NorAddin posted on 11-7-2013 01:08 AM
yoyo .. helloooooooo ..
elleeeeeeeeeeeee .. sleepy eehh ..
Erm so far the thing with puasa ni bukannya lapar tu sebagai cabaran sangat..tapi sleepiness like more challenging to fight...*yawning*
I found this song...nice....I think mcm lagu lama je ni...
This one is the orchestra version..quite long the video..hehe but nice to see different version by different kind of musical instrument..
Elle_mujigae posted on 12-7-2013 04:12 PM
Erm so far the thing with puasa ni bukannya lapar tu sebagai cabaran sangat..tap ...
السلام عليکم ورحمة الله وبرکاته
selamat sejahtera atas kamu dan rahmat Allah dan d'berkati ..
Elleeeee ..
How is Ramadhan going on ..?
Erm so far the thing with puasa ni bukannya lapar tu sebagai cabaran sangat..tapi sleepiness like more challenging to fight...*yawning*
Worry not .. fully understood .. hehe
yap .. uols ladies must be tired aahh ..
busy preparing breakfast (iftar/berbuka)
wakeup early morning prepare supper (sahur) lagi ..
abis tu nak clean up pulak .. hrrmm
hope uols buat dengan jujur dan ikhlas .. kerana Lillah ..
bcoz itz a justifiable deed .. u will get rewards .. insyAllah
Bless you .. May Allah bless you .. Amiin
yap siang hari .. surely in hibernate mode mood .. hehe
coz uols need to built and regain d'strength back ..
so itz ok .. i faham ..
I found this song...nice....I think mcm lagu lama je ni...
This one is the orchestra version..quite long the video..hehe but nice to see different version by different kind of musical instrument..
yap .. yap .. cool babe cool .. hehe .. superb ..
come come we dengar lagu classic hindustani song ..
itz happened during winter .. errmm .. at Khasmir India ..
where 'Yahoo' was founded .. haha
very funny song .. but luv to watch .. hehe
but ini snow belum melt .. dah happen n happening ..
yaaahooo .. !
First week of Ramadhan..erm banyakyg perlu diperbaiki lagi....hehe...too much complaining..I think my perangai mcm budak baru belajar puasa je..normally puasa di bulan selain Ramadhan I okay je,don't know why so mengada ngada pula bila puasa di bln Ramadhan...... nanti kalau I complain lagi mcm mcm dgn you pasal makanan ke,you just say,Elle shut up..loled of course, you cannot said the exact word..have to say it in the nicest possible way..
How about you Addin? You pergi terawih it far the mosque from your apartment? Hehejust wondering........
abis tu nak clean up pulak .. hrrmm
Yes,it always the clean up part that I am lazy to do.....lepas mkn jadi malas.........
Easy listening staring-at-the-ceiling kind of song.......... Hihi
Yg lagu hindustan tu nice, and famous ae...cuma the actress tak kenal,I think my mom mesti kenal...=)
Elle_mujigae posted on 16-7-2013 10:01 AM
Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Addinnnnnnnnn......
First week of Ramadhan..erm ban ...
yoyo .. Helloooooo .. Elleeeee
haha .. normal aahh ..
ofcoz .. we always can improve to be better .. rite
i pun sometimes ada my kid times aahh .. hehe
nak makan ice cream lah .. chocolate .. sweet .. kind kid stuff aahh .. haha
no lah .. i will never speak something harsh towards my special one ..
First week of Ramadhan..erm banyakyg perlu diperbaiki lagi....hehe...too much complaining..I think my perangai mcm budak baru belajar puasa je..normally puasa di bulan selain Ramadhan I okay je,don't know why so mengada ngada pula bila puasa di bln Ramadhan...... nanti kalau I complain lagi mcm mcm dgn you pasal makanan ke,you just say,Elle shut up..loled of course, you cannot said the exact word..have to say it in the nicest possible way..
How about you Addin? You pergi terawih it far the mosque from your apartment? Hehejust wondering....
me normal aahh .. always take light food .. tak heavy aahh ..
eehh but i tak tahu masak tau .. haha ..
like mee hong Kong bukan i masak .. hehe
terawih ..?
kalau at my homeland .. now ..
no lahh .. i pegi 'Hard Rock Cafe' hehe .. walking distance aje ..
usually Monday - Wednesday ..
Friday nite onwards .. family affair congregation .. ada Karaoke session .. haha
sometimes i will be d'lead singer .. hehe
Yes,it always the clean up part that I am lazy to do.....lepas mkn jadi malas.........
me .. after abis iftar .. kena clean dish/glass sendiri .. haha
so d'rest tak berapa heavy .. for ummi to do ..
hey that classic hindustani song haha .. i lagi tak tahu .. random selection jumpa ..
then d'lyrics suit at d'moment movement engagement .. nice to hear .. thatz it .. hehe
NorAddin posted on 17-7-2013 03:31 AM
yoyo .. Helloooooo .. Elleeeee
haha .. normal aahh ..
