Dulu kat benang blogger famous cerita pasal Dr Hannan Yusof.
Last benang ada jugak cerita pasal Dr Tilla. |
nipskacang replied at 21-2-2018 09:00 AM
Dr Esul xmasuk list ke ehehehee.. me follow Dr.Hamid Arshat kat fb, kdg2 ade jugak info2 die share y ...
Errr.. dr. esul??
Sheols bkn dh flop ke?? |
Edited by eyelineronfleek at 22-2-2018 08:49 AM
I rasa orang awam mesti confused dgn lambakan aesthetic clinics and Medispa kat Malaysia ni kan?
I nak cuba terangkan apa beza all these clinics so that you can make an informed decision ( P/S: I'm not a medical doctor btw, this is just the result of my keen observation) .
So basically , these clinics can be categorised based on the qualifications of the prinicipal practitioner of the clinics. To start with , all these categories yg I discuss , the owners have a basic medical degree.
1. Trained by short courses
So basically these are doctors who got tired of being a medical doctor, and realised that there's quick buck in aesthetic medicine. These doctors usually go for short, weekend courses where you obtain a certificate at the end of each course. The bread and butter of these clinics are amped-up facial treatments. I've never been coz I don't believe that you need to have a medical degree to be able to do a good facial. Selalunya they make a lot of money by trying to sell off the " technology" in facial , so you get all these vampire facial ( PRP , where they withdraw blood from you and then inject balik) , carbon facial and some iron man mask sh%t which I don't really see much point of doing. For me, if I wanna do facial , I'd find a good place that uses good products , and where the beauty therapist can give a very good massage session. But i guess my skin has different needs than others ( i.e: I don't suffer from serious hyperpigmentation or scarring issues. And even if I do , I think I would much rather spend that RM2-3k on well-researched skincare products). Of course, terpulang pada masing2. Contoh2 clinic yg macamni :
- Hannan Medispa : Siapa tak kenal clinic ni? Although trouble has been brewing in several branches. But I think this is the pioneer of medispa. Before that , I don't think anyoen would have batted an eyelid if a qualified doctor said he wants to drop his stethoscopes and perform facials on women.
- Klinik Hana Bangi : Dr Aina Aszeme. Really cute and petite doctor, really knows what she wants.
- Sky Clinic : This clinic is a joint venture by a team of young doctors. I tak kenal sgt the doctors kat sini. Tapi I briefly scanned the top three doctor's punya profile , and it appears that none of them has any qualification for accredited aesthetic courses. So sama jelah mcm klinik2 di atas.
I don't have anything against these doctors who have given up on their medical profession. Infact, I think it's a good way to filter out the doctors who realised that they don't enjoy practicing the core medical profession. But I ade dengar jugak la kawan2 doktor yg bising bila baca these so-called aesthetic doctors upload gambar on IG dengan caption yg berbunyi lebih kurang " Sacrificing my weekend for the sake of learning" on photos of themselves attending these weekend courses. My friends yg nyampah ni usually are doctors who are paid a measly RM 250 doing a 24-hour call at the hospital, you know, the actual definition of sacrificing a weekend saving lives: trying to rescuscitate a mat rempit eventho we all know they're a feckin nuisance sometimes, or pumping the stomach of a 17 year-old girl who knew that 30 Panadol tablets doesn't killl you , but gives you just the right amount of attention instead.
2. Trained by accredited courses ( e.g diploma, masters )
So yang ni kira up skit dari the previous category because the doctors committed to a full/part time course to study aesthetic medicine. UCSI in Malaysia does offer a 2-years full time Masters programme in Medical Aesthetic , and I think they've picked up the pace since they first opened. The scope of practice for these clinics extends beyond just facials, they also do slimming procedures etc. These clinics include:
- Alainn clinic: Owned by Dr Nurul Ain. Really nice doctor, sangat cantik , mother of 4. Memang idola la. One of the earlier ones who took up the Masters programme at UCSI . Mostly VIP-based clientelle, so expect higher prices I suppose? Neelofa goes here #justsaying
- Abby Clinic: Diploma in dermatology in Cardiff. Ni clinic yg bini Dr Say is working at . Don't know enough to comment.
3. Dermatologist. Period.
If you have cystic acne, those seriously bad acne problem, the first thing you should do is visit a dermatologist , not go for a facial . Im surprised ramai yg tak tau lagi pasal ni. I mean these guys are dermatologists for a reason. To become one, they have to go through 5 years of basic medical degreee, and then either do Masters in Internal Medicine( long way- 4 years course) or pass a difficult board exam called MRCP ( a 3-part exam which tak semua orang lepas on first attempt, and yuran for 1 part of the exam can costs about RM3k depending on how sh%t our currency is doing against the british pounds). And then , baru boleh buat advanced training program in dermatology , either in the form advanced master atau fellowship. So total time to become a board-certified dermatologist in Malaysia ni from the first day of medical school ( and I didn't even count in pre-med progammes) to the day you habis belajar advanced derm is about 11 YEARS ( termasuk 2 years HOship). Can you imagine studying for 11 years, guys ? Can you?? So jangan la merungut kenapa consultation dgn Dr Ranjit yg maha famous kat Subang tu punya lah sekejap tapi beratus RM. These guys obviously don't do facial , but they 'll know how to tweak the inner workings of your body system to tip the balance so that it does not favour acne prone skin.
