Originally posted by migdal_bavel at 29-1-2006 06:45 PM
cube ko pi kt www.penangjewishcemetery.org ak rs dkt ngn komtar ar klu tgk kt gmbr2 tu...
org yg benci yahudi tu...ko per hal ah?
.....timekasih Migdal.....anda banyak membantu...... saya tak membenci Yahudi.....sy benci Zionis......saya hanya sentiasa berwaspada dgn kelicikan tipu helah org Yahudi yg menyalahgunakan kebijaksanaan akal fikiran mrk......smua umat manusia milik Allah Yg Maha Esa jua. |
Imam asy-Syaukani (Nayl al-Auth鈘, VII/ 213-215) mengemukakan dua hadis tentang hukuman bagi penghina Rasulullah saw. Amirul Mukminin Ali bin Abi Thalib ra. menuturkan:
Originally posted by willy_wonka at 25-1-2006 11:23 AM
kawan ayah aku penah bagitahu yg org israel ni antara org yg paling lawa kat dunia..org kashmir tu pun asalnya dr keturunan diaorg gak sbb tu la org kashmir lawa2
Maaf, lupa nak sambung komen ttg orang2 Kashmir dan Israel ni!
Lawa ke tidak orang Israel saya kurang info ttg ini - tetapi dari kecil lagi beranggapan yg mereka mempunyai hidung yang ...er ..macam parrot punya. :hmm:
Tetapi orang2 Kashmir tu claim diorang berketurunan Indo-Aryan. Kebanyakan mempunyai mata biru atau hijau , berambut perang dan berkulit cerah. Namun ada juga yang bermata hitam, sepet, berambut hitam dan berkulit cerah. Dari pakar2 sejarah orang2 asalnya adalah dari India dan mereka telah mempunyai interaksi dengan tamadun Parsi, Greek dan Roman. Kebanyakan mereka sekarang berugama Islam.
[ Last edited by hamizao at 3-3-2006 12:44 AM ] |
Originally posted by Laxamana. at 3-3-2006 04:29 PM
Orang Yahudi yang aku pernah jumpa, jarang sangat lawa sebab hidung besar-besar dan bengkok dua. Bukan nak kutuk, nak bagi tau je. Yahudi ni macam-macam, kat Afrika Yahudi hitam belegam pun ada. Co ...
macam dlm pilem P. Ramlee.. Seniman Bujang Lapok..
"Walaupun rupa mu tidak ku kenal.. tatapi, LOBANG IDUNG mu tetap menjadi POJAAN hati ku"
muhehehheh :dia::dia: jgn mare arr :cak: |
Eeeerk! Jadi memanglah anggapan sy berasas rupanya....But then physiognomy bukannya accurate...ya tak?
Ttg Sammy Davis Jr tu, saya rasa dia converted Jew. Jadi tentulah lain. Yang dalam isu ini saya rasa yg dimaksudkan ialah Bani Israel.
[ Last edited by hamizao at 11-3-2006 06:16 PM ] |
Things You Need To Know
Things Christians Need To Know
(About Jews, Judaism and Zionism)
by Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr. AUS RET.
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."-- (John 8:32)
In 1914, at the annual dinner of the American Press Association, John Swinton, the editor of a well-known newspaper, was about to retire. In his retirement speech he said: "There is no such thing as an independent press in America, if we except those of the little country towns. You know this, I know it! Not a man among you dares to utter his honest opinion. Were you to utter it, you know that it would never appear in print. . . I am paid to keep my honest opinion out of the newspaper for which I write. You too are paid for similar services. Were I to permit a single edition on the newspaper for which I write, to contain an honest opinion, my occupation . . . would be gone in less than twenty-four hours. The man who would be foolish enough to write his honest opinion would soon be walking the streets in search of another job. It is the duty of the New York journalist to lie, distort, to destroy, to revile, to toady at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country, and his race, for his daily bread, or what amounts to the same, for his salary. We are tools and vessels of the rich (International Bankers and their affiliates such as the C.F.R.) behind the scenes. We are marionettes. These men pull the strings and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our capacities, are all property of these men - we are intellectual prostitutes."
These words are more true today than when they were spoken over 75 years ago. We do not have a "free press, in America. It is completely "controlled," and we hear exactly what the "masters," want us to hear.
For instance, Americans were never told that our last four big wars, World War I, II, Korea and Vietnam in which we lost 426,629 battlefield dead; 209,792 service related deaths and suffered over 1,131,435 casualties, which today are taxing the Veteran's Hospitals to overflowing, were not fought to defend the security of the United States, since it was never in danger. These wars were all "created" by the Internationalists, not only to line their pockets with unimaginable wealth, but to increase their control over our people and prepare them for their dream of a One World Government. The people of America gained absolutely nothing from these four wars, except death, suffering and an unbelievable debt which we will never be able to pay.
Someone once said: "The duty of historians to society is to seek and disclose the truth, but even more important, to relentlessly pursue the truth."
