[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories
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What's next for the Slutsex couple?
she'll probably make a few exceptions. warna kulit >>>> hidup miskin dan sendu
gila betol peluk anak org sesuka hati.
kalau preggy, aiyo kita akan di sajikan dengan perut2 meghan la lps nih...
ai syak dia nangis bila dpt tahu the Harkles tak bleh ikut procession. |
tadi terbaca kat porem acik black ppl, ada peminat2 Mega sendirik pun pelik... kata rasa tertindas dan terpinggir dlm BRF, tp Mega senyum sampai ke telinga. Happy jah tengok korga lakinya. |
snazzydaisy replied at 10-3-2020 01:24 PM
diaorg nak expose ttg fake pregnancy kah?
kalau dorg expose fake pregnancy tu elok jugak.. senang nak lenyapkan archie dr line .. or maybe nak announce divorce kot  |
ues1331 replied at 10-3-2020 01:28 PM
Bukan Sophie tu pernah kantoi gunakan nama BRF untuk bisnes dia ke? Pissing off the BRF sebab dah ...
yeap memula kahwin guna nama BRF.. tp later dia jugak jd menantu kesygn QE sbb dia reti ikut protocol semua... brf x buang gitu je potensi menantu2. tp bila dah jd hantu mcm smeg, harus la dibuang jauh. dia nak fleece brf je pun.. |
ues1331 replied at 10-3-2020 01:30 PM
Which dorg? BRF or megxit couple?
brf already dah x masuk campur dlm apa megxit nak buat. |
snazzydaisy replied at 10-3-2020 01:34 PM
Samir Hussein is an experienced royal photographer yg got lucky that night...
dlm his portfolio p ...
thanks snazzy.. icon pic nie sgt iconic lepas dorg divorce nnt
samir ni handsome... jgn la doakan dia gayah... sian ramai perempuan yg single dan sepadan dgnnya kat luar sana  |
snazzydaisy replied at 10-3-2020 01:45 PM
my new favorite photo of Smeg!
The Hunchback of Westminster Abbey
mak ai.. dah jd hag dah kat sini hahahha
ok keh nie dr twitter..
betul ke dia ada device utk rekod perckpn?'

dani-rox replied at 10-3-2020 01:52 PM
kat military event tuh? dah tengok. laki bini gilos
kan.. haaa... gilos je bila jd gitu..
rupanya protocol klau memana keluarga royal masuk majlis semua org kena berdiri.. OMG |
Macam megxit ni kelaparan some brutha lovin'... euwww!
dani-rox replied at 10-3-2020 01:56 PM
gila betol peluk anak org sesuka hati.
while anak dia tergantung2 kat dada tanpa protection 
dangling mcm toy je dgn straps |
Jemahkepam replied at 10-3-2020 01:57 PM
kalau preggy, aiyo kita akan di sajikan dengan perut2 meghan la lps nih...
x payah dah nak disajikan sis.. they are no longer senior royals.. dorg private citizen dah  |
dani-rox replied at 10-3-2020 01:58 PM
ai syak dia nangis bila dpt tahu the Harkles tak bleh ikut procession.
bagus juga ... bila x ikut procession itulah sebaik baik dan selayaknya utk org yg meninggalkan keluarga sendiri demi tino x guna nie  |
dani-rox replied at 10-3-2020 02:01 PM
tadi terbaca kat porem acik black ppl, ada peminat2 Mega sendirik pun pelik... kata rasa tertindas d ...
dia hepi sbb buat family tu sedih..
how could them! |
ttc nnt dorg kena panggil ke? |
ok done with toxic smeg n hanat.. jom cuci mata
eva replied at 10-3-2020 12:10 PM
I love this... from twitter
Uols ada tgk tak masa smeg n Harry nak masuk entrance..ada one lady mcm tegur smeg suruh undur sket masa greet paderi.. |
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