hana nak tanya 1 soalan umum la.
let say..labur RM2-3ribu. ambik PIOT.
next year tu..dpt untung brp? (umum gila kan? sorrylah)
aku berminat.
tapi.. duit aku sket..tak cecah pun RM5ribu. itu utk org2 kaya2 tu..yg invest byk2.
tapi..aku pikir.. 3thn tu..lama sgt aku nak dpt untung. kot2 aku pun lupa nama agent aku tu.
so..aku nak untung cepat2. untung sket pun jadila. wp RM100 utk next year which terletak ditangan aku bukan aku dgr untung atas angin/cakap org/figure atas excel. tapi, modal tetap buat rolling. modal RM2-3ribu tu aku tak usik.
err..ape aku ckp nie? tapi, itu ler profile aku. ada sapa2 unit trust boleh kasi analisis ttg profile aku nie?
[ Last edited by Hana at 24-8-2007 06:11 PM ] |
aku start melabur di Unit Trust Public Mutual melalui pengeluaran KWSP semenjak tahun 2000 lg. Mula2 memang tak berapa yakin tapi bila tengok dalam jangka masa 5tahun pulangan dari Public Mutual adalah 100%.
Ok la drp KWSP aku tu terperap mcm tu..
Selama 6yr ni ada PGF50,000unit. Mana bagus? aku switch fund murah ke atau stay put kat PGF je? aku rolling je ni |
Originally posted by jenglut at 24-8-2007 06:27 PM
aku start melabur di Unit Trust Public Mutual melalui pengeluaran KWSP semenjak tahun 2000 lg. Mula2 memang tak berapa yakin tapi bila tengok dalam jangka masa 5tahun pulangan dari Public Mutual ...
PGF tu conventional fund, return mmg tinggi antara fund2 yg conventional..tp aku prefer islamic fund lg..
aku suggest ko switch to Islamic Fund plak, kasi bersih sket..sorry to say..
kalu EPF investment, Islamic Fund hanye PIDF and PIBF je yg bleh invest..tp itu xjadi masalah pn, psl return mmg tinggi dua2 fund ni.....bkn ckp kosong, x caye gi tgk kat website PM ni..
tp aku suggest PIDF, psl return quite good compare to PIBF (ni balanced fund, so tak aggresif sgt)..
[ Last edited by leukoplast at 25-8-2007 12:17 PM ] |
Originally posted by Hana at 24-8-2007 06:10 PM hana nak tanya 1 soalan umum la.let say..labur RM2-3ribu. ambik PIOT. next year tu..dpt untung brp? (umum gila kan? sorrylah) aku berminat. tapi.. duit aku sket..tak cecah pun RM5rib ...
u ni silap faham ni hana..
acctually u xde la nak tunggu smpi 3 thn baru bleh nak redeem..
cuma, if u invest dlm mase 3 thn tuh, u akan dpt la dlm 45% profit , even more based on past performance..
actually, if u invest x sampai sethn, and u dah dpt untung 10% cthnye, so u nak amik profit u tu, anytime jer.. |
Reply #163 Hana's post
nak tambah cikit...
figures keuntungan yg kita bagi..bkn figures atas angin.
figures nih sume di ambil dari PUBLIC MUTUAL QUARTERLY FUND REVIEW (QFR) yang di audit dan di sahkan.
nak citer kisah bnr ckit...
client aku invest jemaat lps (17/8)...dan setakat 23/8 dah breakeven (initial fee of 6.5% dah covered) and gain abt 0.27% (unrealised profit). profit akan realised once aku redeem or switch. baru seminggu...so tunggu aje lah.....tp kalau dlm masa 3 - 6 bln nih..dia dpt around 10 - 15%...aku akan realise kan.
makna nya...w/pun UT adalah mid to long (3-5 yrs) tp kalau client nya target dah achieve..by all means....boleh cash out bila2 masa. itu tak termasuk distribution (yearly dividend) ye. para di atas aku citer psl price gain sahaja. PIOF nya FY 31/7 ari tuh....distribution : gross 4 sen per unit
salam |
feewwiitttt... kawan2 aku memang power |
apasal PMutual agent aku pas aku invest dia sengap aje?
