nadech rakaman program 3 zaap MLFS disiarkan hari ini.
Every solo interview/guesting of Nadech/Yaya will always mention the other. Always. The solid tards may hate it but it’s the reality, they’re INSEPARABLE even when they’re doing individual work. They’re tied together no matter what. #NadechYaya
sEGMEN 3 ZAAP byk tanya pasal NY dan usik2 nadech.iols suka pasal nadech tak mengelak atau main tarik tali dgn host ..dia terus terang..
miss me..iols kurang update pasal busy dgn kerja..
nadech dah start shoot Lai kinaree ..
tapi sempat dia komen kt IG demi anak yg perlakon princess henry dlm TCP..nampak sangat nadech dah teringin nk jadi ayah..
Nadech upload picture terbaru....
dan seperti biasa awek dia komen kt situ....hahahaha.. so manyyyyyy pocture..dia tahu na klau upload picture mesti Unik yaya komplen byk sangat picture tapi dia still LIKE semua picture nadech walaupun bykkk..
nadech really love yaya...rasanya dia start crush kt yaya since DJA ..dia ingat baju pertama first meet dgn yaya...kali pertama jumpa yaya ..first makanan yg yaya masakkan untuk dia..everthing about yaya nadech ingat.. mana nak cari BF sweeet mcm nadech nie..patut yaya sayang benor kt nadech..
yaya dan pcat
Likit Rak The Crown Princess has reached over 500M views on Tencent in China. Score 8.5/10. No.1 among real-time lakorns. Top 15 foreign series 2018.LIKIT RUK THE CROWN PRINCESS klau haters kata gagal itu SILAP ..TCP antara lakorn yg mendapat view tertinggi di international terutama di CHINA that'why CH3 mintak lagi NY lakorn untuk tahun nie lai kinaree ..pasal CH3 tahu lakorn NY boleh jual di serata tempat
YAYA Jadi guest singer untuk MV klear ..release pada 30 /oktober
Yaya talking about Nadech being open and how she’s happy to have him speak of his love for her. She is a girl, and a girl loves being showed off to the world by the man she loves, she also said he’s been that man that takes good care of her since day 1 until now. Talk about being consistent!..opkos GF mana tak happy bila BF tunjuk satu dia sayang sangat kt wanita yg dia cinta..
yaya ada dua event hari nie..
Yaya's so beautiful today at Toyata Fair @ Central Ladprao
gambar merit semlm..dan yaya upload picture NY merit di IG dia..
dan pic video NY merit kt ig mew kaew
moment2 sweeet nadech yaya kt merit semlm..
Spot the sweetness of Yaya to her Baby yaya sayang benor kt nadech kipas nadech..
He is so caring and loving with Yaya.. awwww nadech perfect BF
Just casually looking at each other
He is all yours Yaya
The most adorable clingy wife oops girlfriend
Typical hubby wifey behaviour
These two r just so sweet dat how one cannot love them I mean it's impossible not to love or stan them
When Yaya said, "You may see P'Nadech as a manly person but in reality he's really lovey-dovey cute"--this is what she meant
manjaaaa yaya klau dgn nadech..
sweeet for each other..
Tgk Cincin kt jari manis yaya... BIG deal untuk ALL NYFC pasal yaya selalu mention klau dia tunang atau kahwin dia akan pkai cincin kt jari tunang /kahwin dia..itu mcm mengesahkan status NY bukan sekadar BF /GF sekarang..mcm more than bf/Gf ..
An old but cute article about NY that I would like to share.
Story about love Yaya: I with P'Nadech, we are close until just by looking through our eyes, we know our hearts. Also my mother gives the green light with P'Nadech. My mother loves him to death! And we are so close to each other. About those who see us as a "koo jin" (*), I see it like something which is not suitable. I prefer that people see us as a "merit couple" (**).
(*) koo jin comes from "imaginary couple", two people that you ship but they are not real.
(**) merit couple according to buddhism is something deeper than any usual real couple in term of love because they made a lots of merit therefore, people believe that a merit couple has always been together in their past lives and they are used to reborning together each life because they made lots of good deeds.
Now, when you know that each year since 2011...NY made a Kathin merit to build temples or help in finding funds in Esan (Nadech's hometown), you know that they are a real merit couple. And all these good deeds will help them to strengthen their relationship in this life and their future lives according to their believes.
since 2011 diorg start merit sama2 hingga sekarang..Yaya tak suka org panggil NY koo jin masa dulu tak official couple lagi pasal koo jin couple yg imaginasi ..dia suka FC panggil NY merit couple..
Ok so Yaya tells us that Na is her soulmate with her last caption. She doesn't like when people calls them "koo jin" (imaginary couple) but she prefers "koo boon" (merit couple) because they make a lots of merit together for...... Indeed, their relationship is so "Buppe Saniwa" or "Sai Nan Hua Jai". What "Sai Nan Hua Jai" means? (Esan's expression) -> A couple who were together for many lives. Buppe saniwa, love destiny, soulmates or from nyinterfc's translation which is clearer "a couple who are bound together by the string of fate"
Pasal dari Dulu lagi NY memang betul2 serius dlm hubungan diorg..
NY was spotted today at the Rolex shop in Emporium..NY siap jalan pegang tangan lagi okay..kualiti picture tak jelas pasal candid camera yg fans snap dari jauhhh..
finally yaya upload photos nadech solo private life diorg date bukan event atau merit..
yaya kan hantuuuu pizza selain coklate.memang fav dia..
yaya tag kt pizzza nama kugimiyas so secara langsung yaya nk cakap I LOVE NADECH juga.. tahu jer yayakan malu nk tulis caption I love nadech.. mesti dia tag kt pizza tue secara langsung dia nk bgtahu i love pizza dan nadech ...tapi rasanya yaya love pbear dia moreeee..
Pizza berbentuk heart tue dibuat oleh owner kedai nie khas untuk yaya... tapi nadech ambil duluuuu... haha..
byk juga yaya post pivate pic solo nadech dulu2 semua hari2 yg istimewa nadech..hari graduan nadech..hari dia jadi monk ,birthday nadech ,konsert solo nadech yg first,..sooo nadech ada tempat yg sangatttt istimewa kt ig yg tak dpt terima reality jer yg tak boleh terima nadech tue someone yg sangatttt istimewa untuk yaya..
betul yaya post pic james ma,mark ,sunny tapi semua berkaitan dgn kerja..event..bukan pic private..
okkk t shirt yg nadech pkai masa makan pizzza tue adalah handmade t shirt yg rasanya yaya yg desainnnn..lebih kepada couple t shirt handmade..
MLFS thai dpt no 2 view paling tinggi online kt MELO..walaupun rating low tapi online view MLFS tinggi..soo nampak penonton tak tgk tv sangat..
dan tiap2 episode MLFS selalu treading kt thai twitter..iols rasa nadech boleh menang best actor untuk watak nie ..watak nie lg byk kena main faktor emosi dan nadech byk main dgn act eyes kt drama nie berbanding TCP dan paling sukar nadech bawa watak nie dgn cara dia tersendiri tanpa terikut original version.
iols suka bila nadech dpt byk FC2 baru lepas MLFS ..
happy holloweeed nadech yaya... diorg memang kuat buddha tapi diorg sambut holloweed tiap2 tahun pasal yaya sendiri pun sambut kristmas ia mcm satu perayaan jer kot..tak ada kaitan dgn agama..iols tgk byk thai celebrity sambut holloween..
Nadech posted on his IG story the clip of NY dancing in couple outfits at a hallway and then Yaya reposted it. Hope we can see pics/clips if they join a Halloween party tonight.