[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories
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even Gigi Hadid tu pun tak boleh pull-off cape tu (she wore the jumpsuit version), inikan pula Smeg yg katik & rendang tu, hmmmm... 
Smeg kata "Hiyaaaaaaaa" dan terus kebasahan.... sendirian! 
Edited by snazzydaisy at 11-3-2020 08:55 PM
Cougar alert! Flirty & gedikss nak mampssss 
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kan best kalau boleh join whatsapp group family diaorg! 
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snazzydaisy replied at 11-3-2020 08:47 PM
Smeg kata "Hiyaaaaaaaa" dan terus kebasahan.... sendirian!
hiya la sangat kihkih dia ingat PW tu level dia nak hiya hiya
takda adab langsung dgn orang prominent. Semua dia acah kawan je nak being frank. Benci iol. Rengsanyaaaaaaa |
smeg yang galak sua tangan nak peluk hujung2 budak tu pulak kena bagi surat bertulisan tangan mintak maaf kat dimwit sebab peluk bini dia.
WTF? Tercarut iol malam2 ni. |
snazzydaisy replied at 11-3-2020 08:42 PM
ramai yg tuduh CWT pic ni has been photoshopped based on some abnormalities...
B&W pic original ...
tetiba hitam takda cushion kat belakang tu memang sesuatu. Tu yang paling jelas ketara.
Tangan dimwit tu 2nd sesuatu. Dah jadi bentuk alien sedangkan reflection nampak normal je.
Tapi apa motif diorang nak buat ni actually? And takkan orang2 dlm picture tu tak boleh nak kantoikan? Unless memang semua staged? Tapi kalau stage kenapa gigih betul nak edit? iol pening jap LOL |
snazzydaisy replied at 11-3-2020 08:01 PM
ehhh ye ke, nampak mcm still guna darker shade of foundation/bronzer... ada close-up pic yg lain t ...
I mean picture baju biru turqouise tu. Nampak sangat bedak putih. |
2nd last photo tu dia borak dgn edward kan? William kat depan tu. Payoh both botak ni taktau kepala sapa 
ehh ehh... chuols pulak yg terlebih-lebih sakit hati drpd si Kate  
maybe that shade of blue mmg really spot on dgn her skin tone... tu psl "naik seri" 
sekrg ni, warga twitter & tumblr akan CSI segala b&w/sepia pics yg Smeg post 
I sendiri pun tak paham naper Smeg nak photoshop pics bagai, apa yg dia cuba nak buktikan... mcm Archie nye christening pics tu, Smeg & Harry kata nak privacy kan, so takde pic pun takpe, ni tidak, gigih nak wujudkan juga pics tu, then kantoi besar-besaran sbb metadata... 
hahahahaha.... ayat u kelakar sgt 
Edward n William dah laaa sama kurus & tinggi, color & jenis rambut pun lebih kurang aje, then style botak pun sama - ala donut!!!
errrr tetiba I terbayang si Kate & Sophie suruh jate2 ni pakai afro wig for foreplay, mesti cute! 
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snazzydaisy replied at 11-3-2020 08:07 PM
ohh Willy Willy boo... it's been a loooooooong time, me so horny!!!
Asyik menyengih je keje dia, kesian, dibolayankan aje
I rasa William nak tak nak terpaksa acknowledged kewujudan diaorg berdua tu sbb Kate dah tak kosser, sheols frosty habis, well done Katie! I loike 
kasi chance laaa Smeg nak tayang gigi baru sheols 
snazzydaisy replied at 11-3-2020 10:07 PM
maybe that shade of blue mmg really spot on dgn her skin tone... tu psl "naik seri"
I perasan freckles dia pun dah hilang skit....maybe dah ada budget nak buat laser. Kena tunggu kawin Prince dulu baru bleh pergi facial. |
snazzydaisy replied at 11-3-2020 08:53 PM
kan best kalau boleh join whatsapp group family diaorg!
A picture speak a thousand words.
Harry: tengok dorang buat apa kat kita!
Smeg: diam2 buat donno jer,(dalam hati sentap gila). |
hmmmmm gatai, nak juga merasa muscle org tu wpun berlapik 
Smeg hanya boleh bermimpi psl AJ, his ex-gf/baby mama (Nicole Osbourne) jauh bertiang-tiang lagi hot drpd Smeg, tu pun kene tinggal...
anak diaorg cute... this boy maybe "dark enuf" utk Smeg peluk & cium 
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