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Author: Remy_3D

Sejarah Yahudi

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Post time 21-8-2006 12:12 PM | Show all posts
any new story @ article...can't wait.....

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Post time 21-8-2006 06:08 PM | Show all posts
ada yahudi yg menentang kezaliman zionis terhadap Palestin dan Lubnan,tapi dlm jumlah yg minimum laa...
nak ikutkan yahudi pun berasal dari susur galur Nabi Ibrahim...cuma bangsa ni takleh terima Nabi Isa dan Nabi Muhammad walaupun dlm Torah ada mention mengenai  nabi2  ni...tak silap bangsa yahudi gak yg byk bunuh nabi2 lain kan?

[ Last edited by  narvmarishka at 21-8-2006 12:09 AM ]

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Post time 22-8-2006 12:05 AM | Show all posts
The Difference Between Judaism and Zionism
G. Neuburger

Where the Torah tells about the creation of the first human being, the most prominent Jewish commentator, Rashi, explains that the earth from which Adam was formed was not taken from one spot but from various parts of the globe. Thus human dignity does not depend on the place of one's birth nor is it limited to one region.

    The greatness or worth of a person is not measured by his or her outward appearance. Jews believe that Adam was created in G-d's image and that he is the common ancestor of all mankind. At this stage in human history, there is no room for privileged people who can do with others as they please. Human life is sacred and human rights are not to be denied by those who would subvert them for "national security" or for any other reason. No one knows this better than the Jews, who have been second-class citizens so often and for so long. Some Zionists, however, may differ. This is understandable because Judaism and Zionism are by no means the same. Indeed they are incompatible and irreconcilable: If one is a good Jew, one cannot be a Zionist; if one is a Zionist, one cannot be a good Jew.

        For over 60 years I have fought Zionism, as did my father before me, and I am therefore quite familiar with it. For those who have been in this fight for only the last ten or twenty years, what I have to say may be surprising or even shocking. Nevertheless these matters must be stated clearly and openly, because unless the disease of Zionism is diagnosed accurately, it cannot be cured. Too long have those opposed to Zionism engaged in daydreaming and wishful thinking. In order to recognize Zionism for what it is, one has to know about Judaism, about Zionism -- the opposite and negation of Judaism, and about Jewish history. In the time allotted to me, I am not going to talk about the actions of the Zionists; they will be adequately dealt with by others. As a Jew, I plan to discuss Zionism, which is rebellion against G-d and treason to the Jewish people.

        To begin with, a few definitions: Who is a Jew? A Jew is anyone who has a Jewish mother or who converted to Judaism in conformity with Halacha, Jewish religious law. This definition alone excludes racism. Judaism does not seek converts, but those who do convert are accepted on a basis of equality. Let us see how far this goes. Some of the most eminent and respected rabbis were converts to Judaism. Jewish parents throughout the world bless their children every Sabbath and holiday eve, and they have done it in the same way for millennia. If the children are girls, the blessing is, "May G-d let you be like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah." Not one of these matriarchs was born a Jewess; they were all converts to Judaism. If the children are boys, the blessing is, "May G-d let you be like Ephraim and Menashe." The mother of these two was an Egyptian woman who became Jewish and had married Joseph. Moses himself, the greatest Jew who ever lived, married a Midianite woman who became Jewish. Finally, the Tenach, the holy writings of the Jew, contains the book of Ruth. This woman was not only not Jewish by birth, but she came from the Moabites, traditional enemies of the Jewish people. This book describes Ruth's conversion to Judaism and is read annually on the holiday commemorating the giving of the Torah, the "Law," i.e. the Pentateuch. At its very end, the book of Ruth traces the ancestry of King David, the greatest king the Jews ever had, to Ruth, his great-grandmother.

        Apart from the Zionists, the only ones who consistently considered the Jews a race were the Nazis. And they only served to prove the stupidity and irrationality of racism. There was no way to prove racially whether a Mrs. Muller or a Mr. Meyer were Jews or Aryans (the Nazi term for non-Jewish Germans. The only way to decide whether a person was Jewish was to trace the religious affiliation of the parents or grandparents. So much for the this racial nonsense.

        Racial pride has been the downfall of those Jews in the past who were blinded by their own narrow-minded chauvinism. This brings us to a second definition. Is there a Jewish people? If so, what is its mission? Let us make this completely clear: The Jewish nation was not born or reconstituted a generation ago by some Zionist politicians. The Jewish nation was born on Mount Sinai when the Jews by their response, "let us do and let us hear," adopted the Torah given to them by G-d for all future generations. `This day you become a people," though valid still today, was spoken thousands of years ago.

        According to Jewish tradition, there are seven Noachide laws which apply to all human beings. Then there are the Ten Commandments which form basic standard of morality and conduct for adherents of all monotheistic religions. In addition to these, there are 613 laws obligatory for Jews, and every Jew has to observe those which are applicable to him or  her according to Halacha. It is the carrying out of these mitzvoth, "commandments," which constitutes the essence of being Jewish, and therefore of the Jewish people and their covenant with G-d.        

        In what way are the Jews a "chosen people"? Every Jewish man anywhere and at any time when called to the reading of the Torah says, "Who has chosen us from all the peoples and gave us His Torah." This is the way in which the Jews are chosen. The Jewish people are chosen not for domination over others, not for conquest or warfare, but to serve G-d and thus to serve mankind. "And the hands are the hands of Esau," has been traditionally interpreted to mean that while "the voice is Jacob's," the hands- - symbolizing violence - are Esau's. Thus physical violence is not a tradition or a value of the Jews. The task for which the Jewish people were chosen is not to set an example of military superiority or technical achievements, but to seek perfection in moral behavior and spiritual purity. Of all the crimes of political Zionism, the worst and most basic, and which explains all its other misdeeds, is that from its beginning Zionism has sought to separate the Jewish people from their G-d, to render the divine covenant null and void, and to substitute a "modern" statehood and fraudulent sovereignty for the lofty ideals of the Jewish people.

        One means of misleading many Jews and all too many non-Jews is the Zionist misuse of names and symbols sacred in Judaism. They use the holy name Israel for their Zionist state. They have named their land acquisition fund with a term that traditionally implies the reward for piety, good deeds, and charitable work. They have adopted as a state symbol the menorah (candlebrum). What hypocrisy, what perversion it is to have the Israeli army fight under an emblem, the meaning of which is explained in the Tenach (on the occasion of a previous return to the Holy Land) as, "not with armed force and not with power, but in My spirit says the Lord of Hosts."

(tobe continued)



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Post time 22-8-2006 12:07 AM | Show all posts
The infamous founder of political Zionism, may his name be cursed, who only discovered his own Jewishness because of anti-Semitism displayed at the Dreyfus trial in France, proposed various solutions to what he called the "Jewish problem." At one point he proposed to resettle the Jews in Uganda. At another he proposed to convert them to Catholicism. He finally hit on the idea of a Judenstaat, an exclusive Jewish state. Thus from its very beginning Zionism was a result of Anti-Semitism and indeed is completely compatible with it, because Zionists and anti-Semites had (and have) a common goal: To bring all Jews from their places of domicile to the Zionist state, thus uprooting Jewish communities that had existed for hundreds and even thousands of years. Loyalty to the Zionist state was substituted for loyalty to G-d, and the state was made into the modern "golden calf". Belief in the Torah and fulfillment of religious obligations in Zionist eyes became a private matter and not a duty for every Jew or for the Jewish people. The Zionists made divine law subject to party or parliamentary votes, and they set their own standards of conduct and ethics.

        Neither the founder of political Zionism nor any of the prime ministers of the Zionist state believed in the divine origin of the Torah nor even  in the existence of G-d. All prime ministers were members of a party that opposed religion in principle and that considered the Bible a document of ancient folklore, devoid of any religious meaning. And yet these same Zionists base their claim to the Holy Land on this same Bible, the divine origin of which they deny. At the same time they conveniently forget the Jewish holiday prayer "and for our sins have we been exiled from our land," and ignore the fact that the present exile of the Jewish people is divinely decreed and that the Jewish people are neither commanded nor permitted to conquer or rule the Holy Land before the coming of the Messiah. The Jewish people do, of course, recognize special spiritual ties to that land they call it Eretz Yisrael. Every morning, afternoon, and evening, and night they mention it and Zion and Jerusalem in their prayers, and indeed a Jew does not sit down to a meal without doing likewise. To the Jew, the very soil of the Holy Land is different from that of any other spot on this globe, and wherever he is he turns his face toward Jerusalem during prayers. To live in the Holy Land or even to be buried there was always considered to be of high merit.

        This love of the land and the Jewish longing for a return to it and for the coming of the Messiah have been exploited innumerable times during the past 2,000 years. Zionism has had many precursors and each has been a curse for the Jews. Individuals who proclaimed themselves the Messiah and messianic movements have sprung up from time to time, from the Roman era through the Middle Ages and down to the modern Zionists. Many of these pseudo-Messiahs posed as rabbis or as national leaders, though some of them eventually professed other faiths; many temporarily - some for longer periods - succeeded in misleading Jews, rabbis, and entire Jewish communities. All were in due course exposed and recognized as frauds, and those who had set their hope on them found only disappointment and all too often disaster.

        In the early stages of the development of modern Zionism, the Mizrachi was founded, an organization of so-called religious Zionists who tried to combine their faith with political Zionism. This led to constant conflict between the dictates of divine law and the demands of Jewish nationalism. Most of the time, the Mizrachi was outvoted at Zionist congresses and served only to give the Zionist movement a false religious aura. Whenever expediency called for it, these "religious" Zionist fellow-travelers have been used by the Zionist government to underpin national claims with "religious" authority. The National Religious Party in the Zionist state has been well rewarded for giving its stamp of approval to nationalistic measures and enactments, whether these rewards were of financial nature or in the form of cabinet or other government posts. The chauvinism of these religious Zionists frequently exceeded that of other Zionists, and it was always couched in religious terms - a prime example of the abuse of religion. The fraudulence of these "religious" Zionists was demonstrated during the past year when it was revealed that two of their world leaders had committed million-dollar thefts.

