bukan first time tu dia mentioned kat porem ni yg dia ada company.
ada hati pula nak merendahkan org lain.
owner company tu pada hakikatnya adalah sales person ke sana ke sini carik job utk company.
dia ingat semua org kena kerja mcm dia, nak hidup tenang hidup selesa.
kalau dah diri kena keje nak bayar hutang itu ini tak payahlah nak eksyen sgt dgn org lain
org lain keje pun okay, tak keje pun okay takde hutang nak kena bayar.
hidup humble rilek rilek je tak payah nak tanya soklan mcm ni kat org
Author|Post time 10-3-2022 03:59 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
meow_tompok replied at 10-3-2022 03:34 PM
bukan first time tu dia mentioned kat porem ni yg dia ada company.
ada hati pula nak merendahkan ...
Takper la.....dalam forum ni memang kena bagi tau pencapaian diri, kalau tak orang tak tahu? You know they need some acknowledgement dan approval? Pasal IRL tak dapat recognition tu semua?
Did he know there are people dont need to wake up to make a dime? But wake up to spend a dime?
witnessing the birth of "a new world monetary order"
ada sebut Bretton Wood III
Credit Suisse with over $800 Billion assets under management said in a recent newsletterthat “We are witnessing the birth of Bretton Woods III – a new world (monetary) order centered around commodity-based currencies in the East that will likely weaken the Eurodollar system and also contribute to inflationary forces in the West.
According to Credit Suisse (CS) short-term rate strategist Zoltan Pozsar, the United States is in the midst of a commodity crisis that is spawning a new world monetary order that will eventually weaken the current dollar-based system and lead to higher inflation in the West.
Russia May Be Preparing Massive Cyberattack After Announcing Country Will Disconnect from Global Internet on March 11
Whether you believe that it is the USA-NATO that will launch a false flag Cyber-Attack and blame it on the Russians Or the Russians actually doing it, the result is still the same.
Cyber-Polygon is about to Go Live!!
Is it implausible for Russia to launch Cyber-Attacks? Not at all. The west and their allies have declared economic & financial war against Russia. They have locked Russia out of international trade via sanctions and kicking them out of SWIFT. The financial war has caused the Ruble to collapse against other currencies. 50% against the Dollar
The proportional retaliation by Russia will not be nuclear bombs against the west. Cyber-Attacks against the western financial system, SWIFT, banking system, forex system … will be closer to proportional retaliation. After all since the west locked Russia out of SWIFT, Russia Cyber-Attacks against SWIFT to prevent the west from using it is more proportional. Russia cannot do international trade. Once SWIFT is down, the west cannot execute international trade payments. International trade grinds to a halt. And so on …
non kinetic war = Asymmetric Warfare (cyberwarfare on stock markets, banks, money markets funds)