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Author: ibnur

Info Makanan Halal atau Haram (kambeng_masam, Syd, Pe4RL, ccyber5, HOTLips)

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Post time 29-5-2007 01:48 AM | Show all posts
nasib baik ada topik ni.
aku nak tanya sketla.
sapa penah mkn kat foodcourt mid valley?
kebykan kedai mkn kat situ kan...guna sijil halal apatah. mcm syarikat persendirian. tp yg pasti bukan JAKIM la.
aku ragu2 gak, n nak tau mmg wujud ke agensi lain yg keluarkan sijil halal ni? terutama utk kedai2 n restoran2.
sori kalo dh ada org mention psl ni.

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Post time 31-5-2007 11:46 AM | Show all posts
aku tengok makcik dalam JALAN2 CARI TOOOT... seronok betul makan kat kedai ntah apa2 ntah. Ada satu episod dia selamba je makan kat kedai INDIA yang terang2 BUKAN ISLAM. Huh...banyak dah masuk dalam perut dia kan?

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Post time 31-5-2007 12:47 PM | Show all posts
aku slalu refuse bile colleagues aku ajak p makan luar esp ada special event. Sbb aku was was even dorang cakap ramai melayu makan kat restoran tu.
Tapi pernah jugak order nasi goreng kat madam's kwan. Halal ke? Sekarang ni serba salah je rasa sbb aku sorang je slalu tolak ajakan dorang. Makan pun sengsorang je skarang.

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 Author| Post time 31-5-2007 01:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sayangidaku at 29-5-2007 01:48 AM
nasib baik ada topik ni.
aku nak tanya sketla.
sapa penah mkn kat foodcourt mid valley?
kebykan kedai mkn kat situ kan...guna sijil halal apatah. mcm syarikat persendirian. tp yg pasti bukan  ...

kengkadang sijil tu dalam bentuk surat pengesahan dari jabatan agama islam.  
kalau yang dari syarikat persendirian tak pernah dengar.  apa nama syarikat tu?

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Post time 31-5-2007 02:15 PM | Show all posts
kalau kek dari kedai2 kek tu boleh makan tak? kalau kita attend birthday party, n makan kek yg disediakan tu, boleh tak? ada ke kek yg haram dimakan?

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Post time 31-5-2007 05:21 PM | Show all posts
bagus la ada topic mcm ni... aku penah gak kuarkan isu ni kat forum lain, tp xde sambutan..mungkin pada diorang, tak penting..
yg aku angin nya ialah bila makanan ni duk lama kat pasaran.... dah 2/3 tahun, baru la ckp tak halal la...ada itu la, ada ini lah..adoi, sakit je hati.. contoh cam hotdog kat IKEA tu ler.. wlaupun xpenah mkn, tp terasa gak ler... apsal lambat sgt diorang kesan?
aku skrg, kalau kat hotel pun tak makan dah... xde selera aku...
kek pun, dulu penah gak la mkn kat secret receipi tu, tp skrg, was-was la plak.. tak berani aku nak mkn dah..
nugget plak, beli yg Ramly @ ayamas punya..
jd pada sesiapa yg ada info tu, sila lah beritahu.. saya dahului dengan ribuan terima kasih..syukran..

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 Author| Post time 2-6-2007 09:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by spy06 at 31-5-2007 02:15 PM
kalau kek dari kedai2 kek tu boleh makan tak? kalau kita attend birthday party, n makan kek yg disediakan tu, boleh tak? ada ke kek yg haram dimakan?

ada sijil kelulusan halal ke?  kalau ada go ahead aje.

