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Author: keypochino


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Post time 27-10-2020 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 26-10-2020 09:58 PM
dah tanya.. ada mak pak yg keje mmg tak leh share laptop dgn anak..
jd kalau tgh keje, mmg tak l ...

Susah juga kan. Kena bertabahlah MJ. Nk buat mcmana, dah semua ada kekangan

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 Author| Post time 27-10-2020 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 26-10-2020 11:10 PM
Tu la.. Dan pandai pulak citer bagi kita faham.

Tula.. nnt jap lg b4 tdo pi sana lagi..ralit duk baca

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 26-10-2020 10:05 PM
oo dia tgk muka elisabeth tu baru ngaku bersalah..
kenapa ehh? pelik jgk..

Tatau la. Agaknya br mai keinsofan kot masa tu, hehe

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 Author| Post time 27-10-2020 12:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 26-10-2020 11:54 PM
Shabbas betti. Lelaki yg mcm ni adh loser

Ms tu mcm pelik la mcmana syg tp suka mrh2.. bila kite nk clash.. dia nangis tau.. kesian jugak.. tp rasanya sikap tu dah jd tabiat mesti dia susah nak ubah kan.. kite pun xnak amik risiko..

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 26-10-2020 10:08 PM
popia inti kentang & carrot dice mcm inti karipap.. mula2 saute mince garlic then masukkan ground  ...

Sedap ni. Hampir sama la inti popia kita. Cuma den x buh alfredo & selain garlic, den buh onions & ginger yg ditumbuk

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 26-10-2020 10:09 PM
iols pun gitu, kalau complex or menyusahkan, lantak la situ... ambik yg senang je..

Sepppp sikit

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 26-10-2020 10:09 PM
haha ada ni tgh mkn popcorn.. haha

Garrett's ke? Lama x beli weh

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 27-10-2020 12:01 AM
Tula.. nnt jap lg b4 tdo pi sana lagi..ralit duk baca

Seronok lepak situ..

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 26-10-2020 10:19 PM
ingat nk bukak tp dah ada tu org cerita tu last year..

Kot ada nk add info ke?

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 26-10-2020 11:53 PM
Nave plak masa tu, hehe. Mmg dia tau cara camana nk bg hang mai dkt dia

Dia dok panggil mai sat.. Mai sat.. Aku tau tu propa.. Last sekali kata sakit la.. Hahahaha.. Akal kat perut byk

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 26-10-2020 10:19 PM
sche guna rempah sup ke atau sup bunjut?

Err, den x masak yg tu. Tp rasanya from scratch, x guna bunjut @ rempah sup. Den x reti masak sup tulang ni

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 26-10-2020 11:42 PM
Tula.. td teammate call dia kata rindu lama xjmpa.. depa masuk opis haha

Hahaha..Jumaat ni boleh la jumpa..

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 26-10-2020 10:23 PM
your name pun dah new vocab.. french film..

Shéhérazade is a 2018 French drama film directed ...

Ah! Je vois

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buritan replied at 26-10-2020 07:43 PM
Tak.tau laa.. tp satu je yg aku pegang ckp setad setazah sana.. jgn sesekali rasa riak dlm diri..  ...

Bagus2...jgn susahkan org....permudahkan


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Post time 27-10-2020 12:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 26-10-2020 10:31 PM
pakcik otto tu byk pengetahuan dia.. bagus..

Kan? Dia ni xkan dah tua kot @sarah82 tau ka brapa umoq pokcik ni?

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 26-10-2020 07:44 PM
Kekekekeke. Sempat kot klu kita seru dia beramai2 @keypochino

Nonton finale LIE AFTER LIE terus terlelap

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 26-10-2020 07:52 PM
Kekekeke. Sian lak dia @keypochino

@keypochino masuk le cepat

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 26-10-2020 08:03 PM
Kekekeke, sb dinner apa td?

Kuih2...siang tadi berbuffdei party byk mkn...

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Scheherazade replied at 26-10-2020 08:04 PM
Similar but not the same

Too true...eja dia lain C...

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Post time 27-10-2020 12:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 26-10-2020 08:18 PM
Eh takpe.. td berbuka grg kuey teow

Wah...ada gak kolig bg kuetiau sup...nak mon nanti...

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