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Author: aYuGiLeR

FILM 2012

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Post time 12-11-2009 08:01 PM | Show all posts
baru tengok tadi kat dataran pahlawan..sound effect die paling aku gile..and cgi die agak gempak laa jugakk..mmg gempak pon..dari segi jalan cerita...takde yg surprising..sbb macam2 bende aku dah baca dlm forum ni..dari teori gaia sampai ke pole shift sampai ke tempat yg selamat adalah afrika..sume bende dah cerita ni tak lebih sekadar hiburan semata..and case it does happen..pray to god agar kita dimaafkan olehNYA

Use magic Report


Post time 12-11-2009 08:04 PM | Show all posts
bestnye review korang...
must see film of the year
insyaallah sabtu g tgok

Use magic Report

Post time 12-11-2009 08:10 PM | Show all posts
spoiler sikit

interesting gak masa part last tu kenapa diorang gi resetkan kalendar jadi tahun 0001.. apsal tak sambung je 2013 ke bagai... perlu ke nak ikut mayan kalendar bagai..nak reset ke 0001 sume

Use magic Report

Post time 12-11-2009 08:33 PM | Show all posts
yup ..yg reset kalendar tu  interesting....kali nie banyk msj yg disampaikan dlm citer nie ..kalo nak banding ngan the day after tomorrw, plot citer 2012 lagi kemas dan tersusun....

tapi yg berbeza ikut kepercayaan Islam ni, kalo dah kiamat masing2 akan bertempiaran lari dan tidak akan hiraukan sesiapa lagi...mungkin 2012 ni sekadar kisah bencana dahsyat dan bukannya kiamat...

Use magic Report

Post time 12-11-2009 09:41 PM | Show all posts

no one will escape.;)

yg aku rs nak tergelak bile ingat semula cite ni, bersungguh2 depa lari nak selamatkan diri.dari naik kete, ke kapal terbang kecik, kapal terbang beso, naik kete Bentley dan last skali naik lori sblm menyusup masuk ke dlm bahtera.fuhhhh

indeed...cite ni lebih kepada bencana angkara kerakusan manusia.

Use magic Report

Post time 12-11-2009 10:19 PM | Show all posts
kiamat sebenar lebih dasyat dari yg ni..

sekadar review semula dari ape yg aku baca kat porem nih..

bencana dlm movie ni ade kaitan ngan teori gaia..yg kengkononnya bumi ni nak restart untuk restart,die mengeluarkan la segala bencana maha dasyat termasuk POLE SHIFT sume tu... so ni kire the rebirth of earth..

yg jugak mengikut cerita2 dimana... kiamat adalah permulaan bumi dimana civilization akan dibina semula

kiamat dalam cerita ni sebenarnya mmg bukan kiamat...or maybe kepercayaan diorang bahawa kiamat bukan lah pembawa kemusnahan total yg melenyapkan semua manusia.. malah manusia dalam ni pon at the end ade yg berjaya selamatkan diri dan membuat petempatan baru di AFRIKA..juga dikatakan adalah satu2nya benua yg paling selamat dari semua bencana yg datang dari POLE SHIFT ni

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Post time 13-11-2009 03:21 AM | Show all posts
yg best efek dier, tapi jln citer tang akhir2 dah mcm klise...anti klimaks pon ada...propaganda moral lak...akhirannya ada kureng sket, tapi efek mmg curlasssttt...

Use magic Report

Post time 13-11-2009 08:40 AM | Show all posts
6/10 ☆

semua mnde over the top (kecuali lakonan)
bab cliche tu jgn ckpla. so predictable, dialogue lak so cheesy(nak2 part yg lawak2 sket tu).
tp okla, still terhibur.

tp aku sure filem ni berjaya menarik perhatian lebih ramai org utk search psl teori '2012' kat internet yg dh lama ada.

