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Author: Ariys21

Apa yg buat lelaki gila sgt kat satu-satu perempuan

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Post time 12-9-2007 08:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ev700 at 11-9-2007 06:17 PM

Maaf nak write something that might hurts yr feeling Lipton, I've been in yr situation b4 but the worst part is that I m the other girl, not on yr position.
Apa yg saya nak tulis is that, b ...

maaf tanya.. u tak rasa bersalah ker bile merasakan yang keintiman XXX si suami dgn isteri dia kerna ianya membayangkan u.. and how do you know.. that guy bagitau ke..!!! sorry just want to know...

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Post time 12-9-2007 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nighunter71 at 11-9-2007 09:11 PM

true..while women in affairs tends to be dingin to her in affair akan lebih prihatin terhadap isteri....

Ini untuk melegakan rasa bersalah dia...dan cover line....sorry to say. ...

wo..that makes sense bro!

boss aku very the loving couple with the wife & anak2..birthday/anniversary/valentines sume dia ingat..very the caring loving couple lah..ala-ala keluarga bahagia gitu..rupenye cover line ek
aku ingat dia ni mmg jenis yg cenggitu..memula aku pelik jugak tapi lama2 dah immune

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Post time 12-9-2007 12:04 PM | Show all posts
Personally i have been compared to other women as well..But that's the thing...every people is different in their own unique way. That is what makes us different. If all of us are the same, then there is nuthing special about us anymore..And to think about it our flaws can sometime be beautiful in the eyes of person A but not person B..cause as we know every one has their own taste and preferences.   

As for our loved ones...they should see beauty in all our imperfections and accept us as we are..

Given a choice everybody would want the best in life but most of the time we need to settled with what we have and be content with it.



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Post time 12-9-2007 12:19 PM | Show all posts

Reply #159 ev700's post

There is time i want to believe what i want to believe, forget about the facts. As long as I feel happy, I don't want to know what is in the back of his mind.

But somehow I've always have doubt. Only that I don't want to think too much. Just hope for the best and work smart to get it.

Both of us only normal human being, not sacred. I make my mistake so he is. But for me the most important things is I will always forgive myself first if our marriage not growing so well. Fogiving him for not being sincere like your situation.. hmm im not sure yet, i'm not an angel.

[ Last edited by  sitisbp at 12-9-2007 12:31 PM ]

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Post time 12-9-2007 12:20 PM | Show all posts

Reply #159 ev700's post

Terdouble post...sorry!

[ Last edited by  sitisbp at 12-9-2007 12:29 PM ]

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Post time 12-9-2007 12:38 PM | Show all posts
I have experience the same kinda situation, when all of a sudden my love interest attention shift to another women..

It was groundbreaking news to know that he had someone else besides me and the feeling was like hell freezes over :@

But i know that i cannot force someone to like in a way i just let nature takes it course and hopefully that if my guy is truly belongs to me then he will comes back.

At the same time i still continued doing the things that i normally do.. I have an option either to walk away and blah or pursue him till the end and let best woman wins.

Figure that i still love the guy and cant live without him, i try my best to win over his heart again... Kalau i blah, means i will loose him forever as this other girl will take charge of him sooner or later. So i decide to fight back.. (sigh) Arm wrestled over man...( thought only airhead do that )

At this point of time memang the situation is really2 demotivating cause no matter what u do or say, he will just act mcm bodoh..mcm mencurahkan air ke daun keladi la ni. But thanks to my kedegilan and perservearance (i hope i spell that rite) lama kelamaan dia mcm menunjukkan perubahan. I must have did something rite to deserve this !!!

Dipendekkan cerita my ever so gracious guy came back to me..because he mentioned that love is more than meets the eyes. I know that half of it is because his effort to choose and i am thankful that he choose me.

So...i just want to shut out here, that whoever thinks that they can own the world just because they have all the physical thing in order to mengaburi mata lelaki , think again as it wont last cause nothing bonds stronger than feelings.

And i am glad that i have my guy back..

So sorry for the other girl that once think she can received love at the expense of another woman..

What goes around comes around!!!!When Karma hits u, it will hit u bad !!



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Post time 12-9-2007 12:50 PM | Show all posts

Reply #159 ev700's post

server bengong lagi

[ Last edited by  Lipton at 12-9-2007 01:01 PM ]

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Post time 12-9-2007 12:51 PM | Show all posts

Reply #159 ev700's post

server bengong lagi

[ Last edited by  Lipton at 12-9-2007 01:02 PM ]

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Post time 12-9-2007 12:58 PM | Show all posts
Kang jadi panas lak komen ni kang....he he...

[ Last edited by  Lipton at 12-9-2007 03:50 PM ]



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Post time 12-9-2007 01:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rag_doll at 12-9-2007 12:38 PM
I have experience the same kinda situation, when all of a sudden my love interest attention shift to another women..

It was groundbreaking news to know that he had someone else besides me and ...

congrates.. atleast usaha u berbaloi.. alhamdulillah cozz your hubby telah memilih u..
skrg saya juga insyalllah akan melakukan apa semampu saya..
saya x peduli aper dia nak kata..aper dia nak anggap..
org boleh anggap aper pun kat saya..
yang penting i try my best nak selamatkan rumahtangga saya..
kalau dia still choose that girl.. instead of me..
saya redha.. yang penting saya dah penah usaha..
pilihan di tangan masing2..
kita berusaha.. kita merancang..
but perancangan ALLAH yang terbaik..

