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Author: snipersnake


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Post time 19-2-2005 02:14 AM | Show all posts
:hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

Source: The Jerusalem Post | Thursday, July 6 2000

For more information on this subject, read the American Dissident Voices Broadcast
of July 15, 2000, provided just below this Jerulsalem Post article, or listen to the audio.

Brazilian police stake out diplomat accused of running kiddie-porn ring

By Eli Muller and News Agencies

JERUSALEM (July 6) - Brazilian police continued to surround the Israeli consulate in Rio de Janeiro in the belief that Israeli vice-consul in Rio Aryeh Scher, wanted on suspicion of running a child pornography ring, had taken refuge there. However Foreign Ministry officials said Scher has been en route to Israel for the past two days.

Scher, who was at one point consul-general in Rio, was declared a fugitive by Brazilian authorities after a search of his apartment on Tuesday yielded what police officials described as evidence it was used for the manufacture of pornographic material, some of them involving underage girls.

A Foreign Ministry spokesman declined to comment on whether the Brazilian police had been informed of Scher's whereabouts, but said that general-consul Eitan Sorkin would meet with Brazilian foreign ministry officials yesterday afternoon.

Brazilian authorities notified the Israeli embassy of plans to revoke Scher's diplomatic immunity on Tuesday, prior to the search. By the time police were able to obtain a warrant to search Scher's penthouse, the vice-consul was already on his way back to Israel, where he will face a Foreign Ministry inquiry. A ministry spokesman said that Scher had been recalled when the first evidence of possible misconduct surfaced, and that he had left the country via "legal diplomatic channels."

The investigation that culminated in the search of Scher's apartment began when a 17-year-old girl accused Georges Schteinberg, a 40-year-old Hebrew teacher of using her as a model in pornographic pictures and of distributing them on the Internet. Photographs of nude minors posed on a car with diplomatic plates were discovered in a search of Schteinberg's residence earlier in the week, in addition to massive quantities of pornographic material. Police then traced the car in the pictures back to Scher.

The search of Scher's apartment confirmed that some of the photographs found at Schteinberg's residence had been taken in the vice-consul's penthouse.

Schteinberg, who is also alleged to have run a service that brought tourists to Brazil to visit child prostitutes, has since been charged with sexual exploitation of minors.

Israeli embassy and consulate officials in Brazil refused comment pending the release of further evidence.

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall....

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Post time 21-2-2005 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Why Pro-zionist christians(60% of the world christian are pro zionist) supports the zionist jew even if they done sinful business like child pornography,pornography??????Here an article of the Zionist american jew defending a child molester....

Source: The New American Vol. 15, No. 18, August 30, 1999
Originally posted under the title: Cal State’s Pedophile Confab

Jewess Lends Support to Child Molestors

by William F. Jasper

(picture-Nadine Strossen of the Jewish ACLU)

Nadine Strossen of the Jewish ACLU

‘‘I recently spent a day in Hell," says Dr. Dennis Jarrard. No, the good doctor was not straitjacketed in a movie theater and force-fed a 24-hour run of South Park— while handcuffed to Hillary Clinton and Larry Flynt. But that’s close. Actually, Dr. Jarrard’s testimony about his ordeal in Hades first came to light a year ago, after he had attended the World Pornography Conference in Los Angeles, an event co-sponsored by the Center for Sex Research at the California State University-Northridge (CSUN).

The three-day global porn confab in August 1998 and the slimy connection of the porn racket to academe was the subject of intense scrutiny by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee of the California State Senate on July 6th of this year. The hearing, which received scant media attention, was important for demonstrating a number of crucial truths about grand strategy, tactics, battlefield landscape, imminent threats, and the correlation of forces in the ongoing culture war.

Democrat Evolution

The legislative hearing came about because of the efforts of conservative Republican State Senator Raymond Haynes of Riverside, who had been apprised of the conference by concerned constituents. What surprised many insiders in Sacramento was the transformation of the Democratic committee members as the hearings unfolded. Like their White House boon companion, Bill Clinton, California Democrats have been major beneficiaries of the Hustler-Playboy-Penthouse political largesse and have not been the least queasy about rubbing elbows with the Hollywood sexploiters and the radical homosexual lobby. And in the past few years they have become increasingly chummy with the hardcore porn "industry," allowing the San Fernando Valley to become the world capital of porn video production. Under Clinton, federal prosecution of pornography offenses, such as interstate commerce and postal crimes, have taken a steep dive and "adult" entertainment production has exploded, as the Larry Flynts of the world have been metamorphosed by the ACLU-Tinseltown con artists into poster children for the First Amendment. But the arrogant excesses of the militant hedonists proved too much even for the political libertines.

When Senator Haynes charged that the "academic conference" was in effect a CSUN-subsidized trade show to promote and legitimize the pornography industry, the liberal Democrats who control the committee not only rallied to his cry, but took the lead in denouncing the publicly funded CSUN’s sponsorship of a program to promote the abuse of women and children. Senator Steve Pease (D-Chula Vista) was outraged that CSUN’s chancellor failed to appear to defend the university’s conduct. He easily gained committee approval to force CSUN to foot the cost of the estimated $50,000 it would take for state auditors to investigate the conference funding. Senator Richard Alarcon, a Democrat in whose district Northridge is located, noted that he had recently delivered the commencement address at CSUN and angrily stated that "for the first time in 18 years I’m embarrassed to be a graduate of Cal State Northridge." Moreover, said Alarcon, "this very, very liberal" senator was sending a message to the Cal State chancellor that he is appalled by this "stain on the university system" and the willingness of academia to "get in bed with the porn industry."

The unethical and illegal use of university funds, personnel, equipment, and resources to promote a private trade show — and a porno conference at that — was only one of the factors that set the Sacramento politicians fuming. What put them over the top was the revelation of the prominence of notorious pedophile/pederast/child porn advocates and defenders at the CSUN-sponsored event. Aside from "seminars" on such high-brow intellectual fare as "Visual and Carnal Pleasures of Hardcore Pornography," "Women and Pornography: Victims or Visionaries," and "What Sex Offenders Think About Pornography," there were also sessions such as the one titled, "Child Pornography: Forbidden Thoughts and Images in an Erotic Landscape," presented by Dr. Ralph Underwager, an aggressive pedophile supporter. Underwager, who masquerades as a Lutheran pastor, is a founder of the Institute for Psychological Therapies in Northfield, Minnesota. Together with his wife and fellow sexpert, Hollida Wakefield, he edits a quarterly journal, Issues in Child Abuse Accusations.

In 1993, Underwager was interviewed by Paidika, the infamous Dutch journal of pedophilia. Paidika asked: "Is choosing pedophilia for you a responsible choice for the individual?" To which Underwager replied: "Certainly it is responsible.... Pedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose. They can say what they want is to find the best way to love. I am also a theologian and as a theologian, I believe it is God’s will that there be closeness and intimacy, unity of the flesh, between people...." Underwager declared that "pedophiles need to become more positive and make the claim that pedophilia is an acceptable expression of God’s will for love and unity among human beings."

Unfortunately, the perverse sanctimony of "Pastor" Underwager and similar frauds goes virtually unchallenged today in academia. The joint legislative committee was particularly perturbed because the obscene bilge delivered by Underwager was not some strange anomaly that crept unbidden into the conference. In testimony before the committee, Dr. Judith Reisman, author of the important study Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences, presented documentation showing that the gathering was a full-fledged pedophile confab.

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Post time 21-2-2005 01:33 PM | Show all posts
Who’s Who of Pedophiles

The founder of CSUN’s Center for Sex Research and the sex guru emeritus at the conference was Dr. Vern L. Bullough, a self-admitted pedophile and an editor of the Journal of Pedophilia. Bullough wrote the introduction to the pedophile handbook Loving Boys: A Multidisciplinary Study in Two Volumes of Sexual Relations Between Adults and Minor Males, by the Dutch pedophile and former "jurist" Dr. Edward Brongersma.

Other porn conference "faculty" included pedophile champions John DeCecco, Daniel Tsang, and Wayne Dynes. Mr. DeCecco, an "out" pedophile, is head of the San Francisco State University Sex Research Center, which competes with its CSUN counterpart for the title of Left Coast Kinsey Institute. Tsang is the editor of The Age of Taboo, published by the homosexual Alyson Publishers. One Age of Taboo essay by radical, femi-Leninist Kate Millet claims that "one of children’s essential rights is to express themselves sexually, probably primarily with each other but with adults as well. So the sexual freedom of children is an important part of a sexual revolution." Mr. Dynes, like DeCecco and Tsang, is a pedophile and an editor of the Journal of Pedophilia.

Joining this vile pedophile professoriate was Ted McIlvenna of the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. This is the same institute that published McIlvenna’s kiddie porn photos under the mantle of "science" in his book Meditations on the Gift of Sexuality. Then McIlvenna and the Institute turned around and sold the photos to Hustler magazine for use in a pro-incest article. It was at this same "distinguished" institute that James Elias, the current director of CSUN’s Sex Research Center, earned his doctorate on "Adolescent Exposure to Erotica."

Additional honored participants included the exalted "Trinity" of porn lawyers, H. Louis Sirkin (Penthouse), Burton Joseph (Playboy), and Herald Price Fahringer (Hustler). All three of these champions for degeneracy have defended the basest child pornography, with Fahringer arguing all the way to the Supreme Court in favor of pornography using children of any age, including "simulated or real sexual intercourse," "sadomasochistic abuse," and "sexual bestiality." Also appearing was the ACLU’s Nadine Strossen, bleating the ludicrous theme that the sorry specimens populating this pervert menagerie were heroic exemplars in the tradition of our Founding Fathers, upholding precious American ideals. Appropriately, according to one observer, Ms. Strossen stood signing autographs cheek to jowl with Al Goldstein, editor of Screw magazine, one of the few porn mags (we’ve been told) that can boast with some justification to topping Larry Flynt’s Hustler for crudity and depravity. Yes, this is the same Nadine Strossen who is regularly presented to millions of television viewers by Ted Koppel, Dan Rather, Jim Lehrer, and Tom Brokaw as the demure, brave, compassionate hero of the oppressed and articulate defender of liberty. As the CSUN pedo-porn palaver showed, the ACLU is joined at the hip with the meanest of predatory creatures who callously victimize the most innocent and vulnerable members of society.

In the tradition of Alfred Kinsey, the groves of academe are providing a bevy of bearded, tweedy professors to construct intellectual and legal defenses for the commercial child molesters. Among the numerous professors who mingled with the pornography stars, starlets, and producers were: Harris Mirkin, political scientist from the University of Missouri-Kansas City; philosopher David Austin of North Carolina University (a panelist on "The Role of Fetishism"); film scholar Peter Lehman from the University of Arizona; Ed Donnerstein of the University of California-Santa Barbara; William Griffit of Kansas State University; and Jay Lorenz of the University of California-Irvine.

Pressing for "Rights"

A recent study by the Family Research Council, "Homosexual Activists Work to Lower the Age of Sexual Consent," outlines in alarming detail the aggressive program of the sexual liberationists to eradicate all protections against the sexual abuse and exploitation of children, and to legitimize the pedophile agenda in media, entertainment, and academic circles. Dr. Reisman, in her committee testimony, pointed out that the CSUN porn festival was also co-sponsored by the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS) and the American Association of Sex Educators and Counselors (AASEC), two of the leading transmitters of Kinseyite sex education programs into the public schools. Many SSSS and AASEC leaders are on record as paid consultants to the billion-dollar pornography industry, and their pro-incest, pro-pedophile materials are already finding their way into school sex ed curricula.

Pedophilia is still considered so abhorrent a crime that most people cannot even imagine that such a revolting practice could ever become accepted as a "right" in America. But a generation ago the same was thought of abortion and the "unspeakable vice" of homosexuality. The degenerate lobby is using the same practiced methods that proved so successful in legitimizing those crimes. They are assembling corrupt, prostitute academics to provide intellectual cover for their criminality. And they are talking up "adult-child love" to soften public opposition to pedophilia. In this, they are following the plan outlined by homosexual strategists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen in their manifesto, entitled After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s.

"Application of the keep-talking principle can get people to the shoulder-shrug stage," wrote Kirk and Madsen. "The free and frequent discussion of gay rights by a variety of persons in a variety of places gives the impression that homosexuality is commonplace." Even the religious "bigots" and "intransigents" who do not "embrace" gay culture, noted Kirk and Madsen, will begin to feel more and more isolated and more reticent when it comes to expressing disapproval. And the hardcore conservative "may still shake his head and think,‘People are crazy these days,’ but in time his objections will become more reflective, more philosophical, less emotional."