In 1947, the Rockefeller Foundation made a grant of $139,000 to the Council on Foreign Relations to prevent a repetition of what was called a "journalistic effort following World War I, to bring the public the truth. "It is a known fact, that the "big boys", who pull the strings of our government, cannot afford to allow the American taxpayer to know the truth.
It is a fact, known to many, that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has put the clamps of censorship on any organization who examines too closely, and criticizes too freely, statements relative to America's basic aims in our last four wars. These would become so explosive, if known, as to pose a real danger to our national leaders. (The behind the scene leaders), and would blow the CFR out of power.
People cannot judge wisely unless they are informed, and the controlled media of America for at least the last seventy years, has done a masterful job of "mis-information" to the public. A mis-informed, or un-informed public becomes a real danger to our freedom, but is so much easier for the "masters" to control.
As far back as May 29, 1950, the photos of Sen. H.. Lehman, International Banker; Justice Felix Frankfurter, U.S. Supreme Court, and Henry Morgenthau, former Secretary of the Treasury (all Jews), who were connected with the Internationalists, appeared on the front page of the Chicago Tribune. They were identified as the "Secret Government of the United States."
It is recognized by those in power that the public does not know what goes on behind the scenes. They know only what they see, and what they hear from the controlled media. It is so much easier for the "masters," this way. Their thoughts are shaped by the printed word and the all-persuasive media of television. The media, which has the skill, talent and knowledge to reach our people with the truth and make a tremendous contribution to our welfare, have for the most part "sold their soul" for the almighty dollar, and in the words of John Swinton, have become "intellectual prostitutes," for the International gangsters who seek to control us.
It has always been the "liberal Democratic imperialist," who have been responsible for getting America involved in war. These men play with human lives, as pawns in a game of international chess. War has become the "bloody sport," of the super-rich, the International schemers who are the only ones who benefit from them. It has always been so!
As Americans are worn out by the daily struggle to make a living; this struggle brought on by the machinations of these same men, they are mesmerized and soothed into a comfortable lethargy by the sirupy sedatives put out by television, radio, the newspapers, and of course Zionist controlled Hollywood.
Because we Americans, for the most part have been seduced by the "opiate of religion," (And yes, Lenin was correct when he said: "Religion is the opiate of the people" - religion, not Christianity). Into the so-called nobility of "total tolerance", we have allowed ourselves to be educated into ignorance. In no areas of American life, is this more visible than among that group who call themselves JudeoChristians, and who go contrary to the very Word of God Himself, whom they profess to adore. ". . . shouldest thou help the ungodly? and love them that hate the Lord? Therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord." (2 Chron. 19:2). Not written for Twentieth Century Christians, surely? God must have had someone else in mind when He had those words penned!
(To be continued) |
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Continuation: Things You Need To Know
It is almost as though the majority of our people accept the axiom: "What you don't know, won't be able to hurt you.
The Prophet Jeremiah prophesied of this over 2600 years ago, when he said in (Jer. 5:31) - "A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means, and my people love to have it so; and what will ye do in the end thereof?" The Jerusalem translation puts it this way: "monstrous, horrible things are happening in the land. The prophets (pastors) prophesy (preach) falsely, and the priests (politicians) teach what they please. And my people love to have it so but what will they do in the end of it?" Yes, what will we do when the "chickens come home to roost?"
The intellectual stupidity of white Christian Americans has played into the hands of our enemies, until today we stand on the edge of slavery and annihilation as a race.
At one time America was protected by a Great Document which was popularly called the MONROE DOCTRINE. This doctrine reflected the sage advise of our first Christian president George Washington, when he warned the American people to "Avoid entangling foreign alliances." The Monroe Doctrine did that for years. It was first enunciated on December 1, 1823 and served us well, until president Theodore Roosevelt first abandoned it in 1906 when he took sides with France and England against Germany at the request of the International bankers who had put him into office.
When Kaiser Wilhelm finally realized how he had been tricked, he demanded that Moroccan ports be kept open to German shipping and since France and Britain were not ready to go to war at that time, they capitulated.
Again, a second time, "Teddy" Roosevelt abandoned the Monroe Doctrine and supported France and England in their aim to encircle Germany. A few years prior to this, the Inter-national Zionists, in a Conference in Switzerland, revealed the fact that they had accumulated a war chest of some $2-billion for the purpose of destroying Christian Germany. This was a long time before a man named Adolf Hitler came on the scene. The overall plan for world Zionism was to first destroy Christianity in Russia. They accomplished this with their Jew controlled Bolshevik Revolution in 1918. Germany's time was to come later, after further preparation and further Zionist seduction of the Western Christian nations. The destruction of these two great Christian nations in Europe, were in preparation for the Zionists final assault against Canada and the United States, and the setting up of the Zionist One World Government.
The major propaganda attacks against Germany began with Jew controlled attacks in the English press in 1907, when a German Jew named J. Ellis Barker-Ellsbacher, an author and journalist led off the attack.
