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Author: guppy

[MERGED] Macammana Nak Tambah Susu Badan?

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Post time 4-8-2006 11:09 AM | Show all posts
kajian ape la pulak ni... ahhahaha...
ntahlah kan, xtau nak caya or tak.. kite pon dah maklom.. breast milk is the best food for babies.....

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Post time 4-8-2006 11:15 AM | Show all posts
baby aku baru nk masuk 4 bulan... kalo kasi nestum sesudu campor ngan breast milk aku boleh x ekkk.. dia kalo minom susu cam x kenyang laaaa kalo tengok

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Post time 4-8-2006 11:29 AM | Show all posts
Aku baca masa 4 bulan memang boleh bagi makanan semi-pejal pun sebab kebanyakkan baby dah tak kenyang minum susu jer.

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Post time 4-8-2006 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HerSheys at 4-8-2006 11:15
baby aku baru nk masuk 4 bulan... kalo kasi nestum sesudu campor ngan breast milk aku boleh x ekkk.. dia kalo minom susu cam x kenyang laaaa kalo tengok

boleh kot sbb dah masuk 4bln!! org tua dulu, bb 2 mths pun dah bg nestum cuma jgn terlalu pekat sgt sbb nanti takut memudaratkan bb!!

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Post time 4-8-2006 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by french_fry at 4-8-2006 11:29 AM
Aku baca masa 4 bulan memang boleh bagi makanan semi-pejal pun sebab kebanyakkan baby dah tak kenyang minum susu jer.

tulah.. tengok anak aku cam xkenyang aa kalo kasik susu alone... boleh lah kan? ingt nak kasi sikit jek dulu dlm satu sudu kecik tu... campor ngan susu bdn... tp kalo nak kasi thru botol leh muat ke? :lol

xdpt aku imagine laa cemana cara nak serve ke dia...:nerd:

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Post time 4-8-2006 11:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HerSheys at 4-8-2006 11:33
tp kalo nak kasi thru botol leh muat ke?..

Boleh kottt. Aku tengok nestum  untuk baby halus jer. Memandai jer aku jawap yek, baby aku sendiri baru umur 2 bulan lebih. Hee hee. :nerd:

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Post time 4-8-2006 11:43 AM | Show all posts
so masuk 4 bulan je terus aku nak try....

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Post time 4-8-2006 12:00 PM | Show all posts

I nak join boleh? I baru aje balik dari cuti bersalin. Now i'm still breastfeeding my baby w'pun tak secara exclusive. Boleh kata 90% la.. sbb kekdg susu yg I bekalkan pd babysitter tuh tak cukup.

Berkenaan dgn giving solid food to the baby, lately nih I dgr digalakkan to start giving solid only from 6 months onwards. According to my sis in law, this is due to bnyk kes masalah usus yg berlaku pd baby lately. Tp I tak pulak paham camne baby zaman nenek moyang kita dedulu masa dalam pantang lagi dah dibagi pisang lenyek tp elok plak membesar aje baby tuh. Zaman nih le plak tak digalakkan bagi baby makan awal-awal. You can ask your pediatrician to confirm on the matter.

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Post time 4-8-2006 12:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HerSheys at 4-8-2006 11:43 AM
so masuk 4 bulan je terus aku nak try....


kalau boleh jgn la masukkan nestum dalam botol... food supposedly kasi through sudu... only liquid through bottle... lagipun kalau tersedak ke haper, kesian babies...

ni my suggestion la...

babies mesti boleh adapt punya ngan sudu... provided sudu babies yg kecik plastic tu la...

this is to teach dia food is food, drinks are drinks

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Post time 4-8-2006 01:50 PM | Show all posts
Sorry, nak tanya.. gini anak kita sekarang bf ler tapi campur2 gak ngan susu formulatu.. masalahnya next week mungkin 2 minggu kot dia balik ikut nenek dia.. Camne yek!Tak kasi mertua balik dia teringin nak balik rumah dia gak.. Lepas 2 minggu nanti ada lagi tak susu? Dan sepanjang 2 minggu ni apa yang boleh dilakukan

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Post time 4-8-2006 01:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ratu75 at 4-8-2006 12:00 PM

I nak join boleh? I baru aje balik dari cuti bersalin. Now i'm still breastfeeding my baby w'pun tak secara exclusive. Boleh kata 90% la.. sbb kekdg susu yg I bekalkan pd babys ...
Originally posted by cik_dee_na at 4-8-2006 12:58 PM


kalau boleh jgn la masukkan nestum dalam botol... food supposedly kasi through sudu... only liquid through bottle... lagipun kalau tersedak ke haper, kesian babies...

ni my suggesti ...