Is it possible that Americans could be desensitized to the "shoulder-shrug stage" concerning pedophilia? Absolutely. Especially considering the moral corrosion the sex deviates have already exercised on our younger generations through pop culture, media, and education. But the response of the California legislative committee shows that it is still possible to appeal to decency and to awaken righteous indignation and outrage against obscenity.

Pedophilia must remain an utter abomination. And the facile politicians, entertainers, and academics who rise in its defense must be subjected to the same scorn and revulsion as David Duke when he rises in defense of racism and the Ku Klux Klan.

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall...

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Post time 24-2-2005 10:48 PM | Show all posts
Prostitution & the Zionist???? :ah: ... hell%20to%20pay.htm

There Will Be Hell to Pay

by Dr. William Pierce

I've spoken with you on several occasions about the international White-slave trade: that is, the enslavement of White girls and women from eastern Europe who are lured to Israel under false pretenses and forced into prostitution by Jewish organized-crime gangs from the former Soviet Union. I have pointed out that the White-slave business flourishes in Israel because in that country slavery is not illegal, as long as the slaves aren't Jews. White slavery is, in fact, sanctioned by the Jewish religion.

There are several aspects of this Jewish trade in White women in addition to forced prostitution in Israel that we still haven't discussed: child pornography, for example. And a few weeks ago I mentioned the child-prostitution operation in Brazil being run from the Israeli consulate there. Brazilian girls as young as 10 years old were being recruited to entertain Israeli tourists at sex parties in the consulate. That, fortunately, got excellent coverage in Brazilian newspapers, although there wasn't a word about it in U.S. newspapers. The Jews have a tighter grip on the news media in the United States than almost anywhere else in the world and are quite successful at keeping most Americans from hearing about their shenanigans.

One affair that has been getting some news coverage in Italy and a few other places in Europe during the past few days, though not at all in the United States, is the breakup of a child-pornography ring operating in Moscow which sells videotapes, CDs, and digital video discs to wealthy customers around the world through the Internet. On Wednesday of last week 600 homes of wealthy Italians were raided by Italian police, who seized child pornography which had been purchased from suppliers in Moscow. At the same time, the three Jews who ran the business were arrested in Moscow.

Child pornography is an almost unimaginably filthy business. I'm not talking about videos of well developed 15- or 16-year-old girls having sex. I'm talking about things so perverse and sickening that most Americans can't imagine them. I'm talking about men being filmed having sex with two- and three-year-old girls. I'm talking about small children -- White children -- being sexually tortured and raped to death in front of a camera for the titillation of the sick freaks who are sexually excited by such horrors.

The freaks, I am sorry to say, are not all Jews, although Jews are disproportionately represented among them. The majority of them, in fact, are Gentiles. I don't know what makes people become so perverse that they enjoy watching a film of a five-year-old girl being raped and sexually tortured. I think that in many cases, perhaps the majority of cases, it is not so much a sexual thing as it is a manifestation of the extreme individualism which has been promoted by the media ever since the Second World War: that's the egoistic mind-set which holds that the individual can and should do whatever gratifies him, that he has no obligation to anyone or anything but himself, that he is the only thing in the universe which matters, that his gratification should not be limited by any moral or community or racial considerations. These jaded, individualist freaks get a buzz out of seeing or doing that which is beyond the pale. If they can pay $20,000 for a video of a little girl being raped to death, they have proved to themselves that they are special, that they are like gods, that they are not held back by the moral constraints which bind ordinary mortals.

My view is that such people should simply be killed on the spot whenever and wherever they are found. More than that, the people who promote and encourage this extreme individualist mind-set through their control of the media should be exterminated root and branch as a class. Does that sound extreme?

Well, let me read you a few sentences from a Reuters news dispatch. This is datelined Naples, Italy, September 27. I quote: "olice said on Wednesday they had arrested eight Italians suspected of belonging to a child-pornography ring that traded videos over the Internet, including films of Russian children who were abused to death. Police specializing in Internet crime told reporters that their 19-month investigation had given them enough information to begin investigations into 1,700 people suspected of buying the material over the web. . . . They said three people in Moscow ran an operation to kidnap children from orphanages, circuses, and public parks and film them while they were forced to commit sexual acts. Police said they had intercepted some 3,000 tapes and CDs and digital video discs of child pornography, including some involving children only several months old. The packages were intercepted at the Italian border when they arrived by mail and were repacked. They were then delivered to the addressees by undercover police officers disguised as postal workers and carrying hidden cameras." -- end quote --

"Three people in Moscow" ran the operation: three members of a Jewish organized crime gang. And because they were Jews, you didn't see the news on American television or read about it in most U.S. newspapers. In fact it was just a fluke that any news at all of this Jewish operation was allowed to be published. A few courageous Italian newsmen -- and I mean real Italians, not Jews residing in Italy -- took the extraordinary step of televising some horrifying excerpts from the Jewish videos the day after the raids. In a news report viewed by 11 million Italians the newsmen bypassed the regular TV news directors and broadcast on prime-time television video footage showing Russian children being raped, tortured, and killed. This was on Thursday of last week. Have you seen or heard even a word about it here in the United States? I doubt it.

Immediately after the Italian TV broadcasts last Thursday, the Jewish TV news director of the government-run television network, Gad Lerner, came on the air and apologized to the powers that be, explaining that the material had been included in the news program without his knowledge, and the Italian news executives who had made the decision to broadcast the shocking video footage were forced to resign. But the beans had been spilled, and after that even the Associated Press felt obliged to report something about the affair.

I'll read now from an Associated Press report of September 29, two days after the police raids and the day after the Italian TV news exposure of the affair. I quote: ". . . [P]olice said they had broken up an online international child pornography ring, arrested eight Italians and three Russians, and seized thousands of videos and photographs. The Russian-run ring, which distributed an explicit catalog on the Internet, catered to clients in the United States, Germany, and Italy. Its inventory included films of children being tortured and killed. . . . Investigators say the pornography ring produces and distributes images showing children as young as two years old being sexually abused. Some of the victims reportedly were stolen from orphanages, others from families. Its catalog offers films of killings for about $20,000 and images of people having sex with children for about half that." -- endn of quote --

Twenty thousand dollars for a film of a little blonde, blue-eyed Russian girl being raped to death; 1,700 customers for such films. Well, I guess there must be some pretty rich Jewish filmmakers in Moscow. And you haven't heard a word about any of it before my broadcast today, have you? Can you imagine what it would have been like if real Russians instead of Jewish gangsters had been kidnapping and murdering little Jewish children in Moscow so they could film the murders and sell copies of the film to rich Gentile perverts? It would have been non-stop news through every news medium in America. Bill Clinton and Madeleinen Albright would have been on television grimly warning the Russian government that it must do more to catch the Gentiles responsible and to protect the Jews from them. The Jews would be moaning about the "Holocaust" again and holding out their hands for reparations from the Russian government.

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Post time 24-2-2005 10:49 PM | Show all posts
You know, the Jews have complained for centuries about what they call the "blood libel." "Blood libel" is the blanket name they have applied to all the many reports which have repeatedly cropped up, over hundreds of years, in every nation of Europe, from England to Russia: reports of Jews kidnapping Gentile children and ritually murdering them. The 14th-century English writer, Geoffrey Chaucer, told in his Canterbury Tales the story of little Hugh of Lincoln, reportedly kidnapped and ritually murdered by Jews in England 150 years earlier. It was shortly after that murder that King Edward I expelled all of the Jews from England. The reports of Jewish ritual murders were still coming in from other countries throughout the 19th century, 600 years after the murder of Hugh of Lincoln.

The Jews have denied all of these reports, claiming that they were the work of Christian anti-Semites who just wanted to stir up hatred against them. And I must confess to you, I have tended to believe the Jews rather than the Christians in this matter of "blood libel." I have asked myself, "What would the Jews have to gain by ritually murdering Gentile children? Why would they take such a terrible risk of being found out and punished, as they were in England?" Well, of course, that's not taking into account the absolutely breathtaking arrogance of the Jews: chutzpah they call it. And now I am forced to reconsider my former judgment on the matter of Jewish ritual murder.

I mean, what is this business of Jewish gangsters kidnapping Russian children from orphanages or snatching them from public parks in Moscow or St. Petersburg when their parents aren't looking and then sexually torturing them to death in front of a camera if not ritual murder? Of course, these days the Jews usually don't have to scream about "blood libel" when they're caught committing these horrible atrocities, because they usually are able to keep the news suppressed. I suspect that if you ask your favorite Jewish media boss why this report of the police raids in Italy and the arrest of the child-pornographers in Moscow didn't get more news coverage in the United States, he'll tell you that such news would only generate hatred against the Jews.

And you know, he'd be right. If there's any group of people on this planet who have valid reasons for hating the Jews it's the Russians: the real Russians, not the so-called "Russians" you occasionally hear the media here mention when they're reporting on organized crime in Russia. Those aren't Russians; they're Jews living in Russia. The Jews bled Russia dry with 70 years of Marxist rule and murdered tens of millions of Russians -- the best Russians -- in the communist slave labor camps or in the basements of the secret police headquarters or beside the shooting pits in forests all over Russia and Ukraine; they have forced thousands of the prettiest young Russian women into prostitution and slavery after the fall of communism; and now they kidnap Russian children and rape and sexually torture them to death in front of a camera in order to make child-porn films for rich perverts in the West. The Jews are lucky they still control most of the television and other mass media in Russia -- because if the Russian people ever are fully awakened to what the Jews are still doing to them, they will rise up and kill every Jew in Russia -- every Jew -- and they will be fully justified in doing so.

And I'll tell you what I'm going to do without waiting for that to happen. I'm going to gather, publish, and distribute every piece of historical evidence I can find relating to Jewish ritual murders during the past 800 years or so. I'll publish a book on the subject. It'll be the best, most accurate, and most complete account of Jewish ritual murders I can make it. I'll advertise it and sell it in Russia and everywhere else. It might take me two or three months to get the book into print, but I'll tell you when I do. And meanwhile, those of you who have access to the Internet or to a large library, look up for yourself the news reports I've cited today about this Jew-run ring of child pornographers in Russia. That's the September 27 Reuters report and the September 29 Associated Press report. Read them and tell everyone you know about them. You might also send a letter to both these news agencies and ask them why they persist in referring to Jewish organized criminals in Russia as "Russians" instead of as Jews.

You know, there are some things I really get steamed about, and this business of kidnapping and raping and murdering little White children for the amusement of rich perverts and the enrichment of Jewish filmmakers is one of those things. And listen: don't try to tell me that this is just a few Jews who do such things, that most Jews aren't responsible for such horrible atrocities.

But they certainly are responsible, because the ones who don't run the child-porn business cover for the ones who do. This latest story of the child-porn raids in Italy last week will never be generally known in the United States, of course. The lemmings won't know about it, because they won't hear about it from Tom Brokaw or Dan Rather, and Oprah certainly won't be talking about it. Only those of you who listen to these American Dissident Voices broadcasts, and a few tens of thousands of other independent thinkers, out of 275 million Americans, will ever hear about it.

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Post time 24-2-2005 10:50 PM | Show all posts
But if by some miracle this affair were pounded into the consciousness of the American lemmings -- if, for example, some of those 11 million Italians who saw on television last week a few unforgettable images from the seized child-porn films have enough contact with Italians in America to make it difficult for the media bosses here to keep the lid on the news -- if that happens, the mainstream Jews will cover for their brethren in the child-porn business. Jewish solidarity will prevail, and we'll be hearing all of the respectable Jews, from Al Gore's buddy Joe Lieberman, "the conscience of the Senate," down to the Jewish news director at your local television station, moaning about "blood libel." They will cover for each other, and that's why child pornography is still a billion-dollar business.

That's why tens of thousands of the prettiest young White women from eastern Europe are still forced to work as prostitutes in Israel and elsewhere. It's because the Jews cover for each other. That's why little Russian girls are being kidnapped and raped in front of video cameras. It's because the Jews who are not actually in the child-porn business themselves cover for the ones who are. It's why little Russian girls will continue to be kidnapped and raped to death in the future, even after the arrest of the three Jewish ringleaders in Moscow last week.

If the people in the news media gave this affair the coverage it deserves, just as a news story. the public would demand such severe action that child pornography no longer would be a profitable business for Jews or anyone else. Even the politicians would insist on a crackdown. But the bosses of the news media will not give this affair any coverage at all, because they know who the guilty parties are, and they are determined to protect those guilty parties, who are their fellow Jews.