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Post time 2-6-2007 11:59 AM | Show all posts
kek2 yang di hotel2 tertentu tu hati2 skit. dlm hotel tak ada info tentang halal haram. byk yang menggunakan wine utk menambah perasa dlm kek

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Post time 2-6-2007 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Islam memudahkan dan tidak menyusahkan . Jangan terlampau berselidik hingga mewujudkan phobia. Apa yang jelas haram jangan makan, apa yang tak boleh atau sukar dipastikan kandungannya, kalau suka nak makan maka makanlah , kalau tak nak then just tinggalkan saja . Jangan terlalu berprasangka atau was-was pada benda yang sukar untuk dipastikan  . Kalau tidak kita nanti kena tinggal di Malaysia sajalah, tak boleh nak travel ke seluruh dunia jawabnya sebab asyik kena makan telor dan sardin tin saja sebab di dunia luar sana tidak ada logo halal dari Jakim , kadang-kadang nak komunikasi untuk bertanya pun sukar dek kerana masaalah jurang bahasa dan nak baca ingredient dia lagi lah payah sebab tulisan berkerekot sana-sini macam cacing kerawit .

Volume 7, Book 65, Number 320:

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet never criticized any food (he was invited to) but he used to eat if he liked the food, and leave it if he disliked

[The Noble Quran 6.145] Say: I do not find in that which has been revealed to me anything forbidden for an eater to eat of except that it be what has died of itself, or blood poured forth, or flesh of swine-- for that surely is unclean-- or that which is a transgression, other than (the name of) Allah having been invoked on it; but whoever is driven to necessity, not desiring nor exceeding the limit, then surely your Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.

Volume 7, Book 67, Number 415:
Narrated 'Aisha: A group of people said to the Prophet, "Some people bring us meat and we do not know whether they have mentioned Allah's Name or not on slaughtering the animal." He said, "Mention Allah's Name on it and eat." Those people had embraced Islam recently

[ Last edited by  blastoff at 2-6-2007 12:30 PM ]

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Post time 12-8-2007 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Khasiat makanan dalam Islam

Bawang putih

Bawang putih juga elok untuk memanaskan badan. Khasiatnya membuang angin dan menggalakkan pengeluaran air mani. Minyaknya digunakan untuk merawat gigitan serangga.

Jintan Manis

Jintan manis banyak khasiatnya. Ia melegakan kesakitan dalam badan, melancarkan aliran keluar haid, membanyakkan susu dan membuang gas dalam usus. Boleh digunakan dalam bentuk serbuk dan disapu di sekeliling mata bagi menguatkan pandangan mata.


Epal masam lebih sejuk daripada yang manis. Ia juga boleh menguatkan organ hati.


Asparagus berkhasiat bagi membuka sekatan pada buah pinggang dan memudahkan kelahiran anak.


Pisang menyejukkan badan dan boleh dimakan dengan madu lebah.


Barli berkhasiat sebagai penyejuk badan. Rasulullah SAW pernah memberi sup barli kepada orang yang mengidap demam.


Selasih berkhasiat menguatkan organ hati, memudahkan tidur dengan cara menyapu kepala dengan basil yang dicampurkan air.


Mentega khasiatnya memanas dan melembapkan. Baik untuk menghilangkan sembelit. Mentega dicampurkan dengan kurma dan madu dapat menghilangkan rasa mengidam pada perempuan hamil.

Lobak merah

Memanaskan badan dan melancarkan aliran haid dan air kencing.

Biji kopi

Ubat penyakit buang air besar berdarah, menghilangkan dahaga dan dikatakan menimbulkan kebijaksanaan.


Memudahkan penghadaman, membetulkan imbangan badan, baik untuk otak dan badan, serta mencantikkan rupa paras. Bagaimanapun jika dimakan terlalu banyak boleh menyebabkan penyakit sendi dan yang terbaik ialah daging ayam betina tidak bertelur.

Kulit kayu manis

Kulit kayu manis juga pemanas badan. Minyaknya sebagai penawar untuk menghapuskan rasa tidak hadam. Ia adalah campuran (rempah ratus) yang digunakan dalam resipi masakan hampir tiga suku penduduk dunia.