When Winston Churchill complained that Britain could not safely attack Germany, as long as food and raw materials flowed into Germany, he appealed to Theodore Roosevelt, then President of the United States, who brow beat Congress in 1907A)8 into agreeing to a reciprocal Trade Agreement with every nation in Europe with the exception of Germany.
For the third time in four years, President Roosevelt, abandoned the Monroe Doctrine, to stick his nose into European affairs and pull the "chestnuts out of the fire," for England. Probably no man in American history, was more to blame for setting the foundations which led to a period of American Imperialism, which eventually led us into WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, than "Teddy" Roosevelt.
In 1912, a Machiavellian character named Col. Edward House appeared on the political scene in Washington. His father had emigrated from England and become a banker in America. No one heard of Edward, until this time, when as a paid agent of the Rothschild International banking interests in Europe, he set the machinery into operation for the electing of an American President who would set the ground work for Zionist control over our economic system.
After a secret session with a scholar, but inexperienced politician named Woodrow Wilson, House informed his banker employers that Wilson was safe and was the man to carry out their scheme to control American economics. Then began the battle to nominate Wilson as the Democratic nominee for President. It began with Charles Murphy, and the Democratic delegation from New York. After 45 ballots, the Convention was deadlocked, until Murphy capitulated and swung his support to Wilson, who was nominated on the 46th ballot.
Wilson took advantage of the Jewish passport conflict with Russia. Russian Jews who had emigrated to the United States and became American citizens flocked to his aid, with both money and votes. Many of these Russian Jew immigrants, had returned to Russia, where in 1917-18, they became the nucleus of the leadership in the Bolshevik Revolution which overthrew the Christian government of Russia and issued in years of "terror."
When President Taft refused to accommodate the Jews, he was accosted by the Jewish leader and International Banker Jacob Schiff (who had provided $20 million for the Russian Revolution) who told Taft: "This means war!: and organized Jewry, such as the B'nai B'rith, swung their weight into the fight to defeat Taft. Teddy Roosevelt helped, by organizing and running on a Third Party ticket, which split the conservative Republican vote and allowed Wilson to become president. (For the whole fascinating, but sordid story, write for my book THE GREAT CONSPIRACY).
While Taft was popular with a large majority of American voters. his American First policy had lost him Jewish support and votes and when powerful Jewish leaders such as Bernard Baruch, and Henry Morgenthau swung their support to Wilson, it was enough to get him elected.
It was at this point that International Zionist cunning became apparent. Wilson's first official act was to sign the Federal Reserve Act in December 1913, which had been introduced to Congress by another Jew flunkey. Senator Aldrich. who introduced the bill to the Senate. The Federal Reserve System. is not Federal at all. but is made up of eight Jewish family banks. which gave the Zionists complete control of America's economy. Remember, it was the head of the Rothschild banking family in Europe, Maurice Rothschild, who once said: "Give me control of the money of a country, and I care not who makes her laws!"
The American First Committee, which was active during World War II. and had such illustrious leaders as Col. Charles Lindberg. declared that never again would American boys be sent to die on foreign soil, or that American tax dollars would be used to bail out the International bankers.
But subsequent events proved that the Internationalists power in Washington was stronger than anyone suspected, and with the aid of TRAITORS in our Congress, both parties sold out to the control of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the American branch of the One World conspiracy. It was under this control that we fought World War II, Korea and Vietnam; not to protect America; not to stop the spread of communism, but to increase the enormous wealth and power of the International gangsters who now control this country. and who are seeking to get us into a One World Government which they will control.
As far back as 1934, knowledgeable men knew that a war was in the planning stages for Europe and that it was to consist of aggression against Germany. Hitler had taken over dictatorial power in Germany in 1933, when he became Chancellor and although his enormous arms build-up was financed by International Jewish bankers (who financed both sides during the conflict), these same Jewish leaders were promoting their long range plans for world conquest, which included the destruction of Christian Germany. That they could make an enormous profit from this destruction, was an added bonus. While both the United States and Canada were objects in this attack, Germany was easier to reach and they already had control over England and France
(To be continued)
[ Last edited by hamizao at 7-3-2006 07:23 PM ] |
Continuation: Things You Need To Know
By December 1931, the Great Depression had "bottomed out" in America, with millions of Americans unemployed, and thousands of businesses going bankrupt. There was widespread frustration and even hunger among the American people. This created an ideal climate for communist and socialist elements who had been secretly infiltrating our country, who were by this time solidly embedded in our State and Agricultural Departments.
At the end of World War I, following the rather anemic administrations of Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover, the Internationalists looked to a young lawyer they had boosted into the Governorship of New York State, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He fit their image of a politician they could control, and they were enamored with this statement that the Constitution "belonged in the horse and buggy days." When FDR was elected President in 1932, he immediately ordered Congress to pass legislation which was un-constitutional, and when World War II began, he sent 50 American destroyers to England in complete violation of his Constitutional oath of office.
