Ho Ching of famiLEE, dalang pembunuhan banker melayu?
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bioessence replied at 30-4-2017 10:05 AM
Dulu masa muda lawa dah tua mcm Jant pula
Rasanya kalau masa lky hidup dendiar masih hidup....Mun ...
Woww mane u dpt ni? |
bioessence replied at 30-4-2017 10:05 AM
Dulu masa muda lawa dah tua mcm Jant pula
Rasanya kalau masa lky hidup dendiar masih hidup....Mun ...
Ni pic sapa? |
Ada sesuatu dalam matanya... |
bioessence replied at 30-11-2016 02:11 PM
Lee family ada lah pemilek OCBC
Di#19 terkaya di Sg sementara Ho family di#22
OCBC Bank. Tried to withdraw money from ocbc atm but the gst was rm4.24. That's four times the usual rm1.06. So i cancelled the transaction. Truly too cekik darah! : |

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Post time 2-5-2017 07:07 PM
From the mobile phone
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nazurah replied at 1-5-2017 08:15 AM
Ada sesuatu dalam matanya...
Jawa berisi
Tetapi mereka bole di anggap jawa murtad bila membela kesultanan melayu
Sukarno dan pki tidak menggemari kesultanan melayu sumatera sebab itu mereka di bunoh beramai2. Tetapi membiarkan kesultanan jawa hamengkubuwono terus hidup Dan tinggal di jawa
Irony Kan? Seorang jawa menjadi penjaga kesultanan melayu |
Edited by bioessence at 14-12-2017 06:25 AM
Cancell terus biar bank tu slowly losing customers then death, wind up or bankrupt. Downwards like singapore girl eh......
Singapore Girl's balance sheet may flip from a net asset position of $3.3b to a net debt of $660m. First time rasa nya
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bioessence replied at 3-5-2017 04:56 PM
Cer tengok yg ini pula
yg ni lg jelas kan bioessence? |
mata dia klu tenung lama2 bley meremang haisshh...pic yg sblm ni x la rs cm tu
Yup jelas kejavaan nya.
To me lah muka mcm rock star. Muka dambaan minah saleh
As raden ni java sebenar nya it is out of character for Javanese also to give protection for malay sultanate sebab puak java bersama PKI dan pendatang cina yg sembelih kesultanan melayu sumatra dan Kalimantan
Perhaps deep rooted jealousy and resentement dari zaman srivijaya sumatera bersaing kuasa dgn kerajaan jawa majapahit. Juga Denham jawa atas kemusnahan empayar hindu majapahit di sebabkan kesultanan islam melayu demak
Penyembelihan kesultanan melayu sumatera ada di sini
https://m.facebook.com/thepatrio ... 97503087612/?type=3
https://m.facebook.com/anakmelay ... 57887518046/?type=3
Edited by pakletop at 7-5-2017 11:16 AM
PRincess ootd dgn buah hati
Yang ini bukan java
Harap penjaga jawa menjaga puteri ini juga
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hunny_sapik replied at 2-5-2017 11:30 AM
OCBC Bank. Tried to withdraw money from ocbc atm but the gst was rm4.24. That's four times the usu ...
Mangai gila mahai.. |
pakletop replied at 7-5-2017 11:15 AM
PRincess ootd dgn buah hati
Yang ini bukan java
Harap penjaga jawa menjaga puteri ini juga
Mana dpt ni uuuu.. Lama xtgk ku inah ig dia tutup terus ek |
fefeeling replied at 7-5-2017 01:38 PM
Mana dpt ni uuuu.. Lama xtgk ku inah ig dia tutup terus ek
Ada orang kasi lah..... |
bioessence replied at 7-5-2017 08:56 AM
Yup jelas kejavaan nya.
To me lah muka mcm rock star. Muka dambaan minah saleh
Check ur info first, demak tu bukan mulayu lah, tapi Jawa lah, sultan pertama nya pun anak raja Majapahit terakhir, asal Islam je ko kleim Mulayu,
N pasal dendiar yang disebut keturunan ningrat jawa, macam mengarut je, gelar ningrat Jawa tak macam tu, takde lah keturunan ningrat nak guna "ki", ki tu sebutan untuk rakyat marhaen je...
Maybe dendiar tu jin jawa marhaen mengaku ningrat yang mengabdi melindungi kesultanan mulayu (oops not mulayu, but lanun bugis) johor |
Are you rockybru ......jumpa kat
Friday, December 19, 2014
Malaysia's most intriguing cold case
The British claimed Maarof, who formed the first Malay bank in Malaysia, commited suicide 
They should re-open Encik Maarof's murder file. The first time I learned about the tragic story of Maarof Zakaria, the man behind Jalan Maarof, which today is not merely a road in Bangsar but an icon of the Federal capital of Kuala Lumpr, was courtesy of the journalist and author Rusdi Mustapha, who had a column in The Business Times back in the Nineties when I was its Editor. If I remember correctly, Datuk Rusdi used his pen name Seri Menanti when he wrote that article. 
Interest in the murder that took place in Dec 1948 was revived when Maarof's son, the veteran Malay actor Mustafa Maarof, died early this week at the age of 79. The anonyous blogger  asquale described Maarof as one of the original Malay nationalists who "for his entire life until he the day he was murdered he championed and advocated for the Malay economic freedom" (Maarof Zakaria was my father's childhood friend, Dec 16). The photograph above is courtesy of his hard-hitting blog Barking Magpie.
Unfortunately, in spite of many enlightened Malay nationalist like Maarof, Pak Sako, Mustapha Hussin, the Malays then and now are still disunited and easily manipulated, to a point now that they might be losing control of their political domination. Or eventually, if they are still disunited, they may even lose the country. 
Pasquale hits harder still with regards to the current state of Malay politics in his latest posting  ush comes to shove. 
From Tun M's outspoken daughter and her "liberal" friends to a reclusive former Finance Minister who allegedly used his position to amass fortune, "half-breed" newsmen who became rich because of Anwar Ibrahim, and "countless" ex Cabinet ministers who wanted concessions and projects,  few are spared his tirade.
"These ingrates thought Najib can be easily bullied."
Me, I believe Encik Maarof didn't die in vain. Not all Malays have forgotten. In fact, we think they should re-open the file and find his murderers, even if they too are six feet under.

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Post time 31-5-2017 05:14 AM
From the mobile phone
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Edited by bioessence at 14-12-2017 01:24 PM
Oh ye bila cina ramai tu yg orang melayu nak bukan bank pun kira mengancam survival perniagaan tionghua di bumi tanah melayu
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If Im not mistaken, previously the charge utk withdraw kat ocbc mmg Rm4 kalau different bank. So for saying the RM4.23 is totally gst, I dont think so.
But usually I will avoid from using those atms. The charge is too high.
syitaeyqa replied at 31-5-2017 09:42 AM
If Im not mistaken, previously the charge utk withdraw kat ocbc mmg Rm4 kalau different bank. So f ...
True true. It's the service charge for using ocbc. Memang tinggi sangat, terus xjd keluarkan duit. Sis xmampu |
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