[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories
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Smeg dlm 2 pics ni mmg nampak demonic sgt...
dia ingat org tak perasan ke dia copy Kate nye laughing pose, shallow as usual 
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Calculative Smeg! 
Link: Meghan Markle's decision to publish photos of her at theatre wasn't an accident
Meghan Markle's decision to publish photos of her at theatre wasn't an accident
The Sussexes wanted out from a lifetime of duty but it's a shame for the rest of the family and loyal staff holding the monarchy together they decided to start before their notice period ends
By Russell Myers
23:07, 6 MAR 2020 l UPDATED07:15, 7 MAR 2020
In the world of the influencer where every post is crafted, image is everything.
Meghan’s decision to hand out PR pictures of her laughing at the National Theatre didn’t happen by accident.
It’s understood the Duchess of Sussex made a plea for them to be placed, ensuring maximum coverage as she goes through the last few moments of her life in The Firm.
It’s fair to say operating to a catalogue of rules, with the central pillar being to not upset the family, hasn’t been Harry and Meghan’s strong point.
So it should come as no surprise Meghan went up against Camilla.
The backdrop of ignoring the wishes of the advisers they sacked is a telling sign of how bad relations are.
The Sussexes wanted out from a lifetime of duty.
It’s just a shame for the rest of the family and loyal staff holding the monarchy together they decided to start before their notice period ends.
These are spot on, drpd warga tumblr!
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snazzydaisy replied at 8-3-2020 12:33 PM
Smeg terbangkan khas MUA dia si Daniel Martin from NYC, dia ngaku dlm tweet ni tu hasil kerja dia. ...
So horrible! I think molek lagi makeup zaman suits..and she need to invest on kim k skims underwear..beza betul her body curve bila pakai dress merah meleret tu.. |
hey TP, the weightless teases are getting lame already, we want real tea if you're legit 
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Still adjusting to the new dentures huh Smeg.... 
I menyampah gilaaa dgn their constant hands holding, ingatkan dah berubah dah! 
Meghan's back is now vacuum-packed into a cheap dress 
dani-rox replied at 6-3-2020 04:14 PM
"excuse me, ai dulu..."
Goshhhh!!! .. Bebetul kena nasi kangkang ke Harry neh? Pokemon punya Megatron!!  |
snazzydaisy replied at 8-3-2020 02:14 PM
I menyampah gilaaa dgn their constant hands holding, ingatkan dah berubah dah!
Lepas tengok video ni, i do believe that something is not right with Just Harry. I mean, he do really look ‘trapped’.. What-have-I-done- kind of look. |
snazzydaisy replied at 8-3-2020 04:36 PM
cer tgk ni pulak... terlepas tgn sbb dihalang dek meja, the she quickly grabbed balik tgn Harry, m ...
Byk tgk video, nampak mcm meghan susah nk jalan dengan kasut tumit tinggi atau kasut dia mcm besar. |
eva replied at 8-3-2020 09:57 AM
dia suka, dia berkenan.. kalau x suka kenapa dia ajak kawin?
Nanti dah tak suka kena tinggal kena cerai huhuhu, dorang ni ada prenup x? |
snazzydaisy replied at 8-3-2020 04:36 PM
cer tgk ni pulak... terlepas tgn sbb dihalang dek meja, then she quickly grabbed balik tgn Harry, ...
They are trying too hard la nak tunjuk macam dorg ni loving couple sampai nampak abnormal. They need to learn sometime less is more. |
rosewhite replied at 7-3-2020 06:39 AM
On March 06, 2020, The Duchess of Cornwall attended the Grand Opening Session of the Women of the Wo ...
Cantik gak acik camilla ne |
eva replied at 7-3-2020 07:03 PM
haaa.. teori uols le tu dia dah tukar jadi baphomet
betul agaknya hahaha
c jenglot awal2 guwe suda cuma agak dia ada setan,saka dan skali tu dikatakan khadamnya..asal bercakap seorang itulah plannya nak hncurkan BRF...akhirnya pula c harry ni kusut tu pula jd homeless penampilannya haahha..padan muka..seorang gila and seorang pula setan |
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