   A Jewish world organization was founded in 1912 on the German-Polish border with the specific purpose of fighting Zionism. This organization, Agudath Israel, "Union of Israel," was to represent the true Jewish people in the world and to unmask the unwarranted and unjust claims of the Zionists. Rabbis everywhere joined Agudath Israel, as did masses of observant Jews. Anti-Zionist congresses were convened in Vienna and in Marienbad. In countries such as Poland, Agudists were members of parliament. Under Agudah leadership more than 50 years ago, Jews in the Holy Land opposed to Zionism obtained permission from Britain, the mandatory power in Palestine, to declare in writing that they did not wish to be represented by the Zionists or any of their groups, particularly not by the Zionist quasi-governmental organizations such as the Va'ad Leumi, "National Council."

        Shortly thereafter, Jacob de Haan, a former distinguished Dutch diplomat who was then leader of Agudath Israel in Palestine, initiated talks with Arab leaders with a view toward the eventual establishments of a state there in which Jews and Arabs would have equal rights. In this way he hoped to forestall the creation of a Zionist state. Despite threats to his life, de Haan, fully aware of the ultimate dangers of a Zionist state, continued his talks and negotiations. On the eve of his departure in 1924 for Britain to meet with authorities there, he was assassinated by the Haganah, the Zionist paramilitary force, in the center of Jerusalem as he came from evening prayers. More than a half a century ago, this devout and visionary Jew gave his life in a fight that he considered paramount, at a time when the world at large was still blind and deaf to the difficulties and problems that a future Zionist state would entail.

        As a result of such terrorism and increasing Zionist pressure, Agudath Israel gradually began to weaken and to compromise. During the Nazi period, it entered indo deals and arrangements with the Zionists, despite the fact that its fundamental aim had been to combat Zionism. After the Zionist state was established, Agudath Israel broke off with its past, participated in the Zionist government on the cabinet level and elected Agudists to the Zionist parliament. Still professing a nominal anti-Zionism, Agudath Israel established a network of "independent" schools in the Holy Land, but today the overwhelming part of the budget of these schools comes from the Zionist government.

        In view of these developments, those Jews who wanted to continue the fight against Zionism without any compromise left Agudath Israel and constituted themselves as the Neturei Karta, an Aramaic phrase meaning "Guardians of the City," i.e. the city of Jerusalem. The Neturei Karta in turn became a worldwide movement, known in some places as "Friends of Jerusalem."

        The greatest leader of the Neturei Karta was Rabbi Amram Blau, an inspired and dedicated leader whose compassion equaled his courage. He could not keep silent in the face of injustice, immorality, or hypocrisy. He was beloved by Jews and respected by Christians and Muslims. Born in Jerusalem, he never left the Holy Land during his entire life. In his writings he stressed many times that Jews and Arabs had lived in harmony until the advent of political Zionism. Rabbi Blau was imprisoned in Jerusalem, not by the Ottoman authorities, not by the British, and not by the Arabs, but by the Zionists. What was his crime? He defended with vigor and honesty, without regard for his own safety, the holy character of Jerusalem against the "innovations" and encroachments of the Zionists. He fought for the sanctity of the Sabbath and actively opposed the inroads of indecency and immorality made under the Zionist regime. Unceasingly he denounced the establishment of a Jewish state before the coming of the Messiah as an acct of infamy and blasphemy. Under his leadership, the Neturei Karta declared year after year that they did not recognize the legitimacy of the Zionist state or the validity of its laws.

(to be continued)



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Post time 22-8-2006 12:08 AM | Show all posts
During the first period of fighting between the Zionist state and the Arabs, the rabbis of the Neturei Karta went toward the combat lines, carrying a white flag, and stated that they wanted no part in this war and that they were absolutely opposed to the creation of a Zionist state. In his last proclamation, Rabbi Blau deplored the actions of the Zionists against the Muslim and Christian Palestinians and the grievous harm done by the Zionists to the Jewish people in endeavoring to change them from "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" to a modern state, devoid of spiritual foundation, based on chauvinism, built on conquest, and relying on military prowess. "The number of your cities constitute your gods," the prophet Jeremiah had thundered to the chauvinist and idolatrous Jewish government of this day. Like it, the Zionists are now establishing a new status quo and expanding their position by founding new settlements in he territories occupied since 1967.

        Rabbi Blau in his last statement severely condemned the UN for recognizing and accepting as a member the Zionist state, thus giving the Zionists unprecedented prestige and power. It is high time that the anti-Zionist nations listen to him, heed his plea, and undo this great wrong and correct this fatal error. It is well known that no action was taken concerning the expulsion of the Zionist state because of the fear that financial support for the UN would be withdrawn. Let those states, opposed to Zionism, who have become affluent during the past generation, show that they mean what they say by offering to replace any financial loss the UN may suffer as a consequence, and let the member states vote their conscience without fear and regardless of any intimidation.

        There has been times before in Jewish history, as related in the Bible, when the masses were misled and only a minority of Jews clung to the true mission of the Jewish people. One of the first such of the occasions was the worship of the golden calf; today we unfortunately see a repetition of this, with the Zionist state now being the object of worship. Until the appearance and growing influence of political Zionism, Jewish leaders were chosen on the basis of their piety, decency, learning, and their love of justice and mercy. Today only too often so-called Jewish leaders, completely unqualified under Jewish law and traditional concepts, make pronouncements and decisions in the name and on behalf of the Jewish people. This is particularly true in the USA where there is the largest Jewish community in our time. I can never forget the remark of a woman in Oklahoma: "Isn't today's Judaism wonderful! All you have to do is give money."

        Even at his death Rabbi Blau refuted the Zionists who had often claimed that the Neturei Karta was nothing but an insignificant sect of a few hundred souls. Yet when Rabbi Blau died in Jerusalem on a Friday morning two years ago, a few hours later no fewer than 22,000 men attended his funeral.

        At all times in the past, the misleaders of the Jews have sooner or later fallen by the wayside, and only those who upheld the validity of the Torah and the Talmud (the written and oral law) and of Halachah, and who resisted the demagogues, prevailed. The Neturei Karta follow in this tradition. They continue as a living rebuke to Zionism and speak in our time for the true Jewish people, those who have not been misled by Zionism.

        During the Roman conquest of the Holy Land, there were Jews who on the basis of nationalism and racial pride were sure that they could not lose a war. They, like the Zionists of our day, were opposed to any compromise or settlement; there were determined to fight to the end. At that time, however almost 2,000 years ago, the fore most rabbi, Rabbi Yochanan ben Sakkai, chose a different way. The military adventurers prevented him from leaving beleaguered Jerusalem to negotiate with the Romans, so the rabbi had himself carried out in a coffin by his disciples to the Roman headquarters. He said to the Romans that the Jews need neither an army nor weapons and asked for permission to establish a yeshiva, a Jewish religious school, at Yavneh. It was this religious school, and not the militarists or generals of the time, that helped to perpetuate Judaism and the identity of the Jewish people.

        It must be stated explicitly that while not all Jews are Zionists, not all Zionists are Jews. The motives of some of these non-Jewish Zionists, e.g. Lord Balfour and General Smuts, are at least open to question. From the beginning of the Zionist movement, some of the most articulate and fervent Zionists have been Christian clergymen, especially "fundamentalists," who hail Zionism as an important "religious" movement and welcome it as a fulfillment of prophecy. They also, and significantly, serve the cause of Zionism.

        One of the basic aims of Zionism is aliyah, the immigration to the Zionist state of Jews from all countries. Nevertheless, during the past few years hundreds of thousands of Israelis have outgathered themselves from the Zionist paradise, and American Jews have "voted with their feet" and have chosen not to be ingathered. These Jews recognize that the Zionist state is in fact nothing but a giant ghetto.

        Instead of being able to render assistance to Jewish communities in other countries, American Jews have been mobilized to concentrate on helping the Zionist state, making the USA the real and major source of Zionist power and influence. The Zionists, true to the nature of their movement, rely on technical superiority and on a forbidding military deterrent - provided largely by the USA - for their security.

        Nothing could be farther from the true ideals of the Jewish people. The Jewish people were chosen in the first place "for you are the leas of all nations." As the Psalm says, "they rely on vehicles and horsepower, but we invoke the name of the Eternal, our G-d."

        One most vital point deserves mention. A former president of the World Zionist Organization has stated explicitly that a Zionist owes unqualified loyalty to the Zionist state and that, in the case of a conflict, the first loyalty of a Zionist must be to the Zionist state. According to Jewish law, however, a Jew owes allegiance and loyalty to the country of which he is a citizen, and, of course, no faithful Jews owes any loyalty or allegiance to the Zionist state which has been condemned by the foremost rabbis of our age.

        It is not my purpose to detail how Zionism should be dealt with. Let me state, however, that isolated or spontaneous acts against individuals or the mere adoption of resolutions in the UN or elsewhere are not effective means of bringing an end to Zionism. Let me state also that the battle against Zionism must be waged first, not on the shores of the Mediterranean, but in Zionism's most powerful bastion -- the USA>

        As  an American citizen, I deplore that our government and our politicians have adopted an attitude that is in complete contradiction to the advice of the father of our country George Washington. Instead of shying away from foreign entanglements and permanent alliances with foreign powers, the establishment in Washington has embraced Zionism so wholeheartedly that in the eyes any criticism of the Zionist state and any opposition to political Zionism in the UN by any nation has become a punishable offense. And the docile American media do not dare to speak out against such an absurdity.

        Unfortunately, thus far, each year sees still further gains in influence by American Zionists. This fact has made possible events and developments that were unthinkable even ten years ago. It takes a lot of courage to be opposed to Zionism in the USA today. It also took a lot of courage during the Second World War to be anti-Fascist in Italy or anti-Nazi in Germany. In the long run Zionism is nothing but a passing aberration in the long history of the Jewish people and of the world.