I'll say that again: instead of news coverage we get only silence from the media here in the United States. The rich perverts in the United States who were among the customers of those Jews in Moscow will be permitted to continue building their video collections of child pornography without interference or publicity. And you know as well as I do why there has been only silence from the mass media in the United States: it's certainly not because the breakup of this operation in Italy last week isn't newsworthy; it's not because the American public wouldn't be interested; it's not because there's any doubt about the facts: it is because child pornography is essentially a Jewish business, and the news media who should be exposing it are controlled by Jews who cover for their fellow Jews. That is why I hold them all responsible -- and not just the Jews, but also those of our own people who collaborate with the Jews and make excuses for the Jews.

And it's why I recently have begun reexamining the whole subject of Jewish ritual murder -- because, you know, it worked in the past the same way it works today. Some little group of Jewish perverts or Jewish religious fanatics carrying out some hate-filled injunction in the Talmud gets caught for murdering a Gentile child, and the other Jews try to buy off the authorities. That's the way it was in 1913 when Leo Frank raped and murdered little Mary Phagan in his Atlanta pencil factory. He was caught, tried, convicted, and sentenced to die, but his fellow Jews paid off the governor of Georgia and had his sentence commuted. I have no doubt at all that if the citizens of Georgia had not taken the matter into their own hands and hanged Frank themselves, he eventually would have received a pardon and been released.

Well, despite their bad luck with Mary Phagan and perhaps also their bad luck with little Hugh of Lincoln, the Jews are surprisingly confident about their ability to get away with everything. Certainly, they have gotten away with vastly more than they have been punished for. But, you know, their luck will change one of these days, and then there will be hell to pay. They thought they had Italian television news safely under their control, and then a few rebellious Italian newsmen blew the whistle on them last week and gave 11 million Italians an eyeful of what the Jews in Moscow have been up to.

They believe they have the news media in America so tightly under their control that the American lemmings never will have a clue. Well, they have kept the American lemmings from learning anything at all about the child-porn bust in Moscow last week, but they also had a bit of bad luck in Palestine last week, when a courageous French cameraman caught on film their deliberate, cold-blooded, sadistic murder of a Palestinian child. That made such a ruckus in Europe that even some of the Jewish media in the United States felt obliged to carry it -- briefly.

Did you see it? A 12-year-old Palestinian boy, returning from the market with his father had the misfortune of passing near a group of Israeli soldiers who were shooting at some young Palestinians who had thrown rocks at the soldiers. The rock-throwers were able to take cover, so the Israelis took out their hatred of Palestinians on the boy and his father. As the two unarmed Palestinians crouched against a concrete wall and begged for their lives, the Jewish soldiers deliberately pumped four
bullets into the boy, killing him. They also shot the father, who survived. And when a Palestinian ambulance arrived on the scene, the Jews shot and killed the ambulance driver. And the French cameraman filmed it all.

And you know how the news media in America reported last week's clash between the Palestinians and the Jews? They said, -- quote -- "Israeli soldiers responded to Palestinian violence." Really! "Israeli soldiers responded to Palestinian violence."

Well, as I said, one of these days there will be hell to pay, and that day can't come too soon.

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall....

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Post time 26-2-2005 01:22 AM | Show all posts
Here's more article about the dajjal phaedophile business,drugs and etc.....check it out!!!:hmm:


They count on the fact that the more bizarre and perverted they act the safer they are because the average joe cannot even fathom the depths of evil that this agency perpetrates.

One by one, the dots get connected. The same names keep popping up and they are linked with the same activities over and over and over again until the pattern becomes so clear and undeniable, the circumstantial evidence becomes so overwhelming and the picture emerges that is so frightening that it is hard to believe that it is true. The picture that has emerged is that indeed the major institutions of the United States of America, the CIA, the FBI and the many of our governmental and media institutions are involved in child sexual slavery and ritualistic abuse. The same names keep surfacing in relation to the same subjects over and over again. The CIA, child sexual abuse, the Catholic church, George Bush Sr., The secret societies of the Scull and Bones, the Freemasons, The Knights of Malta and others and on and on and on.

If you think this sounds like some "looney conspiracy theory," congratulations, that's exactly how they programmed you to think, you have been brainwashed - your mind has been successfully obliterated. For, the evidence presented on the website is so overwhelming and so indisputable that to ignore it any longer or write it off as too outrageous to be true, is to be a low immoral retarded coward. If you decide to continue reading, prepare yourself to connect all the dots of this evil incarnate. Read on. Your life and the safety of you family depends on it.

On February 7th of 1987, the Washington Post ran an interesting story that did not at first seem to have any particularly national significance. The article concerned a case of possible kidnapping and child abuse, and material discovered in the Washington area that they say points to a 1960s style commune called the Finders, described in a court document as a "cult" that conducted "brainwashing" and used children "in rituals." DC police who searched the Northeast Washington warehouse linked to the group removed large plastic bags filled with color slides, photographs and photographic contact sheets. Some showed naked children involved in what appeared to be "cult rituals," bloodletting ceremonies of animals and one photograph of a child in chains.

Customs officials said their links to the DC area led authorities into a far-reaching investigation that includes The Finders -- a group of about 40 people that court documents allege is led by a man named Marion Pettie -- and their various homes, including the duplex apartment in Glover Park, the Northeast Washington warehouse and a 90 acre farm in rural Madison County, VA.

It was the US News and World Report that would ultimately provide the follow-up to the Finders story, noting that there is a certain Customs Service memorandum that was written at the time of the original investigation, written by Ramon J. Martinez, Special Agent, United States Customs Service, describing two adult white males and six minor children ages 7 years to 2 years. The adult males were Michael Houlihan and Douglas Ammerman, both of Washington, DC who had been arrested the previous day on charges of child abuse.The children were covered with insect bites, were very dirty, most of the children were not wearing underpants and all of the children had not been bathed in many days. The men were somewhat evasive under questioning and stated only that they were the children's teachers and were en route to Mexico to establish a school for brilliant children. The children were unaware of the functions of telephones, television and toilets, and stated that they were not allowed to live indoors and were only given food as a reward.

A Detective Bradley had initiated an investigation on the two addresses provided by the Tallahassee Police Department during December of 1986. An informant had given him information regarding the cult, known as the "Finders," operating various businesses out of a warehouse located at 1307 4th Street, N.E., and were supposed to be housing children at 3918/3920 W St., N.W.

The information was specific in describing "blood rituals" and sexual orgies involving children, and an as yet unsolved murder in which the Finders might be involved.

Cursory examination of documents revealed detailed instructions for optaining children for unspecified purposes. The instructions included the impregnation of female members of the community, purchasing children, trading and kidnapping. There were telex messages using MCI account numbers between a computer terminal believed to be in the same room, and others located across the country and in foreign locations.

There were pictures of nude children and adult Finders, as well as evidence of high-tech money transfers. There was a file called "entagon Break-in," and references to activities in Moscow, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, North Vietnam, North Korea, Africa, London, Germany, "Europe" and the Bahamas.

There was also a file labeled "alestinian."

One such telex specifically ordered the purchase of two children in Hong Kong to be arranged through a contact in the Chinese Embassy there. Other documents identified interests in high-tech transfers to the United Kingdom, numerous properties under the control of the Finders, a keen interest in terrorism, explosives, and the evasion of law enforcement.

There was also a set of instructions that appeared to broadcast via computer an advisory to the participants to keep the children moving through different jurisdictions and instructions on how to avoid police detection.

A photo album contained a series of photos of adults and children dressed in white sheets participating in a blood ritual. The ritual centered around the execution of at least two goats. The photos portrayed the execution, disembowelment, skinning and dismemberment of the goats at the hands of the children. This included the removal of the testes of a male goat, the discovery of a female goat's "womb" and the "baby goats" inside the womb, and the presentation of the goat's head to one of the children.

There was also a large amount of data collected on various child care organizations.

The warehouse contained a large library, two kitchens, a sauna, hot tub and a 'video room.' The video room seemed to be set up as an indoctrination center. The organization had the ability to produce its own videos. There appeared to be training areas for the children and what appeared to be an altar set up in a residential area of the warehouse. Many jars of urine and feces were located in this area.

Group leader Marion Pettie spoke in an interview in Steamshovel Press in 1998, noting that in World War II he kept house maintly to intelligence people in Washington and OSS people passing through.

Official US Customs investigation reports which have been completely authenticated by the investigating officers who wrote them and by a well respected investigator who personally knows these Customs officials are irrefutable evidence that:

A case of obvious child neglect/abuse involving child pedophile sexual abuse/child pornography/Satanic cult ritualistic abuse wherein the perpetrators were caught directly in the act by law enforcement, arrested on the basis of irrefutable evidence at the scene, and faced serious charges which typically bring sentences of decades in prison.
Search warrants were obtained for the "Finders" cult office in Washington, DC and a complete search was enacted by law enforcement which provided irrefutable pictures, movies and documents of such abuse/neglect evidence and access to the confidential arrest reports on the "Finders" cult from the arrests in Tallahassee which occurred only a day earlier (suggesting very high level connections to US intelligence in and of itself.)
All investigation of the "Finders" cult by the FBI, US Customs and local law enforcement was ordered stopped by the US Justice Department on the grounds of "national security" and the matter of the "Finders" cult was turned over to the Central Intelligence Agency as an "internal security matter," since the "Finders" is and has been a domestic and international covert operation of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Any and all investigation of the "Finders" was immediately stopped, all evidence was supressed and denied, and the abused children were released back to the adult perpetrators who had been arrested "in the act" and the CIA resumed its ongoing covert operation of the "Finders" cult which is used to procure and produce.

Use magic Report

Post time 26-2-2005 01:24 AM | Show all posts
The story of the Finders cult is the story of the development of child/assets to be used to entrap politicians, diplomats; corporate and law enforcement officials; to sell child/victims to wealthy perverts to raise money for covert operations, to train some of the child/victims to be professional operatives and assassins of a totally cold, multiple personality, mind control nature.

To date only one media outlet has dared publish anything about this (US News).

In the last few years there have been more "smoking guns" proving that US intelligence agencies traffic in children, sell them and abuse them. Some of these covert operations have been tied to long term and massive importation, and distribution of narcotics into the US by the same iintelligence agencies.


I am presenting this U.S. Custom Service Document (1) and news article (2) for the purpose of discussion of Satanic ritualistic abuse of children;

that an organized, computer-literate, terrorist group, "The Finders", was found in participation of the Satanic ritualistic abuse of children (1) and that, with the coming of Millennium Prophecy, more groups may form with Satanism used for the empowerment of their agenda;

that "The Finders", were found to be group involved in "competitor intelligence for a variety of mostly foreign clients" (2) and were headquartered in Washington DC close to governmental facilities raising the legitimate question of connections between Satanic ritualistic abuse of children and government agencies;

that evidence was found for international connections in "London, Germany, the Bahamas, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Africa, Costa Rica, and "Europe." There was also a file identified as "Palestinian." (1) This Customs report raises the legitimate question of international connections for Satanic ritualistic abuse of children.In a recent letter to Congresswoman Tauscher I wrote: 'In the latter regard, I think the populations at risk of targetting by Satanic Cults may be younger teens and preteens who are Internet proficient. In an article on Internet pedophiles: "pedophiles are using digital cameras to televise live, interactive molestations in cyberspace" ("Cops Go Undercover Online to Nab Internet Pedophiles", SF Chronicle, December 7, 1998; pg A21). It was of further curiosity to me that the Internet child molestations cases in the later article did not mention a possible link to Satanic Cults opening up the question of whether or not Satanic Cults 'recruit' children off the Internet for Satanic Rituals.

I would say that, on the behalf of the children and adults who have been subjected to Satanic ritualistic abuse that these acts are not be tolerated; that parents need to feel that their children are safe from this threat; and that any hint of it should be rapidly and throughly investigated as hate crimes in thought and deed.


United States Customs Service Documents


Department of the Treasury United States Customs Service

Report of Investigation

To: Resident Agent in Charge Date: 021287 Subject: Finders

This office was contacted by the Tallahassee Police Department on February 5, 1987, who requested assistance in attempting to identify two adult males and six minor children, all taken into custody the previous day. The men, arrested and charged with multiple counts of child abuse, were being very evasive with police in the questions being asked of them pursuant the children and their condition.

