kalau nak recommend citer yg x de org tgk..ssh sket la kut. tp citer yg x ramai org tgk ha..ok jgk.
mcm citer kat bawah ni:
A young man's infatuation for a beautiful older woman blooms amidst the outbreak of World War II in this bittersweet comedy-drama from Italy. Renato (Giuseppe Sulfaro) is a 13-year-old boy growing up in a small Sicilian community. Mussolini has risen to power and has declared war upon England and France, but Renato has other things on his mind -- mostly girls. While hanging out with his friends by the seashore, Renato spies Mal鑞a (Monica Bellucci), the daughter of one of his schoolteachers, whose husband Nino (Gaetano Aronica) is fighting with Mussolini's army. Renato is immediately obsessed with Mal鑞a and follows her like a lost puppy, spying on her whenever circumstances permit and imagining her as his co-star in elaborate erotic fantasies inspired by his favorite movies. Renato, however, is hardly the only man in town to be struck by Mal鑞a's charms, and her beauty leads to resentment from the women of the community. Mal鑞a's circumstances take a turn for the worst after her husband is reported to have died in combat, and she is forced to resort to prostitution to survive; she is brutally attacked by a pack of angry matrons and driven from town. Renato tries to keep track of her, and has some less than encouraging news to report when Nino turns out to be alive and finds his spouse is missing. Mal鑞a was written and directed by Giuseppe Tornatore, best known for the art-house hit Nuovo Cinema Paradiso; Mal鑞a was released in Europe at 106 minutes, while the American version was edited by ten minutes to tighten the pace and remove nudity and sexual material considered too strong for the U.S. marketplace. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide
dah tengo ceta rec...sapa suka film witch blair tu suka kot tengo ceta ni...
tropa de elite mcm bes jer....nak try carik...
nolita dh tgk citer witch blair nih..mase dok sane dlu..sewa tape..pastu cm trauma x leh tdo sorang2..cos citer betol kan?dhtuh mase tuh dok kt virginia,smpadan ngan maryland nih...bab khemah die kne goncang n bunyi baby nangis tuh nolita dh nangis dh..kikiki..
salem witch trials ni selain drpd yg kat atas ni, ada beberapa lg film yg diterbitkan berkenaan dgn ceritanya. x termasuk lagi documentary n penerbitan-penerbitan lain. x pandai sangat nak ulas tp secara ringkasnya, ianya berkenaan penentangan penganut kristian masa tu terhadap witchcraft. wynona rider mmg sgt sesuai bawa watak2 mcm ni.
movie ni aku tonton (terpaksa--haha) dgn classmate, prof. kopanski suh tgk, waktu kelas plak tu. dtg tgk je dpt markah. pe bole buat,patut la x ramai org nak major history.
ada 1 lagi movie yg dia made us watch dulu, ttg Rasputin. tapi bila aku google ada banyak rupanya movie about Rasputin ni, so aku pun da x igt which one yg kami tonton dulu.
sweet sangat cerita ni. about a deaf girl yg befriend the perkins sibling (elli & sammy). girl yg pekak ni, Alice dalam masa yg sama juga ada epilepsi. so, dalam pada dia berkawan dengan sammy & elli ni, sammy ni mula rasa suka pada alice ni, tp sbb kekurangan alice (pekak, ada sawan, pastu sbb dah lama terkurung dalam bangsal-bapak dia kurung), so dia jd malu kalau org tau dia couple dgn alice. tp adik dia si ellie ni mmg suka kat alice. walaupun jalan cerita dia agak biasa dan agak predictable, tapi aku suka latar belakang cerita ni (60s aku rs). pastu elemen sweet2 dia tu mmg sweet la..n korang boleh tgk reese whiterspoon muda lagik dlm citer nih. bdk2 lg.
pada yg belum pernah tgk, klip kat bawah ni sum up citer ni dr mula smp akhir (lebih kurang la..). enjoy!!
nolita dh tgk citer witch blair nih..mase dok sane dlu..sewa tape..pastu cm trauma x leh tdo sorang2..cos citer betol kan?dhtuh mase tuh dok kt virginia,smpadan ngan maryland nih...bab khemah ...
aku tak tau la nak rekemen korang tengok atau nak soh korang jangan tengok cite ni
Ben Hur : Tale of Christ
masa dedolu menang banyak awards.
Kalau ada kesabaran tengok cite 3 jam setengah, bolehla layan kot. Aku cuma masih tertanya, tang mana yang best sangat sampai banyak anugerah kasik kat cite ni Aku tengok cite ni, kejap pause buat kerja lain, lepas tu tengok lagi. Habis jugak akhirnya
BTW, cite ni adaptasi dari novel dari tajuk yang sama tulisan Lew Wallace