- Dr Ko : Pilihan number 1 rakyat Malaysia termasuklah Syafiqah Aina.Hueueueueue.. Tapi branches byk sgt , I tak sure if all doctors are dermatologists , but rest assure, Dr Ko is.
- Dr Ranjit: another hot favourite. Parking susah nak mati and klinik ramai orang stilll penuh to this day. Good stuff.
So itulah dia uols, semoga terhibur. OKLAH , nak pergi facial...Hahahaha..
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siputsedut replied at 21-2-2018 09:21 AM
Dr hanan owner hanan medispa tu x masuk list ke? I first jumpa dia kt alam maya dr zaman blog masa ...
Dr hannan yg kawen 2 tu ke? |
miracle_forever replied at 21-2-2018 08:32 AM
dia ni byk copy paste drpd blog org lain jugak.. booo!
Loh. Banyakla pulak cte x best pasal beliau ni. Xtau la pulak me. |
lotionmilo replied at 20-2-2018 10:37 PM
Adakah i sorang jer tak gemar dia ni?
errr berdosa tak klu i ckp acik ni mcm bajet2 sikit lol |
BedahBedul replied at 21-2-2018 09:27 AM
Dr hannan yg kawen 2 tu ke?
Siyes ke kawin 2...omagaddd...taktau...sbb nampak kt ig dia jarang2 skali ade gk gamba wife dia yg dia kenal kt russia tu ...cantik.. |
hotmak replied at 21-2-2018 09:52 AM
errr berdosa tak klu i ckp acik ni mcm bajet2 sikit lol
Tuh lah i tengok ramai yAng menyanjungi dia
I nak kutuk terasa macam i sorang jer ke tak suka dia. Nasib ada orang lain lagi. Hahah
I pernah jumpa dr sheikh muszaphar kat Tmc Bangsar
Ramah and tak sombong |
samalah kalau org panggil ko boss. rs mcm aku duduk zaman sitcom santan berlada thn 80 an dulu. hahahah
kuihbakar replied at 21-2-2018 01:09 AM
Dr Zubaidi. Tp iolss tak reti tepek gambo
Entah kenapa, kita sering terkeliru di antara Dr. Zubaidi Ahmad dan Dr. Hamid Arshat |
eyelineronfleek replied at 21-2-2018 08:35 AM
Oh tak tau plak i dr Say ni promote menatang collagen ni . Tapi ni cam dah lama kan. Dr halina pun ...
Mula-mula kita pun rasa was-was dengan tingkahlaku Doc ni berdasarkan sebuah video yang pernah tular dahulu. Tapi selepas membaca kisah jatuh cinta beliau, baru kita faham.
Eh kenapa kita tak boleh tengok videonya?
mak i pergi klinik dia nak check mata dengan harapan bleh la terangkan balik mata dengan apa cara pon kata femes dan handal. last2 dia panggil pakar hospital lain datang klinik dia checkkan mata mak i. catarak dalam lapisan mata bukan lua macam biasa. tapi klinik dia best, orang tgh tgu2 dia bagi sandwich
eyelineronfleek replied at 21-2-2018 08:37 AM
Tu bukan clinic dia. Dia keje je kat situ .. Abby clinic tak silap..
Baru tau. Ingatkan Dr. Azura punya. Tak nampak pula Doc gunakan mana-mana selebriti untuk pemasaran. Alang-alang dah kenal jihan muse tu, tawarlah jadi duta klinik. |
nipskacang replied at 21-2-2018 09:00 AM
Dr Esul xmasuk list ke ehehehee.. me follow Dr.Hamid Arshat kat fb, kdg2 ade jugak info2 die share y ...
Boleh nampak ketegasan Doc Halina ni. Komen beliau di IG CnG tempoh hari agak tegas konotasinya. Malah kita rasa penyampaian beliau lebih tegas dari Doc Rafidah. Tapi mungkin juga disebabkan itu, ramai netizen yang bangkit dan menyokong tindakan beliau. Terus CnG tutup ruangan komen. |
siputsedut replied at 21-2-2018 09:11 AM
I suka doktor maryamliyana that doctor bakes tu...dia masak kek semua nampak sedap2...byk dah resepi ...
Doc yang rajin buat roti sendiri kan? Suka betul kita follow. Buat untuk anak-anak kan? Kadang-kadang macam banyak sangat sekali masak. Tapi habis je. Untung beliau dapat anak yang makan tak memilih dan rajin makan ![](static/image/smiley/default/3laugh.gif) |
noraidil_06 replied at 21-2-2018 06:14 AM
Wpun dia byk info, tp nyampah bile he insisted org pggl dia tuan instead of encik.
N pun kaki j ...
dia teringin nak jd polis ke apa tu.. dlm pasukan polis, mmg panggil each other tuan pun.. |
Dr Halina ni nampak tegas , tapi kakak yg penyayang . OK la, balanced la dgn dr syeikh muszaphar yg nampak lembut
yin and yang
eyelineronfleek replied at 21-2-2018 09:27 AM
I rasa orang awam mesti confused dgn lambakan aesthetic clinics and Medispa kat Malaysia ni kan?
I ...
Sukaaaaa kita baca. Terima kasih kerana sudi kongsikan di sini ![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
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