salam uols,
selamat menjalani ibadat pose....dah lama tk masuk sini...
sunyi jer benang ni erk...almaklumlah bulan pose...
tadi tgh google2...ternampak news abt kirsten menduakan rob...sian rob..
cam rasa nak tukar heroin twilight jer rasanya...
note :
tu la rob dulu2 tak pilih akak....pasti akak setia...hahahaha...sorry guys...melawak ajer....
PostBanhammer posted on 19-7-2012 08:02 PM
Reply 1685# aYuGiLeR
aku jumpe.. vampire dr romanian yg anti sama volturi jugak..
Like Stefan, Vladimir was one of the original twelve ruling members of the Romanian coven. Vladimir was the head of a coven of four large-by-normal-vampire-standards, when he joined forces with the other Romanian vampires. His big, successful coven was one of the inspirations for the notion of coexistence to pursue power.
tadek sape ke nk hangatkan rumah neh..huwaaa..sepi jah..bila leon nk kotakan MS tu..tak larat dh tunggu neh. BD2 pun dh tak lama padahal lama dh menunggu