Khasiat telur yang paling baik boleh kita dapati daripada telur ayam (setengah masak atau masak) bukan direbus keras. Putih telur melegakan apabila kita melecur atau kulit terbakar dan menghilangkan parut pada kulit.


Khasiat ikan air tawar lebih baik terutama yang makan tumbuhan, bukan makan lumpur dan benda seni dalam air. Ikan tidak dimasak sukar hadam.


Halia berkhasiat membantu penghadaman dan memanaskan badan.

Madu lebah

Madu lebah mempunyai pelbagai khasiat. Madu atau manisan lebah ini apabila dicampur dengan air panas boleh mengubati penyakit cirit birit. Madu dianggap ibu segala makanan, minuman dan ubatan. Madu paling berkualiti ialah yang dikeluarkan dalam musim bunga, seterusnya musim panas dan yang kurang berkualiti dalam musim sejuk.

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Post time 2-11-2007 09:42 AM | Show all posts
Just wanna share this info:  

Click here:

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Post time 18-4-2008 05:43 PM | Show all posts

Please watch what u eat

Why PIG FAT is not mentioned but CODE(S) are printed?
Forwardingas received, read and shared with your students...

ByDr. M. Amjad Khan

In nearly all the westerncountries including Europe,the PRIMARY choice for meat is PIG. There are a lot of farms in these countries to breed thisanimal. In France alone, thereare more than 42,000 Pig Farms.
PIGS have the highestquantity of FAT in their body than any other animal.
Europeans and Americanstry to avoid fats. Thus, where does the FAT from these PIGS go?
All pigs are cut in slaughter houses under the control of thedepartment of food and it was the headache of the department of food to disposeof the fat removed from these pigs.
About 60 years ago, thesefats were burnt. Then they thought of utilizing it. First, they experimented itin the making of SOAPS and it worked.
Then, a full network wasformed and this FAT was chemically Processed, Packed and Marketed, while othermanufacturing companies bought it.
In the meantime, allEuropean States made it a rule that every Food, Medical and Personal Hygieneproduct should have the ingredients listed on its cover. so, this ingredientwas listed as PIG FAT.
Those who are living in Europe for the past 40years know about this. But, these products came under a ban by the ISLAMICCOUNTRIES at that time, which resulted in a trade deficit.
Going back in time, if you are somehow related to South East Asia, you might know about the provokingfactors of the 1857 CIVIL WAR. At that time, Rifle Bullets were made in Europe and transported to the sub-continent through theSea. It took months to reach there and the gun powder in it was ruined due tothe exposure to sea.
Then, they got the idea of coating the Bullets with fat,which was PIG FAT. The fat layer had to be scratched by teeth before usingthem. When the word spread, the soldiers, mostly Muslim and some Vegetarians,refused to fight. Which eventually lead to the Civil War.
The Europeans recognized these facts, and instead of writing PIG FAT, they started writing ANIMAL FAT. Allthose living in Europesince 1970's know this fact. When thecompanies were asked by authorities from the MUSLIM COUNTRIES, what animal fatis it, they were told it was COW and SHEEP Fat.
Here again a questionraised, if it was COW or SHEEP Fat, still it is HARAAM to MUSLIMS, as theseanimal were not SLAUGHTERED as per the ISLAMIC LAW. Thus, they were againbanned.
Now, these multinationalcompanies were again facing a severe drought of money as 75% of their incomecomes from selling their goods to Muslim Countries, and these earn BILLIONS OFDOLLARS of Profit from their exports to the MUSLIM WORLD.
Finally they decided tostart a coding language,so that only their Departments of FoodAdministration should know what they are using, and the common man is left inthe dark. Thus, they started E-CODES.These E-INGREDIENTS are present in a majority of products of multinationalfirms including, but not limited to

Since these goods are being used in all MUSLIM Countriesindiscriminately, our society is facing problems like shamelessness, rudeness andsexual promiscuity.
So, I request all MUSLIMS or non pork eaters to check theingredients of the ITEMS of daily use and match it with the following list of E-CODES.
If any products has been listed with these codes please do not buy them since the sourceof fat is PIG FAT.
Therefore, it is good if every Muslims are to remember these codes(and beat those unscrupulous capitalist at their own game).!

