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Author: seramado

Zul Ripin Shirtless Utk Cover Majalah

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Post time 1-4-2016 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Edited by nenekglamer at 1-4-2016 03:28 PM
knnk replied at 1-4-2016 01:37 PM
Hahaha, motif konon- konon typo?Choiii sangat.
Oh my god, reading your statement making me blush  ...

This is what I'm talking about. You can't help but wanting to wrap your arms around that thang.. TIGHT (Sorry Simon!)


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Post time 2-4-2016 02:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ALDRIN replied at 25-3-2016 10:55 PM
x der laa rembes mana, 6 packs ala2 hidup segan mati x mau..kot bersenggat2 mcm isi musang king dlm  ...

Ermmm....badan mcm nih mmg sedap berjimak...hanya aku yg tau lazatnyer  lerrr....takyah nk kutuk sgt kalo blom try..hebat bukan kat 6 pack..8 pack ooiiii...sendiri mauu ingat la...

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Post time 2-4-2016 02:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Macam kepala pinjam..

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Post time 2-4-2016 02:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
qqOfficial replied at 25-3-2016 08:41 PM
meols mmg turn off ngan jul repen ni....ontahlaaa....kulit dia yg pastinya tak lawa ...macam berbint ...

Kulit dia banyak jeragat..macam dekat bahu zain kan. Xpela cheta selera jah kekah2. Erkk

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Post time 2-4-2016 02:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zainabon replied at 29-3-2016 09:46 AM
kat fb, setajah dan setad dah hencap zul ripin.... cepat beno meloncat tgk orang tayang badan.. abes ...

Teringat plak que haidar berkebun dlm cerita tuhan pun tau ke ape..kurus kering jah peluh merecik tp akak normah damanhuri taste sgt kt

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Post time 7-4-2016 12:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nenekglamer replied at 1-4-2016 03:04 PM
OMG, I made you blush? I should write a novel ala2 Fifty Shades of Grey la macam ni hahahhaa... na ...

Hahaha, lol.Oh come on, I think you can write better than the author.
Even fanfic writers also write better than her!
Ahahaha, omg. Kalau I jadi pengacara tu, mau tersipu2 menyorok kat corner mana2.Malu aihhh.
Tapi he seems cool about it, so thats great.
Tapi kalau dia usik balik, mesti lagi urghhhhh.
Yes, you should totally watch it! The Greek Sex God.I think he s even sexier than Thor the Norse God.Tapi kalau nak compare dengan Loki.
Urghhhh, I rasa x boleh compare.
Both ada special spots in my heart especially Loki kut :winkwink:
Oh btw, I ve seen the picca.
Oh bloody hell, that arse!
That is so unfair.
I think his arse is way tighter than mine.
I perasan mostly gays kan, mesti diaorang punya tu bootylicious.
Kalah kita yang perempuan ni.
Oh yes! I pernah tgk cerita tu. Best lah juga mungkin sebab ada Anna Faris kut sebab I like her.
And dang, yes. Chris is frking hot in that movie. I mean those V lines??
That is enough to make my imagination :ifyouknowwhatImean:
Anyways,I rasa kita mmg dh terlebih OT ni.
Takut lak kalau mod potong kredit I.dahlah den punyo ciput ja.
Ahhhh and to answer yr question, Hmmmm zul ariffin personally I dont find him hot plus I dont follow him on TV ke apa jadi biasa2 ja.
Cuma I rasa he s very masculine kut?
And senyum dia charming.
Sebab jenis suka senyum kut.
Btw, am so sorry for the late reply sbb I mmg jenis amik masa nak reply sebab I try to find the right words kut? Without trying to bore or offend anyone.jadi sorry ya :ampun emoticon:

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Post time 7-4-2016 10:39 AM | Show all posts
knnk replied at 7-4-2016 12:33 AM
Hahaha, lol.Oh come on, I think you can write better than the author.
Even fanfic writers also wr ...