On August 17, 1941, the Machiavellian plot of the Twentieth Century went into effect, as Roosevelt began to apply planned pressure against the Japanese, which would lead them to an attack against America and lead us into the war. At this time, polls showed that at least 75% of the American people were against fighting a war on foreign soil. FDR in his famous "fireside" chats over the radio, said over and over again: "Oh," I hate wah and wil nevah send American boys to die on fowaan soil, nevah! nevah! nevah!" Yet while he made these promises, he was already planning to get us involved. The pressure against Japan, which drove this proud people into the attack on Pearl Harbor, began ten days before December 7, 1941 and cost over 3,000 American lives, initially. It was Roosevelt's order which held up information on this attack, until it was too late for the Army and Naval commanders at Pearl Harbor to plan their defense.
The plan which shoved Japan into war, was initiated by Secretary of War Stinson, who had earlier tried to push President Hoover into war with Japan. Stinson's plan was to assure the safety of the financial interests of the Internationalists of England, the United States, and of course, World Zionism, in the Far East.
Today, every November 11th, America celebrates Armed Forces Day, many still ask the question: "Did our sons and husbands really die to preserve American security." Unfortunately the answer is a resounding "NO!" Of course it would be much easier to accept this idea, and this is the idea being promoted by the American Legion and the Veteran's of Foreign Wars. Unfortunately, it is not the truth! At no time since the War of 1812, has America's security been threatened by a foreign power. All our wars of this century have been fought for the benefit of the foreign elements who control our government. World War I and II were fought not only to enrich and add to the power of the Internationalists, but to provide a home base for world Jewry in Palestine.
During World War II, Hitler often showed a reluctance to attack England. At Dunkirk, Hitler's orders, contrary to the advice of his senior commanders, allowed 50,000 British troops to escape, when they could have been easily annihilated. There were other incidents as well.
While Germany has been touted in the Jew controlled media as a war mongering people, they have started far fewer wars than either the French or English. (Check your history books for the facts!)
Even Winston Churchill, who did everything possible to get us involved in World War II, admitted in 1936: "America should have minded her own business and stayed out of World War I. If you had not entered that war, the allies would have made peace with Germany in the spring of 1917. Had we made peace then, there would have been no collapse of Russia, followed by communism. There would have been no breakdown in Italy, followed by Fascism and Germany would not have signed the Versailles Treaty, which set the stage for Naziism. If America had stayed out of that war, all the 'isms' now sweeping Europe and breaking down parliamentary government would have ended, and if England had made peace early in 1917, it would have saved over a million British, French, American and other lives."
These were strange words indeed, from the man who in 1915, persuaded President Wilson to allow the steamship Lusitania, to be loaded with ammunition, leak the news to the German High Command, which immediately labeled it as a "ship of war." The German Embassy went to the trouble to take out a lull page ad in the New York Times, warning people from sailing on the Lusitania, since she was now considered a target for German submarines. But our State Department, criticized this news as German propaganda, and when the Lusitania was sunk on May 5, 1915, with the loss of 128 American lives, it was the impetus needed to get us involved in World War I. When the Balfour Declaration was signed in 1917, it gave Palestine into the hands of the International Zionists as a Jewish homeland, breaking Britain's pledged word to the Arabs and putting the Jews in a privileged position in Palestine.
In his book "The Zionist Connection," written by the eminent Jewish statesman and author, Alfred Lilienthal. on p. 737, he quotes the Jewish - American Ambassador to India, Edwin Montague:
"I would willingly disfranchise every Zionist. I would almost be tempted to prescribe the Zionist organizations as illegal and against the national interests . . . I have always recognized the unpopularity. much greater than some people think. of my community. We Jews.' have obtained a far greater share of this country's (England) goods and opportunities than "he are numerically entitled to. We reach, on the whole. maturity earlier. and therefore with people of our own age we compete unfairly. Many of us (Jews) have been exclusive in our friendships. and intolerable" in our attitude. and I can easily understand that many a non-Jew in England wants to get rid of us."
The Balfour Declaration was the beginning of our loss of friendship with the Arab people~ who had admired us for many years. It has cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars in defense of the bandit state of the Israeli's.
It is interesting to note that International Jewish interests were in the forefront of the re-arming of Germany under Adolf Hitler and that the British concern of Vickers-Armstrong, Ltd., a large, Jewish owned English arms company, was a financial backer of the early Nazi Party and that its advertisements appeared in Pro-Nazi periodicals before the war began. In 1938-39, according to an article in FINANCIAL NEWS: "Most of the free exchange available to Germany came from the purchase of raw materials which were supplied directly by the British Government." In the 13 days before Britain declared war on Germany on September 1, 1939, they shipped to Germany, 17,000 tons of rubber, 8,000 tons of copper, and large quantities of nickel, tin, and lead.
It is also interesting to note, that in the years preceding World War II, Winston Churchill often spoke with admiration of Adolf Hitler. In one instance he said: "Having met Herr Hitler face to face, I found him to be highly competent, cool, well informed, a functionary with an agreeable manner." This is somewhat different from the picture painted by Hollywood, which always shows Hitler as a demented, "megalomaniac."
