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Author: elitesfitness

All About Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Post time 21-4-2012 11:05 PM | Show all posts
  ... just round flower market ..
DocYana Post at 21-4-2012 17:59

flower market ni dok tang mana yana ?? bukan out of place dari tempat attraction yang besa2 tu ker ..
ok, GVB confirm kene beli ..

sedih pulak tengok perempuan2 carik rezeki cara nie ..

konsep pompuan dalam glass ni aiolls pernah nengok kat hatyai .. tepek bedak je 5 inci .. takde yang lawa .. and muka memasing sume muka ke-boring-an, al maklum, rasa ai lah derang pun tanak buat kije nie .. tokeh mak ayam yang dok menjual pompuan ni, pulak kemain lagi, kasik promo .. and siap halau ai lagik ..

ada singgah tak kedai perfume kat schipol ? derang kata murah kat situ ..

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Post time 21-4-2012 11:08 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1267# whiteberry

Albert Cuyp Market nie area De Pijp. Mcm Yana stay kat area centraal station, yana amik tram number 16 atau 24 kat depan centraal station tu, dia akan bgtau the next stop tu berenti utk tourist spot accent diorg pekat sikit so kena dgr betul2. Tapi.....kalau dah duduk dlm tram tu....kalau perati belah kiri, nampak khemah panjangggggggg...tu market la tu.....khemah tu permanent kat situ...agak jauh jugak dari area ledseplein tapi nak menapak boleh aje.....yana round nie sentiasa ada map dlm tangan, Berry.....

Kalau nak pergi flower market, yana naik tram number 1,2 atau 5. Lepas stop SPUI tu stop utk flower market la. Flower market nie, dlm pukul 9 tu dah yana dtg sini dulu, then terus ke Kalverstraat pulak....

Nanti korg jgn konfius ek....dia driver belah kiri....ada satu masa tu, hubby perati ada lorry bergerak, belah seat kanan depan tu, ada anjing, dia sepintas lalu ingat anjing tu bawak lori....hahaha......anyway, bus stop and tram stop dia berbeza la dgn kita....memula tu yana selalu konfius bus stop duduk belah kanan or kiri jalan.....naik bus atau tram pun terbalik dgn kita or London.....

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Post time 21-4-2012 11:13 PM | Show all posts
Reply  inamess

Masa Yana pergi, yana baca experience org lain jugak.....tapi bila da ...
DocYana Post at 21-4-2012 22:58

ada tak jumpa pasar  indon .. nampak signage tu kat kawan nyer gambar ..
dia pulak dah lupa kat ner ..   

bila mention indon kat amsterdam ni, mesti teringat kat natrah ..
budak pompuan anak angkat che aminah yang kene balik ams, sebab isu ugama ..
sentimental sket tang citer nih ..

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Post time 21-4-2012 11:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1269# aishahahmad

Flower market or BLOEMEN Market, dia terletak atas air, konsep dia macam floating market tp tak la macam floating market kat vietnam tu....yg tu mmg betuk floating......
Area dia antara Koningsplein dgn Rembrandtplein ...kalau tgk dlm map, nampak ada tali air antara dua plein tu, situ la flower market.....kalau naik tram, number 1,2 atau 5.

Sebelum terlupa, kalau guna kad GVB, masa masuk kena swipe, masa nak kuar pun kena swipe.....dia akan berbunyi bila kita swipe kad tu....
Beli je kad nie, kalau sesat pun, seberang jalan, patah balik takde sape nak marah.....hehehe.

O O Ooooo.....lupa nak ckp, masa yana nak balik hari jumaat tu, kat Dam Square, dkt dgn madam tussaud dia, ada satu dataran. Diorg tgh set up fun fair kat situ masa kami nak balik.....tak tahu la berapa lama....siap ada mini london eye, ada game macam kat amusement park yg duduk atas kerusi lepas tu dia bawak naik tinggi2 and then turun laju2 ke bumi tu....ada yg macam buaian yg punya la tinggi...yana tgk pun gayat.....and then stall games tu jgn ckp la....

