fossible gk..dgn ending yg longgar mcm tu, salah satu cara utk make sure cite trus diperkatan ia ...
saudagar_mimpi Post at 26-5-2010 23:14
Yang diorg kata dah tahu ending from the beginning tu, maybe just the scene yang Jack tutup mata tu kottt. Whatever happens in between, happens. So normal la kot they got off track a lil bit, went all sci-fi between, metaphysical, mythological, tele-portable , pastu dah terbabas kena berbalik ke pangkal jalan semula. Then go all spiritual sebab dah takde explanation lain dah yang selamat. Ish ishh ishh.
Aku rasa masalahnya Lost dah attract some of the "wrong" audience during the process, ie Star Wars fanatics, sci-fi geeks, number theory dorks, people who actually spend time on deciphering every single clue and notice those Lost easter eggs, semua mereka ni agak kecewa kot bila ending ala2 spiritual macam ni. Huhuhuuhu.
Thanks for the youtube link. Oh just an empty plane wreckage rupa2nya aku ingatkan more than that, ....ABC sengaja tokok tambah rupa2nya..ish ish ish...
Aku rasa masalahnya Lost dah attract some of the "wrong" audienceduring the process, ie Star Wars fanatics, sci-fi geeks, number theorydorks,
cmf_cupcake Post at 26-5-2010 23:42
ingat tak dulu masa season 4 or 5, producer ada plan utk buat episod Ji Yeon & Aaron masa dewasa. dah buat casting call lagi. tak tau kenapa kensel.
bedah_kg_pisang Post at 26-5-2010 23:28
Lah yeke...biar gitu je characters bayi2 nih. Padehal punyala susah Claire and Sun mau beranak and mengandung kat island tuh. Pastu punyalah beria imply yang Aaron tu special. Apakahhhh..
Yang diorg kata dah tahu ending from the beginning tu, maybe just the scene yang Jack tutup mata ...
cmf_cupcake Post at 26-5-2010 23:42
aku tk de masalah dengan theme apa pn diorg nk tamatkan cite tuh...ok je bg aku...cume terkilan sket pasal dari awal lagi, season 6 ni dh misled penuntun utk percaya both timeline tu related satu sama lain dan apa yg berlaku kt both time line tu adalah build terhadap grand ending kt pulau atr jack/jacob & MIB...
sbg contoh, season 5 berjaya menjalinkan dengan baik 2 timelines yg berbeza....
aku pn berpendapat yg sama...pertamanya aku bleh ckp ending psl purgatory itu was a very gud twist ...
saudagar_mimpi Post at 26-5-2010 22:40
Actually once upon a time Lost producers pernah cakap that the island was not a place of purgatory. That's why kita yg hardcore fans think the ending was a cop-out (if you subscribe to the purgatory theory which I'm not). Seriously.
The purgatory theory was debunked by J.J. Abrams in a Zap2it interview published in March 14, 2005, "though he claimed to like the idea."
The theory was again expressly debunked by executive producer Damon Lindelof in a New York Times interview published on May 25, 2006. Noting the fact that the finale of Season 2 shows the outside world in the present (as opposed to a flashback) for the first time, Lindelof added: "People who believe that they're in purgatory or that they're subjects of an experiment are going to start reassessing those theories based on the fact that we are literally showing you the outside world."
This theory was rejected again by Damon Lindelof on the October 6, 2006 podcast.
Following the airing of "D.O.C." and Naomi's revelation that the wreckage of Oceanic Flight 815 was allegedly found and there were no survivors, the "purgatory" theory was again debunked twice; first by Damon Lindelof in an interview with E! Online [1], stating that "If we did such a thing after repeatedly stating otherwise, we'd be tarred and feathered!"; and second, by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse in the April 30, 2007 podcast, insisting out that "we were not lying, it's not purgatory" and listing several possible other explanations for Naomi's revelation.
Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse again debunked this theory in a Lost recap special when they added that the Losties are not dead and "do exist somewhere in the space time continuum."
However, they hinted at the Dharma concept
Perhaps purgatory is indeed a theme in the show, though not an actual location; the writers explained that they are not physically in purgatory, but perhaps the idea of redemption and karma is something each character encounters while on the Island. So far there are strong themes of faith vs logic, destiny vs free will, good vs. evil, karma, and redemption. Clearly, this show is dealing with the spiritual, despite the debunked purgatory theory.
Aku sci-fi geek je kot. All those references to sci-fi books i really took them seriously. Sanggup baca mana yang belum baca and revise semula mana yg dah baca. Hahahahah. Those were the days. I still appreciate Lost for that. Aku rasa Damon and Carlton ada pressure from "luar" kot yang menyebabkan diorg choose this kind of ending. I bet after all those crazy island wonderland stuff they made up, they can make or already have a better ending. Maybe ABC reject like some speculated?
Actually once upon a time Lost producers pernah cakap that the island was not a place of purgato ...
nanu_nanu Post at 27-5-2010 00:03
purgatory itu hanya sekadar nama yg aku letak utk refer pada 'alt timeline'....
walau apapon konsep yg dipakai utk 'alt timeline', feelin' aku pasai bende tu ttp sama...