In an address at Chatham Hall, June 29, 1937, Churchill said: "I think it must be admitted that National Socialism has done a great deal for Germany. It has undoubtedly cleaned up Germany in the ordinary moral sense of the word . . . It has given discipline and order and a sense of purpose to a great majority of the young people who in earlier days did not know where to go or what they were living for." (This sounds almost like a description of the United States in 1990.)
In May 1935, Hitler sought to limit the use of poison gas, and incendiary and explosive bombs outside a combat zone. He received no response from England or France.
But it was impossible for International Zionism to allow a peaceful, but powerful Germany to exist, so they began their plans, which had first been laid down in 1902, to destroy her.
(To be continued) |
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Continuation: Things You Need To Know
On June 12, 1939, the Polish Ambassador to the United States, County Jerzy Potocki sent a dispatch to His Excellency, the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs in Washington, about conditions in the United States, among things he noted were:
1 - An artificial war panic was being created by the Democrats.
2 - Roosevelt's expressed hatred of Fascism was nothing more than a "smoke screen" behind which he was seeking to divert American opinion from domestic problems, by creating a war panic and rumors of an European crisis.
3- A particular group of people (Jews), Baruch, Governor Lehman, Felix Frankfurter, and Henry Morgenthau (all Jews), and other men highly placed in the American government, had allowed the Zionists to establish a dangerous center in New York City, from which they were disseminating hatred and enmity, attempting to divide the world into two warring camps.
4 - Roosevelt was given the power to create American Foreign policy and begin creating huge reserves of armaments for the future war the Zionists were planning.
While propaganda in America stated that one of the reasons for us going to war with Germany, was Hitler's persecution of the Jews, the Central union of German Citizen's of Jewish Faith stated on March 25, 1933: "All such reports are pure inventions. The Jews of Germany cannot be held responsible for these inexcusable distortions which deserve the severest condemnation. We must take an energetic stand against anyone attempting to criminally influence the shaping of Germany's future through foreign newspapers. If in the United States, and other countries, attempts are made by Jewish and non-Jewish circles to coerce the national government of Germany into a course of action, we, as German Jews, must oppose such blackmail attempts . . ."
It is also interesting to note that the extermination of tens of millions of Russian Christians by the Bolsheviks was never considered reason for the Free World to go to war against Russia. But when English author Douglas Reed, wrote his book DISGRACE ABOUNDING!, showing British guilt in World War I, it was turned down by his American publisher. He wrote:
"The real meaning of your decision is that you may slander and libel Germany as much as you like and be paid for it, but you must not discuss the Jewish problem, and must not even admit there is such a problem . . . One publisher, not a Jew, said that anyone who publishes it would court disaster, because 90% of the American media is Jewish, and Jewish influence extends in similar proportion throughout all the trades connected with publishing."
Yet in spite of evidence, piled on evidence, of Jewish control of the media in America, the "brainwashed" hordes of the Judeo-Christian churches still refuse to accept this established fact, and still insist on supporting those who are dedicated to their destruction!
In the December 27, 1945 entry to his diary, Secretary of the Navy Forrestal wrote: "Played golf with Joe Kennedy, (U.S. Ambassador to Britain) He says that Chamberlain stated that America and world Jewry forced England into World War II."
Charles A. Lindberg, in his War Time Journals, stated that it was the Roosevelt Administration's Pro-British and the American Jews, who forced America into that war, a war which we lost, in spite of all historical accounts to the contrary. |
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C3f9.tar.gz This user has been deleted
aku masa study kat oversea dulu ade ramai kawan yahudi nih....
well, masa tu aku belum masuk Islam lagi so takde rasa ape pon kawan dengan mereka...
cuma kengkawan melayu aku nasihat just be carefull
permerhatian aku, diorang nih takde ler jahat sangat macam kat palestin tu...very helpfull and rajin...tu yg aku respect abis
aku masih berkawan dengan diorang sampai skang....but sejak masuk ISlam ni, aku lebih berhati2 ....
2 tahun lepas, sebelum aku masuk islam, diorang pernah visit aku kat KL...
sepanjang aku kawan dengan jews ni, memang ade rasa marah dalam hati atas ape yg berlaku kat palestin... aku pernah argue 2-3 kali pasal bab nih...
sebab utk mengekalkan frienship, lepas tu we all promised ourselves not to discuss this matter again......
memang diorang aware pasal asal usul jews ni...diorang tahu sume org hate them... |
Originally posted by migdal_bavel at 11-3-2006 01:26 PM
I aint jewish yet i used to be in kehillah....
Ok, I understand :hmm::hmm:
Hebrew alphabet.
Hebrew is one of the longest continuously recorded languages that has survived to the modern day. It first appeared around the late 11th or early 10th century BCE in the form of the Gezer calendar. While the script on this inscription is called Old Hebrew, it is barely discernible from Phoenician from where it originated.