unit aku terperap berapa tahun.
hari tu yg masa stock market tinggi, aku yg terhegeh2 cal dia ckp aku nak redeem, sbb bila aku calculate leh dpt untung abt RM5k.
pastu dia pun leh ckp, ha, dia pun nak redeem dia punya unit gak. sibuk aje
so tell me, what is the role of the agent other than providing the initial explanation and closing a sale?
what is ur post-sale maintenance support?
say u have 60 clients, do u actually monitor each 60 client punya performance individually?
when do u advise the client either to sell or purchase?
do u get in touch with ur client regularly atau biar depa pandai2 sendiri get back to u?
what is the frequency?
do ur clients go on their daily business secure on the fact that they can rely on their agents to contact them when the market is appropriate either to sell or purchase?
frankly speaking, aku tak puas hati ngan PMutual agent aku sbb she only cari i to get the first sale(aku ambik EPF scheme), but 2 years down the road,she never bothered to contact me to advise me on any change in the market climate.
pepe pun, aku dah fully redeem EPF scheme aku tu,(so acct closed and she is no longer my agent)
that >5k untung is in my EPF now
(atas initiative aku sendiri, not based on advise from the agent )
[ Last edited by jfq at 25-8-2007 12:28 PM ] |
Originally posted by jfq at 25-8-2007 12:23 PM
apasal PMutual agent aku pas aku invest dia sengap aje?
unit aku terperap berapa tahun.
hari tu yg masa stock market tinggi, aku yg terhegeh2 cal dia ckp aku nak redeem, sbb bila aku calculate ...
saudara, jika anda check in di 5 star hotel. Anda akan jumpa freindly staff, ada yang moderate dan ada eksyen dan sombong.
Sama juga dengan any others intangible product..like UT , insurance, will..etc.
Seorang pembeli, patut membuat keputusan membeli bukan base on products semata mata..
Other factors should be considered macam jurujual, atau consultants,
seorang pembeli yang bijak, akan memilih untuk mebeli dari seorang jurujual yang penuh beretika, contohnya full time (kalau pT mesti dia kena ada masa nak monitor), terer bab financial, investment..economics..etc.Nak check, just interview mereka dulu..
So buat pilihan yang bijak..Dan jika tersalah buat pilihan, kerana sorang pompuan sexy ke, cantik ke...dan pls dont generalize..contohnya aku tak puas hati agents PM agents...bla bla..Tak semua agents bersikap macam tu..itu minority tu..
dan aku yang ada lebih 400 clients, bukan setakat EPF inv, tapi 1/2 dari mereka adalah cash inv yang sesetengah tu invest lebih 1 million per person aku tak de masalah aku nak handle dan monitor..
[ Last edited by kirawang at 25-8-2007 11:07 PM ] |
Originally posted by jenglut at 24-8-2007 06:27 PM
aku start melabur di Unit Trust Public Mutual melalui pengeluaran KWSP semenjak tahun 2000 lg. Mula2 memang tak berapa yakin tapi bila tengok dalam jangka masa 5tahun pulangan dari Public Mutual ...
saudara jenglut, sambil jual insurans tu..anda dah confident product kami...jom join as a Consultant..
contact kirawang jika berminat..di no 012 381 1974
or visit ourgroup website..
http://www.univestgroup.com.my/main/ |
Reply #169 jfq's post
Agent ko tu part-time @ full time???Tp bg aku part time or full time yg penting service mesti mau bagus maaa, klu full time pun tp"full all the time" x guna jugak.... Susah sgt ke nak monitor investment dlm UT ni???? |
Originally posted by leukoplast at 25-8-2007 07:29 AM
PGF tu conventional fund, return mmg tinggi antara fund2 yg conventional..tp aku prefer islamic fund lg..
aku suggest ko switch to Islamic Fund plak, kasi bersih sket..sorry to say..
kalu E ...
Tu la pasal..sbb masa tu aku tak pikir islamic lg..silap tak tukar awal2 lg ari tu..
ejen lama pun sengal..ni baru dpt ejen baru..client aku jd ejen PM.. |
Originally posted by kirawang at 25-8-2007 11:00 PM
saudara, jika anda check in di 5 star hotel. Anda akan jumpa freindly staff, ada yang moderate dan ada eksyen dan sombong.