tengok ammar tu kalo minum susu cam xkenyang aje...high demand sikit laaa...kalo kat babysitter tu... kasi 4 oz 4 botol ebm masih xcukup... lepas menyusu mesti dia cam lapar lagi... bile top up sikit ngan lactogen, minum dlm 1 oz terus dah xnak.... tu yg plan nak kasi sesikit... but selain tu shey nak tanye paed jugak cemana... bukanlah decide sesuka hati....

cik dee.. nestum kan ade jenis serbuk kan.. bukan yg mcm kite makan tu... rasanye kalo campor ngan ebm dia still dlm bentuk cecair.. cuma pekat je.. so leh laa kasi thru botol...

ke... aku yg silap nih? :lol

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Post time 4-8-2006 02:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rafino at 4-8-2006 01:50 PM
Sorry, nak tanya.. gini anak kita sekarang bf ler tapi campur2 gak ngan susu formulatu.. masalahnya next week mungkin 2 minggu kot dia balik ikut nenek dia.. Camne yek!Tak kasi mertua balik dia ter ...

sepanjang 2 minggu tu pump breast fino... insyaalah after he/she comes back.. dia leh continue breastfeed ngan fino...

mcm shey seblom ni baby tinggalkan kat kampung ngan grandparents dia... sepanjang minggu tu mmg pump and stock utk dia... laa dh ade org nak jaga.. so dia gayut jelah kat nenen ngan buat stok ebm

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Post time 4-8-2006 02:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rafino at 4-8-2006 01:50 PM
Sorry, nak tanya.. gini anak kita sekarang bf ler tapi campur2 gak ngan susu formulatu.. masalahnya next week mungkin 2 minggu kot dia balik ikut nenek dia.. Camne yek!Tak kasi mertua balik dia ter ...

untuk meregulatekan supply, pump, pump dan pump.... establishkan demand eventhough baby tak menyusu... pump pas tu simpan buat stok... tak caya tanya hersheys... dia pump masa anak dia tak duduk ngan dia and supply maintain ajer, kan sheys kan?

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Post time 4-8-2006 03:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cik_dee_na at 4-8-2006 02:59 PM

untuk meregulatekan supply, pump, pump dan pump.... establishkan demand eventhough baby tak menyusu... pump pas tu simpan buat stok... tak caya tanya hersheys... dia pump masa anak dia tak dudu ...


alang2 wat stock 2 minggu ni so nanti leh guna masa xcukup bekalan bile dia stay ngan fino balik nnti... pump ajelah nak kasi maintain..

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Post time 4-8-2006 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HerSheys at 4-8-2006 01:59 PM

tengok ammar tu kalo minum susu cam xkenyang aje...high demand sikit laaa...kalo kat babysitter tu... kasi 4 oz 4 botol ebm masih xcukup... lepas menyusu mesti dia cam lapar lagi... bile top up ...

yes sheys... nestum jenis fine for babies tu kan.... memang boleh campur breastmilk tapi tak digalakkan bagi dalam botol... cik dee ada baca somewhere tapi tak ingat pulak kat mana... not adviseable to feed solids (nestum ni kira starting of solid food la...) from the bottle...

tak ingat reason dia tapi kalau cik dee jumpa the article cik dee tepek...

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Post time 4-8-2006 03:28 PM | Show all posts
sheys... this is one of the articles

Cereal In Bottles?
My son is six weeks old and cries all the time, particularly at night. My mother-in-law says that I should put rice cereal in his bottle before bed and that this will make him sleep better. My pediatrician says it's best not to start solid food for some time, and advises against putting rice cereal in his bottle. My mother-in-law says this is crazy. She says that this is the way my husband was raised and he turned out fine. What do you recommend?

Parents of the previous generation have a wealth of experience to offer us. They have been through this stage of life before, and have seen many things that worked and many that didn't. Their input is valuable and worth considering carefully. Still, their input is typically from one or two generations of history. Since the time they were raising their children, many new facts have come to light. Listening carefully to the wisdom and insights of the previous generation and weighing them against the latest findings of science will often lead you to the best course of action.

Throughout most of human history and in most cultures, children were exclusively breast fed at least for the first year of life and often even longer than that. During the previous generation or two, when bottle feeding became very popular, solid foods were introduced at quite an early age. When babies were as young as a few weeks old, processed rice cereal was put into the bottle with formula. Most children were able to tolerate this rather well. A number of children did not tolerate this well, because their sucking and swallowing actions were not yet fully co-ordinated. As a result, many infants aspirated the rice cereal into their lungs which led to pulmonary problems.

Drawing on the wisdom of many, many generations, experience, and the latest scientific knowledge, The Academy of Pediatrics recommends that solid foods be introduced, generally no earlier than four months of age. If a child weighs at least thirteen pounds and has good head control, solid foods can be started as early as three months. Four months old isn't the magical date to start solid foods, it is fine to start later than that, or as I mentioned, in some cases as early as three months. At about this age the caloric needs of a baby increase. At this age most babies need 24 to 32 ounces of breast milk (which is impossible to measure, but babies do an excellent job getting just the right amount) or formula, plus as much solid food as they want. The best way to tell the right timing to start solid food is when your son seems to be asking for it. He is not likely to say, "Mom can I please have solid foods?" It is more likely that when you are eating he will look at you as if to say, "How come you aren't giving me some of what you are having?" This communication will likely be in the form of fussiness when you are eating. This is a good time to begin solid foods, or you can begin anytime you want using the guidelines stated above.