Meanwhile, another Phoenician-derived script, Aramaic, was quickly becoming the international trade language in the ancient Middle East. Consequently, by the 6th century BCE, the Hebrews started writing in Aramaic for every day use and confined the Old Hebrew script for religious use (and the occasional inscription on coins). The Aramaic script adopted by the Hebrews quickly became known as the Jewish script, and because of the shape of its letters it also became known as ketab merubba`, or "square script". The following is the full alphabet but without any features that were added later.
You might notice that the letters kap, mem, nun, pe, and tsade each has two forms. The second form is used only when the letter appears at the end of a word. |
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Originally posted by thamrong at 11-3-2006 03:36 PM
Ok, I understand :hmm::hmm:
Hebrew alphabet.
Hebrew is one of the longest continuously recorded languages that has survived to the modern day. It first appeared arou ...
Sebutan huruf amat sama dengan Arab/Jawi ya! ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
dapat nih via email:
Kisah benar ini diceritakan oleh pensyarah saya sewaktu beliau bertugas di luar negara. Dalam pekerjaan, saya terpaksa berkecimpung dan bertemu dengan segala macam manusia dari segala macam bangsa dan ugama. Timbul pula satu kesempatan saya berbual2 dengan seorang lelaki yang beragama Yahudi. Dia rajin pergi ke synagogue-nya seperti kebanyakan orang kita juga rajin ke mesjid. Saya bertanya kepadanya bagaimana mayat seorang Yahudi dikebumikan.
Di bawah ini adalah keterangannya :
Kebanyakan orang Yahudi tidak menyimpan mayatnya berhari-hari seperti mayat2 agama
Kristian, Buddhist, Hindu, dan penganut ugama kafir lain. Ada yang menyimpan mayatnya
hanya sehari dan ada juga yang menyimpan mayatnya sampai tiga hari. Kematian seorang
Yahudi merupakan "family affair" saja dan amat jarang diumumkan di suratkabar untuk
pengetahuan sahabat-handai atau masyarakat sekelilingnya (kecuali kalau si mati itu adalah
seorang pembesar synagogue atau pembesar negara). Begitu juga pengebumian mayat itu
merupakan "family affair" yang sangat private.
Bila mayat akan kebumikan, disiapkan sebuah lemari cermin yang berdiri, tidak seperti
sebuah peti mayat (coffin) seperti agama2 lain. Mayat ini dibersihkan dan diberi pakaian
yang bagus dan didandankan: rambutnya disikat rapi dan dibedakkan supaya wangi baunya.
Mayat di-injek dengan sejenis ubat yang mengeraskan tubuhnya. Selepas itu mayat itu
didirikan di dalam lemari cermin itu dan diikat di beberapa bahagian tubuhnya supaya tubuh
mayat dapat berdiri tegak dalam lemari cermin itu. Jadi, mayat Yahudi tidak dibaringkan
dalam "coffin" seperti mayat2 ugama lain.
Di tanah perkuburan Yahudi sudah digali sebuah lubang empat persegi dengan lebar kira2
dua kaki setengah (two andhalf feet square) dan dalamnya kira2 enam kaki. (Tidak seperti
kubur Islam yang biasanya (rectangle) panjangnya 6 kaki, lebarnya sekitar 3 kaki dan
dalamnya kira2 enam kaki.) Ini kerana cermin lemari yang digunakan sebagai "peti mayat"
itu akan ditanam secara berdiri tegak.Waktu menguburkan mayat biasanya pada waktu senja
(kalau kita kira2 waktu maghrib) apabila matahari hampir akan terbenam,tidak begitu terang
dan tidak pula terlalu gelap.
Mayat dibawa ke tanah perkuburan dengan "special trailer" yang dapat mengangkut lemari
mayat itu dengan keadaan "berdiri" (maksudnya tidak perlu "dibaringkan" walaupun dalam
kereta mayat. Apabila lemari mayat tiba di tanah perkuburan, lemari itu di-transfer ke sebuah trolley (beroda dua) dengan keadaan lemari itu berdiri. (Trolley ini sama seperti kita kadang2 melihat pekerja2 Pepsi atau Cocacola menolak trolley minuman dari lori masuk ke kedai).
Apabila tiba di lobang kubur, lemari cermin itu dimasukkan ke dalam lobang "vertical" itu
dengan menggunakan tali. Yang memasukkan mayat ke dalam lubang adalah anggota
keluarga saja. Setelah lemari cermin itu dapat berdiri tegak dalam lobang, maka disendalkan
tanah2 agar lemari itu tidak memiring ke mana2 apabila lubang itu ditimbus dengan! tanah.