Use magic Report


Post time 13-11-2009 09:53 AM | Show all posts


Aku setuju ngn SERIBULAN..aku tak suka ending cita tu..lakonan, sgt biasa...efek?..MELETOP..btw, aku suka  short slide show dr lelaki kat kawasan hutan tu...simple n very understndble.

Knp depa tak buat ala2x kajian hubungan antara MAYAN's belief n kajian scientifik?...ala2x KNOWING, semua musnah kecuali org2x yg terpilih oleh ANGEL (tak pasti sbb tak dinyatkaan scr jelas dlm filem) n mulakan hidup baru..

3.0001 / 5


Use magic Report

Post time 13-11-2009 11:32 AM | Show all posts
kiamat sebenar lebih dasyat dari yg ni..

sekadar review semula dari ape yg aku baca kat porem nih..

bencana dlm movie ni ade kaitan ngan teori gaia..yg kengkononnya bumi ni nak restart sendiri. ...
MetalFire Post at 12-11-2009 22:19

boleh minta link tak?? nak baca la...

Use magic Report

Post time 13-11-2009 11:48 AM | Show all posts
aku rasa aku dah tak sesuai tgk citer holiwud la...
aku rasa cite ni boring sgt...predictable lak tu...mcm tgk days after 2moro all over again jer...cume jln citer lain....

dah la aku nyampah tgk diorang berjaya jer escape segala mala petaka tu...naik kete selamat walaupun tgh huru hara...naik kapal terbang selamat walaupun runway tgh aku expecting too much?

paling aku benci masa RV curtis tu dah jatuh dlm rekahan tu...aku masa tu dah dpt agak dah gerenti tetiba tgn muncul.....

haih....busan...dari awal sampai akhir dah bleh agak jln citernya....

Use magic Report

Post time 13-11-2009 11:48 AM | Show all posts
mrk guna solution cam bahtera nabi moden dan canggih gila!

Use magic Report

Post time 13-11-2009 11:59 AM | Show all posts
hmm..kalo nak buatkan watak utama mati terus ketika lari dari bencana, sudah pasti tiada jalan citer plak n akhirnya jadila mcm 1000 BC yg macam dokumentari ..mmg berjuta2 yg mati dalam bencana nie tp pengarah fokus kepada watak2 yg berjaya selamatkan diri dari bencana disamping aksi2 cemas n bagaimana mereka yg terselamat dari bencana n akan memulakan kehidupan yg baru selepas bencana..

for me, nie bukan filem pasal kiamat kerana kiamat jauh lebih dahsyat dari ini..dan di luar imaginasi kita semua...

Use magic Report

Post time 13-11-2009 12:09 PM | Show all posts
yg x logiknya laut nampak terang, sepatutnya jd gelap pasal debu2 dr letupan gunung berapi.

Use magic Report

Post time 13-11-2009 12:21 PM | Show all posts
mmg la takleh kasik hero mati awal2 cite...tapi plis laaa...jgn over bleh...

pastu merata2 jer bleh ber mobile phone?...selepas segala bangunan runtuh, bumi tunggang terbalik, terbelah,merekah, highway runtuh,yellowstone meletop...

wonder aku signal pakai apa? satelit? signal tower tak runtuh sekali ke?

mmg aku ketawa jer sepanjang citer....

Use magic Report

Post time 13-11-2009 12:44 PM | Show all posts
ni masuk sejarah sket..

kaitan bangsa mayan (maya) dgn bangsa melayu..
journal tahun 1898..

By Edward Tregear.

MANY reasons have been urged by men of science in America of late years for the belief that some of the native races of that continent are immigrant races. Professor Cyrus Thomas is one of these, and he has well shown in his numerous publications on the subject that much evidence has been adduced in support of that hypothesis, quite apart from any study of the languages spoken in either the old or new world.

In regard to his comparisons of Maya with Malayan, there are many striking similarities of sound and sense shown in the preceding paper. Some of them appear doubtful, but still more of them will appear doubtful to those who do not make a special study of comparisons of dialects, and are not accustomed to the fantastic garb in which a travelled word sometimes appears. The Maori word rakau, a tree, does not appear to be a relative of the Melanesian ie, a tree, but its flight has been followed (rakau, akau, kau, kayu, kai, kei, kie, ie); nor does the Maori word ruru, an owl, show its accustomed face under Malagasy vorondolo, but its masquerade has been discovered.

