Post time 1-8-2018 11:49 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
munchkin replied at 1-8-2018 02:46 AM
Tak paham dia ni tulis.
So okt tu org sama ke. Siap mention mo(s) share perempuan ramai2.
Deyol molest or rape the girls la tu. Either digital raping (fingering) or penetrative raping. Then pass them around to other iblis like the girls are a play thing to them. Much like what the sex predators in Hollywood did. Sebab itu akak dah malas layan produk Hollywood.
Post time 1-8-2018 01:00 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by chazey at 1-8-2018 01:03 PM
DayangKirana replied at 1-8-2018 09:07 AM
found this in a blog.. dated 2011..
Oh really?
Meh akak share video sexual assault victim mangsa pedobear yang develop Stockholm Syndrome terhadap si pelaku gara2 dah kena groomed abes. Tengok gimana sheol addressed iblis tu penoh dendam dan kemarahan tapi penoh kasih dan empati jua.
Post time 1-8-2018 01:04 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
munchkin replied at 1-8-2018 01:03 PM
sialll tol. biar anak depa kena pulak. kira 0-0 lah kan.
Kompom meroyan tak hengat dunia if anak sindri kena. Unless jenis twisted namampos teringin merasa anak sundri dan teruja bila imagine jantan lain rasa anak dia secara paksa.
oiii jahat gille perbuatan 'ayahanda' tu.. serius.. mana2 ade je lelaki durjana cenggini.. kes ni dah terang2 ko... wajib diambil tindakan.. bukan je sprm kene bukak file.. lembaga tatatertib pun kene take action.. sprm kene charge 'ayahanda' ni sbb salah guna kuasa. ugut2 orang nak failed kan doc pelatih kalau keinginan dia x dipenuhi.. siap tukar kan shift doc tu utk pancing la.. hadoiii
lembaga tatatertib pulak.. kene charge atas kesalahan yg sama.. siap masuk buku service.. biar mampos org tu masa nak bersara nanti.. hilang la golden hand shake ko.. masuk freezer terus
tapi dalam pada tu kita nampak la lelaki macam ni ni makhluk yg lemah.
seolah-olah nak mengatakan, "by default lelaki akan merogol". melainkan kau tak buat itu, kau tak buat ini, kau tak pakai macm tu, kau tak pakai macam ni.
dan yg paling malang, ada wanita yg menyokong.
tu lah sape suruh gatal.
tu lah kau melayan sangat gedik.
tu lah kenapa tak pakai elok2.
memang mintak kan?
yep..mentaliti dorang, memang tak boleh nak hadam..
padehal nanti sakit pening biasanya anak perempuan la yang biasanya mengurus basuh berak kencing ..
pompuan ni biasanya letakkan keutamaan family sebelum diri sendiri..
sebab tu tak pelik dengar ibu tunggal besarkan anak2..
pompuan ni penuh dengan kasih sayang, hati lembut, mudah terluka..
taktau kenapa ada lelaki yang benci sangat dengan pompuan sampai anggap manusia kelas kedua even anggap sebagai sex toy to the extend budak2 pun dorang boleh buat naya..
'Sex predator' doctor 'urges' hospital staff to sign letter of support
Wednesday, 1 Aug 2018
PETALING JAYA: The senior doctor said to have sexually abused female housemen has pressured medical officers and specialists under him to sign a letter vouching for his performance as the department head.
According to sources, he instructed one of his medical staff to draft a letter of support for him on Tuesday (Jul 31) and asked other medical staff, including nurses, to sign it.
He also allegedly phoned medical officers and specialists the night before to urge them to sign the letter.
A draft of the letter was sighted by The Star, and purportedly it is addressed to the independent inquiry body investigating the matter.
The body comprises representatives from Health ministry, Women, Family, Community Development Ministry and other relevant agencies.
The letter stated that under his leadership, the hospital’s Orthopaedic department had achieved an excellent track record and was respected by many.
It is expected that the petition letter would be prepared and sent in by Wednesday (Aug 1), said a source.
The source also said the department head was identifying those who had not signed the petition to urge them to sign it.
On Sunday (July 29), The Star carried a front page expose of the sex predator in a Klang Valley hospital and since then, more victims, including housemen, have come forward to lodge complaints of sexual abuse that occurred in hospitals, said the Health Ministry.
The department head is said to have gone on indefinite leave, following media reports on the matter.