Oh gosh... hahah.. I think there is so much to describe Matt, as a dynamic and beautiful character in a novel - whatever the storyline maybe (mehh.. who cares at this point lol)

Like I'd mentioned, people who know Bomer IRL, rata2 admit that Bomer ni lawa. Isteri Will Smith si Jada Pinkett pun mengaku she couldn't take her hands off Bomer. Masa shooting Magic Mike II, hari2 dia raba Bomer and hari2 dia minta maaf for molesting him hahaha.. Goshh.. To think that WIll Smith is hot too??? If you know Channing Tatum, on Bomer's eyes:

Q: Do you ever get lost looking into Matt bomer's eyes?
Channing: absofuckinglutely. no matter if you're a man, woman, cat, hamster, you will get lost in matt bomer's eyes. I don't know what they are made of outside of dreams and rainbows and amazingness but it truly doesn't matter. And when he sings. It's like god gave with both hands and then grew a third hand and graced him with more. he's crazy talented.

Phewww.. that's HOT. And yes, Bomer's bootylicious, saw it in The Normal Heart. Rasa nak jentik2 jah.. bulat terletak,... hahahah.. Gayahs ni khenn ramai body cun.  One of my gayah friends pun.. perghh.. body.. mmg I sentiasa terliur kalau dengan dia.. body perfect. I'd wrap my arms around him all the time! Can't help it. Geram okayyy! Cuma tak hensem jah (muka melayu). Kalau muka Bomer, harus mak kekah masa bf dia takde rumah.. hahahaha...

My god, our posts make up one massive Bomer thread! hahaha..

Loki is hot, yep... in his own godly magical way. But I am still rooting for the plain old Thor la. Rustic, rough and straight to the point - and you won't be able to walk the next day after he hammered you!

Also managed to watch Divergent. I now understand why ramai yang head over heels over Theo James. Mmm hmmm... those lips! hhahahha...

I suka Anna Faris. She's really talented. And mmm hmmm.. the V lines.. Give it to me any time Chris Evans! I can even do it overtime!

Okay, this is a thread about Jul Ripin.. I think he's good looking. Not my type, but if he asks me out, I wouldn't say no.. out of curiousity of course. At least, I'd be able to check out his booty! Mwahahhahahaha...

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Post time 7-4-2016 10:44 AM | Show all posts
knnk replied at 7-4-2016 12:33 AM
Hahaha, lol.Oh come on, I think you can write better than the author.
Even fanfic writers also wr ...

I absof**king love this vid. Watch his face profile. So perfect! Cyindi Crawford yang supermodel pun tak cantik macam nih.


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Post time 7-4-2016 11:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nenekglamer replied at 7-4-2016 10:39 AM
Oh gosh... hahah.. I think there is so much to describe Matt, as a dynamic and beautiful character ...

