xpayahlah nak tanya org jelas ker xjelass..
sendiri phmlahhhh
ya Allah...cutenyerrrrrrrrrrrrr
ooo.. tukar nicklah jadi ashburn_itam
Edited by ashburn at 22-3-2016 11:25 AM
n jgn lupa bila the slaps on
the thigh when she's getting
ready 2 return serve..
sbb tu kalo mkn kfc i request
thigh....i like thigh |
If Sharapova had a one-handed backhand, she would almost surely be the first person to play an entire match with a clenched fist.
Hitam itu MEKTAM
2 all members in this tennis
thread..pls drink lots of water ehh
especially during these hot dayss..
be careful n avoid heat stroke..
stay indoor ok
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i predict Maria kena 2 yr ban from tennis
sebab kes dia ni ada unsur2 kecuaian.
4 tahun tak kot..eye candy in tennis katanya
gitu..dah mcm panel plak rasa. |
so called tournament director..
terus quit as CEO/tourney director
dah ddk umah diam2 jaga cucu ok!
i pun nak jadi panel jap.. bagik Masha 1-year jek cukup la kot..
kalau less than 1-yr pun iols suka sbb nak tgk Masha lawan Nektam lagi
shiok! |
2yr lamanyerr..
5months jekk laa
sbb honest kann
1 yr lamanyerr
5months cukupp..
sbb masha terlalu jujur
xder org lain yg jujur di
dunia selain dari masha
xyhh kena ban lgsglahh..
lg shiokkkk
Rio Ferdinand tak ambik drug test thn 2004 pon kena 8 mths
5 mths utk Maria?? cetttt!!!
xder org lain yg jujur di
dunia selain dari masha
Edited by Mulan at 22-3-2016 04:10 PM
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