aku baru jer habis tgk..punya laa bz....
aku puas hati ngan final nie..bnyk part yg best...
ohhh sawyer...hero pujaanku..ko mmg rocks...si jack duk pikirkan diri sendiri jer..
fight between sayyid ngan keamy pun best..
sedih ler plak biler sun nangis...
hurley main chess ngan mr eko
part desmond ngan jin pun best...this wire...boom...if we disconnected this battery..sempat jin menyelit boom
camner locke plak mati
Originally posted by jpl_fan at 4-6-2008 03:32 AM
aku baru jer habis tgk..punya laa bz....
aku puas hati ngan final nie..bnyk part yg best...
ohhh sawyer...hero pujaanku..ko mmg rocks...si jack duk pikirkan diri sendiri jer..
fight betw ... part desmond ngan jin pun best...this wire...boom...if we disconnected this battery..sempat jin menyelit boom
Dapat email ni dari tempat lepak forum LOST aku. So what say you all, we check out this new series by JJ Abrahms.
Hello Losties!
Just wanted to let you all know that JJ Abrams (One of the creators of "LOST"), has a new show coming out in a few months called "Fringe".
The show is a big budget sci-fi show, set to start on Tuesday August 26th, with a 2 hour premiere on FOX.
Intrigued? Watch a preview here - http://youtube.com/watch?v=sFdBXQp4CeI
If you like the look of the show, check out http://fringeforums.com where you can discuss the upcoming show - We'll be adding episode downloads in a number of formats, including low quality wmv.
Thanks for reading, and be sure to enjoy the 2 hour finale of LOST.
aku terpikir laa kan...ben kan dah janji nak bunuh si penny tuu...pastu dia ajak plak 6 org survivors suh join dia gi balik pulau tuu kan..nak ker diorang dgr ckp ben..dah laa si penny gak yg tlg selamatkan diorang
baru abis tgk lost finale nih..
wahhh.. lambatnya nak tunggu next season..
tapi at least ada certain2 part dah nampak skit dah missing pieces tu bercantum2....
walaupun ada yg masih mengkonpiuskan...
Originally posted by forum_aje at 12-6-2008 08:42 PM
aku blur skit lah..
nape dia bengang ngan jack?
pasal jack tak bg amik jin ker?
so that jin mati masa kapal meletup tuh??