Post time 4-10-2017 07:01 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
separasedar replied at 3-10-2017 10:34 PM
Sbb selatan ka..utara ka...kalau sdh tersurat bkn rezeki sheols maknanya bukan la.
Meols kasi ...
Morning para
Aiiiyooook slalu ade je prsamaan dgn faz kali dgn L plak.....kikiki gurau je
Betol kan klu dh bkn rezeki kt tmpat ni ade plak kat tmpat lain.....trlepas peluang yg ini ade lg bnykkkkk peluang lain.....
Post time 4-10-2017 10:45 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
To fazura....teroskan mendonia
Teros mantapkan profil lakonan, cube watak2 yg uols x prnah bwk, mantapkan biz n sntiase happy sbb you dikelilingi fam n bffs yg dr duluuuuuuu brsame you jatoh bangon you....wktu dihina dikecam org smpai skrg bkn org2 yg mgharap madu n adegan2 sweet je...psl hal2 lain yg ntah ape2 ape tu tk pyh ambik kisah....jodoh ke ape ke biar you
Saje je wat ucapan fefeling faz bace
X sabar nya tggu mags cover COSMOPOLITAN n INTREND fazura
apa yang iols paling curious and jeles sekali ialah macam mana fazzy boleh kenal dan baik dgn fabio ide, model mix japanese-brazil yg menjadi dambaan iols selama nih since dia pun bukan pinoy but bermastautin dan berkerjaya kat filipina sajork. one of the top 10 male models in Asia.
bila fazzy mention his name kat gambar birthday sheols and heols left a birthday wish kat komen tu, iols is the very the curious. when and how did she meet him? ha, joyah tak meols???
Post time 4-10-2017 11:29 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
sora13 replied at 4-10-2017 11:21 AM
apa yang iols paling curious and jeles sekali ialah macam mana fazzy boleh kenal dan baik dgn fabio ...
Iolls also curious n jelly... very d encem nk mateyyyy okey!!!! I syak frens among frens giteww.. klu fazzy b frens ngn marc nelson, trus2 i mintk keje jadik PA sheolls.. gaji skit pun x pe.. asal bole ngendeng..