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Post time 12-9-2007 02:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #170 bakawali_04's post

Yup bakawali..tugas kite adalah berusaha... yang menentukan adalah tenangkan hati u...kalau dah jodoh u ngan hb setakat tu...terima aje and move is okay nak bersedih..tapi toksah lame2 tau...Ingat bila Allah uji kite...means that Allah ingat kite...pernah baca dalam apa ye..kalau salah sesiapa tolong betulkan...Saidina Ali sedih sebab untuk jangka masa yang agak lama..tiada ujian ke atas dirinya..dia sedih seolah2 Allah melupakannya...yang penting u jangan peduli sangat kata2 orang disekeliling...mulut manuasia akan sentiasa berkata2 selagi Allah tak amik nyawa tu...di akhirat kelak..molot tu kena zip..anggota badan yang lain akan jadi saksi..sebab pe molot selalu suka cakap bohong..he he..

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Post time 12-9-2007 02:21 PM | Show all posts
Rag-doll..tahniah..semoga u happy selalu..i am very sure u r stronger than before ...

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Post time 12-9-2007 02:22 PM | Show all posts
this quotation means a lot...

"when everything comes to an end, that is when you think about how it all started"

so gunakan phrase itu untuk membantu u kecapi ape yang u once have..

ingat balik ape yang membuat u guys jatuh cinta and try to imitate back all those stuff..try to remind urself about saat2 u guys bercinta and how wasted it will be if u guys loose it ..

no harm trying



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Post time 12-9-2007 02:24 PM | Show all posts
what cant kill u will make u stronger

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Post time 12-9-2007 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Lipton at 12-9-2007 02:18 PM
Yup bakawali..tugas kite adalah berusaha... yang menentukan adalah tenangkan hati u...kalau dah jodoh u ngan hb setakat tu...terima aje and move is okay nak bersedih..tapi to ...

thanz n insyallah..
skrg saya melakukan yang terbaik yang saya mampu..
bkn utk memaksa my hubby back to me..
cuma saya nak menghabiskan masa2 yang terlalu sedikit ini utk diri sendiri n anak2..
saya cuma ader masa dlm proses kaunseling nie..
lepas tu up to him..
kalau kami berbaik semula.. saya anggap ia satu dugaan buat saya..
saya penah buat silap n my hubby also.. belajar dari kesilapan n berubah ke arah lebih baik..
tapi kalau dia still choose that girl or others choice..
insyallah saya dah bersedia menghadapinya..
dan saya xnak toleh belakang lagi..
just move on..

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Post time 12-9-2007 04:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rag_doll at 12-9-2007 02:24 PM
what cant kill u will make u stronger

Suka la ayat ni....yup it is true...i become stronger..n happier...

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Post time 12-9-2007 09:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bakawali_04 at 12-9-2007 08:32 AM

maaf tanya.. u tak rasa bersalah ker bile merasakan yang keintiman XXX si suami dgn isteri dia kerna ianya membayangkan u.. and how do you know.. that guy bagitau ke..!!! sorry just want to k ...

Dear bakawali, masakan saya tak rasa guilty, bahkan i feel so dirty, filthy, cheap dan semuanya lah. Malah saya jadi phobia nak pergi somewhere when i know that dia pun ada, sbb i takut he'll imagine yang bukan2 abt my physical. To make the story worst, saya bukannya bercinta dgn dia pun, he had a crush on me.. gila2 punya crush and once the wife discover semua effort dia untuk menggoda saya itu yang wife dia mengamuk and he started tu buid a very fake romantika relationship balik dgn wifey. Saya dah pernah write somewhere kat forum ni, he used to be our (me n hubby) very close friend, kira kami ni triolah. Sbb tu kami banyak share story.. abt his XXX imagination tu pun dia yang confess dgn saya sbb dia cant control anymore. I felt sorry to his wife.. there is nothing i can do to help her, kalau saya cakap mesti lagi teruk hubungan mereka.. thats  one of the reason saya membawak diri merantau.....

maaf jika ada wife yg terasa. saya cuma tulis apa yang benar saja.. yup..yang paling penting doa kita dan ketaatan kita pd suami, yang lain tu biarlah antara dia dgn Allah...

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Post time 13-9-2007 06:59 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by rag_doll at 12-9-2007 12:38 PM
I have experience the same kinda situation, when all of a sudden my love interest attention shift to another women..

It was groundbreaking news to know that he had someone else besides me and ...

Sorry to say dear..your wish for the right spelling did not came through...

The right spelling was perseverance....after looking into a few dictionaries( )

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Post time 13-9-2007 07:03 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by bakawali_04 at 12-9-2007 03:13 PM

thanz n insyallah..
skrg saya melakukan yang terbaik yang saya mampu..
bkn utk memaksa my hubby back to me..
cuma saya nak menghabiskan masa2 yang terlalu sedikit ini utk diri sendiri n an ...

sedih membaca kata2 u nih...bagai telur dihujung tanduk..kesemua terletak pada takdir.

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Post time 14-9-2007 08:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nighunter71 at 13-9-2007 07:03 PM

sedih membaca kata2 u nih...bagai telur dihujung tanduk..kesemua terletak pada takdir.

yup.. itu mmg hakikat yang terpaksa ditelan..
skrg semua bergantung pada my hubby n of course takdir la..
nak stay on pun xbleh ialah kalau hubby xnak..
ibarat menyiksa dia..
even skrg pun dia still on ngan that girl..
aper saya bleh buat..
sakit hati jgn ckp apatah lagi sebumbung..
samapi rasa mcm nak larikan diri je dari ofis kalau nampak that girl..
mungkin saya belum ckup kuat..
need time kan!!!

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