Ulang-Ulang Cucuk Booster Boleh Lemahkan Imuniti
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pengecatbintang replied at 13-1-2022 11:11 PM
adakah booster tu triggered heart attack Shebby
Tak kot. Cannot be. Absurd allegation. |
anony-mous replied at 13-1-2022 08:14 PM
Boleh skip x uols? I xnk. Kalau dah ambil dose 3 mesti paksa dose 4,5 dan seterusnya
Im not sure lah boleh skip or not but sedaya upaya la nk elak kcuali suda trdesak for urgent atau apa2 ke urusan..guwe akn ambk..cuma ada trauma pd vacc, sbb 1st n 2nd dose tu guwe memng tumbang pastu body mula mengembang kakaka..tp ade jer yg guwe tgk segelintir kwan2 ada pnyakit dalaman in body dh lama, bila ambk vacc covid bleh pulok recovery pnyakit strusnya tuk booster 3. Mybe sesuai kot dgn body dorang tu. U tak pyah pksa ambek klu tak nak. |
stingerkitkat replied at 12-1-2022 07:56 PM
Alaaa si kim.k iteww pun apa expertise yg dia ada?
Jack of all trades master of none....
Tidak habis lagi ko butthurt dengan kim...
Btw aku mahu tanya manak... Yang mati covid ini ko rasa depa tidak minta per tolongan dari tuhan kah?..... |
ha ha ha..
depa nak salahkan rokok..
depa da tau, selepas 1 tahun program beksin...
ramai akan mati sbb blood clot, heart attack n strokes..
itu pilihan masing2...
akibatnya tanggung sundri aaa..
betapa betul nya kata2 kat bawah :
he he...
Like this comment Million times!
tp kalo kena buang...
patutnya saman
rasanya in pes time mesian medical doctors wat open letter beramai ramai kpd PM pasal efek or AEFI beksin..
ini buka mata pentaksub beksin
Farnor replied at 13-1-2022 11:32 PM
Im not sure lah boleh skip or not but sedaya upaya la nk elak kcuali suda trdesak for urgent atau ...
Wah untung betul kalau mcm tu. Tp kwn2 i yg doc2 semua encourage to get booster. Kalau la vacc ni boleh buatkan jd slim melim tanpa penyakit kan bagus confirm berebut2 |
Belibis replied at 13-1-2022 10:04 PM
Kaka dah boleh mulakan untuk buat semua list yang kaka tak pernah buat.alang2 menyeluk perkasam... ...
N aiol memang worked hard tawun lepas huntok target dapat APC tawun ni yach. Ni bukan APC yang diberi ikut penggiliran yach. Choi. Ujong2 ai ambek ja la beksin. Tapi lepas ambik dos 2 dah nak kena ambik boosteh pulok. |
anony-mous replied at 13-1-2022 11:12 PM
Exactly!!! Kalau i percaya teori merepek, 2 dose pon i x ambil. Tp ni ewah2 paksa pulak ambil boos ...
Kannn, ghisau laaa |
Edited by dua_chzy at 14-1-2022 02:04 AM
naina replied at 13-1-2022 04:07 PM
Tatatertib apa benda chuols? Chuols jangan risau ok. Ada tak join NGO Yusri Yusoff. Dia peguam yg ...
Surat tatatertib chuols. Ai pon belom tau gimana isi kandungan surat tu. Macam pengetua tak sampai hati ja bagi, dia maseh hold dulu. Kasihan juga kat pengetua/pentadbir karna meka sebenarnya baik ja dengan aiols even until now tapi meka pon ditekan atasan soh cikgu2 beksin kot. Kaunselor PPD yang bagi surat tu. Arahan JPN. Kemungkinan nak kena jumpa heols kena kaunseling kaw2. I wait n see la. Dah la ai tak suka kaunselor daerah tu sebab ntah hape2 je approach, wakaka. |
krustykrab replied at 13-1-2022 04:12 PM
Sis apply la jd cikgu kt sek internasional...gaji pun byk
Choi. Takda maknanya gaji banyak sekolah international tempat aiol. Btw nak masuk sekolah international perlu beksin 2 dos juga la uols. |
pengecatbintang replied at 13-1-2022 04:11 PM
ini lah fitnah Dajjal n KayJay..
kalo cocok in shaa Allah ko sakit menderita berpanjangan samapai ...