This agent contacted SS/A, Bob Harrold, RAC/Reston, Virginia, and requested telephone numbers and names of police persons in area police departments in an attempt to follow-up on two leads which were a Virginia license number and that the children had commented about living in a Washington, D.C., commune.Subsequently, this office received a telephone call from the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department inquiring about the men and children. This office put the MPD and the TPD in contact with each other.

Walter F. Kreitlow II Special Agent

Fredric D. Maiduk Resident Agent in Charge

Office of Enforcement 227 N. Bronough St. Rm 6045 Tallahassee, FL 32301


On Thursday, February 5, 1987, this office was contacted via telephone by Sergeant JoAnn VanMETER of the Tallahassee Police Department, Juvenile Division. Sgt. VanMETER requested assistance in identifying two adult males and six minor children ages 7 years to 2 years.

The adult males were tentatively identified by TPD as Michael HOULIHAN and Douglas AMMERMAN, both of Washington, D.C. who were arrested the previous day on charges of child abuse.

The police had received an anonymous telephone call relative two well-dressed white men wearing suits and ties in Myers Park, (Tallahassee), apparently watching six dirty and unkempt children in the playground area. HOULIHAN and AMMERMAN were near a 1980 Blue Dodge van bearing Virginia license number XHW-557, the inside of which was later described as foul-smelling filled with maps, books, letters, with a mattress situated to the rear of the van which appeared as if it were used as a bed, and the overall appearance of the van gave the impression that all eight persons were living in it.

The children were covered with insect bites, were very dirty, most of the children were not wearing underwear and all of the children had not been bathed in many days.

Use magic Report


Post time 26-2-2005 01:26 AM | Show all posts
The men were arrested and charged with multiple counts of child abuse and lodged in the Leon County Jail. Once in custody the men were somewhat evasive in their answers to the police regarding the children and stated only that they both were the children's teachers and that all were enroute to Mexico to establish a school for brilliant children.

The children tentatively were identified as Mary (deleted), white female, age 7; (deleted) LIVINGSTON, white male, age 6; (deleted) FRANKLIN, white male, age 4; (deleted) EVANS, white female, age 3; B.B., white male, age 2; and that they lived in tents in a commune in the Washington, D.C., area and were going to Mexico to go to a school for smart kids.

This office contacted the Office of the RAC/DC and spoke with SS/A Bob Harrold. This agent requested telephone numbers and names of police persons in area departments that might be aware of said activities described by the children and to follow-up on leads which were the Virginia license number and a check on the men's names with local law enforcement.

A short time later this office was contacted by Detective, Jim Bradley of the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department. Bradley indicated that the case here in Tallahassee appeared to be strongly related to a case he was currently working in the Washington, D.C. area.

He stated that the actions of the two men in custody in Tallahassee relative the children just might give his case enough probable cause for search warrants to search premises occupied by a cult group called Finders.

This agent directed Bradley to telephone TPD and discuss with police directly any activities forthcoming relative the instant case. At this time it was determined that there was no Customs violations found to exist and therefore, this case is being closed pending receipt of additional information.

ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY LESD/TECS: Create a permanent DRR/TECS record.


To: Resident Agent in Charge Date: 02/07/87 From: Special Agent

Subject: Customs cooperation/interest in Tallahassee/Washington MPD child abuse investigation.

On Thursday, 2/5/87, the duty agent, SS/A Bob Harrold, received a call from SS/A Walter Krietlow, USCS, Tallahassee, Florida. SS/A Kreitlow was seeking assistance in contacting an appropriate local police agency to coordinate a child abuse investigation in with the Tallahassee Police Department. SS/A Krietlow further requested assistance in checking some names, addresses and a vehicle through the Customs Child Pornography Unit data base, and stated there was some suspicion of the subjects being involved in supplying children for the production of child pornography. Further, he was informed by the Tallahassee Police Department that the children may have been enroute to Mexico from the Washington, D.C. area. The possibility of Customs interest in the investigation due to possible violations of the Child Protection Act of 1984, and the alleged nexus with the U.S./Mexican Border were discussed and agreed upon. SS/A Krietlow related the following background information. SS/A Krietlow was contacted by the Tallahassee Police Department for assistance in identifying six children and two adults taken into custody in the Tallahassee area. U.S. Customs was contacted because the police officers involved suspected the adults of being involved in child pornography and knew the Customs Service to have a network of child pornography investigators, and of the existence of the Child Pornography and Protection Unit. SS/A Krietlow stated the two adults were well dressed white males. They had custody of six white children (boys and girls), ages three to six years. The children were observed to be poorly dressed, bruised, dirty, and behaving like wild animals in a public park in Tallahassee. The police were notified by a concerned citizen and all eight persons were taken into custody. The subjects were living out of a white 1979 Dodge van, Virginia license no. XHW 557. Upon being taken into custody, the adult white males refused to cooperate, one of whom produced a "business" card with a name on one side and a statement on the other. The statement indicated that the bearer knew his constitutional rights to remain silent and that he intended to do so. Upon interviewing the children, the police officers found that they could not adequately identify themselves or their custodians. Further, they stated that they were enroute to Mexico to attend a school for "smart kids." SS/A Kreitlow was further advised the children were unaware of the function and purpose of telephones, televisions and toilets, and that the children had stated they were not allowed to live indoors and were only given food as a reward.

After receiving the request from Tallahassee, SS/A Harrold contacted me while I was on official business at Customs Headquarters. He requested that I conduct computer checks on the Customs Child Pornography Unit data base. The checks were to be conducted on the names, addresses, and a vehicle provided by SS/A Krietlow. After conducting the computer checks, I made direct contact with SS/A Krietlow to inform him that all the checks were negative. At that time I was informed by SS/A Krietlow that the Tallahassee police had discovered large quantities of records, to include computer discs and a U.S. passport in the van. From some of these records the police had obtained tentative identification of the two adults, and partial identification of the children. Furthermore, the two Washington, D.C. addresses had been discovered through these documents, one of which was verified through the vehicle registration. I advised SS/A Krietlow I was leaving Headquarters and he would be receiving a response to the remainder of his request from SS/A Harrold. I then left as stated and proceeded to conduct other business in the District.

A short time later, at approximately 11:30 a.m., SS/A Harrold contacted me by radio, and advised me that a Detective Jim Bradley of the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) was interested in the information provided by SS/A Krietlow, was in contact with Tallahassee, and would very probably be conducting search warrants in the area later in the day. He also informed me that U.S. Customs was invited to participate due to the continuing possibility of violations of law enforced by the Customs Service. As I was already in Washington, I terminated my other business and proceeded to make contact with Detective Bradley, Intelligence Division, MPD.

Upon contacting Detective Bradley, I learned that he had initiated an investigation on the two addresses provided by the Tallahassee Police Dept. during December of 1986. An informant had given him information regarding a cult, known as the "Finders" operating various businesses out of a warehouse located at 1307 4th St., N.E., and were supposed to be housing children at 3918/3920 W St., N.W. The information was specific in describing "blood rituals" and sexual orgies involving children, and an as yet unsolved murder in which the Finders may be involved. With the information provided by the informant, Detective Bradley was able to match some of the children in Tallahassee with names of children known alleged to be in the custody of the Finders. Furthermore, Bradley was able to match the tentative ID of the adults with known members of the Finders. I stood by while Bradley consulted with AUSA Harry Benner and obtained search warrants for the two premises. I advised acting RAC SS/A Tim Halloran of my intention to accompany MPD on the execution of the warrants, received his permission, and was joined by SS/A Harrold. SS/A Harrold accompanied the team which went to 1307 4th St, and I went to 3918/20 W St.

Use magic Report

Post time 26-2-2005 01:27 AM | Show all posts
During the execution of the warrant at 3918/20 W St., I was able to observe and access the entire building. I saw large quantities of children's clothing and toys. The clothing consisting of diapers and clothes in the toddler to pre-school range. No children were found on the premises. There were several subjects on the premises. Only one was deemed to be connected with the Finders. The rest were renting living space from this individual. He was identified as Stuart Miles SILVERSTONE, DOB/061941, U.S. Passport No. (deleted). SILVERSTONE was located in a room equipped with several computers, printers, and numerous documents. Cursory examination of the documents revealed detailed instructions for obtaining children for unspecified purposes. The instructions included the impregnation of female members of the community known as the Finders, purchasing children, trading, and kidnapping. There were telex messages using MCI account numbers between a computer terminal believed to be located in the same room, and others located across the country and in foreign locations. One such telex specifically ordered the purchase of two children in Hong Kong to be be arranged through a contact in the Chinese Embassy there. Another telex expressed interest in "bank secrecy" situations. Other documents identified interests in high-tech transfers to the United Kingdom, numerous properties under the control of the Finders, a keen interest in terrorism, explosives, and the evasion of law enforcement. Also found in the "computer room" was a detailed summary of the events surrounding the arrest and taking into custody of the two adults and six children in Tallahassee the previous night. There were also a set of instructions which appeared to be broadcast via a computer network which advised the participants to move "the children" and keep them moving through different jurisdictions, and instructions on how to avoid police attention.

One of the residents was identified as a Chinese National. Due to the telex discovered referencing the Chinese Embassy in Hong Kong, he was fully identified for future reference: WANG/Gengxin, DOB/092747, POB/Tianjin, People's Republic of China Passport No. (deleted), entered the U.S. on January 22, 1987, admitted until December 31, 1987. He is in the U.S. as a graduate student in the Anatomy Department of Georgetown University. His Visa was issued on November 10, 1986, in London, England, number 00143.

During the course of the evening, I contacted Sector 4 to initiate a TECS check on SILVERSTONE, and initiate an archives check on him for the last four years. I also contacted SS/A Halloran to keep him advised of the proceedings and asked for and received permission to contact SS/A John Sullivan of the CPPU to query some names through the CPPU data base. SS/A Halloran told me he would call Southeast Region Headquarters to keep them posted on the proceedings as well. I later contacted SS/A Sullivan for the stated purpose, and in the discussion that followed I gave him some background on the purpose of the request. I advised him that the information was not for dissemination at Headquarters, that Region was being notified, and that Region would probably contact Headquarters later if deemed necessary. SS/A Sullivan assured me that the information would go no further until official notification was made by Region. No positive matches were obtained from the CPPU data base. I was later joined at the W Street address by SS/A Harrold. SS/A Harrold advised me that there were extremely large quantities of documents and computer equipment at the warehouse, and that MPD was posting officers inside the building there and sealing the building until morning, in which a second warrant for that premises would be obtained and executed. SS/A Harrold also advised me that the news media had been notified and had been waiting for the execution of the warrant at the 4th Street address. Detective Bradley later stated that the MPD Public Information Officer had been contacted by a Tallahassee reporter. When it became apparent that the PIO had no information on the search warrants, the reporter contacted local media representatives and a check of public records containing the affidavits for the search warrants disclosed the locations and purpose of the warrants. Detective Bradley surmised that someone on the Tallahassee Police Department was the original source of the information for the press. I advised SS/A Halloran of the involvement of the press, and he stated that he would, in turn, relay the information to Region. SS/A Harrold and I assisted in the transport of the evidence seized pursuant to the warrant and cleared MPD after the press left the area.

On Friday, 2/6/87, I met Detective Bradley at the warehouse on 4th Street, N.E. I duly advised my acting group supervisor, SS/A Don Bludworth. I was again granted unlimited access to the premises. I was able to observe numerous documents which described explicit sexual conduct between the members of the community known as Finders. I also saw a large collection of photographs of unidentified persons. Some of the photographs were nudes, believed to be of members of the Finders. There were numerous photos of children, some nude, at least one of which was a photo of a child "on display" and appearing to accent the child's genitals. I was only able to examine a very small amount of the photos at this time. However, one of the officers presented me with a photo album for my review. The album contained a series of photos of adults and children dressed in white sheets participating in a "blood ritual." The ritual centered around the execution of at least two goats. The photos portrayed the execution, disembowelment, skinning and dismemberment of the goats at the hands of the children. This included the removal of the testes of a male goat, the discovery of a female goat's "womb" and the "baby goats" inside the womb, and the presentation of a goat's head to one of the children.

Further inspection of the premises disclosed numerous files relating to activities of the organization in different parts of the world. Locations I observed are as follows: London, Germany, the Bahamas, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Africa, Costa Rica, and "Europe." There was also a file identified as "Palestinian." Other files were identified by member name or "project" name. The projects appearing to be operated for commercial purposes under front names for the Finders. There was one file entitled "Pentagon Break-In," and others referring to members operating in foreign countries. Not observed by me but related by an MPD officer were intelligence files on private families not related to the Finders. The process undertaken appears to be have been a systematic response to local newspaper advertisements for babysitters, tutors, etc. A member of the Finders would respond and gather as much information as possible about the habits, identity, occupation, etc., of the family. The use to which this information was to be put is still unknown. There was also a large amount of data collected on various child care organizations.