Kerja2 mengebumikan mayat ini semuanya dilakukan dalam keadaan cahaya samar2, tidak
terang dan tidak begitu gelap. Biasanya tidak sampai satu jam, bereslah urusan pengebumian
Yang ikut menghantar mayat ke kuburan hanya anggota keluarga. Mereka yang tidak ada
hubungan darah dengan si mati tidak digalakkan ikut bersama. Ini agar sikap "family affair"
dalam urusan mayat dapat terpelihara. Jadi, dalam upacara mengebumikan mayat Yahudi,
tidak banyak yang ikut ke cemetary. Biasanya tidak lebih dari 10 orang, dan tidak ada rabbi
(bunyinya "rabai" paderi Yahudi) yang mengantarinya ke kubur. Maka tidak adalah do'a
mantera yang dibacakan.
Setelah selesai pengebumian mayat, anggota keluarga pulang ke rumah. Mereka duduk
di atas kerusi dalam bentuk "circle" dan bertafakkur mengingati mayat di dalam kubur dan
nasibnya di dalam kubur. Biasanya tafakkur ini berlaku sepanjang malam dari saat mayat
dikebumikan sampailah hari esoknya. Mereka yang bertafakkur tidak tidur sepanjang malam.
Mereka semua duduk diam membisu tanpa ada pembacaan mantera.
Impression: ~
Sangkaan saya kaum Yahudi sangat takut diketahui orang apabila seorang daripadanya mati
kerana masyarakat Yahudi menjadi kurang seorang akibat kematian itu.
Kenapa mayat Yahudi ditanam berdiri mungkin melambangkan "enggan tunduk" kepada Allah
walaupun sudah habis hayatnya di dunia. Apakah ini satu"kesombongan melulu" terpulanglah
kepada yang lain untuk menginterpretasikannya.
Wallahu a'lam. |
Originally posted by hamizao at 14-3-2006 04:44 PM
Sebutan huruf amat sama dengan Arab/Jawi ya! ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
yerlah lebih kurang bunyi.... |
My dear Syd ritual kematian Yahudi ni tidak jauh berbeza dari orang Islam/Arab kalau mengikut tradisi Semite. Amalan perkebumian ni telah dilakukan berkurun-kurun lamanya.
Ritual kematian mengikut Undang-undang Agama Yahudi:
-Mayat wajib dikebumikan secepat munkin dan tidak boleh disimpan atau dipapar pada umum sabagai menghormati simati.
-Rabbai dari karyah yang terdekat dimaklumkan untuk urusan perkebumian.
-Mayat misti dicuci dengan dimandikan.
-Dikebumikan dengan keranda kayu yang sederhana saja.
-Dikapan dengan kain putih yang dipanggil tachrichim.
-Mayat misti ditemani dan ditunggu oleh keluarg terdekat hingga dikebumikan.
-Semasa perkebumian waris terdekat mengenakan secebis potongan kain dipakaian menandakan berkabung kerana kehilangan. Zaman dahulu lengan baju dikoyakan untuk tujuan yang sama.
-Apabila mendengar kematian orang Yahudi melafazkan , "Baruch dayan emet," Rahmat bagi yang maha Pengadil.:hmm::hmm: |
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Originally posted by thamrong at 15-3-2006 12:14 PM
My dear Syd ritual kematian Yahudi ni tidak jauh berbeza dari orang Islam/Arab kalau mengikut tradisi Semite. Amalan perkebumian ni telah dilakukan berkurun-kurun lamanya.
[/fon ...
TQ, thamrong |
Dik Syd....satu topik yang menarik.
Fikiran kak Hami yang "off hand" ttg hal ini ialah adat pengkebumian mereka pasti ada perbezaan sedikit antara negeri2 atau daerah(?). Ada kumpulan yang bersandarkan Torah(old testament) seperti yahudi Ethiopia dan ada yang bersandarkan Talmud (terutama sekali Babylonian) seperti yang di Eropah dan Amerika. Sekarang juga ada beberapa dinominasi(mazhab?) yahudi ni seperti yahudi hasidim, ortodoks/reform dan sekular/koservatif . Yang ortodoks mungkin berpendapat bahawa yang lain 2 tu bukan Judaism (?) Begitulah diantara mereka.
Dari segi pokoknya Hami setuju dengan thamrong. Oleh kerana tiada disebut ttg bagaimana mayat diletakkan kedalam kubur....Maka rumusan Hami....ini memberi peluang kepada interpritasi masing2. :hmm::hmm: Kubur2 yang ahli2 pengkaji terjumpa di Villa ......(tak ingat), Itali, nampaknya macam dibaringkan. Ttg dalamnya kubur mereka...kalau hanya digali 6 kaki sahaja......jadi bahagian kepala hanya dekat dengan permukaan bumi.:hmm: Lagi satu....boleh selamatkan tanah(space)...tanam rapat2. :cak::cak:
Kalau tak salah Hami ada terbaca dulu mayat akan mengiring ke utara kerana tuhan mereka dipercayai berada di sebelah sana. Entahlah... :hmm::hmm:
Ttg keranda cermin.....ada pandangan yahudi bahawa mayat tak boleh dipamerkan-tidak menghormati mayat. Selalunya keranda diperbuat dari kayu kerana "biodegradable" dan akan pulang ketanah, itu pun tak semestinya berkeranda apabila ditanam. Saya kurang tahu kalau di negeri yang tak banyak pokok bagaimana ....tak payah berkeranda kot(?) atau guna bahan lain ...Mungkin juga kerana yang sama waktu pengkebumian dibuat pada waktu senja supaya orangramai tidak senang melihatnya(?). Logik mereka ...supaya musuh juga tak akan melihat mayat dan megejek2 mayat atas keadaan yang tampa kebolehan (helpless)lagi. Hami rasa ini mungkin ada sejarahnya...