Oh man, I think this is more than just a little crush ni!
It s like you are completely besotted with him.
Gotta admit, he is one of the beautiful men in the world lagi2 now I found out that he has such a booty!
Hehehe, mmg pun! I rasa orang dah x payah dah nak search pasal Matt Bomer bcause practically almost everything kut you dah post kat sini. Kehkehkeh
Hahaha., awwww Channing Tatum. I suka tgk dia dalam She s the Man.
Rasa macam cutenya mamat plus bibir dia macam sexy. And those abs! Try imagine trailed your hands down on his abs. Haihhhh.
Hahaha, kan!Tu yang I jeles tu!
I pun ada one gay friend tapi x rapat , mmg bila I tgk bum dia. Mmg melentik koo!
Urghhh, whats with these gays?How do they even manage to have those booty?
I mean, diaorang squat all the time ke apa.
I dont think it s merely just the sex you know, they gotta be something else. Dont  you think?Cuba you riki- riki kawan you tu.
Hahaha, oh myyy! Hahaha slow down,girl.Slow down.
We dont want you to get any trouble altho to hell with it.kikiki
Ahahaha, so you go for the kind of guy la eh. Rustic rough and straight to the point gittew.
As for me, Loki ni mungkin sebab he s very mischevious kut( duhh, god of mischief pun TT TT) so he likes to play riddles and games .I think those points enough to make me go sighhh~.
And also his intellect Tu! Am a sucker for brains *major hands down*
Not to forget those eyes!Mata dia kan besar and doe- like kAn.You can t help but being/feeling oh seeing a lost and alone animals.huhuhu
Ohh, watched it already?hehe.
Yessasss! Thats what am talking about, those lips! Those sexy and kissable lips.
Lips dia very full and sexy, kan?
Tu juga one of the reasons, why I macam cacing kepanasan? Bila tgk dia.
Anna Faris! Yes, bagi I dia talented and very funny. Plus, I x sangka dia dgn yang mamat guardian of the galaxy tu. X ingat nama dia.
X sangka sungguh tapi they suit each other well
Hahahaha, kan!  Those V lines!mmhmmmm
Oh, yup! It s undeniable he is good looking fella, cuma tu lah kan mungkin we and few others dont find him hot/ handsome.
Hahaha, lol! You ni kan. Mmglah hai.
Hahaha tapi bila  dah check out, then maybe can try to cop a feel of it. Muahahaha.
Btw, I rasa kalau orang baca. mesti depa dok kata, TT TT kita ni gatai.
Sob sob.

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Post time 7-4-2016 12:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nenekglamer replied at 7-4-2016 10:44 AM
I absof**king love this vid. Watch his face profile. So perfect! Cyindi Crawford yang supermodel p ...

OMG!One word, damn!
Damnnnn, he is really one hella fine man!
Bloody damn fine!
Ya Tuhan, when I was watching the video, I macam 'bro, do you even flinch?'
Or even when the part, jeremy?I x ingat the name( yang I tau dia mamat carpool karaoke ja, eheh) when he tried to wipe off the remaining buah yang kena squash tu.
Bila dia acah- acah nak konon- kononnya nak you know, gigit ke etc( ehem) I macam dahhhhh ~~~~ mulalah My imagination running wild. Haihhhh.
Haihh, I harap am not falling in love or obsessed with him after this.
Meragut sungguh hati dan perasaan ku melihat jejaka ini. Hiks.
Huhuhu, I blame you really if such thing would happen. Sob sob.It s too much for me, noks!
Btw, changing the subject. Have you watched the carpool karaoke with JLo?
Omg, I x sangka JLo ni kelakar and very sporting habis!
I never knew, she had this side on her!
She is so loveable!!!(sp)?
Terkekek and bubbly pula I rasa bila tgk dia dalam tu.
Arghhhhhh~~~ such a lovely woman.

P/s baru perasan rupanya Matt Bomer ada dalam Magic Mike. I x pernah tgk movie tu, sebab I dont think I can handle it. The actions/perfomances by those men. I cannot lah.

P/s/s: btw, Cindy looked stunning and gorgeous in here! Dia ni kan mmglah cantik kan walaupun dah 50. Her hot and spiciness tu masih lagi, it is still there.Jealousnyaaaa

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Post time 7-4-2016 04:10 PM | Show all posts
knnk replied at 7-4-2016 11:24 AM
Oh man, I think this is more than just a little crush ni!
It s like you are completely besotted w ...

First of all readers, OT lagi, tapi, I'll try masukkan Julripin jugak hahaha...

