Post time 31-8-2014 08:12 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
chami posted on 31-8-2014 07:47 AM
cak...jgn lupa mlm esok....
FAs semua... Final preview with Armel Aisya....
Sila serbu... Masuk percuma, ada lucky draw, ada Asfan & of cos our little katak kesayangan kapten zill akan nyanyi utk korang!!!!
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drkbaan posted on 31-8-2014 10:49 AM
Knp tak AJS tak joint venture dgn ZAFC buat 1 event je 2moro? Sure lg kebaboom!
Yelaa...kenapa tak satu event aje ?? both viewing eps yg suka sbb gandingan and chemistry both of them, bukannya sebab salah sorang aje kan ...zul punye kat mana ?