledgable also..keep it up bro!

[ Last edited by  anis710 at 16-6-2006 01:47 AM ]

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Chippo This user has been deleted
Post time 16-6-2006 12:11 PM | Show all posts
Hmm very interesting comment indeed. Well Like I said, I'd rather not mention any company names nor the products as then I will be promoting my services here which would not be the right way of doing a business. For a smart person like you, well guess you caught me there, lolz.

Anyway for a networker to be successful, you have to ensure you fulfill the 5 criterias very important if you wanna succeed.

1. Product - How effective is your product? Does anyone else has it, meaning direct competition? How much do you know about your product? Is it sold based only on testimony cos testimones can be bought easily? Any scientific papers regarding your product? Is it patented? All these must be answered?

2. Company - How long has your company been in this business? Is it Global? Whats the sale like for the past years? Whats the ranking in MLM industry? Has it beaten the big giants of MLM worldwide? Is it financially sound? Does it produce its own products or just changes the label and market it under its brand?

3. Compensation Plan - Whats your actual payout? Is the comp plan fair to beginners?

4. Company Support - Whats your company support like? Do they support you worldwide? Do your Upline support you internationally, not only your direct upline but those who are very successful? Do you meet them personally or have you only heard abt them?

5. Timing - Timing my friends is very important. Vitamins worked in the 70s, shakelee being the 1st MLM to do Multi-Vits, 80s saw the era of Herbal products and emerged companies like Herbalife, 90s we saw the anti-oxidant era but in the 21st Century, whats the product thats highest in demand. You have to fid out that prior to making that important decision.

Cheers peeps

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Post time 16-6-2006 08:28 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the info Chippo..

I always put myself as a consumer when i give opinion... therefore i got no prob mentioning the company name or their brand name.

I like tu put it this way... every product got its own target market lower-mider-higher market. Elken's and 4Life price tag are more suitable to the middle upper class... they somehow wanna pay more for anything they buy. The lower income group may bought it once but may have problem with their second order... the current economic situation seems not a good environment for a high tiket items like that... thats why market respond towards middle and lower priced product are overwhealming... they are very bold in the market today.

By the way we have side track from the original topic... but it is a really interesting exchange of info tho.

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Chippo This user has been deleted
Post time 16-6-2006 11:19 PM | Show all posts
My exact sentiments. Well like I always say, you can always make a choice between  a Rolls Royce and a Skoda. If you have got money, the choice is all yours. Lolz. Anyway I rest my case here and would not like to drag this thread further.

Whatever, I must re-iterate here again, all MLM plans have their pros and cons, they have been carefully planned putting into mind both the distributor and consumers interest at heart. Nevertheless, it is the people who are in the industry that have somewhat tarnished the reputation of MLM companies.

Harap public jangan membuat keputusan kerana sikap segelintir manusia sahaja, seperti kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga. Hope my Malay is correct here.

Dengan itu, kepada sesiapa sahajan yang selama ini kecewa dengan MLM, mungkin harus melihat dengan perpective yang lebih positive. Bukan semua yang mengamalkan MLM bersikap sedemikian. Ada juga orang (leader) yang memastikan semua downline mereka juga berjaya dalam bidang ini.

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Post time 18-6-2006 10:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Chippo at 16-6-2006 11:19 PM
Dengan itu, kepada sesiapa sahajan yang selama ini kecewa dengan MLM, mungkin harus melihat dengan perpective yang lebih positive. Bukan semua yang mengamalkan MLM bersikap sedemikian. Ada juga orang (leader) yang memastikan semua downline mereka juga berjaya dalam bidang ini.

but... :hmm:

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norjehan This user has been deleted
Post time 19-6-2006 01:17 AM | Show all posts

jangan salah sangka

a'kum semua...
sebenernya MLM ni bukan seburuk yang disangkakan...
MLM ni merupakan satu cabang perniagaan moden dalam "information age".

kebanyakan perniagaan yang ada sekarang masih berteraskan conventional business yang masih berada dalam "industrial age".
MLM ni jadi buruk sbb orang yang jalankan biz ni membuat pendekatan yang salah.
kalau sesape penah baca buku "rich dad poor dad" & "cashflow Quadrant" oleh robert t.kiyosaki, mungkin minda korg akan terbuka kepada sisitem MLM.