Dia ada rumah hantu.....jgn nak kata la nak compare dgn rumah hantu fun fair malaysia....siap ada witch atas penyapu berpusing2 kat atas rumah hantu tu......rasa sayang pulak dah kena balik...

Weather wise, amsterdam mmg wet and miserable...cuma masa yana kat situ, hujan kejap2 je.....and ada tika2 matahari menyinar hari kami bertolak balik mmg hujan betul.....

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Post time 21-4-2012 11:23 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1269# aishahahmad

Jgn main2....perempuan dlm tingkap tu semua cantik2 okeyyy......antara rumah2 tu pulak ada la non stop porn show bla bla....siap panggil2 org masuk. Jgn amik gambar perempuan dlm tingkap tu....nanti ada bouncer dia mai tegur....kalau nak amik gambar jalan tu secara general, takpe....yana tgk ramai je amik gambar....

Setgh tu siap ketuk2 tingkap cari pelanggan.....

Tapi mmg cantik la diorg......

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Post time 21-4-2012 11:37 PM | Show all posts
Reply  aishahahmad

Jgn main2....perempuan dlm tingkap tu semua cantik2 okeyyy...... ...
DocYana Post at 21-4-2012 23:23

Jgn main2..perempuan dlm tingkap tu half of them are student ok....shocking but true..

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Post time 21-4-2012 11:49 PM | Show all posts
Reply  aishahahmad

Jgn main2....perempuan dlm tingkap tu semua cantik2 okeyyy...... ... setengah tu siap ketuk2 tingkap carik pelanggan ..
DocYana Post at 21-4-2012 23:23

drama ketuk mengetuk tingkap ni start kul baper yana  ???

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Post time 22-4-2012 12:00 AM | Show all posts
Dlm 7stgh, lapan tu boleh dah nak pergi tgk.....
Time mlm mmg meriah la......
Siap lambai2, bagi flying kiss......

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Post time 22-4-2012 12:04 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1276# DocYana

Blue light district yana pergi dop

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Post time 22-4-2012 12:27 AM | Show all posts
drama ketuk mengetuk tingkap ni start kul baper yana  ???
aishahahmad Post at 21-4-2012 23:49

eh..akak pegi hari apa yer? jangan hari sabtu sudah.. ramai betul org..nnt akak termasok ke lorong yg kena U turn tu siap lah...

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Post time 22-4-2012 12:30 AM | Show all posts
Reply  DocYana

Blue light district yana pergi dop
whiteberry Post at 22-4-2012 00:04

ni sorang lagi... kalau nak pegi tgk pegi yg stock2 mahal punya...
yg murah2 punya better dont.. cam mike tyson punya body and shading...

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Post time 22-4-2012 02:53 AM | Show all posts
Things to do and places to visit in Amsterdam..


The Rijksmuseum Amsterdam is the national museum of the Netherlands.

The Van Gogh Museum specialises in works by Vincent van Gogh.

The Stedelijk Museum specialises in modern art.

The Rembrandt House Museum specialises in works by Rembrandt van Rijn.

The Anne Frank House is a museum dedicated to the apartments where the Frank family hid from the nazis during WWII.

The Hermitage Amsterdam is a branch of the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

The Tropenmuseum, anthropological museum.

The NEMO (museum), the science museum in a building that looks like a sinking ship.

The Burcht, National Trade Unions Museum built by Hendrik Petrus Berlage.

The Verzetsmuseum, the Amsterdam resistance museum.

The Amsterdams Historisch Museum, Amsterdam’s historical museum.

The Allard Pierson Museum, Archaeological Museum of the University of Amsterdam.

The Bijbels Museum, where the Bible, art and culture meet in a monument full of history.

The Filmmuseum, Holland’s museum for cinematography.

The Joods Historisch Museum, The Jewish Historical Museum collects objects and works of art associated with the religion, culture
and history of the Jews in the Netherlands and its former colonies.

The Museum Van Loon, a home on the canal. The double-sized canal house dates from 1672.

