UMNO then proceeded to create a new term which they so gallantly announced while brandishing archaic swords and kissing them on National TV. This term is called "Ketuanan Melayu" (Lordship of Malays). No one seems to know what this really means, and certainly everyone is confused about whom they have Lordship over! And if they have Lordship over no-one, do they really have any Lordship at all? What would happen if someone proclaims himself as the Sultan of Penang, Sabah or Sarawak then?
Or is it that UMNO has so completely run out of ideas, that they would be willing to start grasping at straws? In fact they even claim to be a Race. Yes, they have created a completely new Race in 1957. Other Races could certainly join this new Race. By simply speaking like them, dressing like them, and habitually behaving like them (whatever that means is still a mystery to me). And oh, yes, you were also required to adopt a religion similar to theirs. Yes, backwater Malaysia is still on the Race issue. In fact, their passion for Race out-speeds the F1 Race. And if you didn't like it, they would detain you under the Idiotic Stupid Act also lovingly known as the ISA. (Or does it mean I Simply Arrest?) Should the country then be renamed as ISALAYSIA? That would be appropriate.
Someday, I'd like to introduce myself as the "Minister of Winter Sports of South Africa" to the "Minister of Justice of Malaysia". And if he asks how I could be the Minister of Winter Sports in Africa since there is none in Africa, I would nonchalantly ask him the same about Malaysia on the absence of Justice. The idea is actually really simple. Keep the Citizens as poor and as stupid as possible. That way, it is relatively easy to satisfy the lowest rung of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. And that is how, in most parts of Malaysia, electricity, water, sanitation, and roads with no holes can be classified as "Luxury". This perhaps explains why that 64 schools in Malaysia still do not have electricity, water, or both. This perhaps also explains why cows, and goats are freely distributed to every house just prior to an election, in exchange for the people's votes. Or that roads miraculously get "healed" just weeks before an election. Of course, the holes would magically appear again the very next morning after the elections.
So UMNO, in trying hard to Create an Identity creates all these new notions of grandeur pretending to be something they are simply not. Take for example Bangsa Melayu. Why is it that in Indonesia, everyone laughs at that concept? 240 million Indonesians are quick to admit that Puak Melayu exists, scattered among the Riau Islands, Brunei, and the Philippines, but no one would acknowledge that they are a "Bangsa". |
So who are the "Malays" which Malaysia talks about? How about the 4 million Javanese who came over since the 1970's? What about the Minangs who came from Padang? Or the Sulawesi, Flores, Bali, and so on so forth? Of course, they were all told to abandon their original identity, so as to ensure that these migrants would vote for UMNO. After all, it was the graciousness of Malaysia who "allowed" all these migrants to come on their land anyway.
So comes the Great "Race-Changing Trick" which I always talked about, which leaves even David Copperfield stumped! Nowhere else on this planet are people defined by a Religion, other than the Jews. But the Austronesians are no Jews. They have direct ancestry from Taiwan and Asam in India. Yes, indeed a most powerful hybrid of 2 other Races, known as the Dravidians, and the Mongoloids. In fact, the history of the Austronesians is no older than 6,000yrs old. And they all started their journey out of Taiwan.
For those wanting to find out more, they should read "The Malays" written by Prof Dr. Anthony Milner of ANU, "Early Kingdoms of the Indonesian Archipelago and the Malay Peninsular" by Paul Michel Munoz, "Contesting Malayness" by Prof Dr. Timothy Barnhard and so on to begin to get a grasp how different the evidence is, from the Old-Wives-Tales which people believe in. For some strange reason, "Wira Melayu" (Malay Hero), which describes Hang Tuah, suddenly disappears from all history books since 1991. Is it because Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekir, Hang Lekiu, Hang Kasturi, and Hang Li Poh were all cousins originating from China?
By being allowed to change the definition of "Malay", UMNO has now totally changed the intent of the original essence of whom are supposed to benefit the "Peruntukan". Imagine how the Orang Aslis feel when they are told that the next Indonesian who jumps off a boat next week is as "Asli" as the Orang Asli is, and since the Indonesian's Religion bears the same name as UMNO's, then the Indonesian has more rights than the Orang Asli; at least on paper.
The reality is, that all the REAL Government Contracts never leave the vicinity of the Malaysian Parliament. Again, anyone who challenges this, is arrested for exposing the truth. (Remember PKFZ, Bala, Saiful and so on.) Funny thing, that is; in Malaysia, the whistle-blowers get arrested, and not the Criminals. On the other hand, if UMNO were to arrest every Corrupted person, there would be absolutely no one left in the Malaysian Parliament except for the Opposition. |
To assist with the development of the Malaysian Identity, dozens of hundred of Malaysian Literary Scholars were shipped off to Indonesia to learn from the Sumatrans about their Literature. And brought back with them, much Indonesian Culture. After all, 75% of all Malaysian "Malays" are of Javanese origin anyway. The rest are either Sumatran, Kalimantan, Sulawesian, Balinese, and so on. In fact, in 1943, the National Census only showed a mere 1.3 million Malays in Malaysia. So why is it so surprising then, that they imported their Iconic "treasures" with them?