My small work in this matter will be to show that Professor Thomas has not dropped upon a chance word in Malay when he compares it with Maya. It is true that some of his Malay consists of introduced words—Sanscrit, &c.—but that is of little consequence. His point is to prove that the word is Asiatic, or resembles an Asian form. If he does so the shot tells. I shall endeavour to show, by help of Malay Archipelago, or Oceanic words, that Professor Thomas's clients (the Mayas) are known on the great Water-way. Space will only allow me to deal with a few of these.

Maya puk, a hill. Cf. Maori puke, a hill; Philippines (Bisaya) bukid, a mountain, (Bicol) buquid, a mountain; Malay bukit, a hill; Magindano puked, a mountain. The root is probably ✓ pu, to swell, - 102 as found in Maori pu, a heap, pupu, to bubble up, puku, a belly. This latter shows a similar form to the Indo-European root bug, to bow, to bend, to bulge. See Maya buz.

Maya pal, a child, a boy. Malay bala, people, from Sanscrit bâla, an infant, unwise, uninstructed, a male, an army. Cf. Sanscrit bala and balak, a child, an infant, a male. Balak becomes the Malagasy zanaka, a child, through Malay anak, a child, and hence probably the Melanesian wanakat, a child.

Maya na, mother. Malay forms are, for “mother,” (Perak Semang) na, (Rotti) ina, (Timor) aina. Cf. Maori nana, to nurse; Fijian na and nana, words used in addressing a mother; Sikayana nana, mother; Guaham nana, mother; British New Guinea inana, mother; Melanesian (Lifu) nina, mother. The Sanscrit is ni, mother.

Maya ni, the nose. Tzotzil (allied to Maya) ni, the nose. The following words mean “nose”: Melanesian (Sesake) nisu, (Api) nisu, (Ysabel) nehu: Malay Islands (North Celebes) niyun, (Bouru) nien and nieni, (Ké Islands) nirun, (Iranun) nirong, (Nias Islands) nihu; Maori ihu; Samoan isu. The Sanscrit naso, the nose, has coincidence in Aymara (Peru) nasa, the nose, whilst the Formosan noss-nossa, to smell, may be related.

Maya ha, water. Cf. Maori hani, water; Guaham hanum, water; Burman ya, water; Chinese frontier of Thibet chah, water.

Maya taab, salt. Malay (Sulu) taub, tide, salt water; Pelew Islands thab, salt water.

Maya baat, an axe. Motu pataia, to beat; Ponape patkul, an axe; Pingelap patsakal, an axe; Malay (Sunda) patik, a small axe, patek, to strike a stringed instrument; Maori patu, a club or stone axe; Tongan batutu, to beat. The Maya baat, an axe, and batluk, a hoe, compare with Malay paat and Bugis paak, a chisel.

Maya caan, sky, heaven; kan, yellow; kin, day, sun. Cf. Formosa kanas, sky; Paumotuan kanakana, shining, radiant; Maori ka, to burn, kanapu, bright, shining, kanaku, fire. The words on this base appear widely spread—cf. Sanscrit kans and kanc, to shine, kancana, gold, kansya, brass; Malay kuning, yellow, kunit, turmeric; Japanese kin, gold; Kusaie kan, yellow; Nukuoro kanonga, yellow. The Sanscrit roots kan and chan, to shine, and words such as ahan, day, show kinship with Maori hana, to glow, to shine, and hina (for dhina), to glimmer. Cf. also North-east Bengal (Bodo) shan, day, sun; and on the Chinese border Thibet khen, sky—the last word probably related to Chinese tien, heaven.

