Shopping for Ladies & Gentlemen - Apa2 Yang Korang Beli
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Reply #1393 skgerl's post
aku pun nak tumpang Fuyooo gak... |
Reply #1395 skgerl's post
SK.. Melbourne ada lots of beautiful sceneries.. u can check out kat chan brothers or other travel agents. In fact if u want to get better rates, can try travel agencies @ people park's centre. ada yg Free & Easy.. |
Reply #1394 skgerl's post
better save up more for your honeymoon & after the wedding. tengok ur shopping woohoo.. sc pun seram..hehe |
Originally posted by skgerl at 17-3-2008 07:11 PM 
oh okay, thanks
I know absolutely nothing pasal travelling... always pegi dgn family. Dah gitu, tunang plak sama blur gak mcm I kalau bab travel2 ni.. So you ada apa2 info ...
tu hari aku gi Perth, aku betul2 zero knowledge tak tahu apa2..
So aku gi City Plaza, yang tingkat satu tu depan main road New Shan Travel. Ada sorang ni nama William, lain ramai ladies dia sorang lelaki, dia yang ajar semua dari A-Z. Padahal aku free n easy, tapi dia help out a lot kasi aku info dan confidence.
Maybe ko bleh gi jumpa dia survey2, City Plaza dekat je pe. |
just bought a health supplement, GAMOGEN.. this time in sachet.. senang simpan dlm bag... 
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Reply #1406 skgerl's post
about to ask the same question  |
Last two Saturdays' shopping spree:

Beli Speed Stick for Men, fresh scent. Gula-gula Milk tu beli kat Mini Toons, along wif the CJ7 keychain. Porepack black tu I beli sebab I got lots of whiteheads on my cheeks...gara-gara eczema I dapat last year tu...
Last two sundays' shopping spree kat Vivo :

Beli baju ni kat Forever 21.. Tunang kasi green light untuk beli baju memandangkan dah nak dua bulan tak beli baju baru. (kalo bulan2 sbelom ni memang every month 3 baju aku beli...buroksss..) This baju cost $33.

Magazines kat Page One. The Glamour mag tu I punye - can u imagine, Page One jual tis mag for $8.05 but when I went Borders, they were selling it for $11! Daylight robbery!!!! |
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Reply #1411 skgerl's post

Beli baju ni kat Forever 21.. Tunang kasi green light untuk beli baju memandangkan dah nak dua bulan tak beli baju baru. (kalo bulan2 sbelom ni memang every month 3 baju aku beli...buroksss..) This baju cost $33.
mak aii !!!..mahalnya baju tido sampai $ 33  |
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Category: Negeri & Negara