human must love each other |
Other than what you mean... |
mean that I know nothing

Nothing is zero right not.... |
not to take thing seriously |
seriously i'm not in trouble |
trouble with the steering wheel |
wheel of fortune they watch... |
ladyhermanas This user has been deleted
watch the wheel of fortune (hehehe...aku pinjam ayat hang noo madiey |
fortune when you seek him
[ Last edited by kraprz at 13-4-2007 11:15 AM ] |
him is used for masculinity... |
masculinity for men, how's women |
women and men enjoy football |
football time is every weekend.. |
ladyhermanas This user has been deleted
weekend is my dating time (hehehhe..tunggang langgang dah grammar aku) |
time to open grammar book  |
book my flight to langkawi .. |
ladyhermanas This user has been deleted
langkawi is the shopping paradise |
paradise of the promised land |
land for sale, please hurry....
[ Last edited by Madiey at 13-4-2007 03:43 PM ] |
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Category: Negeri & Negara