The Nederlands Scheepvaart Museum, museum about Dutch maritime history. Due to renovation closed from January 2007, until 2011.

The Pianola Museum is a museum about pianos and pianolas.

The Handbag Museum is a museum of handbags and purses.

The Kattenkabinet is a museum about cats.

The Universiteitsmuseum is the University of Amsterdam museum.

The Magere Brug is probably the most famous draw bridge in Amsterdam. The Blauwe Brug connects the Rembrandtplein area with the
Waterlooplein area.

The Python Bridge connects Sporenburg to Borneo Island and won the International Footbridge Award 2002.

The Jan Schaeferbrug, built in 2001 straight through warehouse De Zwijger, after a design by architect T. Venhoeven.

Het Schip is a museum about the Amsterdam School architectural movement of the early 20th century.

The Amsterdam Dungeon is a unique combination of a museum, theatre and an attraction park.

Museum Geelvinck-Hinlopen, a mansion on the Herengracht, with four period rooms and a tranquil garden.

Diamond Museum Amsterdam is a museum at the Museumplein about the history of diamonds.

Royal Palace (Amsterdam), former city hall, built in 1648. Stopera, Cityhall and Opera.

Kalvertoren, shopping mall located in the busy Kalverstraat.

AEX, stock trading building.

Beurs van Berlage, was designed as a commodity exchange by architect Hendrik Petrus Berlage.

Centraal Station, Neo Gothic building.

De Waag, part of the city fortifications was built in 1481-1494.

Montelbaanstoren, the tower was built in 1512 as a part of the city fortification.

Munttoren, the tower was built in 1619-1620 and it is the southern tower among all other ones in Amsterdam.

Pakhuis De Zwijger, built in 1933-1934 after a design by architect J. de Bie Leuveling Tjeenk, this was a warehouse for cooling

The house with the waterfall, at the Zuiderkerkhof. Nieuwe Wereld, by architects Meyer and Van Schooten. The name goes back to the
1980s when squatters lived here and called their place ‘End of the World’.

Barcelona Building, building from 1993 by architect B. Albert on the Levantkade.

Emerald Empire, building on the far end of KNSM Lane by architect J. Coenen.

The Magna Plaza, a former post office dating back to 1899 and it was converted to a shopping mall in 1990.

The Whale, mega-apartment building by architect F. van Dongen. It took five years to complete (1995-2000).

Skydome, 60 meter tall towerblock was designed by architect W. Arets and has 3 vertical dents.

Lloydhotel, was built between 1917-1920 to serve as an emigrants hotel.

Oost-Indisch Huis, Since 1606 till 1798 former headquarters of VOC (The United Dutch East Asia Company), a 17th Century Dutch
trading giant.

Rembrandt Tower, a 135 metres high skyscraper.

Bijlmerbajes, a prison in Amsterdam near the Amstel station.

Amsterdam ArenA, a football stadium in Amsterdam home to football club Ajax.

Begijnhof, Amsterdam, one of the oldest inner courts in Amsterdam.

The Portuguese Synagogue, impressive building was founded in 1670 by the Sephardic Jewish community.

El Tawheed Mosque, a mosque in Amsterdam, founded in 1986.

Homomonument, a memorial in the centre of Amsterdam commemorating all gay men and lesbians who have been subjected to persecution because of their sexual orientation.

Millennium Tower (Amsterdam), a 97.5 metre tall (24 floor) office building in Amsterdam.

Olympisch Stadion (Amsterdam), was built as the main stadium for the 1928 Summer Olympics. It was designed by the architect Jan

The Amsterdam Metro, a three main lines in the metro system.

Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (Public Library) by architect J. Coenen on Oosterdokseiland, next to Central Station. Has a
wonderful view over the city.

Diamond Factories

Amsterdam Diamond Centre.

Coster Diamonds, one of the oldest diamond polishing factories in the Netherlands.

Gassan Diamonds.

Zazare Diamonds


The Dam, the central square of Amsterdam, where stands the Royal Palace on the Dam and the Netherlands National Monument.


