Originally posted by braveheart2 at 26-4-2009 06:59
sape tu Batu ???
someone who has been voted out from AF..most annoying candidate in this season....few might not agree with me but i have my guts though he has the talent....but he has some kind of character that can irritate the public in future...i believe my instinct
many thx batu.... excuse my ignorance on the subject - don't follow the current AF series ...u can say lost of interest etc ( sort of bad taste in the mouth !!! ) ....hee...heee - that's only me i guess.
Originally posted by batunilam4a at 27-4-2009 02:18 AM
someone who has been voted out from AF..most annoying candidate in this season....few might not agree with me but i have my guts though he has the talent....but he has some kind of character ...
yup he has almost perfect package.
dan ade attitude to LIVE or DIE in the industry.
if only he could mellow down his kepoyoan......he's doing fine
would love to see more of him in the near future
Originally posted by braveheart2 at 27-4-2009 06:10 AM
many thx batu.... excuse my ignorance on the subject - don't follow the current AF series ...u can say lost of interest etc ( sort of bad taste in the mouth !!! ) ....hee...heee - that's only m ...
i've got what u meant
i'm not totally lost interest...i'm just being extremely selective who i want to support
people with no vision, self determination and bodoh sombong will be rejected awal2 lagi.
coz i dont want to waste my 2 yrs with people like this :re::re::re:
after 2 yrs..still no improvement...makin teruk lak tu.
TOTALLY waste of my time, effort, energy and money
so utk mengelakkan kekecewaan yg sama.
baik aku bg probation time within 6 months
so i'm watching ur step, zizi
Originally posted by seraiwangi at 26-4-2009 20:53
Ada satu lagi undian di www.bharian.com.my
Anugerah Pereka Fesyen Popular ABPBh 2008. Pereka fesyen Mila masa ABP2008 tu ada gak
HI seraiwangi
do i know u davom gak ke? maceh 4 the info..tp x belek pun link tu
Originally posted by braveheart2 at 27-4-2009 06:10
many thx batu.... excuse my ignorance on the subject - don't follow the current AF series ...u can say lost of interest etc ( sort of bad taste in the mouth !!! ) ....hee...heee - that's only m ...
you are welcome uncle B....I am not really fanatic in AF7..just knowing this and that observing things that happened currently..that's all....but the way youngsters say nowadays.."perangai die tak bleh blah"....
i've got what u meant
i'm not totally lost interest...i'm just being extremely selective who i want to support
people with no vision, self determination and bodoh som ...
Aku plak dah malas nak join2 sane sini dah..cukup lah ngan ape yg dah aku experience selama ni....kalo aku suke aku just chit chat ngan fans dorang...melayan2 tu je lah...nak serious jadi fan tu sorry lah.....aku pon dah penat....
Tapi dlm bebudak AF ni bkn aku nak puji Farah AF2 tu....die ni agak low profile sejak kebelakangan ni...tapi album baru meletop.....blh lah di banggakan kalo klua dari product astro nie....(except kaer ngan aizat sbb dorang gune duit sendiri)....aku tgh giler layan lagu die "kalimah indera" bagi telinga aku yg pelik dari org laen ni ....lagu ni ade kualiti...xde vibrato sekilo.....rich dan solid je dgr....die ni mmg betul idoloze mcm ko gak lah..kakak ella ..in fact pernah duet lagu "perang cinta" sedap lagu ni tapi org tak push kat radio....kesian Eddrie Hashim buat lagu dan lirik utk die.....tapi Astro akan biarkan lagu ni tercampak ke tong sampah.....ntah lagu hape2 yg dorang promote...dah klua bebudak baru ni...lagi mampos tergolek2 lah bebudak lama.....kesian tapi ape nak wat...dorang ingat jadi artis ni indah belaka...mak bapak x kasik tapi nak gak .... nak wat cam ne...sekolah x nak blaja betul2 masuk AF...klua mulut rimau masuk mulut naga....
Aku kdg kesian ngan bakat2 yg lagi hebat dari AF ni...tapi x popular mungkin sbb x pandai bodek wartawan.... or org2 ASTRO ni terkenal ngan sikap bias mereka...kalo ikut GSA tu....yg dorang tak suke....mesti kene perli kutuk2 dlm bas.....mcm x ikhlas je kasik job...tapi kalo yg jeneh...suke enjoy...buat party liar sambil pecah2 botol arak dlm bilik hotel...team dorang ni suke lah....sambil nyelam sambil minum air.....aku suke mcm Bob, Sahri, Farhan..dorang ni pure talent tapi ye lah xde X-factor....ape nak wat.....org malaysia ni bkn nye tau muzik...tu yg ntah2 hape2 je artis yg slalu klua majalah...x reti appreciate art....
bayieng aril tu hensem and cute ke..biase je...bersepah2 muke mcm die tgh tunggu LRT ngan comuter kat KL nie....
As tetamu jemputan untuk tajuk Gelora Bintang Realiti
Tetamu jemputan lain Adam Salleh (wartawan) & Fiq Mentor
Diorang bincangkan camner bintang realiti nak maintain dlm hiburan seni..As ususal Mila pandai bawa diri n jawap soalan Harap2 Mila aplikasikan apa dia ckp
Xleh wat review secara terperinci lagik sbb ter'miss' part awal2..kena kluar jap tadi
Pas tu bila tgk jer cam lost sikit apa yg dibincangkan