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Author: abgboroi

youtube Sidang Media Kes Amirul- Rakan cerita hal sebenar

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:27 AM | Show all posts
Reply 117# serafina

    org yg makan kedai mamak nampak ke masa polis tembak tu budak ke bukan   lawak la ayat ko hehehehe

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:28 AM | Show all posts
cuba fokus kepada persoalan paling penting,

iaitu, patutkah polis tu tembak kereta yg tak mau berhenti.

fikirkan, selain daripada pemandu tu penjenayah, senario2 apakah lagi yg memungkin pemandu tak patuh arahan polis suruh berhenti. Contoh:

- pemandu mabuk

- pemandu emergency nak bawak orang  ke hospital

- pemandu kena hijack oleh penumpang yg suruh dia drive terus jgn berhenti

- yg memandu memang penjenayah, tapi dalam kereta tu juga ada mangsa penculikan

dlm keadaan2 seperti di atas, masuk akal ke polis melepaskan tembakan ke arah kenderaan yg boleh mendatangkan risiko kematian kepada orang yg tak bersalah?

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Reply  Nicole

    laa ...kan polis tu dah bagi tembakan amaran , dah tembak tayar ...lagi tuu  ...
anakpanah Post at 4-5-2010 10:26


tu Lah yG aku kata td.... dah tembak tayar.... brape jauh LaGi keter Leh g... perLu ke nak tembak TERus..?

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:29 AM | Show all posts
ada x budak tu pegang parang pi serbu polis? sapa boleh jawap?

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:30 AM | Show all posts
Reply  AinFarisya

    polis dah tembak tayar budak tu tak nak berhenti jugak ? polis dah bagi  ...
anakpanah Post at 4-5-2010 10:19

perspektif Ain?

mungkin orang tu penjenayah

mungkin org tu mabuk

mungkin org tu emergency gila

sebab tak sure, maka lebih bijak tidak melepaskan tembakan

lebih lebih lagi macam ko kata, tayar kete tu dah pancit... sejauh mana sangat kete tu boleh lari lagi?

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Reply  Nicole

aku ada bercakap ngan ko ke??
ok xpe, aku layan je ko

ko ada kat tempat kejadi ...
tekoyong Post at 4-5-2010 10:26

heLLo.... ko yG quote postinG aku duLu..... yG ko nak hanGin sbb apa..? mentaL prob ke ko ni?

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 Author| Post time 4-5-2010 10:31 AM | Show all posts
cuba korang dengar betul betul...budak ni berjaya ditangkap polis...di pukul dan dibelasah oleh polis tapi dier berjaya lepas dari polis?...rasa rasanya logik tak citer tu?...

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:32 AM | Show all posts
Reply 118# NIXAR

sebab aku xda kat tempat kejadian la aku x salahkan polis..
sebab cerita dari mula polis kejar sehingga ke tayar kereta arwah kena tembak memang menunjukkan polis telah buat sesuatu yang betul

tapi, ada teka teki, sama ada polis TERTEMBAK arwah, TERPAKSA tembak arwah atau polis SENGAJA tembak arwah

kalau jawapan teka teki ko kat atas ialah POLIS SENGAJA TEMBAK ARWAH, baru ko boleh tuduh polis bertanggungjawab menyebabkan kematian arwah

tapi, kalo nak jawab teka teki tu, kena ada bukti laaa...
kalo xda bukti, baik ko DIAM je


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Post time 4-5-2010 10:33 AM | Show all posts
Reply 99# NIXAR

    Ko dengarlah kawan arwah tu citer macam mana, kalau dah suruh berhenti tak mau jugak pas tu lari lagi w/pun tayar dah kena tembak malam2 buta pulak tu dah kepagi tak ker ko suspek tu penjenayah bahaya. Kalau ko jadik polis pun mau kau kerjakan sampai dapat kan

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:33 AM | Show all posts
Reply 127# abgboroi

    125% tak logik. Mesti 5 lagi polis boleh kejarkan lainlah kalau dia ada ilmu ghaib

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:34 AM | Show all posts
Reply  NIXAR

sebab aku xda kat tempat kejadian la aku x salahkan polis..
sebab cerita dari mula ...
tekoyong Post at 4-5-2010 10:32 AM

mcm aku cakap tadi la. pi ckp kat org lain yg sokong polis 100% benda sama hang ckp kat aku.

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:34 AM | Show all posts
Reply 95# laila_zi

laila, mmg remaja skrg terlebih perangai nyer..
bdk lelaki ngan ppuan sama ajer..
tp isu skrg ni pasal arwah yg kena tembak dgn polis
kerana x bhentikan kete slps dia panik krn bergesel dgn kete lain..
polis tu x tau apa2 citer,terus tembak tayar dan lps dh kena tayar,tembak lagi..
ko agak2,patut ke tidak tindakan polis tu??
mesti ko ckp patut..sbb bdk2 tu dh dikategorikan sbg remaja yg jahat krn
mak bapak yg salah mendidik anak..

