Elle_mujigae posted on 9-5-2013 05:29 AM
Salam.......good morning Mr. Sparks.......
How to trigger that sparks..?
salam jumaat
goooooddddd morninnnngg Miss Sparkles
soo we meet here at easy music listening AB lounge ..
thanks for your respond ..
Oh Addin, you asked a girl who never go beyond the "first sparks" stage..so ya...thats my answer...hehe
its ok .. siniorita .. no problemo ..
just to know your view .. after you give nasehat ..
ok .. i just like to quote here .. it started ..
when your statement ..
Faithful to one person.....
any different ke with my and your view given ..?
do you think to create and built this sparks easy ke ..?
hey remember .. hehe .. you cakap i have good memory .. haha
== == == ==
at d'same time we enjoy our breakfast
itu bukan indian pizza tau .. hehe
breakfast time music ..
on d'music plsss ..
wish you have a very good enjoyable Friday dear Miss Sparkles ..
NorAddin posted on 10-5-2013 08:11 AM
salam jumaat
goooooddddd morninnnngg Miss Sparkles
wow.thats a very hard question indeed..I don't know how many times i read it cuz in the middle of the thinking i kept confusing myself.... but if im not thinking while reading it,I found out..yes, we are talking about a same thing.just using a different words...there is no difference between your view and my view given...
do you think to create and built this sparks easy ke ..?
I don't know....but what I see from the relationship among people who are close to me...it certainly need an effort to create,built and maintain it......
My question to you is, what is your opinion about that girl problem? Honestly,I don't understand why she don't want being honest to that guy..Don't you think it just make things complicated..it's supposed to be simple right?
Elle_mujigae posted on 11-5-2013 04:02 AM
wow.thats a very hard question indeed..I don't know how many times i read it ...
gooooooooooddddy good morning ..
I don't know how many times i read it cuz in the middle of the thinking i kept confusing myself....but if im not thinking while reading it,I found out..yes, we are talking about a same thing.just using a different words...there is no difference between your view and my view given...
wow .. haha ..
using introverted intelligence intuition .. hehe
ok .. hehe .. not bad .. bravoo lady ..
My question to you is, what is your opinion about that girl problem? Honestly,I don't understand why she don't want being honest to that guy..Don't you think it just make things complicated..it's supposed to be simple right?
same with your opinion ..
just worry about her approach towards that guy aje ..
hopefully tidaklah hush sangat walaupun firm and tactful statement itu ..
NorAddin posted on 14-5-2013 05:26 AM
hoho .. eerrmm .. hehe
itz all depend ..
but not as simple as ABC as JC song aahh .. haha
Good morning Addin...........
not as simple huh.....sounds like someone have experienced it before..hehe
erm just wondering is everything okay Addin? You sounds erm different than usual.......too tired perhaps..?...
Elle_mujigae posted on 14-5-2013 11:31 AM
oh okay....have a good rest ye Addin......drink chamomile tea and sleep...hehe
time now 0745 hrs ..
Gooooooooooddd Morniiiiinnngggg ..
ForumCari .. Mission Impossible ..
Piano Cello Violin ft Lindsey Stirling ThePianoGuys ..
Breakfast Time Music ..
NorAddin posted on 16-5-2013 07:46 AM
time now 0745 hrs ..
Gooooooooooddd Morniiiiinnngggg ..
ForumCari ..
Good afternoon!
Addin,look at this girl..she is sooo clever....i found this vid in this thread...hehe
she remembered what she has said and it didn't confused her at all in between the role she played....soo smart kan....
I have white chocolate,regular chocolate and chip..chocolate chips...haha so cute..
NorAddin posted on 22-5-2013 12:24 PM
gooddd afternoonnnnn there ..
i think what the parent is doing is a good strategy for their children to be a bilingual..father speak one language allthe time and the mother speak another language with her...takde campur campur...
erm I realised someone have a sudden interest in introvert personality...I wonder why...
tengah buat research pasal personality ke....hehe
Elle_mujigae posted on 23-5-2013 11:20 AM
i think what the parent is doing is a good strategy for their children to be ...
yoyo ..
hello .. yello .. bello ..
i'm not a person who
search before research ..
i'm a person who did
research after search .. hehe
once you can fly ..
forget me not .. hehe
just remember my name ..
only guy name NorAddin .. hehe
Baby .. look at me and tell me what you see You ain't seen the best of me yet Give me time .. I'll make you forget the rest I've got more in me .. and you can set it free
I can catch the moon in my hand Don't you know who I am? Remember my name ..