Leidseplein, a plaza on the southwest end of the Leidsestraat.

Muntplein, at the intersection of Kalverstraat and Rokin, a town square centered on the old Tower of the Mint (Munttoren).

Museumplein, southwest of the Rijksmuseum, holds the Stedelijk Museum and the Van Gogh Museum.


Waterlooplein, south of the Rembrandt House Museum, the site of an open-air market.

Markenplein, a place which holds Netherlands Film and Television Academy (NFTA), close by the Waterlooplein.

Azartplein, is the end of the Java Island walk, crossing this square will lead to KNSM Island.

Open-Air Markets

Albert Cuyp Markt, great open-air food marked in the borough De Pijp.

Waterlooplein, south of the Rembrandt House Museum, the site of an open-air market.

Dappermarkt, open-air food and cloths market in the borough Dapperbuurt.

Noordermarkt, Saturday market for organic food.

Tsaar Peter Markt, small daily marked in the Tsaar Peter street.

Bloemenmarkt, the famous and only floating flower market.

Artis, the oldest zoo in the Netherlands.

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Post time 22-4-2012 07:23 AM | Show all posts
eh..akak pegi hari apa yer? jangan hari sabtu sudah.. ramai betul org..nnt akak termasok ke loro ...
LelaRentaka7 Post at 22-4-2012 00:27

tak men u-turn2 nih ..
sebab gi rabu, khamis ..

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Post time 22-4-2012 07:26 AM | Show all posts
Things to do and places to visit in Amsterdam..

Open Air Markets

LelaRentaka7 Post at 22-4-2012 02:53

takde program yang paling atas sekali but dis one ..   
albert cuyp market ...

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Post time 22-4-2012 06:54 PM | Show all posts

Nie gambar gerai waffle di Albert Cuyp Market. Waffle biasa with icing sugar is Euro2.50. Kalau ada dua jenis topping, then tambah 0.50cent each topping.

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Post time 22-4-2012 06:59 PM | Show all posts

Another gerai di Albert Cuyp Market. Jual cheese.
Belakang gerai2 nie semua ada kedai shop lot lepas browse gerai, boleh browse kedai pulak.

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Post time 22-4-2012 07:02 PM | Show all posts

Albert Cuyp Market. Suka tgk anjing2 yang dibawak oleh tuan2 diorg berjalan. Ada tu duduk dlm bas - elok je duduk diam2 kat tpt letak barang kat depan. Ada yg duduk sebelah tuan diorg. Ada yg kecik. Ada yg besar. Cute semuanya.....

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Post time 22-4-2012 07:09 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by DocYana at 22-4-2012 19:15

Masa hubby pergi tgk tshirt Belanda kat kedai souvenir di area depan Hard Rock Cafe - Yana pergi tgk org locals main chess gergasi nie.....

Nie area Max Euwnplein - boleh nampak kat belah atas kiri gambar. Kalau berjalan dari Museumplein (ala, tpt I AMSTERDAM tu ler) - hala ke kiri - akan ada satu signboard kecik cinonet, ada anak panah and tulis HRC Amsterdam. Ikut je jalan tu, akan sampai satu jalan besar....dlm 300m kot....tapi dekat je la.

Di jalan nie akan nampak terusan. Tepi terusan tu bleh nampak HRC. Tapi HRC dia kecik la....masuk bebudak2 tourist, serabut otak la nak membeli pun payah.

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Post time 22-4-2012 07:18 PM | Show all posts

Nie windmills di Zaanse Schans

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Post time 22-4-2012 07:20 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by DocYana at 22-4-2012 19:32

Dlm Zaanse Schans area, dia ada byk rumah2 and kedai2 and bilik pameran and windmills scattered dlm taman tu. Ada yg free, ada yg kena bayar. Biasanya tourist masuk yg free je la. Yang paling popular adalah Rumah Terompah and Rumah Cheese.

Yang nie gambar dlm rumah terompah - dia ada la buat muzium kecik berkenaan terompah kat dlm tu.....


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