Reply 1626# kun.kun
u bila ada kat melbourne? i apply MH for march ni tapi tak dapat, full katanya.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif) |
Reply 1640# haz
which one u prefer? drive or take tour? kene kira cost gak utk sewa kete and fuel... |
Reply 1626# kun.kun
i hate going to oz because of the dog. geram betul...the dog siap terkam my bag lagi tau...so, i juz remind u, if u ada letak fruit kat dalam satu2 bag, esp banan, pls do not bring the bag to oz.... |
if i am not mistaken, avalon is slightly further than tullamarine...
asal dpt sampai melbourne da ...
haz Post at 2-2-2012 08:34 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
yela..avalon jauh sket. but its ok la. mcm u ckp..asalkan dpt sampai melb jadi la.ala...miss 1 day je. i will be there on 7th from sydney.
and my stay pn dah confirm kat MH!
yeay~ |
Reply haz
which one u prefer? drive or take tour? kene kira cost gak utk sewa kete and fu ...
bdk2 Post at 2-2-2012 17:39 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
i tgk rate kete sewa roughly $70-90 per day...fuel lak i'm not sure how much is it there..kena tanya sis red laa camtu... |
yela..avalon jauh sket. but its ok la. mcm u ckp..asalkan dpt sampai melb jadi la.ala...miss 1 d ...
bella2712 Post at 3-2-2012 09:21 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
yup..asal sampai dah laa kan...
alaa miss by 1 day jer kan...if not bley jumpa!
dah laa on the 3rd - 6th tu i'll be there alone hehe... |
Reply 1645# haz
rental car kkdg tgk kalo kita pakai lesen mane. kkdg ada surcharge pakai lesen overseas (malaysia). to be safe org rekemen apply interntional driving license tp valid setahun jer. so far i have no problem pakai lesen mesia, cume kekadang derang nak tgk translation. kalo xde explain jer byk2 apa maksud number2 tu sume. hahahh
fuel fluctuate ikut kadaran semasa. kalo masa tu world oil prices tgh tinggi mmg mencanakla rates dia.
tips utk fuel kat sini: jangan isi kereta for the weekend, dari jumaat sampai late ahad tu prices paling tinggi. bestday utk isi minyak ialah midweek so tuesday or wednesday lah.
p/s: dah ler kete red engine besor (3.6cc) so minyak mcm minum air!!! gune kete bile bebetul perlu jer, kalo x public transport sbb efisyen kat sini. hehe
to me kalo nak buat road trip worth it kalo lebih dari 2 org sbb bile dah campur2 kos minyak, sewa kete sume lg elok buat itinerary sendirik. hihi |
Reply haz
rental car kkdg tgk kalo kita pakai lesen mane. kkdg ada surcharge pakai lesen over ...
redsinner Post at 4-2-2012 09:54 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
thanx sis!!
i also read sumwhere that said kat sana oil prices vary everyday...sumtimes arini rendah, esok naik balik...
so do u think it's advisable to do road trip up to mt buller..??
or we should just take the coach package..??
ader 6 days+ kat sana nih...byk mende bley buat ![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif)
*if u want to kirim anything from here, lemme know k...bley belikan |
Reply 1647# redsinner
3.6 cc??? *pengsan* ![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif)
Reply 1648# haz
ooohh, mt buller ker. hehe, kalo red pakai coach jer sbb malas nak pegi sewa snow-chain sbb wajib ada dlm kete during winter season. approx from june to september.
ingatkan GOR ke, Phillip Island ke, Mornington ke... ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
i gi melbourne 14hb nie sampai 16hb...hotel & flight company bayar...
errrr..i hanya ada duit pocket dlm usd300...cukup ke? ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
Reply haz
ooohh, mt buller ker. hehe, kalo red pakai coach jer sbb malas nak pegi sewa sn ...
redsinner Post at 4-2-2012 17:36 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
ok thanx sis...then coach it is!!GOR, philips island tu pun tatau nak amek package or drive...
we have less than 5 months to plan our itinerary... |
i gi melbourne 14hb nie sampai 16hb...hotel & flight company bayar...
errrr..i hanya ada duit poc ...