        Let us take faith and hope in the certainty that eventually prejudice, hatred, and injustice will disappear, and that the prophecy will come true that all nations of the world will participate in the pilgrimage to Jerusalem "for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations."

[ Last edited by  hamizao at 22-8-2006 12:11 AM ]



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Post time 5-9-2006 10:25 AM | Show all posts
Yahudi tidak faham bahasa perdamaian


Sejak 1948, rakyat Palestin terus menjadi mangsa kekejaman zionis yang memasuki negara itu secara haram. Puluhan ribu termasuk kanak-kanak dan wanita yang terkorban akibat keganasan rejim zionis.

Terbaru, zionis terbabit menyerang pula Lebanon, sebuah lagi negara Islam atas alasan menentang kumpulan pejuang Hizbullah yang dicap pengganas oleh mereka.

Wartawan, MOHD. RADZI MOHD. ZIN dan jurufoto, ZAKARIA IDRIS menemubual Timbalan Dekan Fakulti Sains Sosial Universiti Malaya, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Redzuan Othman bagi menjelaskan isu ini.

Boleh Prof. jelaskan kewujudan negara Yahudi ini?

Prof. Redzuan: Negara ini wujud pada tahun 1948 dengan mengambil atau menduduki secara haram tanah rakyat Palestin yang tinggal di situ sejak beribu-ribu tahun lamanya.

Oleh sebab ia diduduki secara haram sepatutnya apa juga tindakan Yahudi ini adalah haram. Namun, pada hari ini keadaan sebaliknya berlaku. Rakyat Palestin yang dilihat sebagai pendatang dan Yahudi sebagai pemilik.

Apakah sebenarnya yang mencetus idea penubuhan negara Yahudi ini?

Cadangan penubuhan negara Yahudi ini dibuat oleh seorang wartawan, Theodore Herzl dalam gagasannya yang kemudian dijadikan buku iaitu Der Judnstaat.

Ia bermula pada 1897 apabila diadakan Persidangan Pertubuhan Zionis Sedunia (WZO) di Basle, Switzerland. Isu besar yang dibangkitkan ialah mewujudkan Yahudi merdeka walaupun mereka tahu kaum itu tidak layak mempunyai negara selepas pelbagai kemusnahan dan penipuan yang dilakukan termasuk pada zaman para Nabi.

Ini dijelaskan menerusi firman Allah s.w.t, Orang-orang yahudi dan nasrani tidak sekali-kali akan bersetuju atau suka kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) sehingga engkau menurut agama mereka yang terpesong itu. (al-Baqarah; 120)

Namun, ingin saya jelaskan yang kita tentang ialah yang berfahaman zionis bukan Yahudi secara keseluruhan. Ini kerana ada Yahudi dari golongan Raban yang turut menentang kezaliman zionis ini.

Ini turut dijelaskan menerusi firman Allah, Dan jangan sekali-kali kebencian kamu terhadap sesuatu kaum itu mendorong kamu kepada tidak melakukan keadilan. (al-Maidah: 8)

Salah seorang Yahudi yang menentang dasar kezaliman zionis terhadap orang Palestin ialah Norm Chomsky.

Apakah yang mempercepatkan lagi pendudukan haram Yahudi di bumi Palestin?

Dalam tahun 1917, Setiausaha Luar Kementerian Luar Britain, Lord Arthur Balfore berjanji kepada ketua masyarakat Yahudi, Lord Rothchild untuk menubuhkan negara Yahudi di Palestin.

Semasa perang dunia pertama (PD1), negara Barat merasa terhina akibat peristiwa pembunuhan beramai-ramai orang Yahudi yang juga disebut sebagai holocaust. Akibat rasa bersalah, mereka menyokong orang Yahudi memiliki negara iaitu di Palestin.

Ini diburukkan lagi dengan kekalahan kerajaan Othmaniah dalam PD1 yang meletakkan mandat Palestin di bawah Britain. Ketika inilah berlakunya kemasukan beramai-ramai Yahudi ke Palestin.

Selanjutnya, perang dunia kedua mempercepatkan lagi kemasukan secara haram golongan Yahudi ke bumi Palestin.

Palestin dilihat bukan sahaja dilupakan oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) tetapi juga Liga Arab. Apa puncanya?

Memang benar. Rakyat Palestin adalah antara bangsa yang paling malang di dunia kerana dilupakan oleh PBB, negara Arab dan juga umat Islam sendiri.

Nasib mereka hanya dilihat terbela sekitar tahun 60-an dan 70-an apabila wujud inisiatif menubuhkan Palestin merdeka.

Antara usaha yang berkesan ialah penubuhan Pertubuhan Pembebasan Palestin (PLO) yang dipimpin oleh Allahyarham Yasser Arafat.

Pada tahun-tahun itu, isu Palestin dilihat sebahagian isu orang Arab tetapi selepas tahun 90-an, ia tidak lagi dianggap begitu.

Inilah yang menimbulkan kekecewaan kepada rakyat Palestin sehinggakan mereka seolah-olah putus asa mendapatkan bantuan negara Arab atau umat Islam yang lain.

Namun, tidak dinafikan rakyat negara Arab masih mempunyai simpati yang tinggi kepada saudara mereka di Palestin.

Resolusi 272 yang diluluskan oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) untuk mewujudkan dua negara iaitu Palestin dan Israel dengan nisbah 51:49 juga tidak pernah dilaksana.

Sebaliknya, Yahudi terus memperluas dan mengambil tanah orang Palestin dengan sewenang-wenangnya.

Adakah krisis sesama negara Arab turut menyulitkan lagi penyelesaian isu Palestin?

Pendapat ini ada benarnya. Krisis serantau tidak membantu Palestin malah memburukkan lagi keadaan. Contohnya perang Iran dan Iraq. Sebenarnya, kalau tidak berperang sesama sendiri itu pun sudah membantu Palestin.

Keadaan semakin rumit apabila Iraq menyerang Kuwait pada 1991. Tindakan Presiden Saddam Hussein ini menyebabkan perjanjian pelan damai Palestin terbantut.

Kesan lebih teruk ialah selepas kejatuhan Saddam apabila Kuwait mengusir rakyat Palestin yang selama ini bekerja dan berniaga di negara itu. Ini kerana mereka dianggap mengkhianati Kuwait berikutan sokongan Allahyarham Arafat kepada Saddam.

Keadaan ini sekali gus menjejaskan intifada pertama. Malah, hartawan Palestin di Kuwait kini hanya menjadi pemandu teksi di Amman, Jordan.

Peristiwa ini meletakkan Saddam sebaris dengan beberapa pemimpin Arab seperti Raja Hussein dan Anwar Sadat yang pro Barat.

Inilah yang mendorong kepada intifada pada 1987. Namun, rakyat Palestin hanya bersenjatakan batu sebagai simbolik dalam menentang tentera Yahudi, pasukan terkuat di dunia.

Sejauh mana kebenaran dakwaan rakyat Palestinlah yang memulakan aktiviti serangan bom berani mati?

Sebenarnya pendekatan bom berani mati ini hanya bermula selepas ekstremis Yahudi, Barush Goldstein membunuh umat Islam yang sedang solat subuh di Masjid Ibrahim, Palestin. Inilah pencetus gerakan lebih radikal dalam kalangan rakyatnya yang telah sekian lama ditindas.

Selepas peristiwa inilah, bom berani mati menjadi senjata memerangi Yahudi yang menyaksikan darah Yahudi mengalir di beberapa bandar seperti Baitulmaqdis, Haifa, Askalon dan Sederot.

Intifada kedua pada tahun 2000 pula berlaku ekoran lawatan Ariel Sharon ke Haram Al-Sharif di Palestin.

Apakah yang terjadi pada pelan damai Israel-Palestin di bawah Perjanjian Madrid?

Selepas perang Iraq, Amerika Syarikat (AS) di bawah Presiden George Bush pernah berusaha mewujudkan Palestin merdeka sebagaimana janjinya di bawah Perjanjian Madrid.

Namun, ia gagal capai persetujuan oleh kedua-dua negara. Namun pada 1993, Sweden secara senyap-senyap membawa Palestin dan Yahudi merangka pelan damai di bawah Perjanjian Oslo.

Ia bagaimanapun tidak dapat diimplementasi sepenuhnya ekoran pembunuhan Perdana Menteri Israel, Yitzhak Rabin pada 1995 oleh ekstremis Yahudi iaitu Yigal Amir. Kejadian ini memperlahankan pelaksanaan pelan damai tersebut.

Mengapa negara-negara Arab tidak mahu menyebelahi Palestin dalam perjuangan ini?

Pemimpin Arab pada era 80-an amat takut kepada AS. Ini ditambah dengan krisis serantau antara Iran dan Iraq yang dianggap boleh mengancam negara sekitarnya jika ia berterusan.

Hal ini menyebabkan pemimpin Arab seperti Hosni Mubarak mencari kuasa pelindung daripada diserang. Mereka melihat AS adalah kuasa itu dan sebagai penyelamat. Lagipun, Arab ini budayanya tidak boleh bersatu disebabkan kepentingan yang berbeza. Sebab itu, negara-negara Arab masih berpegang kepada sistem feudal iaitu monarki dan menolak sistem demokrasi.

Ada yang berpendapat, Presiden Palestin Mahmoud Abas tidak seberani Arafat?

Mahmoud Abas mempunyai sikap dan pendirian berbeza berbanding Arafat seorang revolusioner.

Mahmoud Abas lebih percaya kepada proses rundingan dan jalan damai untuk mencapai keamanan di bumi Palestin. Namun, ternyata dalam tempoh 50 tahun, jalan perdamaian makin jauh.

Yahudi ini tidak faham bahasa perdamaian. Mereka hanya faham melalui bahasa kekerasan dan itulah caranya untuk berhadapan dengan golongan ini.