E100,    E110,      E120,   E 140,    E141


E210,    E213,       E214,       E216,E234,    E252,


E325,    E326,    E327
E334  E335,

E422,   E430,     E431,
E432,      E433,      

E435,   E436,   E440,
E470,      E471,       E472,

E473,   E474,     E475,
E476,      E477,     E478,      

E481,   E482,      E483,

E492,       E493,     


E570,      E572,      E631,       E635,   


Dr.M.Amjad Khan
Medical Research Institute
United States

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Post time 18-4-2008 06:08 PM | Show all posts
Rasanya hampir semua roti ada E472

E472 Esters of mono- and diglycerides

Ada dari sumber haiwan, ada dari sumber tumbuhan.

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Post time 18-4-2008 06:13 PM | Show all posts
E472a Acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides
E472b Lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides
E472c Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides
E472d Tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides
E472e Diacetyltartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides
E472f Mixed esters (tartaric, acetic) of mono- and diglycerides

Esters of synthetic fats, produced from glycerol, natural fatty acids and another organic acid (acetic, lactic, tartaric, citric). The fatty acids are mainly from plant origin, but also fats of animal origin may be used. The product generally is a mixture of different components, with a composition similar to partially digested natural fat esterified with other natural acids..

Function & characteristics:
Emulsifiers and stabilisers.

M any different products

Acceptable Daily Intake:
None determined except for 30 mg/kg bodyweight of tartaric acid for E472d-f.

Side effects:
None known. The products are first digested to the individual acids and the fats. The body metabolises all components identical to the normal acids and natural fat. The individual components of the mono- and diglycerides are also produced normally in the body when digesting normal fat.

Dietary restrictions:
Although mainly vegetable oils are used, the use of animal fat (incl. pork) can not be excluded. Several groups, such as vegans, Muslims and Jews thus avoid these products. Only the producer can give detailed information on the origin of the fatty acids. Chemically the fatty acids from vegetable or animal origin are identical.

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Post time 18-4-2008 06:21 PM | Show all posts
Sebab tu E472 vegetarian adalah Halal. Kalau E472 tak sebut vegetarian, dikhuatiri ia dari lemak haiwan

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Post time 18-4-2008 08:39 PM | Show all posts
bulih x korg senaraikan jerk produk yg ader mende neh sumer...jenuh la nk cek satu2

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Post time 18-4-2008 09:25 PM | Show all posts
sebenarnye  kalau difikir-fikirkan, memang susah nak beli brg.  

Logo HALAL Jakim tu,mcm senang-senang je nak dpt.  Ada pulak tu,
yg jenis sticker. Main tampal je.  Sape-sape pun boleh buat kalau mcm tu...

Rasenye Jakim kena do something pasal benda nie....

Saya pernah voice out perkara nie pd org Jakim, and jwpnnya...
Tak cukup kakitangan....

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Post time 19-4-2008 01:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 neez74's post

Dia jwb xcukup kaki & tgn???? Dasatnyerrr...

Isyy....drp membazir duit ke lain, baik kerajaan amik penganggur2 kt luar tu belambak2 xder keje..

Sedih betul...sbg negara Islam, kita masih dlm kekeliruan..

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Post time 19-4-2008 02:28 PM | Show all posts
mkn nasi ngan sayur ikan je la jawab nye..huhu..susah no nak mkn

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Post time 20-4-2008 05:32 AM | Show all posts
kesimpulannya, jgn makan makanan berpek/tin/aiskrim/perisa/mknn dibuat luar negara/dan yg meragukan

beli mentah dan masak sendiri

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