If we only consider the above list (even without taking into account Professor Thomas's numerous other examples), the number of coincidences of sound and sense is remarkable. It cannot be by accident that so many Maya words resemble those of Western people. Such a condition can only arise on one of two hypotheses. Either Maya and Malay are on the same linguistic stock, or they hold numerous loan-words. That they are on the same base it is not possible to say without much more investigation. If it can be proved that the vital words, such as sun, moon, star, house, fire, water, father, mother, son, sea, &c., &c., are identical, then (and still more if the numerals coincide) it is almost certain that the Maya tongue is an emigrant from Asia. Although we may not be sure that coincidence of sound and sense argues relationship in language, it must be remembered that it was in this way, viz., by the likeness of sound between Sanscrit bhratar and English “brother,” Sanscrit pitar and Latin pater, that attention was first called to the unity of the Indo-European speech. After that, due investigation followed.

My own impression is that many of the coincidences are in loan-words. They have been adopted either by Mayans in their migrations, or by Asiatics and Polynesians from Mayans. Perhaps, however, they belong to that universal primeval language that some of us believe in, but which belief faints before the labour of comparison with the words ten syllables long of the North American vocabularies. It seems certain that the Mayans used words to be found either in the vernaculars or as radices of Asia and Europe. Even if we leave out what may be mere sound-words (onomatopoetic), such as pat or pak, to strike, still Mayan words such as those for hill, bow (bulge), water, sky, king, chief, earth, hand, breast, wall, shore, fort, sacred, fish, tiger, &c., could scarcely resemble their Oriental equivalents through fortuitous coincidence. It is well worthy the study of American linguists to ascertain the true relationship (if any) between the languages of West and East.

link dier :,_No._2,_June_1898/Notes_on_Maya_and_Malay,_by_Edward_Tregear,_p101-108


kesimpulan profeser ni, mayan adalah MELAYU !
aku baru nak tgk 2012 weeken ni..

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Post time 13-11-2009 12:49 PM | Show all posts
mmg la takleh kasik hero mati awal2 cite...tapi plis laaa...jgn over bleh...

pastu merata2 jer bleh ber mobile phone?...selepas segala bangunan runtuh, bumi tunggang terbalik, terbelah,merekah, hig ...
JunkMail Post at 13-11-2009 12:21

hollywood = bollywood .....

Use magic Report

Post time 13-11-2009 03:09 PM | Show all posts
mmg la takleh kasik hero mati awal2 cite...tapi plis laaa...jgn over bleh...

pastu merata2 jer bleh ber mobile phone?...selepas segala bangunan runtuh, bumi tunggang terbalik, terbelah,merekah, highwayruntuh,yellowstone meletop...

wonder aku signal pakai apa? satelit? signal tower tak runtuh sekali ke?

JunkMail Post at 13-11-2009 12:21

sampai scene ni, mmg aku dah bajet nak bawak masuk forum cari..  Mega tsunami depan mata pon, Satnam leh koling2 Adrian dalam bahtera.. walhal, babak bahtera tu kiranya 3/4 dah perjalanan bumi musnah.. amerika dah hancur pun waktu tu..
lagi 1, very typical western movie lah.. apa2 pun bencana datang menimpa, hero n family selamat...
buat keja dlm air pun leh cakap2..

but , puji tetap puji la gak ngan movie ni.. rate 6/10

Use magic Report

Post time 13-11-2009 03:12 PM | Show all posts
will be watching tonight...

Use magic Report

Post time 13-11-2009 05:07 PM | Show all posts
sampai scene ni, mmg aku dah bajet nak bawak masuk forum cari..  Mega tsunami depan mata pon, Satnam leh koling2 Adrian dalam bahtera.. walhal, babak bahtera tu kiranya 3/4 dah perjalanan bu ...
reddots Post at 13-11-2009 15:09

part satnam kol adrian tu sgtla merepek.
satnam kalo dh tau takde sapa jemput dia, nape tak kol adrian awal2 kan?
perlu ke kol dah nak last2 kne tsunami bru nak bgtau. erk. :kant:

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