The warehouse contained a large library, two kitchens, a sauna, hot-tub, and a "video room." The video room seemed to be set up as an indoctrination center. It also appeared that that the organization had the capability to produce its own videos. There were what appeared to be training areas for children and what appeared to be an altar set up in a residential area of the warehouse. Many jars of urine and feces were located in this area.

Use magic Report

Post time 26-2-2005 01:30 AM | Show all posts
I should also mention that both premises were equipped with satellite dish antennas.

I discussed the course of action to be taken by MPD with Detective Bradley. He stated that he was only interested in making the child abuse case(s). I was assured that all of the evidence would be available to U.S. Customs in furtherance of any investigative/criminal action pursued. MPD personnel were to begin around the clock review and sorting of the evidence until completed. Customs will have access after this is accomplished. This will include several U.S. Passports discovered during the search.

Upon leaving the 4th Street premises, I encountered a news media representative and was asked the reason behind U.S. Customs involvement in the investigation. I advised the reporter that I could not discuss anything and I referred her to the PAO/DC. I left immediately thereafter.

There is no further information available at this time. It will take three to five days for all the information to be sorted, reviewed and logged by the MPD. I will maintain contact with Detective Bradley until the evidence is again accessible.

Respectfully submitted,

Ramon J. Martinez Special Agent, USCS


To: Resident Agent in Charge Date: 04/13/87

On Thursday, February 5, 1987, Senior Special Agent Harrold and I assisted the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) with two search warrants involving the possible sexual exploitation of children. During the course of the search warrants, numerous documents were discovered which appeared to be concerned with international trafficking in children, high tech transfer to the United Kingdom, and international transfer of currency.


On March 31, 1987, I contacted Detective Jim Bradley of the Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD). I was to meet with Detective Bradley to review the documents seized pursuant to two search warrants executed in January, 1987. The meeting was to take place on April 2 or 3, 1987.

On April 2, 1987, I arrived at MPD at approximately 9:00 a.m. Detective Bradley was not available. I spoke to a third party who was willing to discuss the case with me on a strictly "off the record" basis.

I was advised that all the passport data had been turned over to the State Department for their investigation. The State Department in turn, advised the MPD that all travel and use of the passports by the holders of the passports was within the law and no action would be taken. This included travel to Moscow, North Korea, and North Vietnam from the late 1950s to mid 1970s.

The individual further advised me of circumstances which indicated that the investigation into the activity of the Finders had become a CIA internal matter. The MPD report has been classified SECRET and was not available for review. I was advised that the FBI had withdrawn from the investigation several weeks prior and that the FBI Foreign Counter Intelligence Division had directed MPD not to advise the FBI Washington Field Office of anything that had transpired.

No further information will be available. No further action will be taken.


No action to be taken on the basis of this report.

***(2) *U.S. News & World Report*, Dec. 27, 1993/Jan 3. 1994

Through a glass, very darkly Cops, spies and a very odd investigation

The case is almost seven years old now, but matters surrounding a mysterious group known as the Finders keep growing curiouser and curiouser.

In early February 1987, an anonymous tipster in Tallahasse, Fla, made a phone call to police. Two "well dressed men" seemed to be "supervising" six dishevelled and hungry children in a local park, the caller said. The cops went after the case like bloodhounds, at least at first. The two men were identified as members of the Finders. They were charged with child abuse in Florida. In Washington, D.C. police and U.S. Customs Service agents raided a duplex apartment building and a warehouse connected to the group.

Among the evidence seized - detailed instructions on obtaining children for unknown purposes and several photographs of nude children.

According to a Customs Service memorandum obtained by U.S. News, one photo appeared "to accent the child's genitals". The more the police learned about the Finders, the more bizarre they seemed: There were suggestions of child abuse, Satanism, dealing in pornography and ritualistic animal slaughter.

None of the allegations was ever proved, however. The child abuse charges against the two men in Tallahassee were dropped; all six of the children were eventually returned to their mothers, though in the case of two, conditions were attached by a court. In Washington, D.C. police began backing away from the Finders investigation. The groups practices, the police said, were eccentric - not illegal.

QUESTIONS. Today, things appear to have changed yet again. The Justice Department has begun a new investigation into the Finders and into the group's activities. It is also reviewing the 1987 investigation into the group to determine whether that probe was closed improperly. Justice officials will not elaborate, except to say the investigation is "ongoing" and that it involves "unresolved matters" in relation to the Finders.

One of the unresolved questions involves allegations that the Finders are somehow linked to the Central Intelligence Agency. Custom Service documents reveal that in 1987, when Customs agents sought to examine the evidence gathered by Washington, D.C. police, they were told that the Finders investigation "had become an internal matter."

The police report on the case had been classified secret. Even now, Tallahassee police complain about the handling of the Finders investigation by D.C. police. "They dropped this case, one Tallahasse investigator says, "like a hot rock." D.C. police will not comment on the matter. As for the CIA, ranking officials describe allegation about links between the intelligence agency and the Finders as "hogwash" perhaps the result of a simple mix up with D.C. police. The only connection, according to the CIA: A firm that provided computer training to CIA officers also employed several members of the Finders.

The many unanswered questions about the Finders case now have Democratic Rep. Charlie Rose of North Carolina, chairman of the House Administration Committee, and Florida's Rep. Tom Lewis, a Republican, more than a little exercised. "Could our own government have something to do with this Finders organization and turned their backs on these children? That's what all the evidence points to," says Lewis. "And there is a lot of evidence. I can tell you this: We've got a lot of people scrambling, and that wouldn't be happening if there was nothing here."

Perhaps. But the Finders say there is nothing there - at least nothing illegal. The Finders have never been involved in child abuse, pornography, Satanism, animal slaughter or anything of the kind, says the group's leader, Marion David Pettie. Pettie, too, says the group has never been connected to the CIA. In an interview with U.S. News, Pettie described the Finders as a communal, holistic-living and learning arrangement. The group numbers some 20 members, Pettie says; they do freelance journalism, research and "competitor intelligence" for a variety of mostly foreign clients. The Finders work for no foreign governments, Pettie says. Their duplex, in a residential Northwest Washington neighborhood, is decorated with global maps and bulletin boards. Residents in Culpepper, Va., 90 minutes from Washington, say the Finders operated an office there, too, from time to time. That office contained computer terminals and clocks reflecting different time zones from around the world.

CIA officials say they referred all matters concerning the Finders and the police investigation to the FBI's Foreign Counterintelligence Division. FBI officials will not comment. Law enforcement sources say some of the Finders are listed in the FBI's classified counterintelligence files.

None of this fazes Pettie. He says the CIA's interest in the Finders may stem from the fact that his late wife once worked for the agency and that his son worked for a CIA proprietary firm, Air America. Overall, says Pettie, "we're a zero security threat. When you don't do much of anything, and you don't explain, people start rumors about you." To judge from the latest case, some of the rumors can last an awfully long time.

By Gordon Witkin and Peter Cary with Ancel Martinez

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall......

Use magic Report

Post time 2-3-2005 02:54 AM | Show all posts
Freemasons and the white House!!!

Evidence of a White House 'cult'

Kevin Wood / Daily Yomiuri Staff Writer

Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib

By Seymour M. Hersh

HarperCollins, 416 pp, 25.95 dollars

Seymour Hersh's Chain of Command is a stunning expose of the mismanagement, mendacity and misconduct behind the actions of the U.S. government and military in relation to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The book is a reworking and updating of Hersh's shocking series of investigative reports, originally published in The New Yorker, on various disturbing aspects of the foreign policy of the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush.

Despite administration claims to the contrary--Richard Perle, one of the architects of the Iraq war, called the author "the closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist"--Hersh is hardly a wild-eyed radical. He earned his journalistic spurs and a Pulitzer Prize breaking the story of the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War and recently won his fifth George Polk Award for his work breaking the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse story.

In a recent interview, Hersh asserted that the United States has "been taken over by a cult"--the neoconservative cabal of ideologues the White House has put in control of U.S. foreign policy, military and intelligence apparatuses. Chain of Command paints a chilling portrait of an administration so convinced of its righteousness that it refuses to see any facts that do not fit its preconceptions. Goals set by the president, vice president and defense secretary were to be achieved by any means necessary--and woe to those who let moral or practical objections get in the way.

Hersh gets his information firsthand from a wide range of insiders and from official documents ranging from congressional reports to U.S. Army investigations.

And damning information it is.

In discussing the systematic abuse at Abu Ghraib, Hersh draws heavily on an internal report by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba, providing a long list of "sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses" at the prison after the president and his national security team turned to Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller to help improve interrogation results in Iraq. As head of the controversial internment and interrogation center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Miller had been criticized heavily by the International Committee of the Red Cross for the treatment of prisoners there.

Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the senior commander in Iraq, accepted Miller's recommendation that "Army prisons be geared, first and foremost, to interrogations," and that military intelligence, not military police, should be in charge of the prison system.

The result was that MPs were routinely directed to "set the conditions" for interrogations by military intelligence officers, Central Intelligence Agency operatives and private contractors by breaking the prisoners' will through coercive treatment that included beatings, sleep deprivation and sexual humiliation.

In autumn 2003, Sanchez authorized military interrogators to use dogs at their own discretion, without his prior approval. Hersh points out that the order requires dogs "to be muzzled and in control of a handler when in interrogation rooms but put no restrictions on the use of dogs in other settings."

In one of many examples of the inappropriate use of military dogs in Iraq, Hersh writes: "One military intelligence witness, Spc. John Howard Ketzer, told Army investigators that he watched a dog team corner two male prisoners against a wall at Abu Ghraib, with one hiding behind the other and screaming. No interrogation was going on. 'When I asked what was going on in the cell, the handler stated that...he and another of the handlers was having a contest to see how many detainees they could get to urinate on themselves.'"

Hersh claims what happened at Abu Ghraib stems from the reliance of the president and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on secret operations and special forces units in the war on terror. The switch to such tactics was Rumsfeld's pet project--even before 9/11 he was moving to change the U.S. military into a smaller, faster, smarter, more high-tech fighting force that would rely chiefly on precision air strikes and commando raids.

Such tactics require precise intelligence, and plenty of it. When such intelligence was not forthcoming, Rumsfeld ordered drastic measures, including the formation of a special, highly secretive intelligence unit in the Pentagon with blanket approval to kill or capture high-value targets. This blanket approval seems to have had a trickle-down effect.

A senior intelligence official is quoted as saying: "So now we get our 'High Value' target lists and the Special Forces are given authority to kill on sight. The guys begin to think, 'Shit, if I can shoot him (a high-value target) on the street, why can't I do what I want when he's under my control in prison.' Rank-and-file soldiers--not Special Forces--are authorized to get tough. The seam between the special high-value targets and the general prison population begins to come apart."

The chapter detailing Rumsfeld's battles with senior military commanders over the war in Iraq is revealing. His ideas on modernizing and streamlining the U.S. military were not popular with the generals. It was Rumsfeld's insistence on a smaller footprint on the ground that led to the deployment only 150,000 U.S. troops in the invasion of Iraq, instead of the 450,000 Pentagon planners recommended. Hersh quotes a variety of senior army officers as saying that the war was micromanaged by Rumsfeld and his civilian advisers, who regularly overruled the Joint Staff.

"'He thought he knew better,' one senior planner said. 'He was the decision maker at every turn.'"

Again and again, Hersh quotes intelligence and military officers as saying senior administration officials politicized intelligence and heard only what they wanted to hear. Intelligence agents who could not confirm the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq were ignored, and generals who warned the invaders might not be greeted with flowers were sidelined.

"They were so crazed and so far out and so difficult to reason with--to the point of being bizarre. Dogmatic, as if they were on a mission from God," one intelligence officer is quoted as saying.

Chain of Command is a difficult book to read in several respects. The stomach-turning descriptions of torture practiced on innocents at Abu Ghraib will horrify anyone with an ounce of humanity. The lengthy list of examples of hubris, wishful thinking, arrogance and blatant stupidity by Rumsfeld, Perle and others in overruling Pentagon planners and intelligence professionals will appall most readers and enrage many.

In the book's epilogue, Hersch poses a series of questions raised by his catalog of the Bush administration's sins, omissions and errors: "How did eight or nine neoconservatives who believed that a war in Iraq was the answer to international terrorism get their way? How did they redirect the government and rearrange long-standing American priorities and policies with so much ease? How did they overcome the bureaucracy, intimidate the press, mislead the Congress, and dominate the military? Is our democracy that fragile?"

