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Author: BingkaUbi

Thread Luahan Perasaan (V12) - FD

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Post time 2-7-2023 11:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 2-7-2023 11:31 AM

Eh pelik lah.. kenapa nak kena berlakon terlalu humble, acah2 marhaen?  

Ada gathering family neh.. and we were asked to bring axia instead of our beemer 6 series GT, 2-door sportscar, crv 4WD or alphard??

Bukannya i nak show off head to toe branded stuff pun.. kelek hermes gathering family?? No way... i cuma TAKNAKKK pakai axia utk tujuan selain groceries, pergi gym and parking tengah panas.. axia is not my weekend drive, and i dont enjoy driving it.. it is only for my own convenience, so i love to keep it..

utk tujuan lain,  sila pakai kereta lain ye... aku aib nak pakai axia ni, so i just use it for my convenience je (angkut ayam, telur, ikan,  tauhu or time aku berpeluh2 balik jogging or gym)... beli axia pun cash je

Eh tak suka la org lain dictate my choice.. aku dah 40an kot.. kereta2 tu pun beli duit titik peluh aku sendiri...
Jangan sampai aku menyampah dengan axia tu and terus jual esok amek toyota yaris (marhaen juga tp kurang mengaibkan)

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Post time 2-7-2023 11:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Terbaca somewhere.. ramai live paycheck to paycheck.. pastu meroyan sakit hati bila orang lain lebih

Apa ke bangsat sangat perangai failed financial planning??

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Post time 2-7-2023 07:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kenapa money changer dah strict skang? Aku mmg almost every month datang tukar duit pun selama2 ni.. tp tak paham kenapa kali ni aku tukar duit tp kena bg ic, no phone and isi borang declare source of fund, pekerjaan, tujuan tukar duit...

Padahal aku tukar sikit je, dalam 1000 euro je.. ye la aku nak sopim pun pakai CC or cucuk duit kat ATM je nnti kat sana just in case nak pakai cash....

Kenapa makin strict? Arahan BNM ke

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Post time 3-7-2023 12:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 3-7-2023 12:24 PM

Sedap la sea urchin ni

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Post time 3-7-2023 12:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ok ni version fresh.. tadi version dah bakar + letak condiments..

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Post time 4-7-2023 05:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kitorg jumpa kawan cainis
Beecerita pasal Mata yg makin rabun
Husband Kata my wife asik tengok hp dekat2 tengok cerita Korea lah apalah sambil baring

The cainis husband and wife Tanya balik, your wife tak masak kah?
Husband geleng kepala je sambil sengih2
As usual bila hasben beecerita dgn kawan2 pasal Aku rehat sokmo Dan tak masak... Aku Rasa bangga yahamat instead Rasa segan
Rasanya hasben pun mcm bangga juga sbb treats wife like queen

Ehhh mana nak Cari durian. Sana sini dah abes
Ada jual tepi2 jalan tapi mcm tak meyakinkan kesedapannya

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Post time 4-7-2023 10:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 17-7-2023 01:17 AM

Harini niat di hati nak shopping contact lens dengan polarized sunglasses... tup2 staff kat optometrist tu bgtau its free for me... RM1k in total and its all FREE for me... benefits from Mr P....

Ya Allah, Alhamdulillah for these great small things that make me happy...

Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan...

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Post time 5-7-2023 11:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nak beli kasut Tod's... i rasa brand lain tak sedap pakai lah.... ferragamo, chanel, gucci.. all tak selesa....

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Post time 6-7-2023 09:41 AM | Show all posts
habis sudah cuti2 & me time ..


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Post time 6-7-2023 05:07 PM | Show all posts
dup dap dup dap .. i am going to run my first event alone tanpa dia this weekend.... harap ada rasa seperti dia ada bersama menemani sepanjang perjalanan  ...


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Post time 8-7-2023 07:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
alhamdulillah, dah selesai haji & dah balik ke malaysia. Semoga di beri peluang lagi utk kembali mengunjungi Baitullah. Aminn

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Post time 9-7-2023 03:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
td pi wedding.  nk balik terserempak pulak dgn sekelamin ni.  yg heronya bila aku mula2 nmpk, aku confused kjp sbb mcm kenal.  sekali bila yg heroinnya tunjuk muka, aku ckp dlm hati OHHHH HANG KAAA?!!! sambil kita org bersalam n berpeluk.   

babak 1:  lps bersalam berpeluk, dia tanya aku... ingat ke dia siapa.  demi ketenangan alam sejagat, trpksale aku buat2 bodo n pelupa. so aku jwb TAK sambil senyum2.  astaghfirullahal'azim. ya Allah ampunilah dosaku, aku dah ckp bohong.  yg bagusnya, alhamdulillah dia pun senyum je n tk ingatkan aku dia siapa.   lps tu masing2 pun pergi ikut haluan masing2.

babak 2:   aku n suami berjln ke kereta sambil berbual psl pokok buluh.  aku la yg mula2 buka topik pokok buluh sbb that was the first thing i saw after babak 1 habis.  suami aku pun ckp psl pokok2 buluh dgn semangatnya.  aku dgr dgn gelihati je.  O-KAY.  masing2 dah tua n dh jd pelupa yek.  iyolah.  ikut je la.  

babak 3:  nmpknya aku better simpan cerita babak 1 dan 2 dari pengetahuan anak2 aku, nak2 si J.  aku tkmo buka cerita lama.  dia prnh trauma sbb heroin tu dulu.  so... yeah.  lama la nmpknya babak 3 ni akan bermain.  insya Allah.

memandangkan heroin tgh pregnant di umur tua, sama2lah kita bedoa agar urusannya dimudahkan Allah.  