Apakah usaha yang boleh dilakukan oleh umat Islam dalam membantu masyarakat Palestin?

Negara-negara Islam perlu ikhlas membantu terutama dari segi kemanusiaan. Banyak nyawa mereka yang tidak berdosa terkorban dalam krisis yang berlarutan sekian lama ini. Di Malaysia, selain bantuan kemanusiaan, usaha memberi penerangan perlu ditingkatkan. Ia penting kerana bukan semua orang mengetahui dan memahami isu utama yang menimpa Palestin.

Ini menyebabkan kadangkala ada nada yang seiringan dengan laporan media barat menyalahkan penduduk Palestin. Sedangkan fakta sebenarnya, rakyat Palestin ini tidak bersalah dan merekalah yang menjadi mangsa.

Semua usaha ini penting lebih-lebih lagi apabila kuasa besar terutama AS tidak mengiktiraf kerajaan Palestin di bawah pimpinan Perdana Menteri dari parti Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh.



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Post time 6-9-2006 12:19 PM | Show all posts
best la thread ni...mcm buku teks dh jadinye...
cuma kat sini aku nk tau pendapat korg ttg camne nak kenal org2 yahudi ni dr segi nama2 diorg (selain dr hidung yg patah 2 tu)...kalu aku tgk same je cam nama mat saleh...contohnye..

- adam sandler..ala..pelakon hollywood tu
- natalie portman..pelakon gak..(jd princess amidala dlm star wars)..cun la die ni
- selma blair...pelakon gak..(err..abes tu tony blair tu yahudi gak ke??nama keturunan sama je)
- steven la mamat ni punya citer
- albert einstien (e = mc2)...bijak mamat nih..
- levi strauss...pengasas sluar jeans/dockers yg korg pakai tu...(aku pon pakai gak tapi bli kat rantau panjang je la)
- david copperfiel...betul ke aku eja nih?
- al pacino...seperti yg dh tertulis dlm thread sblm ni..
- roman abrahamovic..chelsea fc owner
- malcolm glazer...manchaster united owner..
- sapa lagi ar???boleh korg bagi list?

ada member aku ckp yg abraham lincon tu pon yahudi...tul ke ar??



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Post time 6-9-2006 01:25 PM | Show all posts
kebanyakkan yg mengaku Yahudi bukannya 100 % Yahudi. Banyak beza antara Yahudi asal ngan yg bercampur ngan bangsa lain...



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Post time 6-9-2006 04:50 PM | Show all posts


sume yg ko ckp tu betul ah toaster..

tp psl same ad dorg ni 100% pure ke x tu laen psl...
ak x ske ckp psl ni sbb scr saintifik ashkenazim (yg dtg dr barat&amerika) pn ad link ngn org arab...
senang jer nk tau name dorg ni...

mngikut buku yg dikarang ford, dorg ni suke tukar name masa kt eropah dulu...
sbab takut kene sentimen anti-semitic...sbab tu dorg still bley dikenalpasti..
contohnya dgn menukar nama ben tu kpd son..
eg. avi ben david...jadi surname dia ialah avi davidsons
klu name kuarga tu ada suffix -son/-sons atau -sohn tu mmng yer ar...

satu lg dorg suke guna suffix cm -berg/burg (gunung), stein/stone (batu),man/mann (orang) kt akhir nama kuarga ibrani dorg...
contohnya...spielberg,silverstone,(batu perak),lewinstein (batu lewis),herrman,weisman (org putih), shwartzman (org rambut hitam)...

n dorg gk suke tuka nama kuarga yg asalnya ibrani ke dlm bhs laen (sesuai ngn tmpat yg dorg hijrah)..
cthnya cohen (kuarga famous sbb berasal dr suku levi...iaittu suku pendeta dn paderi serta nabi2)...
cohen maksudnya paderi/ dorg tukar jd chaplain (cthnya charlie chaplain..yahudi ni) n kaplan (slalu kan dgr nama ni)...

klu ad nama levi ni mmg sah ah dorg..x kira r levis,lewis,lewinksy,loewe,loewes,levitte,levin,lavine,lavigne,loewenberg,levinstein,lowenstein,al-lawi,halevi,ben-levi,halawi,loev, etc

[ Last edited by  migdal_bavel at 7-9-2006 04:22 PM ]



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ichemah This user has been deleted
Post time 6-9-2006 05:37 PM | Show all posts
good info fr today thanks u all....good job...

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Post time 7-9-2006 09:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jerai at 17-8-2006 01:30 PM
Beberapa Contoh Isi Ajaran Talmud
"Barangsiapa yang tidak taat kepada para rabbi mereka akan dihukum dengan cara dijerang di dalam kotoran manusia yang m ...

Patut la jahat bebenor yahudi nie... agama dia sendiri menghalal kan benda2 mcm ni... mmg kafir laknatullah.. patutlah al-quran byk menyebut bahawa yahudi adalah org2 yg zalim... bila baca petikan torah ni, mmg lah terang lg bersuluh ttg kebenran ayat alquran yersebut...

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Post time 7-9-2006 09:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by migdal_bavel at 6-9-2006 04:50 PM
sume yg ko ckp tu betul ah toaster..

tp psl same ad dorg ni 100% pure ke x tu laen psl...
ak x ske ckp psl ni sbb scr saintifik ashkenazim (yg dtg dr barat&amerika) pn ad link ngn org arab. ...

Yap... betul tu... ini la cara nk kenal yahudi ke tak... waktu belajar dulu.. biler dengar nama diorang alang dh boleh teka org tu yahudi ke tak.... selalunyer 95% tepat...

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Post time 7-9-2006 02:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by thamrong at 15-3-2006 12:14 PM
My dear Syd ritual kematian Yahudi ni tidak jauh berbeza dari orang Islam/Arab kalau mengikut tradisi Semite. Amalan perkebumian ni telah dilakukan berkurun-kurun lamanya.
Ritual kematian mengikut ...

Ya.. alang pernah baca.. ritual dia hampir sama dgn cara islam/ arab kebumikan org meninggal, in fact kalu tengok kubur dia, rupa kubur diorang pun nk mcm kubur islam (pernah tengok dlm tv) batu  nisan dia ada dua tp pendek. Akan ada Rabbi dtg baca doa (ala2 talkin la). Terkejut gak baca bila kata mayat diorng kebumikan berdiri, tak nah dengar plak.



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Post time 7-9-2006 04:47 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by migdal_bavel at 6-9-2006 04:50 PM
sume yg ko ckp tu betul ah toaster..

tp psl same ad dorg ni 100% pure ke x tu laen psl...
ak x ske ckp psl ni sbb scr saintifik ashkenazim (yg dtg dr barat&amerika) pn ad link ngn org arab. ...

satu lg..yg psl ben tu kdg2 dorg jadikan suffix -child utk gantikannya instead of -sons...
cm family rothschild tu..roth tu nama ibrani...watak utama dlm kitab ruth

dorg juga jadikn akronim sbg nama nama Katz, abbr. drpd nama Kohen Tzadik

n jews ni suke gune surname yg melambangkan pekerjaan smith,goldsmith,taylor,seller,singer,saddler etc