Given the litany of errors, abuses and arrogance contained in Chain of Command, the future does not look bright.

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall......

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Post time 5-3-2005 03:02 AM | Show all posts
: : :

Holocaust Survivor Memoir Exposed As Total Fraud
By Mark Weber

A Holocaust survivor memoir that has received prestigious literary awards and lavish praise has been exposed as a hoax.
In Fragments: Memories of a Wartime Childhood, Binjamin Wilkomirski describes his ordeal as an infant in the Jewish ghetto of Riga (Latvia), where his earliest memory is of seeing his father being killed. Wilkomirski also tells how he survived the terrible rigors of wartime internment, at the age of three or four, in the German-run concentration camps of Majdanek and Auschwitz.
First published in German in 1995, Fragments has been translated into twelve languages. In Switzerland, the country where Wilkomirski lives, the book has been a major best-seller. Two documentary films and numerous personal appearances by the author in schools throughout the country have helped promote the memoir.
The American edition was published by Schocken, an imprint of Random House, which heavily promoted the book with teachers' study guides and other supplementary materials.
Jewish groups and major American newspapers have warmly praised Fragments. The New York Times called it "stunning," and the Los Angeles Times lauded it as a "classic first-hand account of the Holocaust." It received the 1996 National Jewish Book Award for Autobiography and Memoir, while in Britain it was awarded the Jewish Quarterly Literary Prize, and in France the Prix Memoire de la Shoah.
The US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC -- a federal government agency -- was so impressed that it sent Wilkomirski on a six-city United States fund-raising tour last fall.
This past summer, though, compelling evidence came to light exposing Wilkomirski's memoir as an literary hoax.
Although he claims to have been born in Latvia in 1939, and to have arrived in Switzerland in 1947 or 1948, Swiss legal records show that he was actually born in Switzerland in February 1941, the son of an unwed woman, Yvette Grosjean. The infant was then adopted and raised by the Doessekkers, a middle-class Zurich couple. Jewish author Daniel Ganzfried, writing in the Swiss weekly Weltwoche, also reports that he has found a 1946 photo of the young Bruno Doessekker (Wilkomirski) in the garden of his adoptive parents.
Comparisons have been drawn between Wilkomirski's Fragments and The Painted Bird, the supposedly autobiographical "Holocaust memoir" by prominent literary figure Jerzy Kosinksi that turned out to be fraudulent.
Reaction by Jewish Holocaust scholars to the new revelations has been instructive, because they seem more concerned about propagandistic impact than about historical truth. Their primary regret seems merely to be that the fraud has been detected, not that it was perpetrated.
In an essay published in a major Canadian newspaper (Ottawa Citizen, Nov. 18, 1998), Jewish writer Judith Shulevitz arrogantly argued that it doesn't really matter much if Fragments is authentic. Her main misgiving, apparently, is that the deceit was not more adroit: "I can't help wishing Wilkomirksi-Doesseker [sic] had been more subtle in his efforts at deception, and produced the magnificent fraud world literature deserves."
Deborah Dwork, director of the Center for Holocaust Studies at Clark University (Worcester, Mass.), and co-author of Auschwitz: 1270 to the Present (Yale Univ. Press, 1996), agrees that Fragments now appears to be fraudulent. At the same time, though, she expressed sympathy for Wilkomirski, saying that when she met him he appeared "to be a deeply scarred man." Amazingly, Dwork does not blame him for the imposture, "because she believes in his identity." Instead, she takes the publishers to task for having "exploited" Wilkomirski. (New York Times, Nov. 3, 1998).
Deborah Lipstadt, author of the anti-revisionist polemic Denying the Holocaust, has assigned Fragments in her Emory University class on Holocaust memoirs. When confronted with evidence that it is a fraud, she commented that the new revelations "might complicate matters somewhat, but [the work] is still powerful."
Daniel Ganzfried reports that Jews have complained to him that even if Fragments is a fraud, his expos

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Post time 10-3-2005 02:32 AM | Show all posts
This is interesting!!!check it out.....:hmm:

http://www.theforbiddenknowledge ... ologicalwarfare.htm

AIDS As Biological & Psychological Warfare

by Waves Forrest

Despite repeated denials from Defense Department officials, allegations persist that AIDS is a genetically altered virus, which has been deliberately released to wipe out homosexuals and/or non-whites in the U.S. and reduce populations in third world countries.

At first glance it seems like the epitome of paranoia to accuse the military of conspiring to exterminate citizens of their own country, and even some of their own troops. However, the vast majority of military personnel could be completely unaware of such a plot in their midst, while a relative handful of traitors in key positions could conduct it under cover of classified operations. And the circumstantial evidence is actually quite compelling, that the AIDS virus was artificially engineered, and planted in several different locations at about the same time through vaccination programs, and possibly blood bank contamination.

At a House Appropriations hearing in 1969, the Defense Department's Biological Warfare (BW) division requested funds to develop through gene-splicing a new disease that would both resist and break down a victim's immune system. "Within the next 5 to 10 years it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which could differ in certain important respects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious diseases." (See - A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story of Chemical and Biological Warfare by R. Harris and J. Paxman, p 266, Hill and Wang, pubs.) The funds were approved.

AIDS appeared within the requested time frame, and has the exact characteristics specified.

In 1972, the World Health Organization published a similar proposal: "An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function, e.g., by ...affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function. The possibility should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens." (Bulletin of the W.H.O., vol. 47, p 257- 274.) This is a clinical description of the function of the AIDS virus.

The incidence of AIDS infections in Africa coincides exactly with the locations of the W.H.O. smallpox vaccination program in the mid-1970's (London Times, May 11, 1987). Some 14,000 Haitians then on UN secondment to Central Africa were also vaccinated in this campaign. Personnel actually conducting the vaccinations may have been completely unaware that the vaccine was anything other than what they were told.

A striking feature of AIDS is that it's ethno-selective. The rate of infection is twice as high among Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans as among whites, with death coming two to three times as

swiftly. And over 80% of the children with AIDS and 90% of infants born with it are among these minorities. "Ethnic weapons" that would strike certain racial groups more heavily than others have been a long-standing U.S. Army BW objective. (Harris and Paxman, p 265)

Under the current U.S. administration biological warfare research spending has increased 500 percent, primarily in the area of genetic engineering of new disease organisms.

The "discovery" of the AIDS virus (HTLV3) was announced by Dr. Robert Gallo at the National Cancer Institute, which is on the grounds of Fort Detrick, Maryland, a primary U.S. Army biological warfare research facility. Actually, the AIDS virus looks and acts much more like a cross between a bovine leukemia virus and a sheep visna (brain-rot) virus, cultured in a human cell culture, than any virus of the HTLV group.

The closest thing in this case to a "smoking test tube" so far is the AIDS virus itself. If it was possible for such a monstrosity to occur naturally it would have done so ages ago and decimated mankind at that time. Some other life form would presently be in control of this planet (assuming that is not already the case).

The Hepatitis B vaccine study in 1978 appears to have been the initial means of planting the infection in New York City. The test protocol specified non-monogamous males only, and homosexuals received a different vaccine from heterosexuals. At least 25-50% of the first reported New York AIDS cases in 1981 had received the Hepatitis B test vaccine in 1978. By 1984, 64% of the vaccine recipients had AIDS, and the figures on the current infection rate for the participants of that study are held by the U.S. Department of Justice, and "unavailable."

The AIDS epidemic emerged full-blown in the three U.S. cities with "organized gay communities" before being reported elsewhere, including Haiti or Africa, so it is epidemiologically impossible for either of those countries to be the origin point for the U.S. infections.

Another indication AIDS had multiple origin points is that the 14-month doubling time of the disease cannot nearly account for the current number of cases if we assume only a small number of initial infections starting in the late 1970s.

Use magic Report

Post time 10-3-2005 02:33 AM | Show all posts
Before dismissing the possibility that a U.S. Army BW facility would participate in genocide, bear in mind that hundreds of top Nazis were imported into key positions in the U.S. military- intelligence establishment following WW II. U.S. military priorities were then re-oriented from defeating Nazis to "defeating" communism at any cost, and strengthening military control of economic and foreign policy decisions (See - Project Paperclip by Clarence Lasby, Atheneum 214, NY, and Gehlen: Spy of the Century by E.H. Cookridge, Random House.) There's no proof those Nazis ever gave up their long-term goals of conquest and genocide, just because they changed countries. Fascism was and is an international phenomenon.

It's not as if this was total reversal of previous U.S. military policy, however. Hitler claimed to have gotten his inspiration for the "final solution" from the extermination of Native Americans in the U.S. For that matter the first example of germ warfare in the U.S. was in 1763 when some of the European colonists gave friendly Indians a number of blankets that had been infected with smallpox, causing many deaths.

One indication of the actual U.S. military priorities regarding BW was the importation of the entire Japanese germ warfare unit (#731) following WW II. These people killed over 3000 POWs, including many Americans, in a variety of grisly experiments, yet

they were granted complete amnesty and given American military positions in exchange for sharing their research findings with their U.S. Army counterparts.

Consider also the callous attitude displayed by top military officials toward veterans suffering from the after-effects of exposure to Agent Orange and radiation from nuclear weapons tests.

In fact, since the end of WW II over 200 experimental BW tests have been conducted on civilians and military personnel in the U.S. One example was the test spraying from Sept. 20-26, 1950 of bacillus globigi and syraceus maracezens over 117 square miles of the San Francisco area, causing pneumonia-like infections in many of the residents. The family of one elderly man who died in the test sued the government, but lost. To this day, syraceus is a leading cause of death among the elderly in the San Francisco area. Another case was the joint Army-CIA BW test in 1955, still classified, in which an undisclosed bacteria was released in the Tampa Bay region of Florida, causing a dramatic increase in whooping cough infections, including twelve deaths. A third example was the July 7-10, 1966 release of bacteria throughout the New York subway system, conducted by the U.S. Army's Special Operations Division. Due to the vast number of people exposed it would virtually impossible to identify, let alone prove, and specific health problems resulting directly from this test.

Despite the loyalty of the vast majority of U.S. military personnel toward their country, there are clearly some military officials who have very different intentions, and they occupy high enough positions to impose their priorities on military programs and get away with it, so far.

The first detailed charges regarding AIDS as a BW weapon were published in the Patriot newspaper in New Delhi, India, on July 4, 1984. It is hard to say where the investigations of this story in the Indian press might have led, if they had not been sidetracked by two major domestic disasters shortly thereafter: the assassination of Indira Gandhi on Oct. 31 and the Bhopal Union Carbide plant "accident" that killed several thousand and injured over 200,000 on Dec. 3.

The Soviet press picked up the story on October 1985, making it easy for U.S. Defense Department spokesmen to dismiss the charges as "Soviet propaganda," even though many other countries carried it. The Soviets recently retracted the charges, in the new spirit of US-USSR cooperation.

A variation on the AIDS-BW theory that is popular in far-right publications is that AIDS was developed in Soviet laboratories for use against the U.S. An obvious problem with this idea is that the victims of choice of a Soviet BW attack would be anti- communists, not minorities or homosexuals, who are generally more left-wing. The people at greatest risk from AIDS in the U.S. are in fact the very elements most disliked by arch-conservatives. In any case, it is simplistic to assume that one country, U.S. or USSR, is conducting this campaign against one another. Although concealed in apparent conflicts between nations, the real culprits are multi-national fascists on both "sides" still bent on massive population reductions and global domination.

Other motives include the old "divide and conquer" principle; AIDS is inspiring fear and mistrust between people, and scaring them away from relating to each other at the basic level of sexuality. It is acting as a barrier to the attempted cultural resurgence toward peace, love and cooperation. Of high school students surveyed last year as to which decade they'd most like to have grown up in, 90% chose the 60's. The last thing pro-war fascists want is another "love generation," especially if it is more politically sophisticated than the last one.

Apparently, homosexuals were an initial target in the U.S. because their sexual practices would help in the rapid spread of the disease, and because it was correctly assumed that very few non-homosexual citizens would pay much attention during the early years of the epidemic. Also, the stigma of a "homosexual disease" would interfere with rational analysis and discussion of AIDS. Bear in mind that homosexuals were among the first to be exterminated in Nazi Germany, before Jews or other minorities, so fewer citizens would object.