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:34 AM | Show all posts
cuba korang dengar betul betul...budak ni berjaya ditangkap polis...di pukul dan dibelasah oleh poli ...
abgboroi Post at 4-5-2010 10:31

logik kalau budak tu ada power jadi hulk...........

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:34 AM | Show all posts
Tuesday May 4, 2010
Friend recounts eventful night out with Aminulrasyid

SHAH ALAM: The friend of Aminulrasyid Amzah, who was with him when he was shot dead, has recounted how he died in his lap after an unexpected pursuit by police.

Giving his version of the tragic night, Azamuddin Omar, 15, claimed they had earlier tried to escape from a group of motorcyclists who had gone after them.

Azamuddin also alleged that he was assaulted by policemen later.

Recounting the events, he said Aminulrasyid had invited him out for drinks at Section 7.

kawan tu dah meninggal, boleh la dia ckp arwah yg ajak dia kluar, tah2 dia yg ajak.
apa cer kawan yg tayar pancit tu

As they were driving off from Ali Corner restaurant after their drinks, he said Aminulrasyid grazed a car.

His story: Azamuddin giving his account of events leading up to the shooting of Aminulrasyid by police in Shah Alam on April 26. He was accompanied to yesterday’s press conference at Aminulrasyid’s family home by his school’s parent teacher association representative Monaliza Mohtar (middle). With them is Aminulrasyid’s mother Norsiah Mohamad. — K.K. SHAM / The Star

“He then said he wanted to go straight home to Section 11,” Azamuddin told a press conference at Aminulrasyid’s family home here yesterday.

Once they arrived at Section 11, he claimed that five motorcyclists chased after them.

Both boys, who were still in their car, decided to flee.

Azamuddin also alleged that one of the motorcycles crashed into the rear of their car.

He then said that Aminulrasyid happened to overtake a police car in front of a complex.

Subsequently, the police began pursuing them until a Caltex station near Aminulrasyid’s home.

“I heard gunshots when we turned into a junction. When we reached the junction into Jalan Tarian, the police had shot the tyres and the car,” claimed Azamuddin.

He claimed Aminulrasyid said he did not want to stop the car and that he wanted to keep driving until he reached home. During that period, the police were still firing at them.

“Aminulrasyid died in my lap after a bullet hit him in the head, but the car kept moving as his foot was on the accelerator pedal,” he said.

After the car crashed into a wall, Azamuddin said he got out of the vehicle and fell into a drain.

At that point, he claimed that one policeman assaulted him, joined later by at least four other officers.

“I managed to escape and made my way home,” he said.

badan keding macam gitu pun boleh lepas, auta giler

“After watching the evening news accusing us of being robbers, I lodged a police report,” said Azamuddin, who was sombre throughout the press conference, speaking in a soft voice.

He took questions in a calm manner. Aminulrasyid’s mother Norsiah Mohamad, 60, who sat next to him, wept silently at times.

Azamuddin also showed reporters bruises he received from the alleged assault.

The boy is still attending school but is receiving counselling for the traumatic night.

Aminulrasyid was shot at 2am on April 26 after he allegedly tried to reverse the car he was driving into the policemen.

this boy is trying to save his ass

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Reply  NIXAR

    Ko dengarlah kawan arwah tu citer macam mana, kalau dah suruh berhenti tak ma ...
laila_zi Post at 4-5-2010 10:33 AM

still x bagi ko kebenaran utk tembak kalo dia x serang dulu.

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Reply 122# AinFarisya

    pemandu emergency nak bawak orang  ke hospital - yg nie tak logik ...selalunya berhenti sebab kalau polis tau polis akan bantu dgn memberi VVIP pada kereta tu sampai ke hospital

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:35 AM | Show all posts
kalu 5 lawan 1..mmg lunyai la budak tgok mlm td rilex jeee....xde pulak buta mata ke patah riuk ke...

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Reply 131# NIXAR

boleh ko bagi tau aku siapa yang sokong polis SENGAJA tembak budak tu??

xkan x dapat nak jawab

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Reply  NIXAR

    Ko dengarlah kawan arwah tu citer macam mana, kalau dah suruh berhenti tak ma ...
laila_zi Post at 4-5-2010 10:33

kata diorang...
tu bukan penjenayah.....
tu kecemasan.....
kucing nak beranak kat umah.......

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Post time 4-5-2010 10:36 AM | Show all posts
kalu 5 lawan 1..mmg lunyai la budak tgok mlm td rilex jeee....xde pulak buta mata ke patah ri ...
jahcomel Post at 4-5-2010 10:35

atau lebam biji mata............

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