cube korg observe dorg yg popular ni...dr lmn web

Wynona Ryder -- Young screen beauty with real acting talent
Noah Wyle -- Actor, 'Dr John Carter' on TV's ER
] Shiri Appleby -- Star of television show, Roswell
[1537] Michael Landon -- Little Joe Cartwright on Bonanza
[1288] Mark Frankel -- Actor in 'Sisters' and 'Fortune Hunter'
[1047] Cary Grant -- Coolest, funniest actor in the history of film.
[675] Alicia Silverstone -- Actress - Clueless, The Crush, The Babysitter, Batman
[672] Mandy Patinkin -- Emmy & Tony award-winning actor, 'Dr Jeffrey Geiger' on TV's Chicago Hope
[642] Harrison Ford -- Actor: ' Raiders of the Lost Ark', 'Star Wars', ' American Graffiti', 'Witness', 'The Fugitive'
[590] Gwyneth Paltrow -- actress - oscar winner
[526] William Shatner -- Captain James T. Kirk on the original 'Star Trek'
[484] Natalie Portman -- Actress, Queen Amidala in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
[442] Al Jolson -- famous entertainer. Starred in the first talking movie
[380] Sarah Jessica Parker -- Acress in 'Sex and the City', 'LA Story'
[322] Seth Green -- televison actor, Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Family Guy.
[229] Robert Downey, Jr. -- actor in 'Less Than Zero,' 'Chaplin,' 'Short Cuts.'
[227] Paul Newman -- Academy Award winning actor and philanthropist
[203] David Duchovny -- famous actor - Fox Mulder in X-files
[198] Yasmine Bleeth -- Beautiful Baywatch babe and actress
[187] Woody Allen -- Film Maker/Actor: Annie Hall, Bullets Over Broadway, Mighty Aphrodite, Antz
[177] Jon Lovitz -- Comedian/actor on TV's Saturday Night Live
[171] Ben Stiller -- Director/Actor: Seinfeld, SNL, Reality Bites, Something About Mary, The Cable Guy
[157] Debra Messing -- Grace in the TV Show Will and Grace
[130] Matthew Broderick -- Actor in 'Wargames', 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off', 'Biloxi Blues'
[143] Dustin Hoffman -- Oscar-winning Actor, The Graduate, Tootsie, Rainman, Midnight Cowbooy,...
[142] Daniel Day-Lewis -- Oscar-winning actor, The Name Of The Father, The Age Of Innocence, My Left Foot
[117] Yves Montand -- Famous French Actor/Singer
[121] Michael Douglas -- Fatal Attraction, The American President
[130] Mel Brooks -- Film director, producer, actor: Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein
[129] Bette Midler -- Singer and Actress: 'The Rose', 'The First Wives Club', 'Beaches', 'Down and Out in Beverly Hills'
[104] Ben Kingsley -- Played Itzchak Stern in Schindler's List
[108] Sarah Silverman -- very beautiful Actress and Comedian
[115] Kevin Kline -- Actor: Sophie's Choice, A Fish Called Wanda, Dave, French Kiss
[110] Billy Crystal -- Comedian/Actor: When Harry Met Sally, The Princess Bride, Throw Momma, City Slickers
[108] Lisa Bonet -- Actress: 'The Cosby Show', 'A Different World', Enemy Of The State'
[101] Peter Sellers -- Actor in many comedys such as Dr. Strangelove,all of the The Pink Panther movies,The Party,etc.
[97] Paul Newman -- Academy Award winning actor and philanthropist
[91] Goldie Hawn -- Actress in Private Benjamin, Laugh-In, and countless other movies
[98] Jane Seymour -- Brittish Actress: 'Live and Let die', TV's 'East of Eden', 'Dr. Quinn; Medicine Woman'
[96] Kirk Douglas -- Actor, 82 films strong
[83] Milena Kunis -- Actress in That 70's Show on FOX
[83] Fyvush Finkle -- Probably most widely known for his portrayal of lawyer Wambaugh on 'Picket Fences'
[92] Juliana Marguiles -- Actress: ER, Paradise Road, The Newton Boys
[89] Camryn Manheim -- actress - 'The Practice'
[81] Goldie Hawn -- Actress in Private Benjamin, Laugh-In, and countless other movies
[84] Peter Falk -- Actor: Columbo, Roommates, The Sunshine Boys
[83] Gina Gershon -- actress in Bound, Snoops
[80] Debra Winger -- Actress, 'An Officer and a Gentleman', 'Urban Cowboy'
[69] Mindy Cohn -- Actress from 'Facts of Life'
[70] David Arquette -- Scream films, ATT ads, brother of Rosanna
[76] Leonard Nimoy -- Actor, 'Spock' on Star Trek, the original series and movies
[68] Harvey Keitel -- With over 60 movies to his credit, one of the leading actors in America
[67] Tracy Pollan -- Family Ties, wife of Michael J. Fox
[71] Michele Lee -- Actress: starred in all 344 episodes of 'Knots Landing'
[71] Elliott Gould -- Actor: 'Bob & Carol', 'M.A.S.H.', 'Getting Straight'
[57] Jon Favreau -- 'Swingers' star and director (played Mikey), also appeared in 'The Replacements', 'Very Bad Things'.
[57] Tony Curtis -- One of the best and most prolific American Movie Actor
[56] Adam Goldberg -- Pvt. Mellish in the movie saving Private Ryan
[66] Mia Kirshner -- Actress: Mad City, The Grass Harp, Anna Karenina
[63] Mili Avital -- Actress (Stargate, Dead Man, Invasion of Privacy, Kissing a Fool)
[64] Richard Dreyfuss -- Academy award-winning actor: American Graffiti, Goodbye Girl, Close Encounters, Jaws...
[62] Jason Alexander -- Actor: George Costanza on Seinfeld, Pretty Woman, The Paper
[55] Lauren Bacall -- Great actress and wife of Humphrey Bogart
[62] Tanya Roberts -- Actress/Model: 'Charlie's Angels', ' View to a Kill', 'Sheena', 'Beastmaster'
[60] George Burns -- Comedian/Actor: The Sunshine Boys, Oh, God!
[56] Hank Azaria -- The Simpsons, The Birdcage
[53] Laurence Harvey -- actor ('Manchurian Candidate'; 'Room At The Top'; 'Butterfield 8')
[60] Rob Schneider -- Comedian/Actor: 'The Waterboy', 'Demolition Man', 'Down Periscope'
[59] Jerry Stiller -- Comedian/Actor: George's dad on Seinfeld
[60] Richard Lewis -- Comedian/actor: 'Robin Hood: Men In Tights', TV's 'Anything But Love'
[58] Alla Nazimova -- Writer, actress, producer and visionary: 'War Brides', 'Camille', ' Salome'
[58] Robbie Roberts -- Actor/Composer: 'The Crossing Guard', 'Raging Bull', 'Color of Money'
[57] Richard Benjamin -- Actor: 'Portnoy's Complaint', 'Sunshine Boys', 'My Favorite Year'
[57] Gaby Hoffmann -- Actress: 'Field of Dreams', 'Sleepless in Seattle', 'Volcano'
[56] Walter Koenig -- Actor: Ensign Chekov on Star Trek
[52] Harvey Fierstein -- comedian, filmmaker, writer & star of 'Torch Song Trilogy'
[56] Paulette Goddard -- movie actress (Marion Levy); once married to Charlie Chaplin
[56] Taylor Negron -- Actor: 'Better off Dead', 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High'
[56] Douglas Fairbanks -- Actor and Producer: 'The Thief of Bagdad', 'Robin Hood', 'Three Musketeers'
[56] Tom Baker -- Actor: played 'Doctor Who' from 1974 - 1981
[56] John Banner -- Actor: best known as Sergeant Schultz in the TV series 'Hogan's Heroes'
[56] Howie Mandel -- Actor/Comedian: 'Gremlins', 'A Fine Mess', 'Little Monsters'
[55] Red Buttons -- Comedian/Actor: The Red Buttons Show, Sayonara, They Shoot Horses, It Could Happen to You
[55] Rodney Dangerfield -- Comedian/Actor: Caddyshack, Back to School, Meet Wally Sparks
[56] Sarah Bernhardt -- French Actress, one of the most famous in the history of the theater
[56] Dyan Cannon -- Actress: 'Heaven Can Wait', TV's 'Ally McBeal'
[56] Bronson Pinchot -- Actor: Beverly Hills Cop, First Wives Club, TV's 'Perfect Strangers'
[51] Steve Bond -- television actor, General Hospital, Santa Barbara.
[51] Edward G. Robinson -- One of the leading film actors of the '30s and '40s, often played gangsters
[51] Moni Ovadia -- Italian actor, singer, writer, very active in yiddish culture
[52] Erich von Stroheim -- Director and Actor: The Merry Widdow, The Grand Illusion, Sunset Boulevard
[52] Lainie Kazan -- Actress and Singer: My Favorite Year, Beaches
[52] Lilyan Tashman -- Actress in an impressive 66 films.
[54] Piper Laurie -- Actress: Children of a Lesser God, Twin Peaks, The Hustler, Carrie
[48] Robert Clary -- Actor who played Lebeau on 'Hogan's Heroes'
[48] Theodore Bikel -- Actor, singer, linguist, storyteller, activist
[45] Judy Holliday -- stage and screen actress and singer, winner of an Oscar, a Tony, and a Golden Globe award
[45] Joshua Malina -- played the role of 'jeremy' on the t.v. show 'sports night.'
[50] Paul Reiser -- television actor, Mad About You, My Two Dads.
[] Ed Ames -- Actor: 'Daniel Boone', 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest', 'The Crucible'



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Post time 7-9-2006 04:48 PM | Show all posts


[7904] Freddie Prinze -- Comedian - 'Chico and the Man', etc.; born Frederick Pruetzel
[432] Adam Sandler -- Comedian, SNL, Singer, Actor /BigDaddy..The Chanukah Song/Thanksgiving Song
[250] Mats-Peter Sernrot -- Makes Sweden laugh.
[215] Jerry Seinfeld -- Stand up comedia, TV show Seinfeld, American Express commercials
[179] Milton Berle -- Comedian who pioneered comedy/variety on television
[106] Jeremy Dyson -- comedy writer/author & member of British comedy troupe, The League of Gentlemen, with SP, RS and MG.
[133] Sacha Baron-Cohen -- Ali G the great comedian
[139] Gilda Radner -- An outstanding comedian as well as actress, best known for her Saturday Night Live improvisation
[86] Jerry Sadowitz -- the long-haired Glaswegian Jewish comic's unique blend of magic and comedy
[100] Jerry Lewis -- A comedian who was one half of the Martin/Lewis experience
[80] Jon Stewart -- Host of Comedy Central's 'Daily Show'
[84] The Marx Brothers -- Timeless comedy team: 'Duck Soup', 'Cocoanuts', 'Animal Crackers'
[68] Shari Lewis -- Ventriloquist - Creator of Lambchop and Charlie Horse
[58] Marcel Marceau -- Mime - the most famous in history
[32] Jack Benny -- Reknowned radio and TV comic
[29] Jackie Mason -- Once in a generation, a performer emerges who is so extraordinary, so brilliant...
[44] Billy Crystal -- Comedian/Actor: When Harry Met Sally, The Princess Bride, Throw Momma, City Slickers
[40] Andy Kaufman -- Comedian and actor, best known for his role as 'Latke' on the TV series 'Taxi'
[30] Alan King -- Emmy-award winning comic writer and actor
[41] Rob Schneider -- Comedian/Actor: 'The Waterboy', 'Demolition Man', 'Down Periscope'
[40] Jon Lovitz -- Comedian/actor on TV's Saturday Night Live
[33] Rodney Dangerfield -- Comedian/Actor: Caddyshack, Back to School, Meet Wally Sparks
[30] Jerry Stiller -- Comedian/Actor: George's dad on Seinfeld
[29] George Burns -- Comedian/Actor: The Sunshine Boys, Oh, God!
[24] Al Franken -- Writer for SNL, Stuart Smalley, wrote Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot
[29] Bill Maher -- host of TV's 'Politically Incorrect'
[28] Lenny Bruce -- Visionary comedian and free-speech martyr
[26] Fanny Brice -- starred in the Ziegfield Follies in the 1920s and 1930s
[25] Richard Lewis -- Comedian/actor: 'Robin Hood: Men In Tights', TV's 'Anything But Love'
[21] Bruce Vilanch -- THE greatest comedy writer in Hollywood history, see video 'Get Bruce!'
[22] Fritz Freleng -- Cartoon Animator (Bugs Bunny)
[20] Carl Reiner -- writer on the Show of Shows, comedian, director
[21] Red Buttons -- Comedian/Actor: The Red Buttons Show, Sayonara, They Shoot Horses, It Could Happen to You
[21] Howie Mandel -- Actor/Comedian: 'Gremlins', 'A Fine Mess', 'Little Monsters'



