Survivor 20 : Heroes vs Villains [SANDRA IS THE SOLE SURVIVOR!!]
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macam betul je spoiler tu..
minggu dpn pon org tua gak kluar.. |
yeay.. bestnyer makcik tu kuar... anyone yg buat alliance dgn james, aku menyampah... |
mak cik cirie ke..yg korang maksudkn....
aku ingtkan sandra...heheh
heroes klh lg....
reward pn klh..
imunity pn kalah....
nak russel kuar:pompom: |
TOM & COLBY tu asik berkepit asal hah..??
JT put himself in danger..
yg aku pelik knape JAMES & RUPERT vote Colby..??
aku xpham episode neh..
knape plan nk voted out CANDICE..??
n klaw base on SPOILER...
no wonder la "DIA" keluar next.. |
next episode SPOILER!! jgn higlight..
HEROES kalah lagi..
n CANDICE wan't to make alliance with TOM/COLBY..tp sbnrnye nk revenge..
JT alliance balik dgn RUPERT/AMANDA/JAMES/CANDICE to voted out TOM..!!
n yes..TOM next out..noooooooooooooooooooooooo....harap xbetol..!! |
Post Last Edit by slier81 at 8-3-2010 10:36
yay russel has work on his vodoo
go russel..x kan buat sorok golok ja..
buat sorok la topi si boston rob plak..baru syiok maa
harem....masuk forum omputeh banyak toi spoiler
spoiler: minggu ni dijangkan courtney plak keluar |
tengk preview next week mcm
candice nak join team tom & colby...
this episode dh di asingkn reward and imunity...
tercapi gak hjt aku...
hopefully next week villian klh.... |
Post Last Edit by slier81 at 8-3-2010 10:36
yay russel has work on his vodoo
go russel..x kan buat sorok golok ja..
buat sorok la topi si boston rob plak..baru syiok maa
harem....masuk forum omp ...
slier81 Post at 8-3-2010 10:34
spoiler : bkan TOM ke..?? |
nmpk cam cute lak amanda......
si daniel tue ader org wat provoke kat youtube.com the worst video ever kakakakah...........! |
spoiler betol kan..
James/Rupert/JT/Candice = i hate u guys.......:@:@
Amanda masih ok..
Colby tetap menjadi HEROES aku..{:1_125:}
papepon Last HEROES standing is...........shhhhhhhhhhhhhh! |
aku ingtkn james yg kuar...menghrpkn james kuar...
JT & Candice 2 fikir ke...
kecederaan james 2, x dpt bntu apo2 dr segi kekuatan....:@
bila la villian nak klh.... |
aku ingtkn james yg kuar...menghrpkn james kuar...
JT & Candice 2 fikir ke...
kecederaan james 2, x dpt bntu apo2 dr segi kekuatan....:@
bila la villian nak klh....
chaoyunjie Post at 13-3-2010 14:16
next episode
candice bagi aku dia just go with the flow je.
salahkan jt, sbb dia tak stick with his word.
kalo aku jadi candice, aku pn aku ikut ape yg majority buat, sbb kalau ko against them sah2 ko akan tggu mase je kena tendang (tgk amanda,rupert tuh smua nk undi tom bukan candice, wpun candice tu loner)
mula2 steph, tom pasni mesti colby lak kan?
kalau lah jt stick with tom & colby, sah2 candice akan flop. aku pikir logik mcm ni je
anyway, aku rase kesian dekat colby time reward tuh, bagik coklat pn tanak makan.
dorg neh serius sgt, tertekan sbb asik kalah je kot
masing2 muka ganas je, jt james rupert smua muka muncung
yg si villians lak terutama their girls bole gelak2 nk mintak coklat yg dorang tanak tuh
villians ni mmg fun, go villians |
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