Yup betul. Comel kan. Pastu pandai berlakon. Rasanya dia ada berlakon cite lain. MAsa tu dia kecik lagi. kena goggle pasal fluffy ni. Nama betul dia Kil So Won.
Tgk gambar Kapten Kim berjabat tgn dgn Obama dah rasa yg ni photoshot. Ni artikel kat bawah ni. mula2 heran gak aku tp dah agak gambar tu tipu.
The photo of Ji Jin Hee shakes hands with Barack Obama immediately becomes a sensation topic once it appears.
The new SBS drama series Take Care of Us, Captain (Please, Captaion) tells the story of people related to aviation industry such as pilots, mechanics, cabin crews, air traffic controllers and etc.
The scene in the drama that introduced the captain Kim Yoon Sung (played by Ji Jin Hee) has attracted attention of audience. Kim Yoon Sung appears in a scene where he is shaking hands with United States of America President Barack Obama and posing together for photo-op
This is because Kim Yoon Sung was named the “Best Captain of the Year” after he successfully controlled the plane which he was piloting and carried 300 passengers and crews that included Barack Obama to safe landing after fighting with the gale. As recognition, USA President Barack Obama is welcoming him personally in White House and both of them posed for photography. The news and the photo also been carried on the front page headline of New York Times.
For sure the picture is a product of Photoshop, an edited image. In order to produce sense of reality, producer specifically found an actor of is about the same height with Barack Obama to shoot the photo together with Ji Jin Hee, and then changed the face of actor to the face of Barack Obama. And finally, changed the background to White House, producing a “fake” photo that as real as possible.
geram kan? pastu suara die bercakap pon sedap sgt dgr...
tp tak tau part2 die kuar byk sgt touc ...
mash311 Post at 21-2-2012 13:00
Tu la pasal rasa nk gomol2 je pipi dia tuh..terkedu gak penguin ahjussi tu bila si fluffy tunjuk cara bercium tu..untung fluffy tu dia la yg paling awal dpt cium Captain KYS..he he berbanding kaka dia
Han Da Jin (DHJ) - co-pilot (mesti kenalkan sbb heroin). mak ...
wanzulina Post at 21-2-2012 15:41
Wah..harap2 momod dtg kat benang nih..dpt la ko tacang..aku nampak scene bapak Da Jin accident tu mcm kat tengah2 junction jer..motip kan!!Pas tu mak Da Jin yg sarat tu boleh lak naik flight,yg x boleh menahan minah yg junior DS kat menara kawalan tu punya la mengong..benda2 penting pon boleh konpius mcmana lak dia boleh lepas keje kat situ..siap boleh bg instruction lak kat pilot2 tu..bahaya tubyk lagik yg kurang logik sebenarnya tp citer ni mmg boleh layaann la
sekarang ni aku plak nak marathon...cite ni besttt kannn!!
mash311 Post at 21-2-2012 23:03
tp byak yg ckap tak best kan...aku paling suke cite ni sbab berkisahkan ttang pilot, stewardess n dsbg yg berkaitan dgan terbang2 ni..aku mmang suke
klu ad cite pasal polis2 lg aku suke tp fyi aku ni laki....
Bila aku tgk citer ni ada beberapa adegan yang aku rasa tak logik. Tak tahulah kalau pendapat aku ni sama dgn apa yg korang rasa. Antaranya;
- Boleh ke pilot buat personnal annoucement dlm flight? Tak pernah dgr kan? tp dlm citer ni byk pulak personal announcement dibuat. Siap fighting fighting lagi dgn student yg naik flight tu.
- Utk international flight contohnya dr Korea ke sydney atau London, ade ke announcement dibuat dlm Korea? mungkin ada jurubahasa kot.
- Ada ke satu flight smpai 10 org FA? Ramai tu tak bankrupt nak bayar gaji FA ramai2 tu ke?
- Boleh ke org yg dah sarat mengandung naik flight mcm mak HDJ tuh? aku ada dgr ygn kalau pregnant people lebig dr 7 bulan nak naik flight ke dptkan surat kebenaran dr pegawai perubatan.
- Mcm2 kerenah org naik flight ni dlm citer ni yer. Sepanjang aku naik flight xde pulak penumpang yg sengal atau tak reti bahasa menyusahkan FA.
namapun 'drama'... kalo strict, skema cam real life, idak la org minat nak tengok, macam kita-kita ni .
sy yg follow dr awal ni pun redha je le bab2 yg pelik tu, terutama bab bapaknya yg stop kete kat tengah2 simpang tu.
sbbnya.. sy minat giler kat Ji Jin Hee aka Kapten Kim tu
Wah..harap2 momod dtg kat benang nih..dpt la ko tacang..aku nampak scene bapak Da Jin accid ...
rosmahisham Post at 21-2-2012 10:32 PM
hehehee.... datang dh....
yg x boleh menahan minah yg junior DS kat menara kawalan tu punya la mengong..benda2 penting pon boleh konpius mcmana lak dia boleh lepas keje kat situ..
yg ni ke yang dia bg salah maklumat tu... patut right dia kata left.. pastu KDS tanye, ko mkn guna tangan mane.. mmg best part nih...