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Post time 7-9-2006 04:48 PM | Show all posts


[174] David Blaine -- Magician in various televison specials; buried alive in 1999.
[151] David Copperfield -- one of the world's greatest illusionists
[137] Harry Houdini -- The most famous escape artist of all time.
[37] Uri Geller -- Spoon-bending magician and 'psychic'

[536] Randy Newman -- Singer/Composer: 12 Academy Award nominations, 'Short People', 'Mama Told Me Not To Come'
[469] Billy Joel -- Grammy award-winning singer/songwriter ('Just the way you are', 'Uptown Girl', 'Piano Man')
[412] Bob Dylan -- 'changed the face of rock and roll forever'
[89] Alan Sherman -- Wrote the famous song Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah! Also guest hosted the tonight show.
[134] George Gershwin -- Composer and Broadway legend; Rhapsody In Blue, An American in Paris, Porgy and Bess
[79] Leonard Cohen -- songwriter, poet, novelist and singer
[48] Carole King -- singer/songwriter of numerous hits like 'You're Got a Friend,' 'Locomotion' and 'Up on the Roof'
[75] Irving Berlin -- Composer/lyricist of Annie Get Your Gun, White Christmas and others
[40] Doc Pomus -- composed 'Save the Last Dance for Me', 'This Magic Moment', 'Sweets for My Sweet' and dozens of others (Real name: Jerome Felder)
[51] Yip Harburg -- Composed 'Brother Can You Spare A Dime', lyrics for 'Wizard of Oz' and lots more.
[58] Paul Simon -- One of the finest songwriters of our time: Sounds of Silence, Bridge over Troubled Water
[56] Lenny Kravitz -- singer. 1999 Grammy: Best Male Rock Vocal Performance
[52] Walter Braunfels -- Composer and concert pianist, director of the Academy of Music in Cologne
[46] Aaron Copeland -- Great American composer: known for Appalachian Spring
[49] Gustav Mahler -- Composer and Conductor - 'one of the transitional figures in music history'
[45] Richard Rodgers -- Composer of South Pacific, Carousel, Sound of Music and others
[38] Kurt Weil -- One of the great song writers and composers of the 20th century
[42] Johann Strauss -- 'The Waltz King', Composer: 'Blue Danube', 'Acceleration Waltz', 'Emperor Waltz'
[39] Art Garfunkel -- Singer and Songwriter: Scarborough Fair, Feelin' Groovy, Mrs. Robinson, The Sound of Silence
[41] Leonard Bernstein -- Composer, conductor, author, lecturer and often controversial media personality
[28] Oscar Hammerstein II -- Lyricist/librettist famous for partnerships with Richard Rogers and Jerome Kern.
[31] Serge Gainsbourg -- French singer/songwriter noted for scandal
[25] Shlomo Carlebach -- world's most prolific jewish song writer
[18] Lorenz Hart -- Lyricist best known for works with Richard Rodgers..Pal Joey.Babes In Arms
[32] Mel Torme -- Silken-voiced pop and jazz singer and actor: The Christmas Song (Chestnuts roasting in an open fire)
[21] Harold Arlen -- Songwriter ('Over The Rainbow', 'It's only A Paper Moon' etc)
[24] Moisei Vainberg -- one of the twentieth century's most powerful and prolific composers
[20] Michael Feinstein -- popular romantic singer-pianist from Columbus, Ohio
[22] Stephen Sondheim -- Composer/Lyricist of A Funny Thing of Sweeney Todd, Into The Woods and others
[16] Beck Hansen -- the Grammy-winning pop star
[21] Arnold Schoenberg -- one of the finest choral composers of the 20th century
[21] Kinky Friedman -- songwriter, performer and author
[20] Juca Chaves -- Brazilian Composer and Singer
[14] Jerome Kern -- immortal composer of Broadway hits such as 'Showboat', 'Roberta', 'The Cat and the Fiddle'
[13] Giacomo Meyerbeer -- the most famous and successful composer of opera in mid-19th century Europe
[17] Arlo Guthrie -- singer/composer of 'Alice's Restaurant'
[17] Lionel Bart -- Composer: 'Oliver!', wrote for Cliff Richard
[16] Arnold Rosner -- Composer, his music packs a huge emotional wallop
[15] Hanns Eisler -- Composer of the East German national anthem
[14] Ernest Bloch -- A composer in search of Cecil B. deMille
[8] Srul Irving Glick -- one of Canada's most prolific composers, writing in all media from chamber music to oratori
[10] Peter Green -- Founder of Fleetwood Mac, British blues master
[14] Lorenzo da Ponte -- Operetic Poet: 'Le Nozze di Figaro', 'Don Giovanni', 'Cosi fan tutte'
[13] David Amram -- Composer: 'Splendor in the Grass', 'the Manchurian Candidate'
[12] Guido Alberto Fano -- Composer of great Italian 'abstract' works.
[7] Anton Rubinstein -- 19th century Russian pianist and composer. As pianist, considered second only to Liszt.
[12] Percy Faith -- Pianist, arranger, conductor and composer
[11] Alan Menken -- Composer of 'Little Mermaid', 'Little Shop of Horrors', 'Aladdin'
[12] Robbie Roberts -- Actor/Composer: 'The Crossing Guard', 'Raging Bull', 'Color of Money'
[12] Oskar Morawetz -- Prolific Canadian composer: 'Memorial to Martin Luther King'
[12] Salomone Rossi -- early Italian Baroque composer, 1587-1628
[11] Sergei Slonimsky -- Composer and author: Winner of the Glinca state Prize and of the St. Petersburg Government Prize
[8] Peter Himmelman -- Singer/songwriter recording from 1986-present
[11] Alfred Schnittke -- 20th-Century composer of classical music, born and worked in the Soviet Union. 1934-1998.
[6] John Zorn -- A diverse New York based composer\saxophone player, known for his bizarre and eccentric style.
[10] Benjamin Frankel -- a leading symphonic composer
[9] Dmitri Klebanov -- Composer and scapegoat, from Ukraine
[9] Frederick Jacobi -- U.S. composer (1891-1952) : New York Metropolitan Opera, Julliard
[9] Benjamin Lees -- Composer working in a postwar neoclassic idiom
[9] Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco -- Italian-Jewish composer of classical guitar
[9] Hugo Weisgall -- One of America's most important opera composers
[9] Aaron Jay Kernis -- Composer of modern classical music with drama and emotional sincerity
[5] Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel -- Sister of Felix; pianist and composer
[9] Jacques Halevy -- French opera composer, 1799 - 1862
[8] Bertold Goldschmidt -- Composer who cheated the demons of obscurity
[8] Hans Krasa -- Composer with a 'spirit of ironic poetry', perished in the Terezin concentration camp



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Post time 7-9-2006 04:49 PM | Show all posts


[219] Mel Blanc -- The Man of a Thousand Voices (Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fud, Daffy Duck, etc...)
[115] Fritz Freleng -- Cartoon Animator (Bugs Bunny)
[67] Stan Lee -- Long-time editor/writer for Marvel Comics. Co-Creator of Spider-Man, the X-Men, the Fantastic 4, etc
[47] Matt Stone -- Co-creator of South Park
[31] Rube Goldberg -- Rube Goldberg (1883-1970) was a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist, sculptor, and author.
[28] Jack Kirby -- One of the most influential comic book artists. Created or Co-created the X-Men,New Gods,Fantastic4,etc

-tv n radio personalities
[227] Jacobo Zabludovsky -- Mexican TV and Radio News Reporter, Journalist, and Columnist.
[297] Bill Maher -- host of TV's 'Politically Incorrect'
[119] Senor Abravanel -- Brazilian TV showman and entrepreneur (AKA Silvio Santos)
[123] Jerry Springer -- The most popular talk show host of all time.
[58] Mike Wallace -- Host of the CBS program '60 Minutes', self-hating Jew
[51] Geraldo Rivera -- Talk show host and journalist
[60] Dennis Prager -- Popular author, radio talk show host, Jewish leader
[34] Don Francisco -- (Mario Kreutzberger) Most popular Spanish-language television host.
[28] Michael Feldman -- Whad'ya Know Show Host on National Public Radio
[26] Alan Freed -- Cleveland disc jockey who coined the phrase 'Rock 'n' Roll'
[37] Dinah Shore -- Singer, actress and tv personality
[34] Joan Rivers -- Radio and TV talk show host
[37] Michael Medved -- film critic, best-selling author and nationally syndicated radio talk show host.
[29] Shari Lewis -- Ventriloquist - Creator of Lambchop and Charlie Horse
[18] Clark Howard -- Consumer Advocate/ Radio/TV Personality
[26] Jacob Freedman -- Host/Producer of 'Sunday Morning Klezmer & Other Jewish Music,'
[17] Ethan Zohn -- competitor on 'Survivor 3'
[] Howard Stern -- Radio personality and 'shock jock', frequently refered to as 'The king of all media'
[27] Milt Gross -- A cartoonist, used Yiddish and Yinglish in his work. Best known catch phrase: 'Is diss a seestem?'