biar saya ringkaskan buku2 ini:
dalam dunia ni ade 4 jenis career;
1) employer-work for other people(cth:pekerje kerajaan & swasta atau sape2 yang makan gaji la)
2) self employment-work for yourself(cth: tokey kedai makan yang jd tukang masak sendiri or jd cashier sendiri.kalo dia takde, biz dia tak jalan.)
3)business-own a business(cth: tokey kedai mkn yang tak dok kat kedai.dia takde pon biz dia still run. cuti dua bulan pon, biz masih maju)
4) investor-money generate more money(dia invest duit jer,)

ok, sekarang, no.3 tu, terbahagi plak kepada 3 jenis.iaitu:

pertama-bisnes traditional(macam tokey kedai makan,tokey kedai cermin mata & sebagainya). risiko bisnes ni tinggi. kita tak tau sama ada kita akan untung atau rugi.

kedua-franchaise(macam mc donald,kfc, ayamas etc. maksud franchais ialah, kita beli sistem tersebut dan kita run the sistem yang telah ditetapkan. biz franchais ni risiko dia lagi kecil berbanding bisnes traditional.)


kenapa franchais dan network marketing bole wujud selepas bisnes traditional di jalankan berabad lamanye?????
jawapannya ialah....revolusi...macam binatang, tumbuhan, sume berevolusi mengikut peredaran zaman.macam tu jugak dgn dunia bisnes ni.kita berevolusi sbb nak kurangkan risiko rugi dan tingkatkan profit.

kalo kita nak tgk MLM tu bagus atau tak, kita tgk pada sistem atau marketing plan dia bukan pada BARANG yang dijual.kalo jual barang tu namenya direct selling.

ape2 jua keje kat dunia ni sume perlukan usaha untuk nak dpt untung. kalo kita masuk MLM tapi tak paham Marketing plan dan takde usaha nak carik org,mmgla rugi..what's wrong dgn carik org?mmgla susah, tapi kalo kite keje makan gaji&biz traditional pon bukan senang.penat dan sebagainya...

kat jepun skrg MLM macam cendawan tumbuh lepas ujan.kat m'sia jer org xleh time lagi.
salah satu kelebihan MLM ni, dia bole generate passive income dimana kita tak keje pon kite dapat duit.TAPI....lepas dia dah bersusah payah carik org bwh dia seperti yang disyaratkan dalam sistem. depends la sistem nak brape...pastu leh duduk senang lenang.

jgn salahkan upline dapat duit bile downline masuk sbb kita tak tau pon betapa susah payahnya dia keje sampai peringkat dia skrg. dia cume cerita yg manis je untuk jadikan pendorong pada yang lain.

lagi satu kebaikan MLM ialah, ia melatih kita menjadi ketua yg bagus. jage downline etc. pastu kite bleja bagaimana jd orang yg berjiwa kental dimana diorg yg join MLM ni selalu kene reject sampai satu tahap diorg jadi manusia yg lagi bagus dari org lain.

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Post time 19-6-2006 09:13 AM | Show all posts
but... :hmm:

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Post time 19-6-2006 09:15 AM | Show all posts
tapi hakikat nyer... mmm... xpe laa...

senang cam nih la... those yg interested dlm mlm... go ahead...
xde sape nak halang pun... yg mmg dh xminat...
or dh malas dgn MLM nih... xyah la.. e2 jer... end of story...
kan senang...



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Chippo This user has been deleted
Post time 19-6-2006 09:42 AM | Show all posts
very interesting thus far. lolz

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Post time 19-6-2006 10:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by entrepreneur_78 at 19-6-2006 09:15 AM
tapi hakikat nyer... mmm... xpe laa...

senang cam nih la... those yg interested dlm mlm... go ahead...
xde sape nak halang pun... yg mmg dh xminat...
or dh malas dgn MLM nih... xyah la.. e2 je ...

betul.  sebenarnya isu MLM ni bukannya issue MLM tu perniagaan dia bagus ke tidak atau marketing plan very impressive ke tidak.  Isu yg sebenarnya perangai sesetengah org MLM sendiri yang tak ikhlas.  Kalau bersahabat biarlah ikhlas bukannya semata2 kerana biz baru nak buat baik.  This is what I've experience so far and that is why I decided to do biz in conventional way.