The details of precisely how the AIDS virus was synthesized, mass cultured, and spread by incorporating into vaccination programs are available but fairly intricate. It is beyond the scope of this report to present a crash course in virology, epidemiology, genetic engineering, and the military strategies of international fascism. Readers are encouraged to obtain and study the references cited here, and demand a full inquiry. Those officials who are actually involved in the coverup will reveal it by their inaction when pressed to investigate.

Evil is hard to confront, especially on the preposterous scale we have here. If you acknowledge the presence of those who think their only hope for survival is to kill off two thirds of all the other kinds, and their ability to manage it, you then pretty much have to do something about it.

Three good sources, each which lists many other key references, are: Covert Action Information Bulletin #28 ($5), Box 50272, Washington, D.C. 20004; Bio-Attack Alert ($20), Dr. Robert Strecker, 1501 Colorado Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90041; Radio Free America #16 by Dave Emery and Nip Tuck (3 tapes, $10), Davkore Co., 1300-D Space Park Way, Mountain View, CA 94043.

This report was originally printed in - Critique - Exposing Consensus Reality, P.O. Box 11368, Santa Rosa, CA 95406. $15.00 for three issues (one year).

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall..........

Use magic Report

Post time 11-3-2005 02:17 AM | Show all posts
Another great posting by a7,it's worth reading!:hatdown:


Use magic Report


Post time 14-3-2005 03:07 AM | Show all posts
Here's more about the conspiracy behind the AIDS disease....

http://www.theforbiddenknowledge ... stheuntoldstory.htm

By Dr. Stanley Monteith

It has been said that "men become accomplices to those tragedies which they fail to oppose". Nowhere is that truth more clearly demonstrated than in the apocalypse currently unfolding across the world as the HIV epidemic continues its silent spread from land to land.
As of January 1, 1997 over 350,000 Americans will be dead, another 200,000 will be in the terminal stages of their illness, and an additional six hundred thousand to a million more will be HIV infected. Barring the possibility that protease inhibitors can permanently block HIV-induced immunosuppression, almost all those currently infected will progress to terminal-stage illness and death.

The enormity of the tragedy facing America today, however, is dwarfed by the tragedy sweeping Asia and Africa. As of mid-1994, in the small landlocked nation of Malawi in Southern Africa, 30% of high school students and 68% of college students tested were found to be HIV infected. (1) Recent testing of soldiers throughout Africa revealed a 50% HIV infection rate, while testing of military units in Zimbabwe revealed a 90% infection rate. It is estimated that in Zimbabwe between one-quarter and one-third of President Mugabe's Cabinet have already perished from AIDS. (2)
In the May, 1996 issue of Special Warfare, a magazine distributed primarily to members of Special Operations (Military Intelligence) units, Dr. Brian Sullivan writes: "The immediate future may present other daunting challenges...Because of complicated social and cultural reasons, AIDS already infects a high proportion of the military and civilian officials of Zaire, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia and other central African countries. In some or all of these countries government establishments may collapse in the next 10-15 years...civil rule may also erode or break down in parts of North Africa, the Middle East, India and Southeast Asia." (3)

In Uganda, the average life span of men has fallen to 30 years, while the average life span of women has fallen to 27 years. (4) A missionary friend living in Africa reports that there are over nine million children in sub- Saharan Africa who have lost their mothers to AIDS, and that one in every four miners working in South Africa are HIV positive. These statistics were communicated to me by E-mail from Vern Tisdalle, a missionary stationed in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is estimated that by the turn of the century the epicenter of the epidemic will have shifted from Africa to Asia. Indian health authorities currently estimate that "as many as 20 million or even 50 million Indians will be infected by the year 2000, and that there will be more AIDS patients than hospital beds". (5) On June 1, 1996 Reuter's News Service reported that Dr. William Blattner of the Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland estimated that 100 million people will be HIV infected by the year 2000. (6) In both Asia and Africa, HIV infection (AIDS) is primarily a heterosexual disease, while in Western nations the illness is found almost exclusively among homosexuals, IV drug users, and more recently among heterosexual blacks. Why is there such variance between the continents? There are several possible explanations. Dr. Max Essex, Director of the Harvard AIDS Institute, has reported that the predominant subtype of the virus found in Western nations is HIV-I: subtype B, whereas in both Asia and Africa the predominant subtypes are C and E. Dr. Essex believes that the Langerhans cells which line the vagina and oral cavities are the primary sites for HIV infection. In laboratory experiments using Langerhans cell cultures, investigators have discovered that HIV I: subtype B is only minimally infectious to LH cells, whereas subtypes C and E are highly infectious. This study may explain why we find heterosexual spread of HIV infection in Asia and Africa where subtypes HIV I: C and E predominate, but only rarely in Western nations where subtype B is found. It is presumed that homosexuals and IV drug users contract HIV I: subtype B readily because of their lifestyles involving needle sharing and rectal sex. (7) Dr. Essex's work, however, does not explain the heterosexual epidemic developing within black America today. This aberration may be explained by studies which have found that certain genetic factors predispose blacks to HIV infection. Researchers have recently identified two mutated genes in some whites that are not found in blacks; these altered genes protect their hosts from HIV infection. There may well be other yet unrecognized genetic factors which confer complete or partial immunity to whites, but these factors have yet to be identified. (8,9)

Shortly after the year 2000 blacks will make up the majority of new HIV infections occurring here in the United States. (10) That supposition is reflected in statistics released by the Department of Health in Virginia in 1996. Because of the 10-year latency period between HIV infection and immunodeficiency, AIDS statistics reflect the status of the epidemic 10 years ago rather than what is happening today. Virginia's current AIDS statistics suggest equal numbers of blacks and whites infected while HIV statistics reveal that 64% of recent infections are among blacks while only 31.8% are among whites. These figures become even more frightening when one reflects that blacks make up only 22.6% of Virginia's population. (11)
What most people do not realize is that all efforts to utilize public health measures to slow spread of the HIV epidemic have been thwarted. Why?

(A) Because most people don't understand what is happening,
(B) Because many who do recognize the unfolding tragedy have been threatened and are afraid to speak out, and,
(C) Because both public health officers and physicians have been effectively blocked from introducing the public health measures needed to stop further spread of this modern-day plague. (12)

(A) Randy Shilts, author of "And The Band Played On" recognized this fact when he wrote: "The bitter truth was that AIDS did not just happen to America - It was allowed to happen by an array of institutions, all of which failed to perform their appropriate tasks to safeguard the public health ... There was no excuse, in this country and in this time, for the spread of a deadly new epidemic." (13)
Why is this happening? Tragically, most Americans do not understand the magnitude of the epidemic because our print and TV media have been selective in reporting matters dealing with the epidemic. I know that from first-hand experience because I and many of my cohorts have been thwarted in our efforts to disseminate the truth about the magnitude of the epidemic. I have recorded that story in my book "AIDS: The Unnecessary Epidemic", published in 1991 by Covenant House. An interesting study in thought control in America today is to try to acquire my book via regular distribution channels.
In recent years several other books have been published which have, in my opinion, presented misleading information about the epidemic. Tragically, that misinformation has discouraged introduction of the public health measures needed to save human lives. In 1990 Regnery Gateway published Michael Fumento's "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS". In that book, Fumento assured his readers that there was no possibility of heterosexual spread of AIDS here in the United States. Noting that the epidemic had not exploded within the white, heterosexual community as feared, Fumento crafted a convincing tale belittling those of us who wanted to introduce public health measures to block further spread of the disease. In his book, Fumento accused me of "iceberg-theory terrorism" because during the early stages of the epidemic I expressed fear that HIV disease would spread into the general heterosexual population. (14) As time has gone by I have publicly modified my view, but to the best of my knowledge Michael Fumento has never recanted his message that no public health measures were needed. During the early stages of the epidemic, we were both wrong. I erred on the side of caution; Michael Fumento erred on the side that insists that preventive health measures were not needed to stop the epidemic.  

Use magic Report

Post time 14-3-2005 03:08 AM | Show all posts
The tragedy unfolding in both Asia and Africa today reflects the apathy engendered by the misinformation disseminated during the early 1990s. I sincerely believe that the lives of hundreds of thousands of homosexuals, IV drug users, black heterosexuals and black children could have been saved had public health measures been introduced at that time. Had measures been introduced in Asia and Africa, hundreds of millions of lives could have been saved. That, however, was not to be. (15). In 1994 Inside Story Publications released "Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS" written by Brian Ellison and Dr. Peter Duesberg. Dr. Duesberg insists that there is no AIDS epidemic, and that most of those who are assumed to have died from AIDS have actually succumbed to the complications of drug usage, sexual stimulants, and AZT. (16) An updated version of Dr. Duesberg's book was republished by Regnery Publishing Inc. in 1996 under the title "Inventing the AIDS Virus". Both books contended that:
[1] "in most individuals suffering from AIDS, no virus particles can be found anywhere in the body" (17)
[2] "retroviruses do not kill cells" (18)
[3] There are no scientific studies to document any relationship between HIV infection and immunodeficiency (19)
[4] Kimberly Bergalis was perfectly healthy before she was given AZT (20)
[5] HIV-infected hemophiliacs and transfusion recipients do not die from immunodeficiency but rather from their hemophilia and other diseases. (21)
A number of other questionable arguments were presented in a clever and convincing manner in Dr. Duesberg's book, and they swayed many people. After all, why would Dr. Duesberg, a world-famous retrovirologist, make such statements if they weren't true? Let me respond:
[1] Clinicians presently chart the course of HIV disease by measuring the numbers of viral particles present in peripheral blood.
[2] Because the HIV retrovirus routinely kills normal T cells in the laboratory, special resistant lines of T cells must be used to culture the retrovirus: This information was confirmed by telephone conversation with Dr. Donald Francis in August 1996, and with the chief of the CDC virology lab in Atlanta, Georgia, in February 1996.
[3] There have been a number of published studies documenting the relationship between HIV infection and terminal-stage immuno- suppression: (22,23)
[4] Kimberly Bergalis was severely immuno- compromised, contracted pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and had a CD4 count as low as 41 before she was started on AZT. This information was obtained from Kimberly's college medical records which were graciously provided to me by her father, George.
[5] Both Ellison and Dr. Duesberg ignore the fact that hemophiliacs and transfusion recipients who have died have virtually all manifested the classic, clinical picture of terminal- stage immunodeficiency. (24)

A detailed analysis of Dr.Duesberg's arguments and his agenda is beyond the scope of this article. That subject is covered in my HIV-Watch newsletter, and in my monograph, "The Population Control Agenda". Unfortunately, Dr. Duesberg's books have convinced many otherwise sincere people that there is no reason to institute standard public health measures to control further spread of the epidemic. (25)
(B) Why have people been afraid to speak out? I personally know of physicians, medical personnel and politicians who have had their professions ruined simply because they dared to comment publicly on the mishandling of the epidemic. On one occasion two public health officers approached me stating: "We want you to know that we support you and what you're doing, but we can't come out publicly because we've been threatened." That pattern of intimidation has been commonplace since the inception of the epidemic. The story of the threats and intimidation utilized to silence concerned professionals is also covered in "AIDS:The Unnecessary Epidemic". (26)
(C) For centuries epidemics have been stopped by identifying the infected, and preventing them from transmitting their illness to others. In the case of HIV disease it would have been relatively simple to have blocked further spread of the epidemic in the mid-1980s when the HIV blood test became available. That, however, was not to be. Even before the blood test was released in May of 1985 there were forces organizing to block the introduction of standard public health measures to control further spread of the epidemic. Virtually all necessary public health measures have been precluded because of those efforts. (27,28)

The precedent for public health management of a sexually transmitted disease epidemic was established by Surgeon General Thomas Parren during the syphylis epidemic of the 1930s. Had physicians been allowed to introduce the public health measures needed in the mid-1980s we could have stopped further spread of the plague. What should have been done?

[1] Physicians should have been instructed to carry out routine, non-mandatory, confidential HIV testing on all office and hospital patients.
[2] Mandatory reportability of the names of the infected to public health officials should have been instituted to facilitate contact tracing, compilation of accurate statistics, and identification of those who were intentionally spreading their illness.
[3] Mandatory premarital, prenatal, and neonatal HIV testing should have been introduced to save the lives of sexual partners, unborn and newborn children.
[4] Infected prostitutes should have been identified and removed from our streets.
[5] Houses of prostitution, gay sex clubs and bathhouses should have been closed.
[6] Nationwide treatment programs for drug addicts should have been introduced.
[7] Education should have stressed chastity and morality rather than instructing our youth how to put on condoms and lecturing them on aberrant sexual activity.