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-sports/team athletes
[296] Ed Newman -- All-American at Duke in 1971 and 1972 and is in Duke HOF, played with Miami Dolphins from 1973-1985
[481] Sandy Koufax -- Brooklyn Dodger Pitcher, Hall of Famer
[311] Gabe Kapler -- Detroit Tigers baseball player
[250] David Beckham -- Footballer, Manchester United and England midfielder. Married to Posh Spice
[156] Skip Bertman -- Baseball player and coach for Louisiana State University. 5 National Championships,1991,1993,1996,1997 and 2000
[159] Mike Lieberthal -- All-Star Philadelphia Phillies catcher
[151] Shawn Green -- A baseball player, currently a star on the L.A. Dodgers
[142] Hank Greenberg -- baseball player, was American League MVP in 1935 and 1940 & elected to Hall of Fame in 1956.
[100] Mike Hartman -- 397 National Hockey League games, winner of the Stanley Cup
[75] Jay Fielder -- Quarterback of Miami Dolphins
[67] Brad Ausmus -- baseball player on the detroit tigers
[42] Hayden Epstein -- University of Michigan Kicker
[54] Elliot Maddox -- Baseball player; center fielder
[45] Larry Brown -- Pro basketball player and coach and former player at UNC
[34] Halpern Jeff -- Halpern plays for the Washington Capitals, and a Washington DC Jewish Sports Hall of Fame member.
[43] Moe Berg -- Atomic spy FOR the USA during WWII, also Brooklyn Dodgers catcher
[46] Al Rosen -- Cleveland Indians Hall-of-Fame third baseman. Won 1953 AL MVP. President of NY Yankees 1978-79.
[27] Danny Schayes -- Danny played in 1138 career NBA games, the most among all Jewish players in NBA history
[42] Harris Barton -- Future Hall-of-Fame lineman for the San Francisco 49ers
[24] Jeff Agoos -- U.S. National Team Soccer player
[35] Art Heyman -- NBA and ABA basketball player
[35] Sid Luckman -- Hall of fame quarterback of the Chicago Bears
[34] Ken Holtzman -- pro baseball player with the Cubs, A's, Orioles, and Yankees. Pitched 2 no-hitters.
[33] Dolph Schayes -- NBA hall of famer, was instrumental in early professional game
[29] Ernie Grunfeld -- NBA Basketball player (Milwaukee Bucks) and GM (NY Knicks)
[28] Ron Mix -- Hall-of-Fame pro football player with the San Diego Chargers
[23] Roy Chernock -- Track Athlete & Coach. NYU Athletic Department's Hall of Fame
[17] Benny Friedman -- One of the greatest passers and quarterbacks ever to play football
[17] Michael Epstein -- Baseball - First Baseman - Washington Senators/Oakland A's
[17] Ron Blomberg -- Baseball - New York Yankees - 1st ever DH - #1 pick 1967 draft
[17] Steve Stone -- Cy Young award winner and announcer for the Chicago Cubs

[2275] Hillel Slovak -- Late guitarist for Red Hot Chili Peppers
[693] Rob Bourdon -- Drummer in Linkin Park
[107] Brad Delson -- Guitarist in Linkin Park
[92] Mark Knopfler -- rock musician; leader of the British band Dire Straits
[110] Peter Green -- Founder of Fleetwood Mac, British blues master
[123] Artie Shaw -- Jazz Musician, Bandleader, Author
[107] Joey Ramone -- Leader of The Ramones; key role in 'Rock 'n Roll High School' movie
[69] Slash -- lead guitarist for Guns'n Roses
[68] Gil Shaham -- One of the most renowned violinists today
[87] Itzhak Perlman -- Grammy-winning Violin soloist and Klezmer fiddler
[70] Max Weinberg -- Drummer for Springstein and musical director for Conan O'Brien
[38] Isaac Stern -- last great violin virtuosos of his generation
[43] Guster -- A happy frappy Bob dylan sounding band on happy frappy folk mission
[42] Adam Gaynor -- Matchbox Twenty rhythm guitarist & back-up singer
[40] Herb Alpert -- leader and trumpeter of Tijuana Brass, Producer and founder, A&M Records
[38] Stan Getz -- Jazz Tenor Sax player most famous for The Girl from Ipanema
[34] Joshua Redman -- Jazz Tenor Saxophone Player
[39] Gene Simmons -- Bass, Lead Vocals for the rock band 'KISS'
[22] Jascha Heifetz -- One of the greatest violinists of the 20th century
[28] Yehudi Menuhin -- Great Jewish violinist of the 20th century
[18] Paul Shaffer -- Musical director & band leader for SNL. 'Late Night With David Letterman'
[27] Kenny G. -- (Gorelick) popular lite jazz saxophonist
[26] Jon Moss -- drummer, Culture Club, the Damned
[25] Benny Goodman -- Jazz Musician, clarinetist, bandleader
[10] John Zorn -- A diverse New York based composer\saxophone player, known for his bizarre and eccentric style.
[15] Percy Faith -- Pianist, arranger, conductor and composer
[13] Dee Snider -- Twisted Sister frontman, now actor/director ('Strangeland')
[14] The Frogs -- influential grunge/punk band. Their music covered by Pearl Jam.
[8] Anton Rubinstein -- 19th century Russian pianist and composer. As pianist, considered second only to Liszt.
[13] Lee Konitz -- jazz musician, sasophonist, bandleader
[7] Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel -- Sister of Felix; pianist and composer

[3826] Barry Manilow -- Rolling Stone Magazine named Barry 'The Showman Of Our Generation'
[1500] Susanna Hoffs -- Lead singer of the girl group 'The Bangles'
[1705] Bob Dylan -- 'changed the face of rock and roll forever'
[1167] Al Jolson -- 1920's Broadway singer: Baby Face, Sonny Boy, My Mammy and Carolina In The Morning...
[897] Lou Reed -- lead singer of velvet underground, groundbreaking 60's band, connections to andy warhol
[869] Billy Joel -- Grammy award-winning singer/songwriter ('Just the way you are', 'Uptown Girl', 'Piano Man')
[701] Marc Bolan -- (born Mark Feld) was the guitarist/vocalist of the rock band T. Rex.
[537] Elvis Presley -- The King of Rock and Roll - yes, the King has unbroken Jewish maternal ancestry.
[444] Barbra Streisand -- The first performer to win an Oscar(2), Emmy(4), Tony(1), Grammy(10) and Golden Globe(10) Awards
[329] Neil Diamond -- 36 years of powerfull music and still going strong!
[209] Craig David -- The popular soul sensation from Southampton, England.
[160] Evan and Jaron Lowenstein -- Successful Pop Stars (They are twins.)
[197] Paula Abdul -- Grammy/Emmy award winning Singer, Dancer, Choreographer
[193] Bette Midler -- Singer and Actress: 'The Rose', 'The First Wives Club', 'Beaches', 'Down and Out in Beverly Hills'
[158] Beastie Boys -- The first caucasian rap group.
[156] David Lee Roth -- Former front man of the Mighty Van Halen, and solo artist
[126] Paul Simon -- One of the finest songwriters of our time: Sounds of Silence, Bridge over Troubled Water
[124] Art Garfunkel -- Singer and Songwriter: Scarborough Fair, Feelin' Groovy, Mrs. Robinson, The Sound of Silence
[67] Carole King -- singer/songwriter of numerous hits like 'You're Got a Friend,' 'Locomotion' and 'Up on the Roof'
[92] Phish -- popular band, grateful dead cover band
[58] Mick Jones -- Lead guitarist for the best rock 'n' roll band ever, the Clash.
[93] Gene Simmons -- Bass, Lead Vocals for the rock band 'KISS'
[85] Gavin Rossdale -- Lead singer of British rock group Bush
[83] Jakob Dylan -- Lead Singer of 'The Wallflowers' and Bob Dylan's Son
[73] Leonard Cohen -- songwriter, poet, novelist and singer
[68] Paul Stanley -- Lead singer for the rock band Kiss.
[60] Beck Hansen -- the Grammy-winning pop star
[44] Raoul Journo -- Popular Tunisian singer & oud player
[75] Lenny Kravitz -- singer. 1999 Grammy: Best Male Rock Vocal Performance
[75] K.D. Lang -- Country rock singer from Canada
[65] Adam Duritz -- Lead singer for the alternative band Counting Crows.
[60] Dana International -- Israeli transsexual Eurovison winner
[56] Randy Newman -- Singer/Composer: 12 Academy Award nominations, 'Short People', 'Mama Told Me Not To Come'
[33] Salima Pasha -- Most popular female Iraqi singer since the early 1930's (Salima Murad)
[33] Phranc -- self-proclaimed 'all-American Jewish lesbian folk singer'
[56] Perry Farrell -- lead singer of Jane's Addiction
[29] Justine Frischmann -- Elastica.s Jewish frontwoman
[40] Danny Elfman -- Lead singer for 'Oingo Boingo'
[40] Lisa Loeb -- the first unsigned artist to top the American charts
[46] Mel Torme -- Silken-voiced pop and jazz singer and actor: The Christmas Song (Chestnuts roasting in an open fire)
[26] Joseph Schmidt -- pre ww2 tenor in Germany, died Switzerland during the war.
[38] Yves Montand -- Famous French Actor/Singer
[42] Arlo Guthrie -- singer/composer of 'Alice's Restaurant'
[37] Dinah Shore -- Singer, actress and tv personality
[23] Friedrich Schorr -- Leading Wagnerian bass-baritone of the 1920s and 1930s
[37] Lainie Kazan -- Actress and Singer: My Favorite Year, Beaches
[37] Beverly Sills -- vast opera career, performing over 90 opera roles
[33] Theodore Bikel -- Actor, singer, linguist, storyteller, activist
[31] Christopher Baron -- Lead singer of the 'Spin Doctors'