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Post time 12-7-2023 02:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 13-7-2023 01:26 AM

Seronok dapat balik jengok kampung atok...

He's albanian (balkans), asal nya... muslim sunni, sangat alim the whole family... they're traders (merchant) and ada kapal... settle down dekat port in one of big greek island, before migrate to malaysia... sorry, i xnak mention nama island tu

Before 1900s, greece and turkiye still under Ottoman empire... then ada revolution against the sultan, and kamal attaturk (ottoman general) naik and satukan turkiye.. masa kamal ni, dia buat agreement dengan greece (masa tu nama Macedonia) utk population swap... maknanya, all christians in turkiye kena migrate to balkans or greece... and vice versa, all muslim greek kena move to turkiye.. Its called the GREAT MIGRATION  in 1910-1930 ( >2 mil people involved)... masa ni atok i baby

As for my atok's nationality after the great migration,  he is considered as Turkish... tp dari segi race, he's actually Balkans greek (north macedonia).... but then family atok i takleh survive kat turkiye, so diorg migrate lagi to country under trading route dia, and they choose malaysia.. atok i dikahwinkan dgn locals, and ayah atok i pun kawen 2nd wife malaysian  juga (anak merchant melayu, ada kapal juga sama2 berdagang to China)...

Indah pulau asal atok i ni... di Aegean Sea... bukan terletak di sea of marmara or black sea...

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Post time 12-7-2023 02:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 13-7-2023 12:57 AM

Ada rasa sedih.. just because of ideology and agama... kami kena berhijrah tinggal habis kampung halaman... kena tinggalkan macedonia (greece) just because we're muslims... tp nak stay di turkiye, they're liberalizing the muslims, and merchant (jalan laut, not silk road) takleh cari makan sbb kena pindah ke highlands (silk road lama, cappadocia)... so terpaksa lah migrate sekali lagi utk jaga agama & cari makan....

Truly.. perang dunia 1 & 2 benar2 menghancurkan

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Post time 13-7-2023 01:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Albanians, balkans, macedonians, persians, kurdish, Caucasians, are all under the ottoman empire back then.. tp disebabkan dulu mana ada gerakan nationalistst/racism.. everyone under the ottomans called themselves as Turks...

The Ottoman (Turks) cover byk area... from balkans, greece, sampai middle east bawah (iraq, iran, mecca, egypt, saudi, yemen), to the north and east (ukraine, georgia, kazakhs)...

Sayang betul empire jatuh sbb tolak technology (industry revolutions)

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Post time 14-7-2023 10:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aku dh cerita kt J n N kisah yg jd lps wedding tu.  both girls punya reactions sama.  depa dua2 heran awat heroin tu tanya soalan tu kat aku.  dia hilang ingatan ke sampai tak rasa malu tanya soalan tu.  THE AUDACITY!!!  they both exclaimed.

tu dia.  sebuah kisah yg boleh dibuat sinetron.  ekceli aku dah buat dah pun drama bersiri psl dia dulu dulu dulu.  aku start buat cerita tu masa aku kt jakarta.  sbbkn nk bersangka baik, aku buat dia seorg yg berwatak schizo.  ye la... org normal tkkn buat apa yg dia telah buat.  

tp biarlah kan?  aku dh maafkan dia, tk patut aku react mcm tu.  entah2 dia dh bertaubat dan dia dh jd berganda2 lebih baik dari aku.  entah2 dia tanya aku soalan tu sbb dia bersangka baik aku tk berdendam kt dia.  Allah bg aku terjumpa dia tu ujian.  ternyata akulah yg dh gagal ujian.  astaghfirullahal'azim.

moh le kita sama2 hapuskan dosa kita yg byk ni dgn bersedekah.  aku terbaca masalah forumer nama kaishi kt masalah peribadi.  berat betul ujian buat dia sekeluarga... dia sakit, anak2 sakit, suami accident dan tidak boleh bekerja.  marilah kita berdoa yg baik2 utk kaishi sekeluarga.  sama2lah kita bantu apa yg patut utk mengurangkan beban beliau yg kini sdg letih mental dan fizikal.   utk rujukan, boleh tgk di board sebelah.  


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Post time 16-7-2023 07:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 16-7-2023 07:26 PM

Here for lunch...  Salt Bae's resto / Nusr-Et Gokchen

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Post time 16-7-2023 07:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Good ambience....

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Post time 16-7-2023 07:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Thanks genki bgtau pasal thread sis kaishi tu..

Allahu Akbar.. baru baca thread tu.. rasa disiat-siat hati baca curhat ujian sis kaishi hadapi..  

Sy doakan sis kaishi diberi kemudahan dalam urusan & keluarga kaishi diberi kesembuhan sepenuh nya.... aamiiin ya rabbal aalamiiin...

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Post time 17-7-2023 12:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols sebenarnya baru faham something... orang asli ni kategori haiwan liar, not modern human (bukan dari keturunan Adam)..

Now it makes sense kenapa sesetengah negara protect orang2 asli ni bawah akta flora dan fauna (akta hidupan liar & tumbuhan)...

Kat mesia ni depa wujud >25,000 years ago.. sedangkan Nabi Adam (modern human) baru wujud ~10,000 -9,000 BC

Jenuh gomen kita cuba fight Bumiputra sama hak dengan orang asli tp kena reject mentah2 oleh United Nation yach... sbb obviously not the same human... melayu-proto datang ke Malaysia 7,000 yrs ago from mongoloids (hijrah dari asia tengah)... so melayu is considered as modern human, but orang asli is totally different kind of human

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