The Keris is obviously of Indonesian Culture; the Wayang Kulit speaks volumes about the great Hindu Ramayana epics; the Batik, recognized officially by UNESCO as of Indonesian Origin, and so on so forth (http://uppercaise.wordpress.com/2009/10/01/is-the-keris-malaysian-think-again/). Perhaps a comment by an interviewee who spoke to Jakarta Post explains it all when she said, "...perhaps Malaysia has no Culture, and that is why she steals other people's Culture..." when she was interviewed about the Pendet Dance of Balinese Origin which the Malaysian Advertisements were touting.
Well, she's both right and wrong. She's addressing people by Nationality. And she's not calling them by their actual race. No one ever dreams of addressing a person to be of the "American Race", "British Race" or a "Singaporean Race". And people are constantly confused between Nationality with Race. Let's set the record straight. Austronesians are the correct and proper name for all brown-skinned peoples in Southeast Asia (formerly addressed as "Malay" by Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka in the context of "The Malay World"). Along with their close cousins called the Austro-Asiatic. Although these two are Linguistic definitions, the correct Latin way to label all brown peoples in Southeast Asia would be to call them Australoids. Hence, this would bring them in-line with the Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and finally the Australoid racial definitions.
Back to the issue of how the Term "Orang" was used; it was "Orang India", to mean "People from India". "Orang Eropah" simply meant "People from Europe", "Orang Afrika" meant "People from Africa", "Orang Kenya" meant "People from Kenya", "Orang Somalia" means "People from Somalia". We do not know where UMNO suddenly begot notions of Nationalistic Passions, but somehow, instead of "Orang Melayu" referring to "People from Kampong Melayu in Jambi", it magically evolved into an ultra new Race. Again, somehow "Orang Melayu" became "Bangsa Melayu" meaning "Malay Race".
This realistically conflicts with how people are labelled. Hence "Orang Jawa" refused to be called "Orang Melayu", and they are absolutely correct; because, that is simply not the correct way to address them. Try calling someone "Orang Jogja" when they come from the town of Solo, and see the reactions you get. Why? Perang Saudara! (Civil War/ Cousin War/ In-fighting between Blood Relatives) This was in fact going on since the Australoids first arrived from Taiwan into the Philippines. Warring factions, and inter-village spats resulting in Headhunting, and Cannibalism in Borneo, Papua, and Sumatera. Taboo? Bullshit!! |
In a desperate attempt to try to create this new identity, Malaysia started to invent new terms. Completely ignoring the term, "Australo-Melanesian" (Negrito), they replaced it with "Proto-Malay", which simply means "Pre Malay". This is not even remotely correct, because the Orang Asli's are not even remotely related to the Australoid race. They are in fact, pure-breed Negroids, who walked out of East Africa a good 60,000 years ago. The first Australoid arrived on the Malaysian Peninsular a mere 2,500 years ago via Sumatera. That's a good 57,500 year African-Domination head-start before the "Deutero-Malays" arrived. And this Greek word, "deutero" simply means "2nd" like in the book Deuteronomy.
Well, here's where the Sleight of hand lies. Malaysians were brainwashed into thinking that Africans=Malays. Some, even citing the Madagascar Australoid Slaves as "Proof Beyond Doubt". How wonderful. Why not even claim to be "The Lost Tribe of the Jews" while you're at it? Deoxyribonucleic Acid. DNA is irrefutable. If there were any doubts, mankind cannot be sentencing Criminals to death based on DNA alone. Malaysia believes that DNA is absolute. And that is why she insists on getting fresh samples from Anwar Ibrahim to try to convict him on a Clandestine Bullshit Sodomy Charge.
So what exactly does DNA tell us? It tells us that all Australoids carry the Mitochondrial Markers of both the Taiwan (Mongoloid) and Assam (India). Put in local Manglish, here's the simplification: "Chindian = Malay". Let me now pose a question. "Why can't a Biological Brother and Sister get married, and have off-spring?" And don't the Chinese have a prohibition whereby 2 individuals who share the same family name not be allowed to get married for the very same reason? Well, the opposite is true. To avoid a degenerate line of descendants, the farther away the family tree, the better. Hence, marrying people from a different race would irrefutably produce a line of superior offspring. And Chindians do have that "edge" over any thoroughbred race you can imagine.