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[414] Shell Silverstein -- author and poet of children's stories
[274] Anne Frank -- Young Diarist, killed in Europe
[127] Miklos Radnoti -- famous Hungarian poet who was slandered cruelly by fascism and died tragically in the 'forced march'
[114] Jerzy Kosinsky -- (1933-91) Novelist: `The Painted Bird', 'Being There'
[104] Franz Kafka -- author, The Trial, The Metamorphosis
[81] Shalom Aleichem -- Yiddish short-story writer, dramatist, and humorist
[42] Efraim Sevela -- brilliant Soviet-Israeli screenwriter and author, 'Monya Tsatskes'
[41] Mordechai Richler -- Mordechai Richler was a great Canadian author who lived in Montreal and recently passed on.
[36] Primo Levi -- Italian writer and scientist, best known for his autobiographical writings on the Holocaust
[29] Arthur Miller -- Wrote 'Death of a Salesman,' 'The Crucible,' other works
[49] Elie Wiesel -- Jewish author: 'Night', winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace
[28] Yehuda Amichai -- One of the World's greatest living poets
[43] Marcel Proust -- (1871-1922) The French novelist: `Remembrance of Things Past'
[41] Chaim Grade -- Chaim Grade is a famout jewish author/poet and holocaust survivor.
[43] Philip Roth -- Pulitzer prixe-winning Author: 'Portnoy's Complaint', 'Goodbye, Columbus', 'Operaton Shylock'
[43] Chaim Potok -- Popular Jewish author: 'The Chosen', 'The Promise', 'My Name is Asher Lev'
[42] Ayn Rand -- author of 'Atlas Shrugged,' 'The Fountainhead'; philosopher: Objectivism
[40] Isaac Bashevis Singer -- Author, Nobel Prize-winner for Literature
[41] Judy Blume -- Popular children's author: 'Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing', 'Superfudge'
[40] Danielle Steele -- Award winning and popular novelist
[23] Clarice Lispector -- Universally recognised Brazilian-Ukranian writer
[38] Carl Sagan -- astronomer and popular science author; made book and TV series 'Cosmos'
[22] Mordecai Richler -- Canada's foremost novelists, a controversial and prolific journalist
[37] J.D. Salinger -- Author of 'The Catcher in the Rye'
[37] Allen Ginsberg -- Poet laureate of the Beat Generation
[20] Herman Wouk -- Author -'Winds of War', 'The Caine Mutiny', 'This is my God'
[31] Sarah Gertrude Millin -- (1889-1968) South African writer: 'God's Stepchildren'; `What Hath a Man?'; `The Dark River'
[18] Heinrich Heine -- most translated German poet
[25] Italo Svevo -- Italian Writer, Author of 'La Coscienza di Zeno' and 'As a Man Grows Older'
[17] Lion Feuchtwanger -- German-Jewish exile writer and playwrite known for his historical and Jewish themes
[17] Stefan Zweig -- Austrian biographer, poet, and novelist
[27] Neil Simon -- Producer, playwright, and screenwriter: The Odd Couple, The Goodbye Girl, Biloxi Blues
[16] Neil Gaiman -- Author of novels (American Gods, Neverwhere), Graphic Novels (Sandman). Also writes TV and movies.
[26] Elias Canetti -- Bulgarian born essayist and novelist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1981
[15] Michael Chabon -- Pulitzer-winning novelist: the Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Wonder Boys
[15] Maurice Sendak -- author of Where the Wild Things Are
[15] Rod Serling -- writer, author, screenwriter and creator of The Twilight Zone
[15] Alberto Moravia -- jewish Italian author, writer and novelist
[23] Harlan Ellison -- Author, actor, and civil rights activist: 'A Boy and His Dog', 'Babylon 5', 'The Outer Limits'
[22] Saul Bellow -- Pulitzer Prize winning Author
[20] Walter Mosley -- Crime fiction writer: Devil in a Blue Dress, Red Death, White Butterfly, Black Betty...
[21] Emma Lazarus -- Poet, best known for the poem at the Statue of Liberty
[20] Uri Orlev -- Israeli author, Holocaust survivor
[19] David Mamet -- one of America's most important and influential playwrights
[20] Rachel -- Hebrew Poet in Palestine, 1890-1931
[18] Shmuel Yosef Agnon -- Israeli writer, winner of the 1966 Nobel Prize: 'The Bridal Canopy'; `A Guest for the Night'
[11] Mark Ames -- Author and journalist, editor of 'the eXile' (Moscow, Russia)
[11] Gertrude Stein -- highly modernistic and experimental American writer and eccentric
[17] Sol Yurick -- Author: The Warriors (before the movie), Fertig (movie: The Confession)
[18] Paul Celan -- Poet and lecturer (Paul Antschel, 1920 - 1970) born in Czernowitz,
[10] Isaac Rosenberg -- One of the greatest war poets of ww1
[10] Heinrich Heine -- Famous German romantic poet (1797-1856)
[17] Gabriela Mistral -- Nobel Prize-winning Poet from Chile
[17] Dorothy Parker -- Author and Poet: 'Laments for the Living', 'Death and Taxes'
[17] Nadine Gordimer -- South African novelist, Nobel prize-winner in Literature
[16] Henry Roth -- U.S. author: `Call It Sleep', `Mercy of a Rude Stream'
[16] Isaac Bashevis Singer -- 1978 Nobel Laureate in Literature: 'Enemies : A Love Story', 'The Golem', 'Meshugah'
[16] Dennis Prager -- Popular author, radio talk show host, Jewish leader
[15] Norman Mailer -- Author, pundit, pugilist, mayoral candidate
[15] Marcia Falk -- Poet and Hebrew/Yiddish liturgy translator
[14] Aemilia Lanyer -- Poet and proto-feminist, 1569 - 1645
[14] Ludwig Lewisohn -- U.S. writer (1883-1955): `Up Stream'; `The Island Within'
[14] Montague Glass -- (1877-1934) U.S. humorous author: `Potash and Perlmutter'
[14] Nathanael West -- dark and nihilistic novelist of California themes
[14] Bette Greene -- Award-winning Novelist: 'Summer of My German Soldier'', 'Philip Hall Likes Me, I Reckon Maybe'
[14] Bernard Malamud -- Celebrated Author: The Fixer, The Naturalist, etc.
[14] Harold Pinter -- English dramatist/playwrite: 'The Room', 'The Homecoming', 'The Pumpkin Eater '
[14] Edna Ferber -- Pulitzer Prize-winning Novelist: 'Showboat', 'So Big', 'Giant', 'Ice Palace'
[14] Nachman Krochmal -- Jewish secular historian and writer: 'Guide to the Perplexed of Our Age', 1785-1840
[8] Julian (Pesach) Stryjkowski (Stark) -- Best known Polish/Jewish writer of the 20th century. Author of The Inn, Voices in Darkness
[8] Delmore Schwartz -- poet, tormented soul - a true genius!
[8] Will Self -- British novelist, broadcaster and critic
[13] Solomon ben Yehuda ibn Gabirol -- (b. Spain 1021?-1058?) medieval Hebrew poet and philosopher
[11] Sarah Foner -- First woman to publish a Hebrew Novel
[13] Nelly Sachs -- Poet, winner of the Nobel prize in Literature
[13] Helene Cixous -- Modern french playwright, essayist, novelist, and feminist
[13] Naomi Wolf -- Feminist writer and activist
[12] Isaac Emanuilovich Babel -- Russian short-story writer: `Stories of the Red Cavalry'; `You Must Know Everything'
[12] Clifford Odets -- (1906-63) U.S. playwright: `Awake and Sing', `Paradise Lost', `The Flowering Peach'
[10] Kathy Acker -- an avant garde writer
[7] Arkady and Boris Strugatsky -- The brothers are two of the most popular science fiction writers in the former Soviet Union
[7] Hermann Broch -- One of the greatest century novelists. Ranks along Joyce or Musil.
[7] Alter Esselin -- A Yiddish Poet, author of 3 volumes of bittersweet lyrics
[12] Abraham Mapu -- Lithuanian novelist who wrote in Hebrew, 1808-67
[12] Henri Bergson -- Author/Philosopher, Nobel prize for Literature
[12] Saul Alinsky -- Civil rights activist, author, and founder of the 'Back of the Yards' Org.
[11] Herman Heijermans -- Dutch author (1864-1924) `The Good Hope'; `Rising Sun'; `The Ghetto'
[11] Immanuel Velikovsky -- Pseudoscience author: 'Worlds in Collision'
[11] Cynthia Ozick -- Fiction Writer and Essayist
[11] Waldo Frank -- novelist, social historian, and political activist (1922 - 1965)
[11] Joseph Jacobs -- Jewish writer, historian, and folklorist, 1854-1916
[11] Abraham Cahan -- Author and Journalist: founding editor of The Jewish Daily Forward
[11] Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse -- Nobel prize winner in Literature, 1830-1914
[10] Judah Leob Gordon -- (1830-1892) Russian writer and 'poet laureate of the Haskalah'
[10] Gladys Bronwyn Stern -- English novelist: `The Matriarch Chronicles'
[6] Alter Esselin -- A Yiddish Poet, author of 3 volumes of bittersweet lyrics
[6] Lion Feuchtwanger -- The German-Jewish exile writer, author of 'The Jewish War'
[6] Samuel Usque -- Portuguese Marrano chronicler wrote in 1553: 'Consolation for the Tribulations of Israel'
[6] Israel Zangwill -- English novelist on Jewish themes: author of 'The King of Schnorrers' and 'Children of the Ghetto'
[10] Alla Nazimova -- Writer, actress, producer and visionary: 'War Brides', 'Camille', ' Salome'
[10] Immanuel ben Solomon -- Hebrew-Italian poet and scholar, c.1265-c.1330
[9] Camillo Berneri -- Anarchist who wrote 'The Anti-Semitic Jew'
[9] Anna Seghers -- German-Jewish novelist, essayist, short story writer: The Seventh Cross, Transit
[9] Alexander Harkavy -- one of the most famous reseachers of Yiddish
[9] Karl Jay Shapiro -- U.S. poet, 1945 Pulitzer prize winner
[9] Fannie Hurst -- (1889-1968) U.S. author: `Lummox' ; `A President Is Born'; `Five and Ten'
[9] Leopold Dukes -- Hungarian Hebrew scholar and author, 1810-91
[5] Lawrence Schimel -- author and anthologist, editor of Kosher Meat
[] Isaac Asimov -- The award-winning and prolific science fiction author
[] Isabel Fonseca -- Internationally famous author: 'The Gypsies and their Journey'



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ish...seme hebat2 ek..

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