Shopping for Ladies & Gentlemen - Apa2 Yang Korang Beli
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I dah reserve tu pink jam Burberrys :pompom: :pompom: :pompom:
Lagi dua minggu dapatlah... yay yayyy!!!! |
Reply #1358 skgerl's post
google that pic for us boleh....  |
Originally posted by skgerl at 11-3-2008 10:07 AM 
Girlies/Fellow Shoppers,
I nak mintak pendapat lah. I have a $50 Coach voucher(at Raffles City boutique only) and I am gonna spend it on a swingpack. Ada a few designs I like and I nak mintak ...
skgerl, bestnya dapat voucher...
me pulak dapat $50 voucher from City Chain  |
Reply #1360 gadis_aries's post
bestnyer korang dpt voucher... |
Reply #1361 midori888's post
midori, voucher tu dapat dari SingTel as a gift for my coming besday  |
Reply #1362 gadis_aries's post
bestnyer ada advance besday present...M1 ada tak kasi camtu? |
Reply #1363 midori888's post
M1 takde kot...Aries pun ada line M1 tapi tak dpt apa2 pun  |
Originally posted by midori888 at 13-3-2008 11:44 AM 
bestnyer ada advance besday present...M1 ada tak kasi camtu?
Starhub ada kasi tak?? Starhub makin cekik duit org lah.... And sekarang plak asik takde recep. My collegue yg use Strahub facing the same prob. Apa kena ntah........ |
Reply #1364 gadis_aries's post
takde erk...camnie kena tukar line hp lah... |
Reply #1364 skgerl's post
kena potong nama starhub from the list lah... |
Originally posted by midori888 at 13-3-2008 12:24 PM 
kena potong nama starhub from the list lah...
actually i thought of doing this. apa taknya, my bill asik mahal je...pandai plak, org dah plan nak cancel dia, my bill datang $50 je and my last bill, $80. Apa pon i think i wanna switch telcos..
Starhub getting ridiculous, tak gunakan hp pon dorang charge. My fren's phone was confiscated for more than a month but bill naik sampai $100+. My fren's mum terus call Starhub! In the end, matter settled and they no need pay. HAH! Saje je nak ketok org rite. |
Reply #1362 midori888's post
V dpt dari M1
$120 voucher utk beli new hp... ekekeke
new phone coming right up  |
Found it!

I'm sooo attracted to the sweet pink colour..  |
Originally posted by virgomal at 13-3-2008 12:34 PM 
V dpt dari M1
$120 voucher utk beli new hp... ekekeke
new phone coming right up
Tak fair!!!!!!! |
Reply #1371 skgerl's post
Reply #1370 virgomal's post
wah! nanti jgn lupa tepek gambar kat sini tau... |
Originally posted by skgerl at 13-3-2008 12:17 PM 
Starhub ada kasi tak?? Starhub makin cekik duit org lah.... And sekarang plak asik takde recep. My collegue yg use Strahub facing the same prob. Apa kena ntah........
me pun ada starhub line....so far takde voucher dari starhub... |
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Category: Negeri & Negara