Reply 1401# wawaKKK
o.t jap: ohh makkk terkejut tengok avvy kak wawa
good luck tuk player kita...do ur best
untuk India SS: Datuk kalah tak pe, sekali-sekala kalah tu biasa arr...jangan macam KKK-TBH sokmo kalah  |
Reply wawaKKK
o.t jap: ohh makkk terkejut tengok avvy kak wawa
good luck tuk player ...
Trunkk_ZZ Post at 30-4-2012 15:08 
kuciwa sgt dgn abe KKK... terus tukar avvy...  |
Reply 1400# wawaKKK
khennnnn...datuk bnyk wat enfirced error..tpi takkan nak menang sokmo..bg org lain pulekkk |
latest result...
alahai ayep woiiiii... kalah tak berlawan tuuuu....  |
Reply wawaKKK
khennnnn...datuk bnyk wat enfirced error..tpi takkan nak menang sokmo..bg org lai ...
miyoma Post at 30-4-2012 20:22 
betul tu .... takpelah kalah jarang2 sekali ... lagipun baru baik injured kan .... |
latest result...
alahai ayep woiiiii... kalah ta ...
wawaKKK Post at 2-5-2012 13:38 
arif ni ada masalah agaknye .... mcm dah takde motivasi je .... |
aku rase Ramdan Misbun nie bole pegi jauh.. dgn syarat selalu la anta die ke tournament beso.. jgn simpan je.asyik2 muka Hafiz je ade di setiap tournament walau pun selalu klh.. |
arif ni ada masalah agaknye .... mcm dah takde motivasi je ....
kayla Post at 2-5-2012 21:09 
ni lagi sorang buat aku pening... cakap bukan main pandai lagi depan press... result nan hadooo...  |
Kien Keat-Boon Heong in a hurry to regain confidence
JOHOR BARU: The India Open setback is a grim reminder for doubles shuttlers Tan Boon Heong-Koo Kien Keat of the urgent need to regain their self-confidence ahead of the London Olympic Games.
Last week, they lost to Indonesia’s fourth pair Angga Pratama-Ryan Agung Saputra in the quarter-finals of the Super Series event in New Delhi.
It was their second defeat to the same pair after the Axiata Cup.
Boon Heong took the blame for the defeat in India, saying that he got all jittery towards the end.
“The Indonesians won the opening game and I was screaming and shouting to lift my spirit and we won the second. In the decider, I didn’t serve confidently at the crucial part,” said Boon Heong.
“The fear of losing was overwhelming and I couldn’t focus. This isn’t new as I have been through the same situation before,” he admitted.
Fortunately, Boon Heong has found a way to overcome it.
“It all goes back to training. I have been told to treat every back-up pair as though they are my number one enemy. Hopefully, I will be able to be as confident as I was before,” he said.
Kien Keat said there was still hope to restore their partnership to full effectiveness before the Olympics.
Yesterday, the duo got off to a blistering start in the Malaysian Open Grand Prix Gold at Bandaraya Stadium when they took only 13 minutes to tear apart India’s S. Sanjeeth-Jagadish Yadav 21-7, 21-5 to set-up a meeting against Singapore’s Terry Ye Zhao Jiang-Liu Yi.
come on datuk!!!  |
kalah la plaks... 
takde sorang pon wakil wanita kat suku akhir..huhu |
latest semi finals result... 
finals start pkl 2pm esok...
| |