Shopping for Ladies & Gentlemen - Apa2 Yang Korang Beli
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Originally posted by virgomal at 13-3-2008 12:34 PM 
V dpt dari M1
$120 voucher utk beli new hp... ekekeke
new phone coming right up
me pun dapat utk beli hp from M1 & starhub tapi tahun lepas lah...
give a pass pasal confirm kena sign contract lagi... |
Originally posted by midori888 at 13-3-2008 12:57 PM 
sk...cun arr jam tuh...
I kno...tu sebablah dah $500+ pon takleh lepas kalau tak beli.... I find the sweet pink colour unique, jatuh chenntaaa...  |
Reply #1371 skgerl's post
no wonder you jatuh chentaa... the pink is toooo sweet to ignore!  |
Reply #1377 gadis_aries's post
singtel pon dpt.....last yr... tapi $100 jer
dah pakai pon |
Reply #1379 skgerl's post
skgerl, cakap pasal collect voucher ni kan...baru me teringat...last 2 years when I wanted to purchase new hp kat starhub, I just tanya whether am I entitle to any starhub voucher. Then she check from the system, dia cakap ada $50 voucher  |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 13-3-2008 04:40 PM 
skgerl, cakap pasal collect voucher ni kan...baru me teringat...last 2 years when I wanted to purchase new hp kat starhub, I just tanya whether am I entitle to any starhub voucher. Then she chec ...
AHAH!!! Barulah kita semua tau skarang how to get voucher dari Starhub. they dont give, we must self-service  |
Reply #1375 gadis_aries's post
Aries.. apa lagi.. beli ah jam dari city chain.. smlm i jalan2 kat city chain ada some watches i berkenan esp titus & swiss army..woohoo.
for swiss army takde discount.. but titus, smash, ellesse ada discount.. |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 13-3-2008 08:34 PM 
Aries.. apa lagi.. beli ah jam dari city chain.. smlm i jalan2 kat city chain ada some watches i berkenan esp titus & swiss army..woohoo.
for swiss army takde discount.. but titus, smash, elless ...
Swiss Army? Aiyah I tak tengok plak masa gi City Chain tu  |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 13-3-2008 08:34 PM 
Aries.. apa lagi.. beli ah jam dari city chain.. smlm i jalan2 kat city chain ada some watches i berkenan esp titus & swiss army..woohoo.
for swiss army takde discount.. but titus, smash, elless ...
mesti nak kena beli SC...rugi wooo voucher $50 tu
tapi next week lah baru pergi...this weekend tak leh as ada mega project yg aries kena uruskan |
Reply #1389 princezz's post
meh ler tepek that JC shoe...  |
Reply #1385 skgerl's post
SK.. kalo u nak beli watch for hantaran.. kat city chain ada bnyk collection.. lagi2 ngah ada sale. not neccessary to buy so expensive.. so long ada elegant alrite lah. u can save more to honeymoon.. go to new zealand, aussie or maldives ke.. |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 16-3-2008 09:57 PM 
SK.. kalo u nak beli watch for hantaran.. kat city chain ada bnyk collection.. lagi2 ngah ada sale. not neccessary to buy so expensive.. so long ada elegant alrite lah. u can save more to honeym ...
Haizzz SC....i dah terpikat sampai dah reserve pon jam tu... wat i tot, i nak cut down jer the number of barang hantaran. And i tot, takyah nak mahal2 coz I pon tgh tunggu GSS
I pon planning gak after tengok gambar maldives Chics tu.. Cuma i tot she said around 1k+ dah boleh dapat. Recently I saw promotion kat Chan Brothers, package dia $1.5K tapi ada return air ticket jer.. They did quote there 'special promo for honeymooners' but apa yg special tu, i tak check out laa... |
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Category: Negeri & Negara