[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories
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dani-rox replied at 7-3-2020 09:09 AM
Padanlah muka pakcik pegang payung tu meluat sgt. Tak psl2 dia jd prop the Harkles
bertabah la pakcik... tengok muka dan mata acik tu da tau betapanya menyampahnyaaa dia kat smeggot hahhahahs 
sib baik dia x kasi trip tu woman  |
dani-rox replied at 7-3-2020 09:30 AM
this woman is cray crayyyyy crazzy sekian  |
kibodwatriuh replied at 7-3-2020 11:50 AM
Kenapa aku rasa dia macam perempuan gila yang mengomel sorang-sorang takdak sorang pun paham dia c ...
invisible friend maybe.. dia pelihara saka agaknya tu potpetpotepet x berenti seorg2  |
Farnor replied at 7-3-2020 02:18 PM
hhahahaha.dia tu rmemang mentalis pun..kali dia tengah bercakap dgn kadom kalinya haha
haaa.. teori uols le tu dia dah tukar jadi baphomet
betul agaknya hahaha |
dani-rox replied at 7-3-2020 04:05 PM
takda pinggang
sian kan.. iols pun pinggang lebih kurang mcm dia tp my body x la boxy.. this one pakai apa je tetap boxy  |
Kenapa iols rasa macam Hanat memang betul suka Sparkles? But only for the time being la. Hanat ni gaya dia macam life dia asyik penuh dengan `yes man' je keliling dia. So bila ada orang dominate dia, dia rasa maca happy. Yay aku tak payah pikir dah. Macam kanak-kanak riang jumpa new toy, so tengah syok and penuh wonder with his new paything. Tapi since he is used to having his own way, the feeling wont last. So careful Sparkles, you only have Hanat backing yo. Once dia dump you, habislaaaa  |
ues1331 replied at 8-3-2020 06:08 AM
Kenapa iols rasa macam Hanat memang betul suka Sparkles? But only for the time being la. Hanat ni ga ...
dia suka, dia berkenan.. kalau x suka kenapa dia ajak kawin? |
Wow da bertukar megan markle and her husband
No more prince harry and his wife   |
eva replied at 8-3-2020 09:55 AM
bila la ugly duck ass ni nak kena kick out dr BRF ?
geram btol i dgn acik megan..harry pn bodohhh..tak habis2 guna nama princess diana..org tu dah mati lama dah..ko pn da tua..tak habis2 mnyusahkn kluarga..apsal la brf tak halau je @ suruh kereta dia buat uturn.. |
Fazzbulous replied at 8-3-2020 11:45 AM
geram btol i dgn acik megan..harry pn bodohhh..tak habis2 guna nama princess diana..org tu dah mat ...
kannn patut halang je x bagi masuk |
Smeg terbangkan khas MUA dia si Daniel Martin from NYC, dia ngaku dlm tweet ni tu hasil kerja dia...Daniel ni Dior Beauty's brand ambassador and creative consultant for Honest Beauty, so memalukan!
maybe muka Smeg is not a good "canvas" for MUA...
the horribly glued falsies tu, nampak mcm someone ejaculated on her eyelids, kan.. 
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kesiannya..nampak loser sgt harry..no title..umpama dah jd rakyat marhaen la kan?hihihihu |
Evil! Evil! Evil! 
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baju tu kalau tak meleret tak sah, willing to spend money on PR rather than a good tailor, nak kata merching, baju ni from last year's season kot..
ehhh. no butt pad kali ni, padded panty sent to laundry ke Smeg? 
Dia ni tak reti nak pakai flattering bra yg accentuates her girls ke? Nampak kelepet & saggy semedang 
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Very well said! 
She is a PARASITE with vagina...
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Mommy trying to "bribe" the kiddos wt books after being away from home for days? 
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