Ya, ttg waktu tafakur tu kekadang selama 3 atau 7 hari pun ada.
Thamrong, boleh Hami tambah sikit....
Adat mengoyak baju berasaskan kepada zaman Nabi2 Ibrahim dan Yaakob lagi bilamana sebagai menunjukkan kesedihan mereka akan memukul2 dada dan mengoyak2kan baju. Sekarang budaya ini diamalkan dengan sedikit perolahan seprti rabbi mengoyak2kan reben, kaum keluarga tertentu mengoyakkan baju di sebelah tertentu mengikut pertalian dengan si mati dll.
Itulah dahulu buat perkongsian bersama..
[ Last edited by hamizao at 1-4-2006 11:39 AM ] |
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Dokumen " rotocols of Zion"
Kalau saya bertanya kapada sesaorng yang saya temu di warong waktu minum teh tarik 'Apakah itu protokol Zion?' munkin ia menganggap saya seorang gila yang menanya satu soalan gila.
Tetapi saya tidak gila cuma mereka adalah 'ignorance'. Munkin mereka tahu apa itu Zion tetapi mereka tidak tahu bahawa semua rancangan Zion dipandu oleh satu dokumen yang dipanggil 'Protokol Zion'. Pernah saya cuba paparkan diforum ini tetapi saya merasakan kurang sesuai kerana ia ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris. Kini saya telah terjumpa terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang saya mahu kongsi bersama dengan teman semua.
Dokumen " rotocols of Zion" sudah lama menjadi 'kitab suci" Zionisme Internasional, selama ini dipahami sebagai sumber inspirasi kaum Yahudi untuk menata dunia sesuai dengan keinginannya, yaitu Dunia yang pada akhirnya hanya beragama satu, agama Yahudi. Inti ajaran agama Yahudi adalah pemujaan materi atau dikenal dengan istilah materialisme. Protokol itu pertama kalinya dibuat tahun 1895 di Basel-Swiss oleh pemimpin Zionis saat itu, Theodore Hertzel. Dokumen itu berisi 24 pasal (24 protocols). Seorang wartawan Inggris,Victor E Mersden, kemudian menterjemahkannya kembali kedalam bahasa Inggris dengan judul "The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion" pada tahun 1917.
Semboyan kita hanya ingin mencapai tujuan dengan kekuatan militer, kecanggihan teknologi perang, dan memasyarakatkan hidup bersenang-senang mengejar popularitas. Pandangan hidup kita hanyalah mampu menindas terlebih dahulu, kemudian bertanggung-jawab dalam suatu persoalan, atau berbuat jahat dan memasang jerat halus demi kepentingan kita.
Kita pembuka jalan falsafah kemerdekaan, persamaan dan persaudaraan yang menjadi topik aktual sepanjang masa (kini falsafah itu dikenal dengan istilah 'demokrasi', pen). Mereka yang menjunjung falsafah itu sebenarnya belum berfikir secara matang dan dewasa. Falsafah itu sebenarnya tidak bernilai, dan banyak masyarakat kaum awam yang terkecoh, dan tidak menyadari bahwa pengertian falsafah itu sebenarnya masih rancu dan diliputi oleh awan gelap.
Kata-kata itu telah diulang berkali-kali, dan mereka tertarik dengannya padahal telah menghancurkan kemakmuran dunia dan kebebasan perorangan yang sesungguhnya. Orang-orang non-yahudi yang dianggap sebagai orang pandai dan berfikiran cerdas tidak memahami simbolisme yang terkandung dalam kata-kata yang diucapkannya itu; demikian pula mereka tidak melihat pertentangan yang terkandung di dalamnya, dan tidak pula menyadari bahkan dialam bebas tidak terdapat arti kata persamaan dalam bentuk apapun juga.
Slogan kita berupa kemerdekaan, persamaan dan persaudaraan yang kita kumandangkan hanyalah jerat halus untuk menangkap mangsa dan sebagai sarana yang dapat menarik orang mendukung perjuangan kita dari seluruh pelosok dunia. Falsafah itu mampu membingungkan para pemimpin Kristen. Pada suatu saat falsafah itu mampu mematahkan tangga dan merontokkan persatuan.
Dari sisi lain, falsafah itu akan menggulingkan kubu-kubu bangsawan non-Yahudi, yaitu kubu yang dipakai tempat perlindungan masyarakat yang hidup diatas planet bumi ini. Bersambung![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
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