Salam Jumaat Addinnn......
sorry I lambat reply......tak marah kan...
nak makan ice cream lah .. chocolate .. sweet .. kind kid stuff aahh .. haha
Actually you cakap pasal chocolate,make me berangan to have ferrero rocher as kuih raya...ganti almond london...
haha tapi itulah,boleh berangan saja..mahal sekarang ni choco tu...
the karaoke and Hard rock tinge is funny after I know what the real meaning of it..... =P
cepat je kan dah nak akhir Ramadhan...erm... jangan lupa beli baju raya..sempat selalu busy here and there,sekali-sekala shopping la sikit utk diri sendiri.....arasseo... =)
next week dah nak beraya,Insyaallah kalau panjang umur...
that bersabarlah sayang song is a sad song for raya..
even the song kurung biru you letak kat thread sana pun sedih....
kitadengar lagu happy sikit for Raya okie dokie...jangan sedih-sedih... =)
*still dalam bulan puasa la Addin,tak boleh letak coffee lagi...
Elle_mujigae posted on 2-8-2013 02:15 PM
Salam Jumaat Addinnn......
sorry I lambat reply......tak marah kan...
salam dear Elleeeee ..
itz ok .. just appreciate alot for reply ..
no .. no .. no marah and no geram .. seronok .. hehe
nak akhir Ramadhan
Rasulullah SAW bersabda: 'Jika sekiranya umatku mengetahui segala (kebaikan) di bulan Ramadhan, nescaya mereka menginginkan supaya sepanjang tahun itu menjadi Ramadhan, kerana semua kebaikan berkumpul di bulan Ramadhan,
NorAddin posted on 6-8-2013 10:04 AM
okie dokie .. lovey dovey ..
Selamat Hari Raya.....
I nak minta maaf Addin..sepanjang kita kenal,kalau ada tersakitkan hati you ke,saying rude words ke,for talking too much sometimes and for being too emotional sometimes..sorry...
before u cakap .. i cakap dulu .. hehe
i nak duit raya .. haha
macam tahu tahu je I nak minta duit raya kat dia..hahaha
I tak pernah lagi bagi duit raya kat yang kena beri okay...
I'm fine with $200...
hey you dah beli baju raya belum..erm I guess belum la tu..
Elle_mujigae posted on 6-8-2013 10:27 AM
Selamat Hari Raya.....
yuhuuuuu ..
hellooooooo .. is it me u looking for .. haha
Selamat Hari Raya.....
I nak minta maaf Addin..sepanjang kita kenal,kalau ada tersakitkan hati you ke,saying rude words ke,for talking too much sometimes and for being too emotional sometimes..sorry...
same with me too .. .. 0=0 ..
I'm fine with $200...
haaa .. you kena fine .. i mesti bayar eehh .. hehe
ini tak adil .. haha
nah .. xtra RM100 ..
hey you dah beli baju raya belum..erm I guess belum la tu..
NorAddin posted on 6-8-2013 11:03 AM
yuhuuuuu ..
hellooooooo .. is it me u looking for .. haha
Hi.............. =)
Of course not that kind of 'fine'
kan ada dollar sign kat depan 200 tu,maknanya the duit raya should be in SGD200 not RM200....
haha just kidding...of course..
Gamis is jubah kan....erm Tak kisah la you nak pakai baju raya apa,at least pergi shopping for raya...hehe
shopping is fun..tadi I got free gift,lip conditioner when I bought some powder...I tak minta nice that sales girl... =)
I don't know where you celebrate your raya,but I hope you have an awesome moments with your family...
tak kisah la raya kat bandar ke,kampung ke,,,as long as celebrate with our family,it is all that matter kan..... =)
somehow I dah boring dengar lagu raya...hehe so ya...
this is Good night song... hehe
NorAddin posted on 6-8-2013 11:03 AM
yuhuuuuu ..
hellooooooo .. is it me u looking for .. haha
Addinnnnn,Happy 63rd Birthday!
So nice,birthday same day with raya...double celebration...hehe......
On your special day,I wish for you,happiness with your loved ones..
Semoga mendapat kebahagiaan di dunia dan di akhirat... =)
birthday song time....
So...what do you want for your birthday.......haha cakap mcm I boleh bagi hadiah je kan....
Elle_mujigae posted on 8-8-2013 05:24 PM
Addinnnnn,Happy 63rd Birthday!
yoyo ..
heyyyyyy .. haha .. tq tq ..
Addinnnnn,Happy 63rd Birthday!
So nice,birthday same day with raya...double celebration...hehe......
On your special day,I wish for you,happiness with your loved ones..
Semoga mendapat kebahagiaan di dunia dan di akhirat... =)
Alhamdulillah .. syukran ..
yap .. in conjunction ..
i also nak wish you Eid Mubarak ..
NorAddin posted on 10-8-2013 12:09 PM
helloooooooooo ..
err..susah la nak reply post ni...termenung I dibuatnya...haha..I tak faham..I mean takkan you nak I "mendendangkan" lagu to be consider as the "present" for you kot...
nyanyi tak boleh,main piano boleh la sikit2...