Is this perhaps the "Ketuanan" which UMNO shouts so proudly of? After all, the Austroloids DNA-Potpourri consists of now, the Arabic+Mongolian (Najib), Indian (Mahathir), Thai (Tunku Abdul Rahman), Persian/ Iranian (Hussein Onn), African (Perak Royalty, 2nd wife of the 1st Sultan was Orang Asli), British (Tun RPK) and the list goes on and on. This is very good. This is very healthy. Genetically speaking, this is the Superiority which UMNO sings about while waving Indonesian archaic-wavy-knife night and day. |
However the unfortunate revelation is that this simply negates the "Sons of the Soil" Propaganda. This extremely "Glorifying Fact" has to be hidden, and suppressed, because it also tells the entire world that the "Constitutional Malay" is NOT EVEN FROM MALAYSIA. Hence, the now infamous "Rasa Sayang", and even the "Negaraku National Anthem" had to be imported from Indonesia. Look no further than at the National Flower, the Bunga Raya. Perhaps it is no suprise too then, that this particular breed (Rosa Sinensis, variety-brilliante) which Malaysia selected to represent it's People is indeed a Hybrid itself. Same as the core Australoids who dominate the population.
And the Term "Truly Asia" realistically describes the very same Australoids. How beautifully poetic. However, for Nationalistic Identity and for "Sons-of-the-Soil Government Contract" Purposes, this is absolutely devastatingly detrimental! How can a migrant be a "Son-of-the-Soil"? This Paradox applies to the next Indonesian who jumps off a boat next week, or next month or next year. In fact, he would ironically be more "Bumiputra" than the Orang Asli who arrived 60,000years ago! Isn't that strange? Or how about the Portuguese who arrived in Malacca a 100years after the Babas and Nyonyas, but are categorized as "Bumiputras", but the Babas and Nyonyas are not? Be reminded that the Babas and Nyonyas actually have local Australoid blood in them, because they are the descendants of the Ming Chinese+local Malay Women.
What UMNO is asking for, is the forceful Homogeneity of her people. UMNO is demanding that all migrants who arrive become a fictitious new creation which UMNO had created. Hence, the gallant Javanese are asked to strip themselves of their Javanese Culture, the Minangs are asked to break ties with their ancestry, the Achehnese are to deny their origins, and embrace the new UMNO identity. "Kamu Indonesia makan Ubi, kita di Malaysia makan Nasi" (You Indonesians eat tubers, while Malaysians eat Rice) is what Malaysians tell arriving Indonesians in a blatant condescending attempt to put them "in-place".
Of course the Indonesians get mad. The arriving Indonesians definitely ask if peoples of the two nations are not one and the same? The same Australoids who rowed out of Taiwan 6,000 years ago on the same rafts, sharing a common ancestry with all the Brown people from the Philippines, Singaporeans, the Cham (Vietnam), Cambodians, Thais, Indonesians, Hawaiians, Micronesians, Macronesians, Polynesians, Burmese, Nepalese and Brunei. Collectively the same brown people are known as the Australoids. It is no surprise then that the average Indonesian still calls her neighbour "Maling Sia", which in Sundanese, translates to "Kamu Maling", or in English, "You are a Robber". A good number of Malaysians have Indonesian Maids. Go ask them to translate this. Once they get beyond "Nngak Bisa..", they will confirm this. Try it, if nothing else, but for "Shits and Giggles"...
Hence the Identity Crisis which began this discussion. Will Malaysia be brave enough to admit of it's Origins of Plethoratic Proportions? Or will Malaysia continue to hobble along, arresting more and more of her Citizens for trying to bring some sense of intellect to the rest of the Population? On the other hand, perhaps, all is lost.
Poor Malaysia...
http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/27440/84/ |
Isu utama ialah satu bangsa yang beraga Islam adalah tuan di dalam bangsa ini. Tak kira lah nenek kau asal Cina masuk Islam ker, mamak from India ker, semua jadi Melayu di bawah satu persamaan iaitu KAMI ORANG ISLAM. So apa yang Cina Buddha or Cina Kristian duk tulis dalam bahasa Ingggeris tu, sorry lah. Kalau tekan jugak mau tunjuk keras kepala, jadilah 13 Mei. |
Rasanya hampir semua kat benang ni beragama Islam.Jadi kita semua ni Tuan or Khalifah.Lagipun Tuhan turunkan kita sebagai Khalifah kat muka bumi ni. |
alah...takpe la lebey kurang..yg ade sipi2...kalo indon yg bru2 datang ni or bangla ckp melayu leh la jugak nk marah..masyarakat pribumi ok la..
nama je melayu, melaysia..tp kutuk mesia kaw2 pun tak guna..
lagi pun ade lagi ke pure melayu??melayu asli gombak??huhu..mcm aku..aku tak rasa aku melayu asli..hak2..sbb alur family bapak aku mamak...mak aku jawa...tapi dah bape keturunan dulu la..
sape sini benar2 asli?? |
Ada ramai yg asli semenanjung.Tapi bukan orang asli lah.Melayu asal semenanjung.
