kalo pergi sekarang agak2 ramai org x? saya dok jb je.. igt nak p sana berdua dgn adek.. mn nak cari ...
bawaku_terbang Post at 7-5-2011 14:04
kalau nak senang, contact TA ni.....beres semua. Akak haritu last minit plan gi USS, dia belikan tiket n book coach. Ofis TA kat Danga Bay, dekat Tune Htl. naik coach kat Tune htl, coach Odyssey..... tersgt selesa bas ni. Pkl 8:30 dah sampai USS.
Asmadi Group Travel and Tours Sdn Bhd
#G-03, Blok 5, Danga Bay, Jalan Skudai, 80200
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
adeq.. bape 1 mlm stay sane?
cik.linot Post at 6-5-2011 11:01
sy x tau la bape sbb huby yg uruskan. Sy amik pakej skali ngan tiket USS tu dlm RM1500 ( hotel, transfer airport n tiket USS tuk 2 dewasa n 1 kanak2 ). Tp haritu huby survey tenet dia kata dlm RM400++ gak satu mlm.
kalau bwk budak, boleh ker naik rides kat sini? biasanya rides kat theme park ni ada had minimum kan ...
mrafidi Post at 8-5-2011 16:31
tgk umo anak tu bape? kalu bwh 7 tahun tu mmg x byk la sy rasa... sbb sy bwk anak umo 6 taun sorang n 3 taun sorang.. yg 3 taun tu harap dpt naik merry go round ngan sherk 3D show jek. Yg 6 taun tu pun sama. Maybe sbb derang lemau x tahan panas pun ye gak kot.. he3.
...ahhh...this one is the cylon battlestar galactica...nie kaki kita dangling in the air...yang nie sangat2 mengerikan...tonggang terbalik kita dibuatnya...i took this ride together with my sis...my nephew and nieces plus my younger son...my elder one tak branie...ekeke...
...all i can say about this ride is that it is totally scary...and it reduces me into a puppy...cos the only sound yang aku bley buat during this ride was just like a puppy whining in fear...nak menjerit??...heh...tak terkeluar langsung suara aku...my son later told me all he can think of during that ride was Allah...he said he kept saying..."Ya Allah...ya Allah...ya Allah"...
Yang ngeri tu Human
mohd76 Post at 11-5-2011 16:34
...for me...yang ngeri tu is the cylon ride...the one with the blue trackline...thats the ride yang kaki kita dangling loose in the air...berpusing tonggang terbalik...hehehe...
...human is the one with the red trackline...u are seated in a carriage...dan as testified by my sons and nieces...not as scary as the cylon...
ehh kalau dah 6 taun byk gak kot yg leh main.. diorg x de mood psl panas kot.. saya aritu pegi bwk anak umo 4 taun.. byk gak la rides yg leh naik.. ada roller coaster utk bebudak.. ape tah nama tu.. naik flying dino.. main pusing2 tu eheheh ape tah nama kt sci-fiction area.. and a few more.. tp mmg panas x hengat la..