Sama juga dengan any others intangible product..like UT , insura ...
still, these questions not answered:
what is the role of the agent other than providing the initial explanation and closing a sale?
what is ur post-sale maintenance support?
say u have 60 clients, do u actually monitor each 60 client punya performance individually?
when do u advise the client either to sell or purchase?
do u get in touch with ur client regularly atau biar depa pandai2 sendiri get back to u?
what is the frequency?
do ur clients go on their daily business secure on the fact that they can rely on their agents to contact them when the market is appropriate either to sell or purchase?
if ur using the 5star hotel argument etc, does that mean there is no standards in the training provided to PMutual agents. no guideline used on how to service the clients?
[ Last edited by jfq at 26-8-2007 02:32 PM ] |
Originally posted by jfq at 26-8-2007 02:29 PM
still, these questions not answered:
what is the role of the agent other than providing the initial explanation and closing a sale?
what is ur post-sale maintenance support?
say u have ...
Should I answer all the basic questions?
With my courtesy and endeavour, I already wasting my time to advise U to look quality sales person in any industery.. in my earlier posting.
All the company they've their own SOP in order to maintain and support client's need.
Btw, it depend on the individual. Some agents pass the SPM with grade 3 and after pass for UT exam, still qualified to be an agent.
Co. provide comprehensive training, if she still refused to attend and doesn't want to follow.. so how?
As i said ..depend on d individual...I repeat my statement..
I cud manage to handle more than 400 clients with total amount more than 35 million...
My job not only focus on sales, the most important is advice, consultation, etc..
So moral of the story..If u guys, engage with any unrelible or passive sales person, do not blame everybody
no need to go for mengamuk tak tentu pasal..
..Try to blame yr self first..tak buat homework..so many agents on d street..
.. be carefull in d future, and make d right decision.,,look for d quality one.
[ Last edited by kirawang at 27-8-2007 10:18 AM ] |
Originally posted by kirawang at 27-8-2007 10:06 AM
Should I answer all the basic questions?
With my courtesy and endeavour, I already wasting my time to advise U to look quality sales person in any industery.. in my earlier posting. ...
if saya jadi client, panas gak kena kuetieaw mcm ni... yela, kan orang kata, customer is always right....
by the way, agak komplikated nak dpt consultant yg betul2 bagus... sbb kita tak kenal dia... skali dua jumpa pun blum dpt kenal lagi whether dia bagus or not... yelah, sblm dpt, rajin aje follow up... after dah dpt, diam je... kan?
by the way, skarang tak susah nak cari consultant yg bagus... dlm forum ni pun ramai especially dari univest group.. kalau boleh, carilah yg fulltime dan komited... yg part time, test dia dulu dari segi knowledge dan jumpa dgn dia at least 3 4 kali utk tgk die punye persistency....
dan of cos, agent yg bagus akan monitor semua clients yg dia ada...bukannya susah... kitorang as a consultant ada program software dansystem yg sistematik utk monitor all the clients investments... bilaclients target dah sampai, system ini akan alert kpd consultant danblehla inform kpd clients... dan software ini hanya consultant yg bagusje yg akan beli dan guna... yg kurang bagus, maybe kedekut nak kluarduit nak beli system ini... jadi takde masalah dari segi monitoringeven kitorang ada 1000 clients pun...
investment dlm unit trust ni mmg meant for medium to long term... especially epf investment.... seeloknya, buatlah investment ke dlm ut stiap 3 bln, sampaila pencen.... then only after that, redeem... insyaAllah byk untungnya tu... blh guna utk retirement.... kena sedar, majority orang yg dpt duit epf after retire, abis semua dlm masa 3 thn je... thats why the need of diversifying ur epf in ut is important n crucial...
jgn le upset sgt sampai ban trus ut hanya disebabkan seorang agent yg tak bagus... fikir utk long term... for ur retirement needs... cari agent yg lebih baik... utk kebaikan diri sendiri jugak...
kirawang tu boss..kasi la anak buah dia reply..so that bro Kirawang tau anak buah dia buat keje yg betul..hhehehh |
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Category: Belia & Informasi