Amin...Semoga semuanya dipermudahkan huntok penjawat awam macam aiols. Bengkek je ai ape lagi ai tau je KPPD daerah aiol tu jenis makan duit rasuah punya worang masa jadik pengetua dulu. Dia la yang kata beksin dasar kerajaan dan rejek surat sepital aiol, rejek laporan doktor aiol yang kata aiol dah hada antibodi lepas dapat kobid dulu. Pft. |
ko bertahan...
aku rasa blom ada chegu lagi kena buang keje sbb x injek
akhir zaman..
minoriti yg biasanya betul
ko layan jer kaunselor tu..
macam kes mahkamah..
kadang2 sesi bicara postponed sbb peguam, plaintif, defendant or hakim sakit..
lepas jatuh hukum ada rayuan
so.. on..
ko buying time till beksin ni on voluntary basis
2 hari lepas..
member aku injek booster..
pagi td dia habaq..
kote dia dan membesar..
apa ler yg ada dlm beksin tu?
nano cip ke?
agaknya berebut rebut nak pfizer sbb nak kopek n kote beso kot..
One of my predictions for 2022 was that many narratives would unravel this year, looks like I did not have to wait too long! Today was a very big day for truth as Veritas (God bless them) uncovered military documents showing gain of function work and funding did in fact take place pre “Covid”. Another little morsel was that they knew Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine both are useful fighting the virus. Are you shocked?
Walensky and the CDC admitted that the deaths were way overstated since as many as 75% had at least 4 comorbidities. Even CNN (certainly not news) and MSNBS (mainstream national bull shit) spent the last 24 hours walking back their sensational number of deaths FROM Covid as opposed to “with” Covid. We were even treated with a slew of e-mails today proving Fauci lied to Congress (and the nation and the world!). A pretty good 24-48 hours I would say!
Sadly, worldwide, millions of vaccine severe adverse reactions and tens or hundreds of thousands of deaths have occurred from the things they now call vaccines (of course the definition of a vaccine has changed a couple of times over the last year ((and by all means fact check me like they don’t Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer)). We now hear of people collapsing or even dying on a daily basis. Soccer players, tennis stars, tv anchors, celebrities, and yes, even little children. Mind you, this is not hearsay or something cooked up by right tard lunatics, you can see videos of younger/healthy people collapse out of nowhere with your own eyes. And the kicker? Bean counter actuaries have seen a huge increase in life insurance payouts over the 3rd and 4th quarters of last year…some sort of anomaly or just coincidence?
And what will the Karens now say who proclaimed the unquaxxed/mask refusers should be forcefully quarantined, denied healthcare/food, or any other services for that matter? It just blows my mind how anyone could possibly blame someone unvaxxed for endangering someone who is vaxxed…if in fact the quackzine does actually work?
To finish, now comes the scary part. We have been duly divided in every way imaginable, now comes the conquer part. As truth leaks out and anger increases, they must kick the table over to cover the lies and place blame. Will it be war? I would not bet against it, besides, there are many forms of war…like the one we have been fighting for our minds and liberties. If I had to bet, I would favor some sort of cyber attack/financial panic where a world more indebted than ever before is issued a “margin call”…and if we are lucky, services like water, electricity and other necessities (like food) are still available.
File all of this under “conspiracy theory” if you wish, but it looks pretty clear to me!
Standing watch,
Bill Holter |
Depa takkan mengaku depa akal pendek, cuma "bersangka baik" dan juga "non tinfoil"
| |