Hahaha.. adoii... ntah la, the more of him you learn, the more you're drawn into him.. gituu... Yes, he's in Magic Mike. What? Belum tengok lagi Magic Mike ke? Both movies? I think you should.. that is, if you don't mind seeing men drop trou being exploited and molested left and right! Tapi it's not just straight stripper dancing. There's a story in it. Bertemakan stripping environment. Each guy has a life and stripping is part of what they do. (Macam citer fifty shades of grey.. to some, they say it's porn bla bla... ya la.. kalau u hanya focus on the sex scene. Not me.. the sex scene is only the manifestation of the underlying issue; the problem that Christian Grey is suffering from..)
In the first MM, I am soo into Dallas (Matthew McConaughey). That piece of ass and abs!!! Dayummm!!! On the other hand, Bomer's character is cool and calm. Tak berapa menyerlah sangat la.. he was the Goody-goody boy,  you know, the Ken Doll. But in MM2, you'd get to know 'Ken' a bit more. He sort of balances things up a bit. Bomer almost didn't get to star in the movie sbb 'He is too beautiful to play Ken.' Adoi kesian. And yes, you'd get to see his booty really well and also his scantily covered junk dalam MM2. Huntonggg la those extras! In MM2, to me the last dance (Channing and tWitch) israther raunchy and breahtaking!
Haha... Actually, bila tengok movie ni, I teringat the time when my gay friend bayar a male stripper wearing nothing but a tiny thong untuk 'kenakan' I... Sangat celaka okay... So bila tengok Magic Mike ni, I senyum2 sendiri teringat all those moves and grinds he did on me. Imagine a white hot kokesen.. with abs to die for datang at you and does his thang just for you... Phew.. Nak tercabut jantung okay.. because I was not prepared for it! But the feeling is indescribable beyond any sophistication of words. Eceh... Okay.. setazah sekalian, before you said anything, I am not proud of it.

I wonder.. can Jul Ripin do the grind in a thong?? Hahahah...

Yeah, Loki is definitely smarter than Thor. That being said, I think Thor is easier to handle compared to Loki. Men with brain are nice, but they can give you great headaches. Just sayin.. lol... Actually, ramai jah peminat Loki.. a very attractive villain.. Yep, macam monyet.. cheeky!

I've seen some movies with Channing tapi masa tu dia tak berapa menyerlah until Magic Mike. This guy can dance like nobody's business. Suka tengok dia sengih.. gigi dia cute. And who can argue about Channing's abs??? Though I am still rooting for Thor's abs (again.. I am very much hammered here hahaha).

This gay bod.. actually, ramai jah yang huduh boroi.. Tapi this friend of mine mmg cantik sangat bod dia. I've molested him a couple of times, actually many times (hahahah) but I dun't think I remember ever grabbing his booty but it's ala2 Bomer's definitely. Hehehe... I dunno, God seems to bestow perfections on the gays.. *sighs*

Gatai? Well, everyone is gatai to some point. It's just matter of expressing. I can sometimes be very expressive in writing.. But here, I try to control a bit - more details in my upcoming novel hahaha... Eh, we're consenting adults... You don't like it, you leave it. As simple as that!


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Post time 7-4-2016 04:18 PM | Show all posts
Edited by nenekglamer at 7-4-2016 07:08 PM
knnk replied at 7-4-2016 12:07 PM
OMG!One word, damn!
Damnnnn, he is really one hella fine man!
Bloody damn fine!

You tell me, which part of his face that you do not like? At least to me, profile muka yang sangat perfect. Bole kot kalau nak compare dengan jul ripin punya profile muka.. hehehe...

Kelakar kan muka dia masa first kena hentam dengan buah.. tergamam.. and then the second time, host to cakap apa pun, he just responded by saying "mmm hmmm" sexy jah suara dia and when he got hit by the avocado tu.. selamba jah buat aksi-aksi seksi tasting the avocado.. and bila James lap muka dia.. siap buat manja2 miau2.. heeeshhhh.. seriously Matt Bomer???? Do you know how many uteruses (or prostates hahaha) had exploded when you did that???

I have yet watched the carpool karaoke.. now tha you've mentioned it, I think i will heheheh...

Btw, I think Anna Faris is married to Chris Pratt kot..

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Post time 8-4-2016 08:56 PM | Show all posts
lol dari cerita Zul Ripin now dah jadi shrine to Matt Bomer. Kipidap!

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