Orang Jawi.Kalau melayu campur India muslim jadi Jawi Pekan aka mamak.Orang melayu ni mudah jer.Sesiapa yg asimilasi(betul ker aku eja ni) jadi melayu ,diorang panggillah melayu.Itu sebab ada yg mendakwa Melayu adalah Kesatuan bangsa yg beragama Islam,bercakap melayu dan berbudaya melayu.Lagipun kalau dilihat warna kulit orang melayu dalam sebuah keluarga,yang abang putih melepak,yg adik hitam manis,yang kakak kelabu asap.Tak macam orang barat,cina dan jepun.Arab pun kalau hitam tu campur Afrika punya.Unik kan orang melayu. |
.Sesiapa yg asimilasi(betul ker aku eja ni) jadi melayu ,diorangpanggillah melayu.Itu sebab ada yg mendakwa Melayu adalah Kesatuanbangsa yg beragama Islam
sayapghaib Post at 28-10-2009 18:01
cantik juga definisi ni.. |
Isu utama ialah satu bangsa yang beraga Islam adalah tuan di dalam bangsa ini. Tak kira lah nenek kau asal Cina masuk Islam ker, mamak from India ker, semua jadi Melayu di bawah satu persamaan iaitu K ...
cmf_WonBin Post at 25-10-2009 19:30
keturunan ikut belah bapak laa........ bapak cina, mak melayu, anak tetap cina. |
cantik juga definisi ni..
thessailly Post at 28-10-2009 18:36 cantik amenda?
definisinya adalah Muslim (jgn tetiba Islam jadik Islam Hadhari lak). :re: |
113# Acong
cantik gak la dari muka ko tuh.
-ok la ada definisi yang hampir tepat.. |
Whoever, including half Chinese like me can be considered as a Malay as long as they are MUSLIM, adopting Malay lifestyle, eat Malay food, celebrate Malay festival.
Whoever pure Chinese, being a B ...
WonBin Post at 2-5-2009 00:56
Moyang lelaki aku Arab Yaman... Masuk pon kurun ke-17 M. Skang aku xnah dengar dah pon adik beradik aku smua cakap Arab. Smua cakap Melayu, makan belacan, nasik, ikan bakaq, cakap Kedah smua. Xpakai pon gelaran Said n ramai jahil agama sniri, ahahahaa..... |
113# Acong
cantik gak la dari muka ko tuh.
-ok la ada definisi yang hampir tepat..
thessailly Post at 30-10-2009 20:26 tepat amenda? ingat kalu melayu gerenti islam kaa? :re: |
116# Acong
yang islam kira melayu la..yang non-islam bukan melayu..walaupun dia dari keturunan banjar ke...contohnya... |
Dulu semua pihak bersetuju menggunakan nama Malaysia untuk Negara ini.Sebenarnya ada rahsia disebalik nama Malaysia.Cuba terbalikkan ejaan Malaysia menggunakan huruf Jawi.Pemimpin Melayu dulu awal lagi dah tahu. |
kalau terbalikkan jadi apa?
asialam? (jawi) |
118# sayapghaib
xpaham... |
Ada ramai yg asli semenanjung.Tapi bukan orang asli lah.Melayu asal semenanjung.
Orang Jawi.Kalau melayu campur India muslim jadi Jawi Pekan aka mamak.Orang melayu ni mudah jer.Sesiapa yg asimilasi(b ...
sayapghaib Post at 28-10-2009 18:01
Orang arab pun ada bermacam-macam warna kulit tetapi itu tidak bermakna bangsa arab ini adalah satu bangsa kesatuan.Dalam Al-Quran sendiri ada menyebut pasal bangsa arab.maknanya bangsa arab itu wujud.Dalam konteks bangsa melayu sama je.walaupun orang melayu itu ada macam2 warna kulit itu tidak bermakna bangsa melayu ni adalah satu bangsa kesatuan juga.penerimaan bangsa melayu ke atas bangsa lain terbukti apabila wujudnya istilah 'masuk melayu' sekiranya seorang yang kafir memeluk agama Islam.apalagi sekiranya seseorang itu berbangsa India Muslim yang bermazhab Shafie...lagi senang untuk diserap menjadi melayu.tetapi aku berharap jabatan pendaftaran negara mengekang bangsa asing mendapat 'melayu' didalam IC mereka malaupun mereka beragama Islam.India tetap india,tidak akan sesekali akan menjadi melayu walaupun masuk Islam.begitu juga dengan cina...ini bagi mengelakkan krisis identiti kepada bangsa melayu... |
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