rumor has it/ someone like you naik carta... dulu valerie on top tapi skang dah jadi no 2! |
overall episode semalam...lagu shue and shelby enjoy la dgr, rumor has it / someone like you superb performance...lagi best dr budak2 glee nye mashup |
Episode nih boleh la, tp still x leh lawan episode 3, itu memang the best the whole season so far.
Perkembangan watak Santana ngan Brit nmpk makin complicated lak.
Brittany plak bukan main menjadi2 lagi bodoh die, which is good
I want more of the Asperger girl please, she looks interesting. Funnier than Brittany |
Oh No! Glee Hits A Season Low In The Ratings

Hopefully there are LOTS of people tuning in on their DVRs!
To recap, back in October, we reported that Glee's ratings for the first three episodes of the season were down 21% (minus DVR numbers).
Then after last week's episode, we were bummed to learn that Glee's ratings were 29% lower than one year earlier.
Now, the ratings have come in for last night's episode, and the show dropped 6% in the crucial 18-49 demo, marking a season low for Glee.
Once again, we're well aware that many more people may be watching on DVR…but come on, Gleeks! Can't we show a little more support than this?!?!?!? |
season 1 jer aku ske...season 2 & 3 macam dah busan.... |
aku kinda expected and happy for this news
the soon as i saw it was so highly rated during season 1 and 2, it just reminds me of Heroes and Lost
temporary fever only waiting to be cancelled |
sebab banyak fokus kat gay issues jahh..lame lame org pon bosan....before nih kurt punyer coming out lepas tuh sekarang santana plakk....apepon aku geli ngan blaine tuhh{:4_194:} |
Reply 131# hike80
bg aku rumor has it all / someone like you tu cam xkena la dorg mash up..bg telingta aku laa..psl someone like u tu slow ya amat pastu rumor has it all olak terlampau rancak sgt..bila combine cam langit ngan bumi plka..
tp lagu cikgu2 dorg laie bes mash up dorg....bes jer dgr...ND punya mash up xse bes sgt...
nasib mggu ni xder isu gay tp fin bkk citer psl santana lesbo jer.. |
dah agak sbb aku sendiri dah stop tgk since in the middle of season 1 lagi |
mula2 season best, mcm ada kelainan. tapi sekarang ni tengok mcm dah meluat pulak, mulut terkumat kamit nyayi lagi + gay haiya |
Reply 133# graxier06
Dia da tau rating jatuh tergolek sebab orang nyampah isu gay/lesbien die.
episode 5 aritu mencatatkan rating tercorot dalam sejarah Glee, padan muke! |
the gay issues yg asik berulang2 tu is really a big turn off for me...elok sangat lah rating menjunam... |
mmg betul psl gay issue ke rating turun?bagi aku plot citer setiap episode yg kureng start dari season 2 adalah penyebab. |
tak pnah follow cta glee nih |
GAYs make me  |
tak tgk sbb menyampah.... yg memula mmg besh laa.. lame3 .. errkkkk.. layan hell kitchen lagik besh... |
Reply 133# graxier06
aku rasa in term of story...dah bosan....aku rasa takkan bertahan dah glee ni...kalo rating yg ok pun setakat season 4 (kalo ada)...then kalo nak sambung lagi sebagaimana yg dijanjikan season 5 itu kira stok2 asal nak cukupkan 5 season la
aku lebih berminat nak tgk how they re-arrange the music punye composition je...Wabler pada aku personally menarik if diorg stick to acappella |
writer glee nih si ryan murphy gigih nak suruh seluruh dunia accept gay nihh,,,..konon banyak teen kat america tuh coming out after tengok glee nihh ..padan muka rating flop.....harap kat lagu cover version yg nan hado tuh jer untuk bertahan.... |
Reply 134# nameloo
mana tgk rating? |
Reply 136# adie82
Ape lagi, Wiki la... |
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