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Post time 19-6-2006 10:51 AM | Show all posts



bukan sebab system tu... org yang ade dlm system tu sbnr nyer...
so... buat la penilaian sendiri...



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luqmanz This user has been deleted
Post time 19-6-2006 11:44 AM | Show all posts
2) self employment-work for yourself(cth: tokey kedai makan yang jd tukang masak sendiri or jd cashier sendiri.kalo dia takde, biz dia tak jalan.)

Pendapatan MLM mmg bagus tapi..
saya rasa MLM lebih sesuai dipanggil self-employment (bukan business owner) sebab agen MLM do not own any business. Mereka tak upah/pecat orang bekerja. Mereka takde share dalam syarikat MLM. Mereka takleh decide sendiri berapa % income syarikat boleh masuk kocek mereka. Mereka takleh decide
hala tuju syarikat MLM. Mereka berada di dalam syarikat itu sebagai agen yang dibantu oleh downline2 mereka sebagai leverage (sape baca buku Robert Kiyosaki dia tau ape itu leverage). Agent MLM adalah  salesman modern.

Salesman konvensional cuma buat duit bila dia jual barang ... katakan untung 30% masuk kocek dia
saleman modern .. jual sendiri dapat 30% ... suruh orang lain jual .. 28% bagi kat downline .. 2% dia simpan .. lebih kurang camtu laa ...

jadi kepada sesiapa yang bercadang nak berjaya dalam MLM ... anda mesti sedar bahawa agent MLM adalah salesman .. maka anda mesti belajar skill salesmanship yang betul .. jangan ingat boleh cepat kaya rekrut orang jer ... kalau rekrut orang boleh cepat kaya .. itu skim piramid Pak Man Telo.


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Post time 19-6-2006 12:50 PM | Show all posts
tul.. aku setuju... MLM is more salesmanship than a real business by itself. but it does make money for early adopters/ppl who work hard.

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Post time 19-6-2006 02:26 PM | Show all posts
tuna ni penggiat MLM jugak.... gara2 terpengaruh dgn pujukan dan rayuan orang ler

anyway... pernah berjaya dalam MLM juga tapi tuna amik keputusan utk buat Konvensional nyer bisnes.. lebih puas hati dan lebih gembira

Tuna suka sgt dgn konsep yg dibawa oleh kebanyakan sistem MLM... cuma yg tak suka adalah sikap pembawa MLM tersebut...

baru2 ni Tuna di'paksa' utk mendengar ceramah MLM.... dah lama MLM nih.. tapi orang yg nak introduce ni baru terbukak mata dgn MLM jadi dia bawak orang atasan yg power utk pujuk tuna join dia walaupun tuna dah maklumkan bawah tuna dan family adalah user MLM tersebut juga sejak 10 taun yg lalu....

di antara sikap yg Tuna benci dgn orang atasan yg dibawa ni ialah kata2 dia:
1. we need just a few minutes to brief u about this.... a few minutes yg dimaksudkan ni hingga 2 jam....
2. u nak kaya? u nak melancong ? u nak kereta?....
3. u tak perlu signup membership sebab u kasihan kat dia ni (kawan tuna ni la).. u signup utk diri u....
sambil tu dia paksa tuna isi form membership tu... nicely i said, not yet.. later.... tu jer la...
cakap tak serupa bikin.... kata tak perlu signup sebab kesian kat orang lain tapi paksa2 gak suruh join member... pernah la tuna isi form masa join ceramah MLM lain... dah isi form, dia mintak duit... tuna cakap takde satu sen pun kat tangan... siap dia mintak, "sepuluh ringgit takkan takde?".... tuna cakap mmg takde.... padahal dlm beg tu ada beratus... eheheehhee....walapun derang tau tuna sebenarnya ada duit... walaupun tuna tau derang tau tuna menipu... well.. i dont care...

kepantangan tuna apabila:
1. orang MLM ni puji2 tuna nyer bisnes bagus la itu la ini la... mmg terangkat nyer pujian ler..... pastu dok kutuk yg bisnes konvensional ni takleh diwarisi la, modal besar la, rugi besar la... berbanding MLM ni leh duduk goyang kaki, leh g melancong free, g umrah free, dapat keta free, dapat umah free....