amirul_nazri Post at 5-2-2012 17:04 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
u will be there for 3 days, for work i assume..?any place that interests u, that u wanna go..?
to me usd300 for 3 days stay more than enuff..nak beli food & souvenirs.. |
u will be there for 3 days, for work i assume..?any place that interests u, that u wanna go..?
haz Post at 5-2-2012 17:38 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
yup haz...business trip (project site visit)..i have no idea of where to go...i never been there before..i just rely on my customer (if they have free time ) to entourage me ...
i will stay at vibe savoy hotel...r u stay there haz..maybe we can meetup and hook around..but...errrrrr...my budget is small..![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
yup haz...business trip (project site visit)..i have no idea of where to go...i never been ...
amirul_nazri Post at 5-2-2012 18:35 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
unfortunately i don't live there...i wish i do tho ![](static/image/smiley/default/shy.gif)
anyway, 14th - 16th tu mmg ur days filled with site visit ker..??
no spare days to tour the city...?
ur hotel's location mmg best..dekat ngan southern cross station...
right smack in the city, bley jalan jer nak pegi mana...
kalau nak beli souvenirs, bley pegi kat victoria market...
u can take the free tram - city circle..it is maroon in colour..
it will go round the city, u can just hop on hop off the tram at any stop..
that is the easiest way to go round the city for me..
if u r looking for halal food, u can find quite a few halal restaurants along swanston street..
if u need info while u r there, u can always visit the tourist info centre kat federation square.. |
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Reply 1646# haz
Hi haz..i plan nk ke Melbourne gak tp xtau bila..bleh x amik date sama ngn u je??bleh together-gether..i'm quite nervous sbb i mcm xbyk msa nk plan memandgkn bz dgn keja n class. klu jd, bleh la jmpa u ye!! Tmpat tinggal apapn blum book. waaa..!! |
Reply 1654# amirul_nazri
14th to 16th yek? mid week kan? Queen Victoria market ada night market on Wedneday night. warning: ini pasar malam mahal. hahah tapi night market nih ada waktu summer jer. kalo nak tolong teman buleh jer cause i rajin pegi after work.
also maybe worth going to Harbour Town Shopping Centre (Docklands). kat situ ada kedai souvenir yg agak murah. naik la iconic Melbourne tram yang free tu. kaler maroon and name dia City Circle tram, mcm haz ckp. refer haz's post for the more info.
USD 300 is about AUD186 (from todays exchange rates) so to me cukup jer untuk shopping souvenir.
kalo ada soklan buleh tanya jer. |
Reply 1652# haz
road tripping mmg best buat sendirik sbb kekadang bus x stop kat tempat2 kita nampak menarik. oh, red mmg jenis suke stop2 kalo buat road trip. heheh tempat ntah pape jer stop. snow trips dikecualikan. hahah
perhatian: sila drive elok2 tau sbb a few months ago ada students dr malaysia yang masuk hospital, accident kat philip island. |
Post Last Edit by amirul_nazri at 6-2-2012 23:13
Reply amirul_nazri
14th to 16th yek? mid week kan? Queen Victoria market ada night mark ...
redsinner Post at 6-2-2012 20:38 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
rasanya i takder nak beli souvernir...just beli 2 biji fridge magnet and the rest just nak tangkap gambar utk 3 hari yg singkat tue jer.. ...errrrr..if u there, can we hook up...? i need help..very tight budget becoz the following week pula akan i akan ke beijing utk 1 kerja lg..so kenal la expenses cut into 2.,.i more concern on the cab cost especially on the way back to airport on 16th..my god, my experience in qatar hunting me once more abt this ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
Reply haz
Hi haz..i plan nk ke Melbourne gak tp xtau bila..bleh x amik date sama ngn u je ...
rain87 Post at 6-2-2012 13:36 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
hi there...when do u plan to go..??i thot u dah beli tix...blom eh..??
i will be in melbourne end of june till early july...tak lama sgt...
b4 dat will be in sydney insyaAllah...
as for accommodation, book malaysia hall - it's cheap!!
dah fix date, terus email to book..
haz email 2 weeks ago, dah dpt confirmation last week... |
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