The Academy of Pediatrics recommends starting with rice cereal. We do not recommend putting it in a bottle, but feeding it to a baby from a spoon. Rice cereal can be purchased in jars, as a dry mix, or you can prepare your own by cooking rice without salt or seasoning and pureeing it in a food processor or blender. If you choose the dry mix, the rice cereal box will have directions for mixing it in the correct proportions with either breast milk or formula for baby's first meal -- which is very diluted. As the child gets older, the cereal can be mixed into a thicker consistency.

With the rice cereal mixed, place your son in a propped up position, and move the spoon towards his mouth. The first few days he will tend to push the cereal right back out with his tongue. This is because babies have a thrust reflex causing their tongue to thrust back out anything that is put in their mouths. Take plenty of videos of this very cute stage because it passes, oh so quickly. Within several days your son will begin to get the idea of closing his lips around the spoon and swallowing. Once he does, you can begin to monitor the amount of food he needs. In order to determine this, (which is not a pre-determined amount, but varies from child to child) keep moving the spoon towards his mouth and look for signs that he is losing interest. If he turns his head away, clamps his lips shut, or appears bored, it is time to stop. Otherwise, keep moving the spoon to his mouth as long as he keeps opening it and looking happy.

It is interesting to note that children who begin solid foods with rice cereal in their bottles don't learn the instinct of stopping when they are full. This is because deceptively large amounts of calories come in without much increase in volume. As a result, kids that are fed rice cereal in a bottle tend to have excessive weight gain, both as infants and later in life. Other than that, children are very good at regulating their own intake. By starting with a spoon, resting between bites, and stopping when your child is full, you will be laying an excellent foundation for good eating habits throughout his life.

After your son has done well with rice cereal, you can begin feeding him oatmeal and barley. Other solids can be introduced once he has been eating cereal for a week or two and is tolerating it well (as long as he is at least four months old). Strained vegetables are the next foods to be introduced --mostly peas, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and carrots. Give your son only one new food at a time. Be sure to wait three to five days before starting another one to determine if he has any reaction to a food, such as a rash, stomach pain, vomiting, or diarrhea. If you are going to home prepare vegetables for your son, you do not want to prepare carrots, beets, turnips, or collard greens. In many places these vegetables contain large amounts of nitrates, which can cause anemia in infants. The vegetables used in prepared baby foods do not contain these nitrates.

Children between four and six months of age should be fed solid foods once or twice a day. The ideal timing for one of the feedings is thirty to sixty minutes before bedtime. This will produce the maximum drowsiness for an excellent nights sleep. Starting rice cereal before three months of age has never been shown, in any carefully designed study, to reduce crying or to lengthen sleeping. Starting solids before three months of age can also result in problems with food allergies.

It is good to respect your mother-in-law's wisdom. Many of the suggestions that she offers will be just what you need. On the other hand, many things have been learned since your husband was a baby. The plan outlined above represents the current wisdom on the subject. This wisdom is likely to change again, as we learn more and more. It would be foolish for us to think that we have the final word on the subject. In twenty or thirty years, when your son's wife has your first grandchild, remember this lesson and offer your advice with an equal measure of humility.

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Post time 4-8-2006 03:35 PM | Show all posts
sori aa kalau panjang sket.... :tq:

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Post time 4-8-2006 04:25 PM | Show all posts
bg bb mkn pakai sudu je.. rase2nye 4 mths dah blh start kot, ckit2 je.... my son i bg start mkn bubur nasik masa 5+ so skrg ni dah 8+, mmg suka sgt tgk dia mkn, berselera sgt...:love:

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Post time 7-8-2006 10:15 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HerSheys at 3-8-2006 04:03 PM

slalu aku kompol susu.. sbb baby x hisap... skang dh bawak baby ke sini.. so dia isap selalu... biase pagi2 aku pump yg dr malam punye... skang ni.. pagi2 baby dah nyonyot... xdapek ler nak pump  ...


dah bawak baby balik sini yer!

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Post time 7-8-2006 10:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cik_dee_na at 4-8-2006 03:35 PM
sori aa kalau panjang sket.... :tq:

thx cik dee.. :tq: panjang betul nak baca :lol

so kalo kasik guna sudu... cair2 sikit tu ok lah kan... sbb nisbah susu ngan cereal tu mcm ni... 4 oz ebm:1 tsp cereal... cair sgt tak? semalam ade gak servey2 cereal utk ammar ni...

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