** tuna dah join byk MLM... tapi tuna tak penah kutuk bisnes orang lain... apa yg tuna belajar masa dgn MLM dulu tuna apply dlm bisnes yg tuna buat sekarang... tak usah laaa nak 'perbodohkan' orang lain.... macam la orang bisnes konvensional bodoh sangat dan miskin sangat

[ Last edited by  tuna_sandwic at 19-6-2006 02:28 PM ]

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luqmanz This user has been deleted
Post time 19-6-2006 02:54 PM | Show all posts
pastu dok kutuk yg bisnes konvensional ni takleh diwarisi la, modal besar la, rugi besar la... berbanding MLM ni leh duduk goyang kaki, leh g melancong free, g umrah free, dapat keta free, dapat umah free....

Ahahah ape daa .. bisness konvensional ler yang boleh diwarisi ... Donald Trump tu waris harta bapa dia ler ...

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Post time 19-6-2006 02:59 PM | Show all posts
MLM oh MLM kenapa sampai jadi camni...orang dah tak nak jgn dok pushing the limit...

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poklang This user has been deleted
Post time 19-6-2006 05:05 PM | Show all posts
mmm... kali pertama dapat bukak topik dalam forum... :hmm:

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Post time 19-6-2006 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Konsep MLM tu bagus...satu revolusi yang baru...macam internet nyer boom la...just the people jer yg sucks...not all but many...kalau baca buku robert yang bertajuk ' business school for people who like helping other people', die pon ada mention yang salah satu kelemahan MLM ialah ianya menggunakan 'open door' policy...ini bermakna sesapa pon bole join...termasuk la conman, poser, orang yg nak kaya cepat, kaki penipu, kaki paksa orang, orang yg tak bersedia mental n fizikal utk wat bisnes etc...tu yg jadi buruk nama MLM tuhs...aku bersyukur sbb ditemukan ngan MLM yg telah mengajar aku pelbagai perkara yg sangat berguna utk aku skrang...tapi aku mmg sakit hati sbb jumpa orang2 seperti yg aku dah mention kat atas...

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Post time 19-6-2006 08:35 PM | Show all posts
Lepas membaca posting Tuna... i bersetuju dengan beliau yang mengatakan sesetengah orang yang gila2 buat MLM membenci & mnegutuk perniagaan konventional. Sad to say, memang ramai fanatik MLM yang berhasil tapi tapi tidak berilmu dalam bidang lain menganggap MLM is the only way.. seperti yg pernah saya katakan sebelum ini,bila duit datang dengan mudah..poket mula penuh dan kepala mula besar.. diri merasakan semua orang harus ikut cara dia.. "cara upline yang berjaya".

I lebih suka mengabungkan MLM and conventional... objectif tetap sama, untuk meraih keuntung. Cuma buat masa ni my MLM venture memberi i pulangan lebih lumayan dari conventional.My conventional business more like seasonal at this moment... kena season dia boleh le capai 5 figure kalau tak just balik modal je kekadang. Sumber rezeki ada dimana2 saya percaya kita tak seharusnya taksub pada yang satu.

For those who refered to the Robert Kyosaki ESBI Quadrant... to my undestanding, your interpretation on Self Employed and Business Owner is wrong... please read it again dude.

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Chippo This user has been deleted
Post time 20-6-2006 09:42 AM | Show all posts
my exact sentiments Anis, they've definitely got the ESBI Quadrant wrong. Thats the problem when people dont understand the real concept of MLM. Anyway, yes I do believe in conventional business too but you definitely need a much higher outlay of capital and you definitely cannot leverage on multiple effort simultaneously most of the time.

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