/ Presidential Suite 18 / AHMAD SHAHIR /CHE AHMAD hoi hoi hoi / JUARA AF8 /
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Kuantan Parade, Kuantan, Pahang
7-8 Ogos 2010
yup...u x nk g ke..
Shayana Post at 3-8-2010 21:51
ooooooooo.. ini kat umah lama saya dulu..kat jln penjara... kalo dok sana lg harus saya pegi... rasanya tak la kot..minggu neh ada xtvt laen.. |
Kuantan Parade, Kuantan, Pahang
7-8 Ogos 2010
yup...u x nk g ke..
Shayana Post at 3-8-2010 21:51
dah dekat tpt u yana...
tak nak pi ke.... |
paper pun sonok bila shahir dah buat commercial. boleh selalu tengok dia kat tb |
shahir pakai baju hijau brands tu ensem bangat |
dah dekat tpt u yana...
tak nak pi ke....
kula22 Post at 3-8-2010 21:56
sape kata x nk g...mesti lh g...I siap nk amik cuti lagi... |
ooooooooo.. ini kat umah lama saya dulu..kat jln penjara... kalo dok sana lg harus saya pegi... ...
sitoYoL Post at 3-8-2010 21:56
toy u duk kat mane dulu...dkt Kompleks Teruntum ke... |
interesting topic, aint it
well i think it depends on the person who perceive ths matter..
adew yang cam x kesah...
but as for me...
i rasa they(tesco,old town) n what not r just being boastful bout it...
they dont see any coming consequences that thy blindly disregard the senstvty of othrs...
take 4 instance tesco...byk jew brg takde logo halal...still
no action is taken cos they know tht so long as the customers r ignorant, they can still be operating...no less...
saddening kan that most teens feel cool to lepak at str buck old town most of us still have issues to doubt them...
kan jd isu kat penang ayam tak disembelih properly n u can even tell it cos bila mask cam still berdarah...but since they offer most affordable price...
ppl still go kan???
jem, mayonis, kacang...
byk aduan da dibuat but nthg can be dne... |
sape kata x nk g...mesti lh g...I siap nk amik cuti lagi...
Shayana Post at 3-8-2010 21:59
Shayana..nnt amik gambo shahir bbyk eh..tepek kat cni..klau jumpe dia ckp saya kim salam tau..;) |
sape kata x nk g...mesti lh g...I siap nk amik cuti lagi...
Shayana Post at 3-8-2010 21:59
yana nak p jumpa SHAHIR...boleh pos kan surat i tak... |
sanggup tu amik cuti demi shahir....
harap u bertuah pd hari tu....
dapat bergambar dg ...
kula22 Post at 3-8-2010 22:03
Insyaallah...hope I dpt jumpe, bergmbr n borak2 ngan Shahir...
Kula, bkn senang dia trn K'tan..pas nie x tau lh bila...So kesempatan yg ada nie harus direbut... |
Reply 1585# sitoYoL
pegi masuk tidur ..cepat.... |
yana nak p jumpa SHAHIR...boleh pos kan surat i tak...
shanaza Post at 3-8-2010 22:05
surat ape nie...kalu surat cinta..x nk la..baik I bg surat cinta i kat dia... |
surat ape nie...kalu surat cinta..x nk la..baik I bg surat cinta i kat dia...
Shayana Post at 3-8-2010 22:10
op kos la....surat ayat2 cinta...jap eh....cek PM jap lagi.... |
Post Last Edit by sitoYoL at 3-8-2010 22:13
toy u duk kat mane dulu...dkt Kompleks Teruntum ke...
Shayana Post at 3-8-2010 22:01
ye..dkt ngan teruntum...bersebelahan jln w ah jang |
interesting topic, aint it
well i think it depends on the person who perceive ths matter..
adew ya ...
shalola Post at 3-8-2010 22:03
ini isu semasa sejak berzaman dahulu.....
kita sentiasa ragu2 dengan tanda halal yg berbeza2....
tak tau mana satu yg betul2 halal....
tapi kita tetap makan juga makanan tersebut.....
atas dasar percaya kepada kepada tanda halal itu.... |
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