Tragically, almost all efforts by concerned public health officers and physicians to address the HIV epidemic have been thwarted. I know from personal experience because for over a decade I led the battle within the House of Delegates of the California Medical Association to introduce the public health measures needed to stop the epidemic. Year after year the physicians voted to introduce effective public health measures, and year after year those within the hierarchy and the bureaucracy of organized medicine worked to block implementation of those policies. That tragic story is also chronicled in my book "AIDS: The Unnecessary Epidemic".
Men and women of conscience are not relieved of their moral responsibility to speak out concerning the manner in which this epidemic has been handled simply because it has failed to involve the white heterosexual population of America. In my opinion, almost everyone who acquires this disease today does so because of our nation's failure to implement the public health measures necessary to block further spread of the illness. I sincerely believe that men do become accomplices to those tragedies which they fail to oppose. Failure to speak out in times of moral crises makes cowards of men, and these days we live in are surely times of great moral crisis.

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall....

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Post time 15-3-2005 02:28 AM | Show all posts
Freemason and America.....United State Of Freemason-USF....:lol :lol

http://www.theforbiddenknowledge ... nic_destruction.htm

The Freemasonic Destruction of Western Civilization
by Brian Kennedy [email protected]
written Good Friday, 1997

History teaches us that the Jews were expelled from most Christian lands in Europe between the fourteenth and the seventeenth centuries. Usually, the cause was the crime of Jewish Ritual Murder. The history of this heinous crime can be found at :

When Oliver Cromwell needed money to pay his large, well-equipped army in the seventeenth century, he turned to the wealthy Jews of Amsterdam for his financing. To get money to pay his men, he had to agree to let the Jews back into England. (The story is contained in the Encyclopaedia Judaica, of all places, although it has been considerably sanitized by the Jews. The article states that Cromwell was "a humane man."

Like Judas Iscariot before him, Cromwell sold England and his own soul, for thirty pieces of silver. But he also set in motion a chain of events, which the modern world still suffers from. This unholy alliance, between the crypto-Jewish Norman scum who run the modern multi-racial British Empire and world Jewry, continues down to this day. This Talmudic yoke still falls heavily on the Anglo-Saxons and Celts who populate England and Ireland.

Below is a short chronology.




The first settlers in America brought Masonic Lodges with them. This gave Jews a way to infiltrate and undermine the new country.

The first Constitutional Convention (1787) was conducted IN SECRET in Philadelphia, under the first president of the New World Order (and freemason), George Washington. Thirty-one of the fifty-five delegates were freemasons. Dissident delegates, like Patrick Henry and Benjamin Harrison, were simply outvoted. American history books have whitewashed the whole sordid affair, thanks to masonic (crypto-Jew) influence.

Phony "Bill of Rights" guaranteed "Freedom of Religion." It went almost unnoticed by the public at that time, but its real purpose was to allow freemasonry to do its evil work unhampered.

The equally phony "checks & balances" in that same Constitution gave no easy way of removing freemasonic (crypto-Jewish) judges. This sealed the doom of the fledgling republic right at its very beginning, and set the stage for its future evolution in a "democracy" -- the multi-racial cesspool it has become today.

The U.S. legal system enshrined the Talmudic practice of building up case law on fine distinctions, and hairsplitting nuances. Black can be made into white, or vice-versa, under such a system. It is a made-to-order recipe for tyranny, and manipulation by unseen authority (the international bankers). Of course, this was the intention, from the very beginning. Jews have been controlled by their rabbis for two thousand years under this pernicious system.

The U.S. Constitution made no mention of the family, the basic building block of society.

Negro slaves were brought in, ostensibly to pick cotton; but really to set up future racial conflicts.


After England lost the War of 1812, the British Empire's plan of re-conquest of its former colony switched from the overt to the covert method of rule. Known as the Earl of Dysart plan (Elizabeth Murray, Oliver Cromwell's mistress, was the daughter of the first Earl of Dysart), this plan is still being pursued today.

In the 1820's, President Andrew Jackson fulfilled his campaign promise -- he abolished the central bank, and paid off the entire national debt, incurring the wrath of the international banksters. An attempt was made on his life, but it failed.

Cults were brought in to America under the phony "freedom of religion" doctrine, and began their work of Jewish Messianicism.

The Plymouth Brethren Movement was exported to America from England, to establish its crypto-judaism under a Christian cloak.

Civil War propaganda was built up over the "slavery" issue, by British Empire agents working in the masonic Knights of the Golden Circle.

The American Civil War was financed with credit/debt on the Southern Side, setting the pattern for future world wars by Rothschild bankers and their allies.


History's first great Jewish ritual murder began -- the American Civil War. Chosen to die: the specimen white Christian youth of America, both north & south. The economic self-sufficiency and independence of the American South -- the real economic target of the moneychangers -- was lost forever, in this war.

President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865 by a British intelligence agent. Lincoln had refused the Rothschild offer of credit at 18% interest rate, and issued interest-free "greenbacks" to finance the North's war expenditures instead.

"ublic Education" began to arise at this time, out of masonic "humanism."

Jewish cults continued to increase. Both Mormons and Watch Tower Society of Jehovah's Witnesses, the shock troops of York Rite freemasonry, began their proselytizing around this time. "Freedom of religion" protected the crime.

Karl Marx wrote *Das Kapital* in the library of the British Museum in London. Even to this day, most of the world never realizes that the origin of communism is British -- not German or Russian.

President James A. Garfield was assassinated in 1881 by a "lone nut." Garfield was a hard money advocate, and a lifelong opponent of usury banking.


Hard money advocate President William McKinley was assassinated in 1901 by another "lone nut." He was succeeded by Theodore Roosevelt, freemason (crypto-Jew) and Anglophile.

The Scofield Bible began its work of popularizing the Jewish interpretation of "prophecy" among the trusting goyim, and "judaizing" Christianity itself. The self-contradictory term, "Judeo-Christian," dates from this era.

In 1913, both the "income tax" and the "federal reserve" began. The two greatest monetary swindles of modern times. The first "tax-free" foundation (Carnegie's) had been set up TWO YEARS previously, giving the lie to the establishment's account that all of this came about by accident.

Once the moneychangers had their fangs into the financial bloodstream of America, the U.S. immediately became involved in the First World War. It was all financed with bank credit (usury) to "make the world safe for democracy." In actuality, it was another great Jewish ritual murder, targeting the white Christian youth of Europe and America.

In 1917, the British double-crossed the Arabs, who had been promised Palestine in 1915 for revolting against Turkey (the "Lawrence of Arabia" story). The infamous Balfour Declaration promised the same land to the Jews instead, as a reward for their work in getting America into the war on the British side. All modern-day problems in the bandit state of Israel derive from this source.

In that same year, "communism" was installed in Russia, to destroy the greatest economic competitor the British Empire would otherwise have had, after the war. It was spectacularly successful; Russia has still not economically recovered from Marxism. And the Russian population is only half of what it would have been, without the albatross of communism.

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Post time 15-3-2005 02:29 AM | Show all posts
In 1919, at the Treaty of Versailles, Germany -- which had practically won the First World War, by 1917 -- found out that America entered the war on England's side because of all the behind-the-scenes work of World Jewry's Zionists, who wanted the land of Palestine for themselves. Germans were rightly incensed at being stabbed in the back by Jews. The righteous indignation of the German people against all Jews eventually led to the rise of Hitler's national socialist movement.


Freemason Franklin D. Roosevelt abolished the gold backing of the American dollar at the behest of the international bankers.


From August 19th to September 5th of 1940, Congressman

Thorkelson of Montana read (past tense) nine speeches into the Congressional Record, identifying the British Empire's plan of world domination and its future plan for world strife. The one he gave on August 20th, identifying the number of Jews that had intermarried with the British "aristocracy," took up four typewritten pages. (And this was in 1940.)

On December 7th, 1941, the freemasons Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt failed to warn the American soldiers at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii of the coming "surprise" attack -- even though both men knew the attack was coming (both England & America had cracked the Japanese code). The Japanese only destroyed obsolete battleships and cruisers that day; all the aircraft carriers were out to sea on "maneuvers." This was how America got sucked into another banker-financed "war to end all wars."

Rockefeller world-wide properties (Standard Oil) emerged from World War II practically unscathed in 1945.

Russia suffered twenty million casualties (dead & wounded soldiers) during the war; Germany, ten million; America, almost one million; United Kingdom, 700 thousand.

Except for the Japanese, the vast majority of all people killed in the war were white Christians, of European descent. Another great Jewish ritual murder joined the history books.


In 1954, the Supreme Court's infamous Brown vs. Board of Education case overturned its own previous ruling of 1896, and laid the foundation for the still-ongoing phony negro "civil rights" movement. This nine-to-nothing decision was passed by eight freemasons and one Zionist Jew (Felix Frankfurter), in flagrant disregard of all legal precedent.

Crypto-Judaism (freemasonry) swings into high gear, from this time forward. Judges who enforce Talmudic case law become increasingly despotic and autocratic.

Jewish "holocaust" extortion racket begins in earnest, to bleed Germany and America dry financially.


In 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by another "lone nut." The Warren Commission, which was made up almost entirely of freemasons, whitewashed the whole affair. Kennedy's fatal mistake was to start asking why we were paying interest on our own money supply.

In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson drags America into another British Empire-engineered phony war: Vietnam. British ships enter & leave Haiphong Harbor on a daily basis, but freemason Lyndon Johnson refuses to mine the harbor, against the advice of most of his generals and admirals. This is inexplicable from a military standpoint, unless freemasonry's hidden agenda is taken into account.

President Lyndon Johnson takes all the silver out of the American coinage system at the behest of the international bankers. This cuts the last economic tie to anything real, but the people still don't wake up. The bankers' utopia has now arrived, and only awaits one more step: the "cashless society." Thanks to government school brainwashing, the sheeple still think federal reserve notes are "money." Actually, the entire system works only with "credit," which is just as invisible as the emperor's clothes in the famous fairy tale.

America begins to be flooded with drugs, continuing the British Empire policy of subjugating large countries with crime and drug problems, which had begun with Britain's Opium Wars against China during Queen Victoria's reign. The Beatles were later knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for their important service in glorifying drug use in their song lyrics, and bringing about America's second greatest social problem -- after the non-white racial problem.

Wives begin working in the phony debt slave system, in accordance with the master plan of the international bankers. "Feminists" never realize that they are only pawns in the hands of the moneychangers, who have to keep the total population down, in order to cover up their monetary crimes.

Double-think becomes the unofficial language - abortion (murder) becomes "freedom of choice" and a woman's "right" - queers (perverts) become people with "alternate" lifestyles.

1970's to 1990's

The deliberate dumbing down of the schools steps up its intensity. Public school children are taught to read with the "whole word" method, instead of simple phonetics. This method of reading -- which was originally invented to teach deaf mutes -- makes learning English as difficult as learning Chinese, which has thousands of symbols, instead of twenty-six letters. The ONLY purpose of the "whole word" method is to keep American students from reading websites like this one, and finding out how corrupt and evil the bankers have become. "Tax-free" foundation money pays for the whole corrupt system; but home schooling and the Catholic school system expand tremendously, thwarting the moneychangers' plans, to some extent.

AIDS is invented in a laboratory, to scare people away from producing any more children. Not one man in ten thousand suspects the real purpose. Bankers' war on any population increase marches on, unrecognized & unimpeded.

Armageddon politics builds the propaganda base for World War III -- the future war planned by the banksters' cartel. It will begin whenever the British Empire allows the Zionist Jews to start rebuilding their long-destroyed temple on the site of the Dome of the Rock, a sacred shrine to devout Moslems.

Phony "televangelists" preach the Jewish version of Christianity (appropriately called "judeo" Christian, by now). "Prophecy" conferences and trips to Israel by Zionist "jewdeo-Christian" preachers become big business.

"Rev." Jerry Falwell is presented with his own jet plane -- a gift from the bandit state of Israel -- for his great service to Zionism.

The "New Age," the *novus ordo seclorum* on the back of a one dollar bill, becomes a reality. The kingdom of God on earth is now imminent, according to the "prophecy" mongers.

The murder toll from abortions now exceeds thirty million; more than all previous wars. Jewish ritual murder has now reached its zenith.

Bankers think they own everything now. The "cashless" society, which is really the usurers' utopia, seems almost around the corner. But the internet comes along, facilitating the free exchange of uncensored ideas, and upsetting the moneychangers' plans.

White Christian backlash has already begun. It will soon become unstoppable.

Allah Knows Best,Peace Yall......

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