-> sgt2 self indulgence in sense of attitude, mcm lelaki gedik merengek nak ps3 , but ai like. tone dan nyanyian sgt control. the character yg he portrays and deliver sgt2 yummy and lurving it.... bila heyols sebut 'swingggg' emmm macho gittew....
ai dapat lihat dia mcm watak dalam sim city . xtually, nethin special pun dgn vocal dia, tp keremajaan dan cuteness scotty ini sgt menarik.
james durbin
-> err masa stefano try untuk menjerit tiru james durbin, sorew dia berubah jadi nyahbobot {:1_126:}
intro ai laike. dgn pancaragam segala. ala2 adam lambert lah pula.. dah macam enyanyi vitas lah fulak, ala2 opera 2. quite layen dr yg layen... mmm.. kinda lurving it jugewr...
-> bila justin buat growl tiru haley, sore dia mcm meow gatal qannn..
ai kagum, actually byk teknik yg indah di apply oleh haley ini, so full of colors i wud say... laksana kertas kosong, dan di warnakan dgn pelbagai keriangan...... mmm dia nampak jelita tonite.... her big note was awesome, good control, nice falsetto, and disconnected technique, beautiful growling , vibratto and nice headtone... her sultry tone, and her vocal composition toward this singing sgt2 hebat!!! begitu jua dgn her careograpy, all nicely done. uols, ini menunjuk she did her homework very well!.. it need a lot of effort to make it work!.. honestly i wud lurve to buy her single. oh ai terus tidak imagine adelle mlm ini.
-> her voice waz not as beautiful as luther vandros.. or maybe he cud have a better vocal careography... there are many parts that i feel sgt weird in every aspect, somehow, ai tak rasa apa2.... nothing.. lagu ni patutnya buat ai emotion dan indah terbuai .. remembering my father!
obviously, he overdoing it.. her blasting big note toward the end totally killed this song.. but in a bad way.....
eh today dia nampak hensom.. ai hairan juri lelaki ni suka, haruslah dia menggap presentation jacob today ini setanding dgn luther vandross qannn... euwwwwwww
-> as expected, byk sgt hilite dan drama untuk dia minggu ini.. ai wonder kalau kita ukur saat dia on air ni haruskah lebih lama berbanding peserta lain? bersungguh2 nampaknya AI nak dia stay to compete qannnn. welll attitude that he put into the song, his vocal characteris was not bad at all. suit it well... there are some part yg agak shaky si situ, but i do feel his rough tone mmg intended to, to give right feeling and nuance toward the song.. mmmm
wah, lidah juri lelaki omputih itu sgt panjang dan lebar.. tatut ai ,
-> cutenessssssss.. ai lihat his red lips, his glowing eyes, his teeth yg sgt tersusun putih bak mutiara..... wahhhhhh.. ai suka show dia malam ni. his styling just nice tonite.. tidak terlewah lewah. nice attitude and nice careograpy as well.. too much ad lib towards the end.. i feel kecewa kerana i lost his secciness if he presented no words di akhir verse... mmmmmmm... tarian dia semasa sebelum bersalam dgn penonton yakni break masa sebut i just can't stop, agak weird qannn his dancing......
his high belting falsetto, hmmmm... i would prefer if he chose other technique.. tp masa last bila dia sebut come closer sambil merenung camera, it was like, aaaaaaa ..
-> nice fitting and dressing, sgt sesuai dgn remaja kini.. prektikal. wah, her nice tone, and colors, so nice to listen to. ai rasa dia boleh jadi big nanti. yes agree jika try harder to blast big note, and hold her belting longer without doing any hook . sayang sebab since dia masih terlalu young, mmmmm
kesimpulannya, ai suka semua... semua layak menang dan ai tidak kisah. mutu pada kali ini sg2 tinggi. competition sgt 'high'. hopefully jacob, stefano dan casey in bottom three tonite...
Rolling In The Deep is my jam right now...iols tgh berkira nak gi beli cd adele sbb nak bagi sokongan kat dia...setakat ni hanya adam lambert yg i beli original...lain kmain download sajer tapi sore adele tersangatlah power menyebabkan i dah terjatuh chenta gitew
scotty - bosan. full stop.
james - apekehal menjerit2 mcm sakai tu...oops...apekebendanyer buat 2 versi sore tu...kejap sore halus terjerit sakit telinga dengar then masuk balik sore asal pastu terjerit2 adeh...heran kenapa orang suka mamat ni...
haley - oklah jugak haley nyanyi lagu ni wpun sore dia tak sepower adele...masa mula2 masuk intro agak shaky sikitkan pastu she got into the groove with the growling and all wpun i still prefer the original singer.
casey - tak berapa gemar gaya ni tapi entertaining...sore agak ke laut...
stefano - baru first time i perasan hemsem jugak mamat ni...walaupun dia buat aksi2 gorilla but i suka dia malam ni...
jacob - i tengok tak habis...lagu ni memang amat membosankan...dari dulu lagi i tak suka this luther vandros' song...suda2lah wei jacob nyanyi this kind of song...boringgggggggggggg tawwww...i harap ko kuar tomorrow
tadi masa pia nyanyi mark ballas ada kat audience.
sweetmm Post at 21-4-2011 15:27
mek dgr mark ballas ni gay:re:
heranlah macam mana dia org kejap jer berkapel2...paul ngan nikki reed twilight, pia ngan mamat ni...dulu dia org mana ada masa...katernya tido pun tak cukup