NorAddin posted on 23-5-2013 03:44 PM
yoyo ..
hello .. yello .. bello ..
i'm not a person who
search before research ..
i'm a person who did
research after search ..
both are not the same thing meh... macam faham tapi tak faham...hehe
anyway,so have you found anything interesting worth researching?... and How is the research going on....
once you can fly ..
forget me not .. hehe
i can say the same thing to you too...hehe
and that reminds me of this flower called forget me not...so pretty kan...
yoyo ..
hehe .. you make my kefala fening and mengeloning aahh .. haha
both are not the same thing meh... macam faham tapi tak faham...hehe
anyway,so have you found anything interesting worth researching?... and How is the research going on....
search before research .. mengaji sebelum mengkaji ..
ini still finding aahh .. research after search .. mengkaji sesudah mengaji ..
ini dah found aahh .. they are developing ..
macam lagu Bryan Adam .. hehe (Everything i do) i do it for you
Look into my eyes .. you will see
What you mean to me ..
Search your heart .. search your soul .. (search before research)
And when you find me there you'll search no more .. (research after search)
i can say the same thing to you too...hehe
and that reminds me of this flower called forget me not...so pretty kan...
yap .. pretty macam orang nya .. haha
ok ok ..
letz makan together goreng pisang and minum kopi waktu petang ..
and dengar lagu ini .. hehe
NorAddin posted on 29-5-2013 04:28 PM
yoyo ..
hehe .. you make my kefala fening and mengeloning aahh .. haha
search before research .. ...
search before research .. mengaji sebelum mengkaji ..
ini still finding aahh .. research after search .. mengkaji sesudah mengaji ..
ini dah found aahh .. they are developing ..
erm i think i understand.. in other word; stage.
but i disagree with the introvert video though..why wanna be extrovert when you're introvert..being either one is not a bad thing...
Elle_mujigae posted on 30-5-2013 12:42 PM
search before research .. mengaji sebelum mengkaji ..
ini still finding aahh ..
research after s ...
but i disagree with the introvert video though..why wanna be extrovert when you're introvert..being either one is not a bad thing...
concur ..
so long d'a 4 elements fuctionable ..
which mean d'mind and heart workable together ..
so itz ok ..
eerrmm .. but
sometimes we need to keep .. (introvert)
sometimes we need to sell/express .. (extrovert)
to stay balance .. in neutralize position ..
i mean we have left n right mind ..
hopefully tak trap n stuck at left mind aje ..
ini akan buat complicated ..
hey lagu Melody Fair .. boleh tertidor aahh ..
and sedeh sangat violin sound nya .. hrrrmm
ok ok .. jangan sedeh sedeh ..
be happy .. dont worry ..
today your special day kan ..
soo letz enjoy .. haha .. yeehaaa ..
Hey .. I've been driving all over the town
On my cellphone wearin' it out
And I've finally tracked you down
Hey .. everybody says you're the man
The final piece to my master plan
You got my world in the palm of your hand
NorAddin posted on 1-6-2013 11:31 AM
concur ..
so long d'a 4 elements fuctionable ..
which mean d'mind and heart workable together ...
so long d'a 4 elements fuctionable ..
which mean d'mind and heart workable together ..
What you mean by the 4 elements ya....oh is it the intj,istj etc tinge...elemen yang ini ke....
Actually quite interesting you find the melody fair song is sad cuz for me,it is a sweet happy song...hehe
And of ALL the song in the world Addin, there you go, "Fake ID" song. on my birthday. so funny la you..
Anyway,Thank you for the birthday wish...so sweet... but i dont want pancake.i like cheesecake...
Elle_mujigae posted on 3-6-2013 04:43 AM
so long d'a 4 elements fuctionable ..
which mean d'mind and heart workable together ..
What you mean by the 4 elements ya....oh is it the intj,istj etc tinge...elemen yang ini ke....
elleeee .. mujigaeeeeeeeeeeee ..
وعليکم السلام ورحمة الله وبرکاته
dan atas kamu kembali selamat sejahtera dan rahmat Allah dan d'berkati ..
errmm .. kat vividkan dah ada ..
so you just juggle when you want to apply it ..
all must coordinate .. dividing propotionally .. intorvert n extrovert ..
based on which area you are at .. wants and needs ..
as a muslim .. i tak suka labeling someone dia Intj Entj Istj Estj Entp Enfp Entp Estp ..
Actually quite interesting you find the melody fair song is sad cuz for me,it is a sweet happy song...hehe
And of ALL the song in the world Addin, there you go, "Fake ID" song. on my birthday. so funny la you..
Anyway,Thank you for the birthday wish...so sweet... but i dont want pancake.i like cheesecake...
yap .. interesting .. hehe ..
kalau Bee Gees nyanyi ok .. tak meleret sangat .. hehe
no lah .. that 'Fake ID' kan rancak .. haha
ok ok how about lagu ni .. hehe
Erm you suka pancake ke Addin..in this page alone there are 3 pancake pictures...
as a muslim .. i tak suka labeling someone dia Intj Entj Istj Estj Entp Enfp Entp Estp ..
Tak islamic ke the myers-brigg personality classification..i took the test several times before dan agak tak puas hati sbb my result,there is no strong attributes..for each categories i got weak preferences je....erm..
Since few years back,i dah kurang dengar lagu yg rancak2 ni....dah tua i guess...